quinoawinchester - Sup

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373 posts

Quinoawinchester - Sup - Tumblr Blog

7 years ago
Petition: We need The Thinning II
The Thinning left us hanging off a cliff! Time to answer the questions!
7 years ago

This is legit me!!

quinoawinchester - Sup
quinoawinchester - Sup
quinoawinchester - Sup
7 years ago
quinoawinchester - Sup
quinoawinchester - Sup
7 years ago
Yes | Can You Write a Good Story?
You can obviously write a good book! Either you have been writing for a long time or are naturally good at being an author. You always have your grammar in-check along with your spelling and proper use of punctuation. Whether you're writing a school essay or a piece of fan fiction, these things come naturally for you.

This made me so happy, I LOVE WRITING!!!!!

7 years ago
#Red Cod

#Red codе

#Vote for #JensenAckles as your #favoriteDramaActor


7 years ago
Heart Of Glass

Heart of glass

7 years ago


Does something or someone ever make you think about how you’re going to die(I know depressing right)?  Clowns?  Spiders?  Shot?  Stabbed?  Freezing to Death?  Burning to Death?  Ants(it’s possible)?  Run Over by Car?  Run Over by Train?  Suicide?  Sexually Assaulted?  Any Amusement Park Ride?

These are our fears, some of them.  Every day I hope that I won’t die due to my fear.  But you know what, if that happens I’ll just have to live with it(I just realized I wrote “I’ll live with it” even though I’d be dead).  My biggest fear is heights, no doubt about that.  But I recently went on 3 different roller coasters that went very high up and down at the speed of light.  And I’m not dead :-)

Just a few pointers if you’re afraid of heights and you go on a roller coaster: Go on a roller coaster with your best friend, if not your best friend, then a friend you can totally act weird around. SCREAM!!!!!!  Scream your heart out.  Who cares if you loose your voice.  Trust me it helps.

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7 years ago
Sacrificing Yourself | How Will You Die?
You will be a hero to us all. Your destiny is to die in glory while saving someone's life.

This is what I do when I’m bored!

7 years ago

Oh... Lost Spirits are the poor things that couldn't find their way to Heaven or Hell. There wasn't enough of them left to become a full Ghost. Most walk aimlessly, without memory or feeling. Only one thing drives them. The want to touch. They want to feel. A pure need of want is what keeps them going. They could wander for millions of years until they are found again and reborn. Some Lost Spirits can retain their personalities and shape, but are not considered full Ghosts, as Lost Spirits can be seen by anyone. They do not talk and often seem like they're ignoring people, when in all honesty, they can't hear you at all. They show little to no emotion, even though the ones who retain their memories, shape and personality will act as if they are still alive. These at the powerful ones. Humans who were once Lost Spirits have terrible or no sense of direction. They have the hardest time understanding things and are often abused. They love hugs and will try their best to show love and support whenever they can. They try their hardest, always, but never seem to reach their goal. They fear being left behind and need friends to cheer them on. Lost Spirits make great friends, as they listen to your problems and try to give solutions. They are drawn to the moon. They always need support. Even when they say they don't. Even if they don't know it... they just don't want be left behind again.

7 years ago

This has to be my favorite episode :)

Being A Cosplaying Badass. #justdeanwinchesterthings

Being a cosplaying badass. #justdeanwinchesterthings

7 years ago

I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, Hell Be Here Soon

Wait, He’ll Be Here Soon

7 years ago


quinoawinchester - Sup
quinoawinchester - Sup
7 years ago


I know that when you take a very important test you have to be quiet, but I think that students should be allowed to scream every few minutes just to blow of some steam.


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7 years ago

This is absolutely me when I put in a USB



7 years ago
An art of old | What demonic power do you possess?
You can use any old art this includes; alchemy, healing, fire, water and every ability that had a god at one point (like ancient Rome or something). These abilities are extremely useful, they can be used both for good or evil. mainly fallen archangels use this ability If you do want to find out what type of demon you are, here is another quiz I made that answers that. What type of demon are you...
7 years ago
Sorcerer Spirit Entity! | What evil force wants your soul?
They were at one time sorcerers in their life on earth. These entities exist by stealing soul pieces and work together with demons to have more power over the person they possess.
7 years ago

Cccccccooooooollllllliiiiiinnnnnnn Mmmmmmmmmmmoooooooorrrrrggggggaaaaaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

quinoawinchester - Sup
7 years ago

Anyone: *coincidentally says or does something that a character said/did in one of my fandoms* Me:

Anyone: *coincidentally Says Or Does Something That A Character Said/did In One Of My Fandoms* Me:
7 years ago

When you're singing a song and you sing the wrong lyrics.

Me: I hate when the artist sings the wrong words.

7 years ago
Snow Tiger, Also Known As A Sabertooth, One That Will Protect You From Threats. It Is Said That Even

Snow Tiger, also known as a Sabertooth, one that will protect you from threats. It is said that even in death that it's spirt will protect you and never leave your side. The Sabertooth has a sane vibe, but if it's master is threaten it will immediately turn aggressive towards the threat. Legend says that the gods gifted the best with unnatural fur to help get through any snow storm that it may come across in its lifetime.

7 years ago

Look whom, plays Kristoff

7 years ago
Markiplier Or Jacksepticeye Tap To Vote Http://sms.wishbo.ne/U1ak/2tBNDA5gkC

Markiplier or Jacksepticeye Tap to vote http://sms.wishbo.ne/U1ak/2tBNDA5gkC