It's A Masterpiece - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

I feel like we, as a society, do not talk about Better Love by Hozier enough.

So here it is, listen to it damnit. /nf

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9 months ago
Uberhood 2024 Update By AnotherPlumbob (CC Free)
Uberhood 2024 Update By AnotherPlumbob (CC Free)
Uberhood 2024 Update By AnotherPlumbob (CC Free)

Uberhood 2024 Update By AnotherPlumbob (CC free)

The Uberhood is an ongoing PROJECT where I’m creating a Cc-free savefile, with all the worlds and lore from The Sims 2 ported to The Sims 4. 

NOTE: In this update I've revamped PLEASANTVIEW only - if you were interested in the other worlds or premades, please note they remain exactly as they were in the previous versions.

It currently includes

1.- Remade Worlds

Pleasantview (Newcrest+Willow Creek)

Strangetown (Strangerville+Oasis Springs)

Veronaville (Windenburg)

Bluewater Promenade (Magnolia Promenade)

Three Lakes (Granite Falls)

Bluewater Bay [only partially built] (Brindleton Bay)

All the career lots (detective, hospital and science lab).

BEWARE: the rest of the worlds are either empty, half built or a mess in general.

2.- Families

The save includes all the premade families as well as the iconic townies that lived in those worlds in The Sims 2 times. They all have jobs, relationships, sentiments, lifestyles, reputations, etc. For Pleasantview sims only I've also included more lore in the form of milestones, added traits, midlife crisis, etc.

3. Required packs and How to Install (PLEASE READ)


If you don’t have all packs, sims may be half naked, and/or bald and stuff may be missing. Install at your own risk. 

In order to install:


Download the the SAVE file.

Put the save in your SAVES folder.  Documents > Electronic Arts > Sims 4 > Saves. I changed the name of the file so that it will hopefully not overwrite any of your saves (including the previous v1). If your system prompts you to overwrite a save, do not click yes. Just change the name of the save (keep it 8 numbers but change the numbers) and try again.

Optional: Put the .package file (StrangetownTexts.package) in your mods folder. This file is used to change the Strangerville mystery a bit, and turn it into the Strangetown mystery (with custom texts, references to the Bella mystery, etc.). Please install it if you want to have some clues on what happened to Bella!! 

4. Play Order

There’s really no set play order but note that:

1.- Brandi Broke is pregnant and will give birth in 3 days regardless of who you play and regardless of whether aging is on or off, so play with her first if you want to be there for the birth.

2.- Same thing applies to Pascal Curious, who’s also pregnant at the start of the save.

5. Disclaimer and TOU

I’m just one person and there may be some bugs here or there, or naked sims or whatever. Feel free to report any bugs you find but I will only fix them if I consider them super relevant or game breaking, otherwise the save is provided as is and you install it at your own risk.

Also please don't waste your breath asking me to do X world, or add lore to Veronaville or Strangetown or whatever, because I will only do it if and when I'm inspired to do it - and the requests quite honestly stress me out.

THE TERMS OF USE ARE: Be nice and don’s steal others creations! 

Download: Sim File Share - Filehosting for Simmers

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10 months ago
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale
Mafia In Undertale

Mafia in undertale

Doopal is my mafia OC. These are doodles that I drew personally. There are so many images, so I'm going to upload them more as a reblog

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1 year ago

In the club

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1 year ago

But for real. The talk Rio gave Miles about meeting extraordinary people out in the world but that some won’t accept you and will always tell you ‘No’ and to take care of himself and stick to his own beliefs even if the world is screaming at him. I dunno I was almost in tears because my mom told me the exact same thing when I was in highschool and found out that I wanted to be a Latina in STEM.

God, of COURSE the reaction to “Anyone can wear the mask” is “but not everyone will accept that.” And Miles internalizing the heartbreak of that kind of rejection from what he considered (hoped) to be HIS people leads to him understanding the next step is to reject the system that says he doesn’t belong.

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1 year ago


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1 year ago
"Don't Know How Long It's Gonna Take To Feel Ok But I Know I Had The Best Day With You Today."

"Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel ok but I know I had the best day with you today."

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9 months ago


Comeback To Me prepared us


Soft, emotional song, the almost the whole rest of the album took A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TURN.

and I love it.

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2 years ago

afth drabble 3: honeymoon

pairing: afth!jungkook x f.reader

genre: fluff, smut (ish?), 18+

wc: 6.9k

content warnings: 18+ content, strong language, virgin!jk and virgin!oc, fluffiness, first times, a little anxiety, s3xu@l tension, extremely suggestive content that gets very very close to descriptive (?) yall I never done this before pls be kind :') idek what to put for warnings lmao help-

drabble masterlist

summary; honeymoon cuteness and perhaps a lil somethin more ^^

a/n: you guys have been asking for this for literally forever 💀 I left yall to starve during afth but hopefully this feeds you well enough to forgive me 😉🔥


You never knew what to say when people asked you what love was like, to describe it. You’ve never had any of idea how to put it into words... 

