Dean Winchester - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
What The Hell Happened To You?! Dean Motioned To You With Wide Eyes And You Rolled Yours.
What The Hell Happened To You?! Dean Motioned To You With Wide Eyes And You Rolled Yours.

“What the hell happened to you?!” Dean motioned to you with wide eyes and you rolled yours.

“Well, I think you should ask that to yourself too” you said and quickly motioned to the mirror on the corner of the room behind Dean.

He raised an eyebrow but turned nonetheless. His eyes widened upon seeing his own reflection. Short hair replaced by long blonde, green eyes still there but more… female like. His entire body and face was more… female like. No it was female.

“What the hell?! (Y/n) what the hell happened to me?!” he shouted, his face showing worry and fear. He took deep breaths, and tried to calm down his racing heart. 

It would be impossible at the sight in front of him. 

He got closer to the mirror to look at himself more closely.

“I…I… I…” he started stuttering, taking small breaths in between. It seemed as if he was having a panic attack but you knew he was just exaggerating. You let out a sigh and rubbed a hand over your face.

“Yes, Dean, you are-” he cut you off.

“I have boobs!” he exclaimed and cupped his own breasts.

You really had a hard time not face-palming.

Read story:  Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3

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5 months ago

Imagine John assuming you and Dean are engaged and being excited for his son because he can see he loves you. So when he finds out you’re only friends, he takes matters into his own hands, only to embarrass Dean.


The silence felt deafening. Every small sound managed to make you flinch, although you tried to make it seem as less obvious as possible. You kept your eyes focused on the plate in front of you as much as you could, keeping yourself busy with eating because in reality you didn’t know what to say to make up for any of this. You didn’t even know what you could say that would be remotely appropriate too.

Your eyes kept finding their way – as per usual – towards Dean. You noticed the glass of whiskey by his hand and as per usual you wanted to tell him how it wasn’t good for his health, how he should lower it down a bit and most of the time he did listen to you, but you knew that this wasn’t a time for that. You bit back your tongue and held the words in your lips, though, because you knew how much he needed it this time. He needed it to keep him going, especially during this painful silence.

You knew this wasn’t how he had imagined it and it broke your heart to see the man you loved like this, even if he’d never know it.

You dared look somewhere else other than Dean or your food and your eyes found the older man in the room who was already looking around the table with a soft yet very emotional one on his lips. He also happened to be looking at you, clearly taking notice of the worry on your face that you didn’t even try to mask when you looked at Dean. His smile only got a bit bigger and you averted your eyes, looking down almost shyly. It was still a surprise how the older man seemed to figure out your feelings for the green-eyed Winchester faster than him. But the again the entire world probably already knew and Dean would still probably wonder – best case scenario.

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5 months ago

Imagine John noticing the feelings you and Dean have for each other but don’t dare admit and making comments about them to help set you two up.

Imagine John Noticing The Feelings You And Dean Have For Each Other But Dont Dare Admit And Making Comments
Imagine John Noticing The Feelings You And Dean Have For Each Other But Dont Dare Admit And Making Comments

“Dean I- I really think I shouldn’t-”

“Don’t.” his voice was deep and gruff, more laced with emotion than a couple hours ago but you could understand just why. There was a hint of grief and sadness there, pain even, because he deep down was only waiting for the clock to count down to the moment he had to watch his father leave again. “Just don’t. Don’t you finish that sentence.”

He knew what was in your mind ever since the issue of the dinner came up. You didn’t have to speak up, not to Dean at least, just by taking a good look at you he could read you like an open book. He knew that you felt uncomfortable, for most part around John because you had never met the man.

“I’m just saying-” your voice was small as you started again, watching him as he grabbed more plates for he table. You hated to insist, especially during such a moment when you knew he didn’t even the emotional strength to talk back, but you just wanted him to know at the same time “This is a family moment, probably the only one you’ll get the four of you. I don’t wanna be intruding o-or taking away any of it from you.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” his voice was still deep, when his eyes met yours, you noticed how his frown had deepened significantly.

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5 months ago

Imagine when John returns, Dean looks for you but meets a version of you than never met and fell in love with him which hurts him deeply. Only to find out that before it all happened, you were pregnant with his child and had not told him yet.

Imagine When John Returns, Dean Looks For You But Meets A Version Of You Than Never Met And Fell In Love

“I think it’s temporal paradox.” Sam breathed out, only to get a weird look from his brother so he went to elaborate further “We- We pulled dad here from 2003, right?” he got a nod from Dean “So time is self-correcting. Our timeline is changing to this new one.”

“So, what do you mean?” Dean’s eyebrows pulled into a deeper frown

“It means, I think, that if we don’t fix this, then we become those other versions of ourselves. Like, for real.” Sam breathed out motioning with his free hand, a sigh escaping his lips.

“Ok, well, I’m cool but you’re- ugh.” Dean made a face, waving his phone.

“That’s not the point. The point is, if- if all this is different, then what else changed?” he asked with a frown.

“Yeah, and those people didn’t even recognise us. I went in the liquor store and he said he’ never seen me before. If it’s not just affecting our lives but also the people in it and he is just… one of the ones who have forgotten us, what’s next?” Dean blinked, playing with his phone while the frown never left.

“I- I don’t know. I guess it could be… everyone. People we knew? People we did or didn’t save?” he huffed.

“Could be.” Dean nodded his head, muttering “I mean, we did so many things after dad’s death. Met so many people, friends, family, relationships and mo-” but he stopped himself when realization dawned on him and his eyes widened impossibly so. His entire body froze and his blood run cold. “Son of a bitch.” he breathed out in a dead serious and gruff voice, making Sam frown more.

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5 months ago

Imagine when John returns, Dean looks for you but meets a version of you than never met and fell in love with him which hurts him deeply. Only to find out that before it all happened, you were pregnant with his child and had not told him yet. (Part 2)

Imagine When John Returns, Dean Looks For You But Meets A Version Of You Than Never Met And Fell In Love

Read Part 1 here!

“Seriously Jody, I don’t know how I will ever be able to thank you for everything you’ve done for me for the past couple days and you really didn’t have to put up with the hormonal mess that I am these days.” you said softly, arms wrapped around yourself mostly to bring Dean’s flannel closer to your body. You could barely stand to stay away from him for ten minutes, and he away from you for no more than five minutes, but at the moment and considering your current situation, you couldn’t be around him yet despite how bad you wanted it and missed him.

“I swear to you, I hear those words come out of your lips once more I’m making extra pizza with chocolate for dinner and let you eat all of it!” she gave you a stern yet loving look, the way a mother would and you groaned, but still couldn’t help your smile.

“No Jody don’t do that to me! You know can’t resist it anymore and if I start eating a whole pizza on the third month then who knows what I’ll do the seventh.”

“My point.” she said with a soft chuckle, placing a hand on your shoulder “I just want you to know I’m doing this because I want to. The girls are extremely happy to have you here and you will always be family, no matter what. I mean, did you really think Alex found this toy by accident on one of the rooms in the hospital?”

You couldn’t help a soft laugh, thinking about the small and adorable white teddy bear she had brought to you as a gift for the baby and it was insanely adorable. You wouldn’t let go of it sometimes, daydreaming for hours about the moment you’d get to give it to your baby and seeing its tiny hand hold it. And it actually the second one, the first one having been gifted by its very own uncle. What with Sam finding out first, by accident anyway, he couldn’t contain his happiness and had bought a small white fluffy blanket that you had of course with you all the time and would often lay over your small baby bump. Of course you had not been the one to tell the girls but you were so terrible at keeping this secret they had found out within the third day of you living with them.

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5 months ago

All about that scene - Jensen Ackles x Reader

Title: All about that scene

Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader

Warnings: Smut, So much fluff though

Summary: Jensen is single but he has feelings for his costar on Supernatural, you. Your characters are also attracted to each other so the time comes for you to finally film a bed scene. Only problem is that it doesn’t seem that realistic to the director so the you two actually end up doing it for real.

A/N: As it was “requested” in a way, I finally got the chance to write this long ass story! It was so hard not to let ‘Dean’ slip as I wrote this thing but it came along. 


“And you’re all done! Just, Jensen, please try not to mess it up too much, yeah?”

“Well, he can’t make any promises today.” Jared said to the makeup artist with a smirk, earning a sharp look from Jensen, as they both got up from their seats, exited and made their way to grab a coffee and something to eat.