There’s no time to think of an answer now though, not when you’re late.

Jungkook's grip on your hand is tight as he pulls you along through the airport. 

The traffic was far worse than anticipated. 

Thankfully, going through security didn't take long, now it's just the matter of finding your gate and getting there on time. 

Over the speakers, an announcer reminds passengers that the flight you're currently running to is boarding. 

"Run, ____!" Jungkook shouts over his shoulder, dragging you towards the escalators. 

"I'm t-trying!" You holler back. 

You're not nearly as fast as him. 

Once you get to the stairs moving upwards quickly, you see the thought pass Jungkook's brain a split second before it happens. 

He wouldn't. 

"Come on."

He would. 

You try not to have a heart attack as you and Jungkook run up the escalators. The only reason you don't fall and break your nose is because of his grip on you. 

Once you make it to the top, he's off again, running across the top level and heading straight for the flight that's currently boarding, and yanking you behind him. 

Gosh, he's fast. 

You smash into him when he stops suddenly, having made it to the boarding line. 


Jungkook turns to see you holding your nose as he tries to catch his breath, "Sorry, baby. Are you okay?" 

You nod and laugh a little as he inspects your nose to make sure you aren't too hurt, even though you assure him you're not.

"W-we made it," you grin at him and he nods with a crazed smile, "Fuck yeah, we did."

The line moves fairly quickly. You approach the attendant and give him your tickets, then you make your way onto the plane. 

After finding your seats, Jungkook takes the smaller bags and puts them up above where you'll be sitting before joining you and buckling up.

You're sitting next to the window where Jungkook insisted you sit. You've never been on a plane before, that you can remember, and he wants you to have the best view. 

The seats are more spacious, since Jungkook got first class. There won't be anyone sitting with you two, and the seats even recline so you can get some rest. 

Your tummy flutters with excitement as you look out the window at the lights shining from the airport in the dark. You haven't even left yet and you're so nervous and excited you might be sick.

A warm hand taking yours makes you look to the left to see your husband biting his lip as he looks at the pamphlet; holding your hand almost subconsciously. 


"Are you hungry?" He asks, eyes still scanning the small paper before glancing at you. 

You shake your head with a smile, "Not r-right now."

Jungkook tucks the pamphlet away before leaning over and pressing a kiss to your cheek. 

"Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Mhm," You nod happily before turning to look out the window to watch the lights some more. 

Once again, you're grateful that Jimin brought you some comfortable clothes to change into. The floppy sweatpants and big t-shirt are definitely so much more pleasant to sleep in. 

You hear a low groan as Jungkook stretches his legs out in front of him and turn your head to see him start yawning, hand still holding yours securely. 

So so cute. 

He drops back into his seat with a relaxed sigh, "Shit, I'm exhausted. I didn't realize how tired I am until now."

You nod as a yawn starts making its way up your throat now. 

"Me too," you whisper before your eyes drift down to see his right hand holding your left, warm fingers rubbing across the back of your hand softly.

The glint of your wedding ring makes a burst of excitement rush through you as it clicks once again that you and Jungkook are actually married now. 

It's been so long.

It felt like things were never going to be okay. 

So many tears that seemed to never dry. 

So many lies that kept building on the last. 

So much fear and hopelessness.

There was never a break, never time for anything. 

Now there is. 

The realization that you finally have time for everything is so emotional for you that tears immediately spring to your eyes. 

Only a moment passes before your silent tears are broken by the sound of a soft gasp and gentle fingers on your cheek, drying the most recent tear that almost made it to your chin. 

"Hey," his voice is no louder than a whisper but it reaches deep inside of you and grips your aching heart. 

You lift your gaze to see his huge doe eyes looking into yours, filled with so much worry.

"I'm okay," you whisper, voice breaking as a small cough slips out. 

"What's going on?" He asks quietly, still busy drying your eyes with the most tender touch you've ever felt. 

It nearly brings more tears to your eyes right then and there. 

"I'm happy," you assure him gently, "I'm r-really happy."

The worry in his eyes dissipates and a soft smile spreads on his face, "Me too. It almost feels too good to be real."

You nod, but don't say anything. 

For some reason you don't want to bring up your anxious thoughts; that perhaps this is all fake and you'll get pulled back to that reality at any minute. 

You don't want to bring the mood down. 

So, you swallow the rest of your tears and reach over to take his left hand and bring it over to look at his ring. 

Jungkook smiles softly as you bring his hand close to your face and touch his ring so gently he almost doesn't feel it. 

You lift his hand a little more and bring his fingers to your lips, pressing tiny kisses there before hugging his hand to your chest and laying your head on his shoulder. His heart melts into a puddle as he bites his lip in an attempt to keep himself from combusting. 

You're too precious, it physically hurts him sometimes. 

This is definitely one of those times. 

"I love you," he whispers into your hair as he looks over towards the window. 

"Love you too," you whisper back, starting to drift off. 

It's silent for a few minutes, the lights in the cabin turning off and setting a cozy atmosphere.