“Alright, ok.” Jared huffed, tired of the silence that had set between the two of them “So you’re not even gonna try to talk about this now huh?” Jared raised an eyebrow, looking at his friend who forced himself to focus on the task at hand to occupy his mind from thinking about the upcoming work and even more one particular upcoming scene.

“Yes, exactly. Yep.” Jensen muttered, making Jared roll his eyes but smirk softly nonetheless. He let a small pause follow between the two of them as Jensen tried to pick what to eat.

“So you will just keep acting as if it’s not gonna happen at all hm?” he asked again.

Without meeting his eyes Jensen nodded his head, mutter a “Yep”

“And-” Jared narrowed his eyes, noticing how Jensen was on edge despite how cool he tried to look “You will pretend like everything’s just normal?”

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5 months ago

Supernatural 15x20 ‘Carry On’ deleted scene(x)

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5 months ago

Fake us - Dean Winchester x Reader

Title: Fake us

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader, Jensen Ackles x Reader

Word count: 3,232

Warnings: None

Prompt: Hii can u do one kinda like the french mistake but in reverse where J2 are sent to the spn world (dean and reader have feelings for each other but don’t know yet) and in the “real world” jensen is married to the readers actress and dean is jealous xo

@jodyri @starswirlblitz @liger26 @yaya-snowflakes

Fake Us - Dean Winchester X Reader
Fake Us - Dean Winchester X Reader

“What the… hell?” Jensen breathed out, moving around frantically.

“This- something’s not right” Jared frowned, looking around him “Wasn’t the scene supposed to finish at this?” he added.

Jensen nodded his head “Yeah but- forget that. Where the heck is everybody? And where did they take the cameras?”

“More importantly- what is… this?” Jared breathed out, pointing to the wall right in front of him. Ure he knew what it was but he knew it wasn’t supposed to be there. connected to another wall and then another and in the end forming a complete, closed room. And even worst than everybody being gone along with the cameras, this looked so realistic to the point it scared them.

Jensen laughed nervously to cover up for his discomfort “Bet Misha decided to play some really messed up joke on us”

“I am actually really hoping it’s that because if it’s not then-”

“No, no this is messed up. It is too messed up to even think about let alone-”

“Dean? Sam? Oh hey guys! Didn’t know you were here” you smiled at them as soon as you entered the bunker. You frowned for a second as you took a look at them. The way they were standing was different from normal.

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5 months ago

Fake us - Dean Winchester x Reader - Part 3

Title: Fake us

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader, Jensen Ackles x Reader

Word count: 3,308

Warnings: None

Prompt: Hii can u do one kinda like the french mistake but in reverse where J2 are sent to the spn world (dean and reader have feelings for each other but don’t know yet) and in the “real world” jensen is married to the readers actress and dean is jealous xo

Part 1 l Part 2

@jodyri @starswirlblitz @liger26 @yaya-snowflakes @thegirlwiththeimpala @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @sleepy-rad @catsigns @lovelifelovebooks @justbreatheimagine

Fake Us - Dean Winchester X Reader - Part 3
Fake Us - Dean Winchester X Reader - Part 3

“Where are you going?” Jensen’s rough voice made you look at him.

You smiled softly “To go find that idiot. Who knows what trouble he might get himself into” you shrugged.

He watched you carefully and in thought for a second before he got up and shook his head “No” he placed a hand on top of your shoulder, stopping you.


“I’ll go” he sighed “I’ll go find him. I think I should have a talk with him.”

“Are you- are you sure?” you whispered and he forced a smile.

“Trust me, if it’s anyone besides you that can get through that man’s thick skull in the right way it is me” he gave you a small hopeful smile and you did the same.

“I suppose” you whispered and he rubbed your shoulder softly.

“Don’t worry, we will be back soon. I think that talk is much needed” he sighed, and within seconds was out of the bunker ready to follow Dean.

You frowned, watching Jensen leave. For the first time you couldn’t think of what to make of this. You didn’t know whatthe end result was going to be. You knew you should talk to Dean too but should he maybe have a talk with Jensen first? End what could those two possibly say? You feared the worst.

“Are you ok?” a voice made you look up.

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5 months ago

Lie to me - Dean Winchester x Reader - Chapter 5 (French Mistake AU)

Title: Lie to me

Pairing: Dean/Jensen x Reader x Sam

Word Count: … No

Warnings: None

Imagine: Imagine Dean and Sam getting transported to the French Mistake universe. Only for Dean to realize he is married to you, his best friend, love of his life and… Sam’s girlfriend.

Great thank you to @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo for being an amazing beta!

Read Part 1 here! l Read Part 2 here! l Read Part 3 here! l Read Part 4 here!


“I’m not Jensen damn it!”

“You’re not… who?” you blinked, taking a step back and away from him.

“I’m not-” Dean took a deep breath,trying to calm down his wildly beating heart; it was out now there was nothing he could do to take it back and maybe he didn’t want to “I’m not Jensen.”

“What- what do you mean you’re not Jensen?” you blinked the tears from your eyes, watching him carefully and Dean hated himself for how you seemed to withdraw from him even more.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” he whispered, his voice rough; feeling a pang in his chest as you took yet another step back “I swear I’m not gonna hurt you just- I need you to listen to me, please. And then- then you can do whatever you want. Run, leave for good or kick me as hard as you can, I’ll take it.” he lowered his head letting out a shaky breath “I’d take it all from you.” he closed his eyes for a moment.

“I asked you one thing: What the hell are you talking about?” you pursed your lips, trying to seem brave although your hands were shaking.

“I’m not Jensen, not your husband Jensen.” he breathed out, looking at you “I’m Dean, Dean Winchester. The very same character your husband plays in the show, Supernatural. We’re here from our universe because a witch-”

“We?” you asked, cutting him off.

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5 months ago
Welcome To My Master List. As Of Right Now, I Write Fics For Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier

Welcome to my Master List. As of right now, I write fics for Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier Boy, Jensen Ackles, Sam Winchester, and Beau Arlen. Dig in and have a binge, if you’ve got the time. My requests are open. Just send me an ask or message me directly.

Welcome To My Master List. As Of Right Now, I Write Fics For Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier

Not a Dean Girl? Let me convert you!! 😉

Dean Winchester Masterlist

Welcome To My Master List. As Of Right Now, I Write Fics For Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier

The sexiest asshole ever. 🥵

Soldier Boy Masterlist

Welcome To My Master List. As Of Right Now, I Write Fics For Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier

Indulge in some stories about the hottest man on the planet. The Multiverse, single version anyway. 😉

Jensen Ackles Masterlist

Welcome To My Master List. As Of Right Now, I Write Fics For Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier

Come on in and enjoy some sweet and sexy times with a very sweet and sexy sheriff.

Beau Arlen Masterlist

Welcome To My Master List. As Of Right Now, I Write Fics For Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier

My Sam Fics are few, but I hope you enjoy my attempt to capture Sam's kind heart and incredible hotness. 😉

Sam Winchester Masterlist

Welcome To My Master List. As Of Right Now, I Write Fics For Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier

Come check out the Dean and SPN Edits I've made over on YouTube. Some songs are just made for this show.

Fan Edits Masterlist

Welcome To My Master List. As Of Right Now, I Write Fics For Dean Winchester (predominantly), Soldier

Almost all of these fics can also be found in their respective ML above, but I wanted them all collected here too. (I still have a few left to do! 🫢🫢

30 Day Writing Challenge Masterlist

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5 months ago

What The Heart Wants

Summary - Dean thinks his heart’s deepest desire is to cast Michael out of his head but is that really his heart’s deepest desire?

Pairing - Dean x Reader

Warning - Angst, Swearing TW : Character Death

A/N - This is written for @katymacsupernatural Make Me Feel Challenge (I hope you cry a little lol)

My prompt was “I don’t want an apology”

Spn divider by @talesmaniac89

Beta’d by the lovely @deanwanddamons

What The Heart Wants

“I don’t know. I-I guess you – you hold the pearl and – and concentrate on what your heart desires,” Sam said and gave Dean the pearl

“You think it will work?” Dean said looking at the pearl in his hand.

“I guess so,” Sam frowned.

“Michael outta my head. Got it,” Dean said and balled up his fist.