He had hoped you would fall asleep quickly and just rest practically the whole way to the first stop. But his previous worries are soon confirmed when the plane starts to take off and you squeeze his hand tightly, clearly terrified. 

"Kook," you whisper weakly, eyes clenched tightly. 

"It'll get smoother, I promise," he says into your ear, fingers dancing magically up and down your arms in a soothing pattern, "The take-off and the landing are always the worst."

You give him a small nod to acknowledge you heard him, but your eyes stay squeezed shut and your hand grips his so tight he sees your knuckles turning white in the dim light. 

The plane jerks a little as the bumpy take-off continues. 

"Mmnh," you whimper, hiding your face in his shoulder. 

Then it suddenly becomes very apparent that the ground is no longer under the plane and your stomach plummets to your feet. 

"I don't l-like this," you whine, "I wanna go b-back."

Jungkook smiles sadly as he pets your head, "You'll forget all about this part when we get there, I promise. And if you don't, I'll owe you a back rub. Deal?"

Your head is still tucked into him, but he feels you nod and he chuckles. 

He has a feeling you'll make it your mission to remember just to get that back rub. 

It takes a little coaxing and reassurance, but he eventually helps you fall asleep, your head resting against his shoulder, little puffs of your warm breath dancing across his arm every few seconds. 

He stays up for a little longer, the day's events swirling around in his head and preventing him from getting any shut-eye. 

It's been hard for him to keep the tears contained, even though he knows he doesn't have to. It's just a bad habit that he can't seem to shake. 

It would be a lie to say that the whole day was joyful. Most of it was the happiest he's ever been. 

But he couldn't help it, she popped into his head more than a few times. 

He knows she would've loved to be there to celebrate his step into a new life. 

She would've loved to dance with both of you and laugh all night as embarrassing stories from his childhood came to light.

Jungkook clears his throat and shifts to make sure you're still comfy. 

"She l-loved it."

He bites his lip harshly at your quiet words, the reassuring touch of your hand settling over his thigh and patting it gently. 

"She was there, K-Kookie."

A quick swipe under his eyes is all it takes to get rid of the evidence of his sudden emotional weakness. 

You sit up only enough to lift the arms between your chairs and cuddle into his side, wrapping your arm around his waist, "Your m-mom is watching o-over us, you know."

He nods, still biting his lip to keep his composure. 

"She said m-my dress was gorgeous."

A small sob leaves his throat and he tightens his hold on you. 

"You were th-th-the most beautiful person in the wh-whole church, she said so."

Jungkook pulls back just enough to look into your eyes as he cups your face with both hands before he pulls you into a deep kiss, his tears dripping onto your cheeks. 

When he finally pulls away for a breath, he whispers, "How do you always hear what's in my mind? How can you always know the right thing to say?"

You shrug, "I guess it's a s-soulmate thing."

He chuckles tearfully before wiping at his eyes, "I guess you're right."

You snuggle into him again, holding him together like you always do. 


It was a long and exhausting journey. 

Several stops and many fitful sleep attempts before you finally reach your destination. 

You and Jungkook walk out of the airport at around midnight and get into a taxi that takes you to the place you'll be staying at. 

The drive only took about fifteen minutes but it felt longer. Neither of you have had sufficient sleep in days. The flight only took a day, but the nights before the wedding were full of nervous excitement that turned into sleepless nights. 

Both of you must look like you just rose from the grave, with the heavy bags under your bloodshot eyes and the limping that can't be helped because good grief even the comfortable plane seats started putting cricks in your backs and hips. 

"I feel like we're celebrating our seventieth anniversary," Jungkook groans as the two of you walk up to the little bungalow with the kind driver in tow. 

It's so dark out that you can't see much, but somewhere in the back of your mind you know you'll be elated about the view after a good night's sleep. 

His joke sends you into a fit of maniacal laughter that sends sharp pains up your cramped back, which makes you cry out and hold your back like a little old lady, further confirming that the two of you really do look like a very very old couple at this moment in time. 

If you had any energy left to care, you might be embarrassed of what the driver must think of the pair of you as he helps bring the bags inside and then bids you a good night. 

Jungkook tries his best to help you walk but he's started laughing now and it's all a mess. 

"Forget the bags, forget them," he swats at them dismissively, "Room, room!" He then gestures in a general direction and stumbles forward. 

You find the room quickly and fall onto the giant bed, groaning at how soft and magical it feels right now. 

Jungkook isn't far behind; you feel the bed dipping as he climbs in and tucks himself into the covers, "Get under the blankets, baby," he mumbles, already half asleep. 

You make a low sound, not hearing what he said but not having the strength to ask him to repeat it. 

"Blankets, love," Jungkook speaks up after a minute, voice hoarse as he pulls his head from the pillow to look at you lying facedown on the comforter. 

Your legs are dangling half-way off the bed, your body contorted in a strange angle. 

Jungkook stares at you for a minute, then pokes your arm, "____? Baby?"

You groan again but don't move. 