"See, it didn’t work’” Dean scoffed, "I can still feel Michael in my head banging those doors.”

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5 months ago

Witches Just Wanna Have Fun - Part 2

Summary - Witch hunts always result in weird consequences but this particular hunt has the most weird consequence even for the Winchesters and the Reader.

Pairing - Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (platonic)

Warning - Crack, Wincest jokes, Fluff, Angst if you squint

A/N - This is the second and last part of the fic. Read part 1 here.

Witches Just Wanna Have Fun - Part 2

Dean looked at Sam. “Don’t look at me. It’s all your fault”, Sam shrugged.

Dean muttered a ‘son of a bitch’ and ran towards your room. He knocked on the closed door.

“Y/N/N? Open up the door sweetheart. Please? I’m so sorry,” Dean begged.

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5 months ago

Erôs // Professor Dean Fic


Professor!Dean x Reader

— An accidental text to your Professor got you into this mess. Now you just had to decide if you wanted to stick along for the ride or go on pretending like it never happened. But why does he have to look at you like that?

Warnings: smut, lots of smut, age difference, language (it’s me), semi-public sex, possible non-con. All chapters will have individual warnings.  Author’s Note: You all can thank @jerkbitchidjitassbutt for supporting this bad habit of mine. 



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six 

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve 


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5 months ago

so . i finished Supernatural months ago, but i really had to pay tribute with this edit. that’s not just about Dean or Sam. that’s not about their relationship with Castiel, or their father or other friends. that’s not about the hunt.

it’s an edit on both of them. it is for these two brothers who are the soul mate of each other (❗️i speak, personally, from a platonic point of view ❗️) they saved themselves. Dean protected Sam, and Sam loved Dean. Dean was a pillar, Sam was a support. their codependency was toxic, but vital. Dean couldn’t go on without Sam, Sam had to live for Dean. they filled what each other needed, it wasn't a show about monsters; it was a show about two brothers.

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5 months ago

Get a room.

Get A Room.
Get A Room.
Get A Room.

Pairing: Dean Winchester x lover!fem!reader

Summary: After a particularly bad hunt, you were patching Dean up in the motel room, but he said he needed to be healed up the right way.

Content: fluff(?), kisses, Sam kind of being the third-wheel, no use of y/n, mentions of injury

English isn’t my first language, mistakes should be present, sorry!

Word count: 698

Get A Room.

You and Dean had just stumbled back to the bunker after a long, exhausting hunt. It was one of those hunts where everything that could go wrong, did. Dean had taken a hit from some nasty vamp, even after you told him to be careful, but Dean? Nah, that word wasn't in his vocabulary. And while he made no big deal of the gash, you knew it was serious enough to need a little patching up.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, shirt off, grimacing slightly as you cleaned up the deep cut on his shoulder.

"Ow—! Careful," Dean grimaced, shooting you a mocking glare. "You trying to finish me off, sweetheart?"

"Quit being a baby," you shook your head. "You're lucky this didn't go deeper."

“I’m always lucky,” Dean responded, a smirk spreading across his face despite his slight wince when you dabbed the cloth on his wound again.

"Uh-huh. I should just leave you to bleed out next time, it would save me a whole lot of trouble." you muttered, beginning to bandage him up, nodding in approval of your work once you secured it.

Dean shifted, sighed, then flashed you a lopsided grin. "I think you missed a step, sweetheart."

"What step?" you raised an eyebrow, confused.

“For me to fully heal… there’s only one thing that’ll work.”

“What?" you almost rolled your eyes. "Lemme guess, whiskey and pie?”

He grinned wider. “Nope. Kisses. Specifically, from you. On my face. All over. Only way this wound’s gonna close up right.”

You snorted. “Right. Because that's definitely how medical science works.”

Dean winced dramatically. “You don’t believe me? It’s a foolproof healing method. I swear it.”

"C'mon, don't leave me hanging here—this is life or death." He added for good measure, tapping a finger to his cheek.

Despite yourself, you laughed. “You are so full of it, Winchester.”

“One kiss. Or like… fifty. But who's counting?” He shrugged.

You sighed, fully aware you were playing into his game but too tired to fight it. You leaned down and pressed a light kiss to his cheek, where his finger tapped relentlessly until you gave in.

“There you go,” Dean said, clearly pleased. “But you missed a spot—” He pointed to another area, so you kissed it too. “And there—” Another kiss. “And the forehead—” You kissed his forehead. “And—”

“Okay, Dean, that’s enough."

"Not enough. I can still feel the pain." He let out an over-the-top groan.

You sighed in exasperation, considering to either just punch him across the face or keep giving into him—you chose the latter.

Just as you were placing more kisses onto his face—the grin on his lips made him look like a love-drunk idiot—the door swung open.

Sam walked in with some takeout bags, he froze in the doorway, eyes widening as he took in the scene: you, practically sitting on Dean’s lap, showering his face with kisses, while Dean looked way too proud of himself.

“What did I just walk into?” Sam groaned, immediately making a beeline to the table to avoid getting another glance at the two of you.

"Hey, it's a part of the healing process, Sammy." Dean smirked, looking over to his brother.

Sam blinked, then made a face like he just swallowed something sour. “Gross. Seriously, guys, get a room.”

“We’re technically in a room, you know.” you said, getting off of Dean who seemed too reluctant to let you go.

"A room that you walked into." Dean added, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Sam set the food down, still shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah, well, next time, maybe give me a warning first so I know not to come in while you guys are having a whole smooch-fest."

"You're just jealous."

"You two are impossible."


Sam just groaned in annoyance again, starting to unpack the food.

You couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, feeling a bit guilty—though not that guilty. You glanced at Dean, who tugged on your hand with a happy expression.

"Next time, we're giving you painkillers." you said, lifting your hand up and running your finger through his hair.

"Not a chance." Dean smiled.

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4 months ago




Alone: Series Masterlist (complete) [Dean x Reader]

You’ve been hunting for what feels like a lifetime, you’ve been hunting alone almost as long. Of course, you’ve almost faced death before, a hunters life always ends bloody, but it’s been a long time since you got this close to it. It’s been a long time since you needed to be saved. And by the famous Winchesters of all people. But meeting them leads you back into the path of some enemies you’ve been running from, and some memories you’ve tried to forget.

Can’t Get No Satisfaction: Series Masterlist (complete) [Dean x Reader]

You are VP of Sales for a company with stores and major distribution links across the country and your executive assistant, and only real friend, is leaving. A temp is brought in to replace her, on probation, for you try him out. Of course, nobody told you that it was a him, or that his name was Dean Winchester, or that you’d want to try him out.

We May Be Better Strangers: Series Masterlist (on hiatus) [Dean x Reader]

It’s a pretty standard hunt so far. Some missing people and the only link between them is where they went missing. Then the Winchesters show up and almost blow your cover. Then somehow you all go missing too, sending you spiraling into another world altogether. aka A Supernatural Shakespearian Romantic Comedy.

Driving Home For Christmas: Series Masterlist (epilogue coming soon) [Dean x Reader]

This is a fluffy festive mini-series. It was going to be one fic but then I wanted to do some backstory in the prologue and then I wanted to do a future timestamp/epilogue after so I thought, whatever. Can you ever have too much Christmas? The answer, of course, is no.

Mine: Series Masterlist (complete) [Dean x Reader]

Dean has always been protective. It’s a trait that has been drilled into him from a young age; protect Sam, strangers, the world. In this stalker!au this trait translates into being protective of his things, and it just so happens he considers you to be his.

Partners in Crime: Series Masterlist (coming soon) [Soulless!Sam x Reader]

Stranger Than FanFiction: Series Masterlist (complete) [Dean x Reader]

A story about a story, being written about you. This is a meta soaked series about what happens when a person becomes a character, and then that character can hear their author. Also Dean is there.