He laughs tiredly and sits up, reaching over to hold under your arms and quite literally pull you all the way onto the bed. 

"Silly girl," he mumbles affectionately as he fights to get the covers from under you and place them on top of you carefully. 

When it's all done and you're in a good position, he lays down and takes your hand in his, leaving a quick kiss there before drifting off. 


The two of you sleep until around noon, then you tiredly eat the food Jungkook ordered, trying your best not to fall asleep until he's done feeding you the last forkful of fruit. 

You smile sleepily and lay down again after thanking him for the hundredth time. 

He joins you after he takes his last bite, crawling under the covers and pulling you close, letting you rest your head on his arm as a makeshift pillow. 

"Love you," he mumbles into your shoulder. 

"Love you t-too," you yawn and place your hand on his that holds your waist and rubs gentle circles. 

"Still tired, love?" He asks quietly, eyes never opening. 

"Mhm," you sigh and move back further into his warmth. 

The action makes Jungkook's heart leap to his throat; your backside unintentionally breaching territory it hasn't yet. 


The strained sound of his voice along with his hand gripping your waist with a little more force makes you stop moving to try and get comfy, "Hm?"

He doesn't answer you, just tries to keep his breathing steady. 

You can't help it, the sound of his ragged breath in your ear and his hold on you, makes a distinct tickle in your tummy that you've felt a few times before around him. 

Your already warm skin starts to heat up even more when you realize what must have happened to make him react in that way. The way he gently moves your hips forward so they aren't touching him is telling enough. 

Did you just-...

Your cheeks burst into flames and you fight the urge to blurt an apology.

That would just confirm that you know what happened. 

Jungkook on the other hand is busy trying to clear his head, reminding himself that you did not do that on purpose and he needs to control his raging hormones before they make him into a fool. 

You'll let him know when you're ready, the right time will come. It's not when you're still half-asleep and worn out from a long flight. 

The thought hasn't left either of your minds since even before the wedding. Knowing that naturally, things will progress into that situation. 

It would be lying to say neither of you wants that right now. 

But neither of you are going to admit it either, both under the impression the other is too tired and it would be selfish to initiate it.

And're both just a little scared. 

So the silence stretches on, both of you biting your tongues harshly. 

"Um," It startles you when he finally speaks, "I'm actually gonna go take a shower. You should get some more rest, baby."

You give him a small nod but don't turn to look at him, "Ok."

He smiles at the small voice coming from the covers and leans down to press a kiss to your hair before sliding out of bed and going to the restroom.

When you hear the door shut, you let out a long breath you had been holding and put a hand to your burning forehead as you collect yourself. 

You've never ever been that close to starting something with him, not ever. 

It's a terrifying yet exhilarating feeling that settles in your tummy at the realization that he wants it too. 

The fact that you're husband and wife now is finally starting to actually sink in. 

You're married to Jungkook. 

You share his last name and everything. 

Kicking your feet under the covers, you place your hands over your mouth to muffle the excited shriek building up. 


Jungkook turns on the shower and peels his sweaty clothes off in record time, stepping into the already steamy giant glass box and sighing in relief. 

But only a few minutes pass before he realizes it isn't working. 

You're still clouding every area of his brain and making it really difficult not to give in and call out for you. 

What the fuck. 

Jungkook grabs the shower knob and turns it to cold in a moment of desperation to ease his mind and other areas he doesn't want to admit are being affected right now. 

Calm down, you hormonal fucking teenager.

Jungkook groans quietly when it feels like it's not working, his mind starting to turn to panic. 

His traitorous brain is scheming against him as it reminds him that you're laying not even fifty feet away right now, soft and beautiful as ever. 

Fuck, shut up. 

He puts his hands over his face as another groan slips out. 


The unexpected sound of your voice through the door makes him jump and rip his hands away from his face in terror that you've caught him and know exactly what's going on. 

"Y-yeah?" He calls back. 

"I'm gonna ch-check out the patio, is th-that fine?"

His pounding heart starts to relax, "Yeah, it's okay. I'll uh- I'll be out in a bit, alright?"

You smile, "Ok!" Then you skip away. 

He feels like an idiot. 

A downright fool.

Jungkook makes quick work of washing himself, relief entering his system as it appears things have calmed down by the time he gets out. 

A quick glance at the clock when he leaves the bathroom shows he was in there much longer than he'd thought. No wonder you got bored and wanted to look outside. 

He dries his hair a little more with a towel before getting dressed and joining you out on the patio. 

The ocean is crystal clear, a brilliant turquoise that seems nearly unreal as it washes up onto the shining sand. 

He smiles at the sight of you looking out at it, your knotted sleep hair blowing gently in the slight breeze, the oversized t-shirt that rests just above your knees making you look so soft. 

Mauritius Island was the perfect choice for your honeymoon, the glow that surrounds you as you stand up on your tippy toes and touch a vine snaking from the roof is proof of that. 

The faintest giggle reaches his ears as you pet the vine, unaware of his presence. 

"If I knew how much you loved vines, I'd have gotten you some sooner."

You jump at the sound of his voice and turn to see him smiling softly at you, his still damp hair hanging around his face in a pretty frame. 

An embarrassed laugh slips out as you shrug, "I wo-won't mind if you get some f-for the apartment."

Jungkook chuckles and comes up next to you, putting his hand on the small of your back, "Whatever you want, it's done. Just say it and you can have it."

"You're g-gonna spoil me?" You look up at him with huge eyes, clearly trying to make him laugh. 

He can't help but do so, willingly falling into your trap. 

Then he leans down and brushes a stray hair from your face before kissing the side of your mouth, just barely touching your lips. 

"Absolutely, Mrs. Jeon, " he whispers. 

Your heart pounds heavily at the look he gives you, trying to decipher what he's thinking. The way he says those words makes your legs feel like jelly.

"Anything in this world that you want, it's yours."

You smile, "All I want is y-you."

His smile grows at your words, "Me, and some vines."

"Yes," you laugh loudly, making his heart sing. 


Your more extravagant plans don't start until the day after tomorrow, Jungkook having been sure to make time at the start for you to get settled in and rested up for when the two of you start the adventuring. 

The rest of the day is spent walking along the stretch of beach that sits in front of your bungalow. 

More than a few times, you're able to splash Jungkook with the cool ocean water when you run into it ankle deep. 

He tries to retaliate but you're too quick; running as fast as you can away from him as you feel the soft, wet sand sink underneath your bare feet. 

Jungkook takes a few pictures along the way, one of his favorites being the one where you were running into the water, the pink sky in front of you and your hair flowing in the wind. Your distinct silhouette and the footsteps in the sand behind you bring the whole image together. 

He mentally tucks away the reminder that he wants to paint this picture someday. 

When it seems like the sun has decided to start going down soon, Jungkook asks if you want to go back. 

You run over and nod happily, "I'm hungry!"

"Well at least you're not sleepy anymore," he chuckles at the energy radiating from you. 

The two of you walk side by side back to the bungalow, chatting about how gorgeous the scenery is and gushing over the photos he shows you that he took. You show him some you snuck of him too when he set the camera down, much to his embarrassment.


You decide to order dinner tonight as well, not wanting to go out anywhere just yet. 

Before the food arrives, you decide to take a quick shower, calling to Jungkook as you shut the door to pick the music he wants to listen to while eating dinner. 

He scrolls on his phone while you shower, looking for whatever the two of you are feeling right now. Both of you go through phases of listening to different songs, most of the time your playlists are the same but sometimes they differ. 

By the time the shower turns off, the food has arrived, so he goes to grab it and bring it into the room. 

Just as he's coming back in, he sees you come out of the bathroom in a dark blue silky robe, your wet hair framing your soft face. 

"The r-robes are nice," you say shyly, a blush dusting your cheeks. 

He smiles, "Looks comfy, maybe I should go get mine."

You laugh at his silliness and walk over to join him on the bed. 

The take-out is set on the foot of the bed and the two of you lay on your stomachs, grabbing it and digging in as you chat and goof around while listen to the music he picked out. This setup is typical for the both of you whenever you'd eat dinner together. It feels more comfortable, not so formal and stiff. 

Jungkook feels a warmth in his heart when you roll over onto your back, cackling like a witch at some stupid joke he made. 

He'd be scared you'd knock the food over if it wasn't already gone. 

Instead, he shakes his head at you and cleans up the empty boxes as you laugh and laugh. One of his favorite things about you is the fact that you find humor in anything and everything, nothing is too stupid for you to laugh at. 

When he comes back into the room, he sees you laying towards the bottom of the bed, your head hanging off of it as you look at him upside down, giggles erupting from you uncontrollably. 

The sight makes him break, laughing loudly for a second before he comes over and kneels in front of you. 

"I think it's s-supposed to be the other w-way around," you giggle as he leans closer. 

He chuckles at the Spiderman joke, knowing you are well aware of his love for that superhero, and especially that scene. Which he only admitted to liking when threatened with tickle torture if he didn't spill the beans one night after watching it. 

He'd admitted in a blushing mess that he wanted to try it someday, just out of curiosity. 

"I'll make do with what I can get," he whispers before cutting off your giggles by pressing his lips to yours. 

The action makes a heat spread through you, all the way to your toes. 

His warm tongue caresses yours as he deepens the kiss.

You hadn't known how kissing upside would feel, but now that you've tried it you understand the hype. 

A small gasp leaves you when he pulls away, his breathing heavier than it was a minute ago. 

You stare at each other for a moment in silence. 

Then Jungkook clears his throat, "Your face is turning red, you should sit up."

"Oh," you sit up and let the blood rush back to the rest of your body. 

Jungkook swallows thickly, then he stands up. 

"I do believe I owe you a back massage, wanna cash it in?"

You nod, cheeks still burning, "Yes, m-my back still hurts from th-that plane ride and my sh-shoulders are still tense fr-from being anxi-"

"I know, I know," he chuckles, "Let's get ready for bed and I'll make it up to you, okay?"

All you really need to do is brush your teeth since you've already washed up. 

A few minutes later, you're laying on the bed face down and waiting for him to be ready for bed. You turn your head and look out the window, noting again how beautiful and secluded the area is. Jungkook really went all out for you to be comfy. 

He always does. 

The deep golden blanket over the sky fills the room with a radiant light as the sun continues to sink below the horizon. 

You take note of how quickly you two had eaten dinner, happy that you get to see the sun set from your window. 

"Alright, you ready?" Jungkook's voice sounds from behind you and you nod, "Mhm!"

He chuckles and climbs onto the bed, looking over you to see the shape of your figure underneath the robe. 

He gulps. 

"Do you want to keep the robe on?"

Your cheeks flush and you shake your head slowly, "G-Guess not," you laugh sheepishly and start to sit up to take it off.

"I got it," he says, "If you're okay with that."

"Yeah," you squeak, sitting patiently before you feel his hands brush your shoulders as he takes the robe and carefully slides it off. 

His heart gets lodged in his throat when he realizes you're wearing a light pink top that's cropped to look almost like a sports bra, but much softer. There's nothing else on your top half. 

Jungkook leaves the robe on to cover your bottom half, but it does him no good. Blood is rushing through him and leaving him hot and bothered. 

He tries his best not to get distracted, but the sight of you in nothing but a bra really does a number on him. The only time he saw you like this was brief, when you were in the forest washing yourselves and he accidentally turned before you were ready. He had blocked that from his memory for your sake, feeling terrible at the time for the mistake. 

Now you're letting him in, a huge step he's waited so long to take. He wants to show you how much he truly loves and cares for you. How beautiful you are to him. 

You lay down again, breath catching when he starts to rub carefully yet firmly, soothing the tense knots in your muscles. 

When the massage eventually turns into light scratches, you sigh blissfully, not knowing the last time you felt this relaxed. 

As the minutes pass by, it becomes painfully obvious that he can only do so much when you have the top on. He says nothing though, not wanting to pressure you in any way.

You're already aware of it. You don't know what to do though, you've never gotten undressed in front of a boy before. 

He's not just a boy, ____. 

You're married to him now. 

That thought brings the heat back to your cheeks. 

"You okay?"

"Mm? What?" You turn your head to look at him. 

"You seem a little anxious, I can stop if you're uncomfortable..."

", I- I'm okay."

He smiles sadly at the nervousness in your voice. 

Without stopping his gentle touches on your back, he whispers, "What's wrong, ____?"

"Nothing," You sit up on your elbows and look at him with a shaky smile, "h-honest."

He raises a brow and your heart is suddenly plummeting to your stomach. 

How can he look so hot when he's not even trying?

You gulp. 

"What is it?" He asks again, even softer than before. 

"I you, i-is all," you whisper. 

He chuckles lowly, "I love you too, which is how I know when you're lying. I know you love me, and I also know there's something else you're hiding."

You sigh and flop onto your back, thinking nothing of the fact that your chest and abdomen are still uncovered.

Your chest rises and falls with your deep breaths, which makes Jungkook's brain short-circuit as he forces himself to keep eye contact with you and not look down. The top leaves little to the imagination.

Finally, after what feels like a million years, he sees you look down at him again. 

"I w-want you," you whisper so quietly he nearly misses it. 

But he doesn't.

"I'm right here," he manages to choke out. 

"No," you sit up and pull the robe back up your arms, leaving it open this time. Then you crawl towards him, "Don't t-tease."

Was he teasing? 

He's not even sure. 

All he knows is that suddenly you're the brave one. 

You're the one moving towards him with the hugest doe eyes he's ever seen, it's completely contradictory to the way you close in on him.

When your hand reaches for him, he snatches your wrist so fast it startles you. 

It's just as startling when he turns your wrist until he can place a tender kiss on the inside of it. 

Jungkook continues the slow kisses up your arm, pushing the robe up until he reaches your elbow, then he looks up at you through his lashes and all of your confidence dissipates. 

The sultry look on his face is enough to have you gulping and moving backwards. 

He follows you. 

As you scootch back on the bed, he crawls over you, placing another kiss just above your collarbone.

You squeeze your eyes shut as he works, decorating your skin with purple and blue marks, just like one of his paintings. Soft pants fall from your lips until he's finally satisfied with his work of art. 

He leans back and smirks at the shocked look on your face. 

"I want you too, ____," he whispers before slotting his lips with your own, "So fucking much," he breathes against your lips.

"Really?" You gasp in a breath when he places wet kisses just under your jaw. 

"Yes, stupid," he pokes your sides playfully as you whine at him not to call you that. 

"I've wanted you for a long time," he says seriously, "in more ways than you think."

You smile and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down and into another kiss. 

The heat building in your tummy is familiar to you, it's happened every time you kiss him like this. Knowing that this time will end differently makes a chill go down your spine. 

Jungkook pulls back to look at you. 

You watch curiously as he sits back on his knees and stares at you, seemingly just taking in the moment. 

"A picture w-would last longer," you say teasingly. 

You didn't think he'd actually agree. 

"You're right," he reaches over to the side table and grabs the polaroid before leaning back into his previous position, "Is this okay?"

You smile and nod, surprised when he doesn't tell you to move at all, not to fix your robe or hair or the position of your arm. 

He's always so particular about his photos, always wanting them to be perfect.

But he just snaps this picture without thinking.

You blink owlishly at him, "You d-didn't have me f-f-fix anything, I look a mess-" you reach up and start trying to fix your hair before he puts a hand on your arm to stop you. 

"Don't, you're perfect."

You look at him, unsure. 

"You're perfect," he says again, not a flicker of dishonesty in his eyes. 

The way he tosses the camera onto the chair by the bed before climbing over you again makes a different warmth appear in your lower tummy that you've felt before but always tried to ignore. 

It's almost like he senses it, because in the next second, he's back to smirking before attaching his lips to your throat once more. 

The low groan that leaves him is almost too much for you to handle. 

You gulp and stare at the ceiling as he continues blemishing every part of your neck that he hasn't reached yet. 

The ceiling begins to blur suddenly. 

A few tears slip out, tickling your skin as they slide down the sides of your face. 

Jungkook pulls away at the sound of a quiet sob. 

"Baby," he breathes, at a loss for why you're crying, "Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry-"

You shake your head, "No, i-it's good. It's all r-really good."

He frowns, "Why are you crying? Are they good tears?"

You shrug. 

That puts a pause on everything, which makes you cry harder. 

"Hey, hey," Jungkook wipes your tears, "We don't have to do anything. We don't have to do anything at all until you are completely ready. Everything is okay, I promise. I'm okay, you're okay, everything is wonderful. We're married and we have the rest of our lives to do anything and everything. It's already too wonderful to be true-"

You nod as you cry, "That's the th-thing...Part of me is sc-scared I'll wake up in that old boxcar or s-something."

His hands move to cup your cheek, "You're right here with me, sweetpea-"

A sob breaks from your chest as you look into his eyes. 

"We n-never got to have an-anything beautiful."

His throat feels like it's closing as he tries to swallow his own tears, "That was just the beginning love, this is just the beginning, I swear. What we have is already beautiful, we don't need anything more. All of that is over, I promise."

The tears filling your eyes and cascading down your cheeks break his heart a little more with each one that falls. 

"I d-don't want to wake up."

Your voice is so small and scared it rips his chest apart painfully just to hear it. 

"You won't wake up. This isn't a dream. I'm here, I'm real," he takes your hand and places it on his cheek, letting you feel the warmth. Then he brings your hand to his heart so you can feel the steady beating, "See? I'm alive, right here and now."

The panic begins to subside as you concentrate on his heartbeat. Your eyes flit over his face, seeing the way the sun floods his skin with such a deep golden glow, his dark eyes filled with so much love it seems to physically pour out of them.

"Are you here with me?" Jungkook whispers softly. 

You nod slowly. 

His soft smile makes everything seem far less scary. 

"Should we sleep it off, sweetpea?"

You shake your head frantically, "Nuh uh, I w-want you."

He leans down and presses a kiss to your lips, "You have me, you'll always have me."

The grip you have on his tattoed bicep tightens the lower down he goes, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses across your golden sun lit skin until you can't hold on anymore as he reaches the panties that match your bra perfectly apart from the small cherries decorating them. 

A smile pulls at his lips. 

Everything about you is just

A shiver runs through you at the feeling of him spreading your legs and the softest kiss pressed to your inner left knee. 

Jungkook brushes his nose against your soft squishy thigh, breathing in your scent before peppering a few more kisses there. 

"Love you," he mumbles against your skin. 

"Love y-y-you-" You breathe rapidly. 

Jungkook looks up at you to see your whole body trembling, your bare stomach is quivering with every breath. 

"Cold?" He asks gently. 

You shake your head and breathe out a laugh, "M-More like full of ad-adrenaline...I g-g-guess....Yeah, k-kinda cold."

He smiles and reaches over to grab the small fluffy blanket that was folded at the bottom of the bed earlier, then he hands it to you. 

Your shaking hands grasp it and you pull it to your chest, praying the shakiness will subside. 

After a few moments of him rubbing his hands up and down the length of your legs, you're already feeling better and the shaking has mostly stopped. 

Now the cold that was seeping into your bones has turned to heat. You toss the blanket to the side and place your hands folded nicely over your tummy. 

You only look down again when you feel him take your hands in his, stopping the shaking with a reassuring squeeze. 

The sight of him between your legs is too much to handle so you look back at the ceiling. 

The gasp that leaves you at the first touch makes him smirk harder before getting back to the task at hand. 

You close your eyes tightly, unable to keep the embarrassing sounds from spilling out of your mouth as your hips begin to move on their own accord. 

"Nngh, Jungkook-" 

"I've got you."

The sound of your moans only spurs him on further, making sure to keep an eye on your pretty scrunched up face. 

Your mind is wrapped in a hazy curtain of dripping gold as the pleasure continues to build and build. 

The moment you lock eyes with him is when it snaps. 

Loud moans fill the room as your body quivers uncontrollably while he helps you through it. 

When you start coming back to reality, you feel his hands on your face and his wet lips on yours, "Breathe baby, breathe. In and out, good girl, you did so well."

Your lower abdomen begins to heat up quickly once more and you grab his hand, trying to push it back down where it's already aching again, "Keep g-going," you whisper hoarsely. 

"You sure? We can take a break-"

You shake your head adamantly, "Want you."

Thinking back on that day, you'll always remember it as the color gold. The feeling of a warm sun. The smell of flowers and sweat. The taste of salty tears and sweet lips. The sound of his deep voice reassuring you that he'll go slow even as you had urged him to hurry. 

Looking back, you're grateful that he was so gentle with you. At least one of you was thinking clearly. He was so careful and kind, never taking the chance of hurting you even as you begged him for more. It hurt at first, but the pain subsided quickly and rapidly turned into something much more addicting.

You kept forgetting it was his first time too, he seemed so experienced. It was as if he knew your body like it was his favorite book, the one he'd read over a hundred times until the pages were frayed. He treated you better than anyone in this world has ever treated you.

Even as you cried and shook with the adrenaline coursing through your veins, he held you close and brought you over the edge with him, never letting you feel anything other than complete and utter relief and comfort. 

When it was over, he held you in his arms even as the sun had dipped behind the horizon and the stars lit up the entire sky. 

It would be a lie to say you didn't cry more from the love alone. It's like he's full of it, pouring the glittering warm liquid into your heart and never running out. 

You want to give him that much and more in return. 

Little do you know, you have always given it to him. He's going to spend every waking moment filling your heart in return for the love you've shown him, even at the times he least deserved it. 

"I love you, sweetpea," he had whispered in your ear, his eyes drifting over the starlight that decorated your naked skin as his hand caressed your tummy. 

And you felt it; with each kiss and each whisper that tickled your ear, each swipe of his warm fingers on your belly. 

Patience and kindess. Terrifying excitement. Warmth and laughter. Inky swirls decorating every inch.

Starlight and golden rivers. 

That's how you'll describe love to anyone that asks. 


a/n: hope u liked it~

taglist; @hopekookies ​ @moonchild1​ @barbellastyles98 ​ @teresaisla ​​ @ggukkieland ​ @scuzmunkie ​​​ @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies ​​​ @moon-asia ​​ @bangtannie7​​​​ @yoonchrisgull ​​​ @njkbangtan @dlwrlmajaykay ​​​ @higashikatasgf ​​​ @sweetonkookieandtae @voidswan-recs ​​​ @sadxaries ​​​ @shadowmoon21 ​​​ @jinfused ​​​ @taehyungiev13 ​​​ @gaeguuliii ​​ @kimnamjoonluvbot ​​ @jungkooook @mutterseelenalleinn ​​​ @surilirani @patpus​​​​ @yukiehyukie ​​​ @crypticsabbat @ohyeahjk​​​​ @steffiiirose @the-falling-star ​​​​ @telepathytae ​​ @erenkook-blog ​​​ @rosiekoo​​​​ @neverthefirstchoice ​​​ @bubbless-world ​​​ @yeow6n ​​​@purpleunicorn051 ​​​ @canarystwin ​@sopikooooo @kookxin @babyboo22 @ninisfairy

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8 years ago

This series of Jungkook pics!

jjggukkie - I Am You. You Are Me.
jjggukkie - I Am You. You Are Me.
jjggukkie - I Am You. You Are Me.
jjggukkie - I Am You. You Are Me.
jjggukkie - I Am You. You Are Me.

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1 year ago
Youve Been Training With Someone Who Knew What They Were Doing.

“You’ve been training with someone who knew what they were doing.”

My need to know the other side continues. Im gonna believe its kiriona ianthe been getting those extra gains

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3 years ago

you know what. rebels was so fucking good and i’m tired of the slander. rebels is a story about a boy who lost his family and his safety and his home and never had cause to look out for anyone other than himself, who met a group of strangers who showed him love and trust and forgiveness, and became a man who sacrificed his life to save his planet and the rebellion. it’s a story about moving on from loss but not forgetting it; coping with devastating trauma and realising it doesn’t define you; realising you aren’t your mistakes and you can do better and will do better. it’s about the importance of art as both a political tool and a part of life, and the triumph of nature over man and machine. i just have so many fucking feelings about this show i love it so much-

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9 months ago

— sebastian 🐥 (@kingpoIIo) May 25, 2024

Besides 2015's Cinderella, The Little Mermaid is honestly one of the best live action Disney film and one of the best films of 2023!

I watched it on Valentine's Day and it's amazing, Halle and the cast deserve their flowers for this iconic remake!

Happy anniversary to a masterpiece that reintroduce an iconic Disney princess that brought a inspiration for everybody who loved mermaids!

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