I believe that strippers are the future [Sam x Reader] Teach them well and let them lead the way [Sam x Reader][18+]

He looks like a real douche bag [Dean x Reader]

Don’t you forget about me [Dean x Reader]

So now you want to read? [Sam x Reader]

Don’t Dick The Tailpipe [Dean x Reader]

Tell Me Sweet Little Lies [Dean x Witch!Reader]

Accidently in Lust [Dean x Reader]

Keeping Up With the Singers [Bobby x Daughter!Reader]

Because It’s You [Sam x Reader]

The F Train [Dean x Reader]

Or Am I Dreaming? [Dean x Reader]

Freaky Friday [Dean x Reader]

Hey Jealousy [Dean x Reader]

Over The Top [Dean x Reader][18+]

I am Sam, Sam I am [Sam x Reader]

Pocket Rocket [Dean x Reader]

Thunder Thighs [Dean x Reader]

Dirty Little Secret [Sam x Reader][18+]

Cookies & Milk [Dean x Reader]

To Catch A Winchester [Dean x Pie] [Demon!Reader x Evil]

The Wrong Winchester [Dean x Reader] The Wrong Winchester: One Year Later [Dean x Reader]

What Does The Fox Say? [Dean x Reader]




Imagine Dean catching you before bed

Imagine playing charades with these idiots

Imagine Dean ignoring you, until he’s not anymore

Imagine Dean, your boyfriend, finding out you’re a few sandwiches short of a picnic

Imagine Dean knowing something you’ve never told him

Imagine seeing Dean become Michael!Dean

Imagine hiding from Dean

Imagine the first time you meet Dean he’s pointing a gun at you

Stop Attention Seeking

Tear In My Heart

Imagine picking out a dog with Dean

You Might Think - (500 Follower Celebration)

Baby Brain - (500 Follower Celebration)

Just One Drink - (500 Follower Celebration)

Is it too late? - (500 Follower Celebration)

Hungry? - (500 Follower Celebration)


Imagine Sam trying a cheesy pickup line on you while you work

Imagine Sam picking you up drunk

Imagine seeing the smile Sam only uses on you

Imagine Sam explaining at the altar, again

Imagine the first time you see Sam really mad at you

In Sam You Trust - (500 Follower Celebration)


Castiel the Demon Slayer


Imagine Cassifer finding out you’ve been keeping something from him

No Pairing

Pull My Finger

Well, Fuck


2018 SPN Fluff Bingo Masterlist

6 Completed Works

2020 SPN Fluff Bingo Masterlist

In Progress

2020 SPN Dean Bingo Masterlist

In Progress - 1 Completed Work

2020 SPN AU Bingo Masterlist

In Progress


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4 months ago

Point of No Return

Summary - Y/N makes a confession to her soon to be ex-husband, Dean and realises that sometimes, some break ups can end amicably.

Pairing - Dean Winchester x Y/N

Warnings - Angst, Divorce. Let’s just this is positive angst

Square filled - Quote E ( @supernatural-jackles’ TMAS Bingo); Happiness ( @taylorswiftbingo ); Best Friend ( @spnmixedbingo )

WC - 1750

A/N - This is my submission from @mariekoukie6661’s Happy or Sad Challenge. My prompt was the song Epiphany by BTS. I combined it with another song that is Happiness by Taylor Swift.

This is an AU.

Thank you to @awkward-and-indecisive who helped me with the story idea which wasn’t at all angsty. This is all my fault. And thank you to @bccky to beta'ing this story <33 Dividers by @firefly-graphics

For fic updates, please follow @msmarvelouswinchester-library


It was an hour before midnight when Y/N turned up at the front porch at a house downtown.

Knocking on the door, she decided to rudely wake up the owner. She only had one travel bag with her and she needed a place to stay for the night.

Hearing shuffling behind the door, she stood up straighter. The lock turned and the door opened to reveal a man, someone she had no idea how to describe her relationship with.

He was her friend? No. Lover? Not at all. Foe? She honestly didn’t know.

“Y/N?” The man said with a hoarse voice as he scratched his head, his hair sticking out in all directions. She felt sorry for waking him up.

“I need a place to stay for the night,” said Y/N.

“Isn’t it…what time is it? What happened?” The man asked with a yawn, confused as to why she had showed up at his door with just a duffel bag at night.

“I couldn’t bear to be alone anymore.” She whispered and he pulled her in for a hug. “Can I crash here for the night, Dean?”

She hated how pathetic she sounded.

“Stay as long as you want. Come in.” He offered her a smile and took the bag, guiding her into his house. Closing the door behind them and after securing it, he showed her towards the guest bedroom. “I didn’t exactly have time to prepare the room. But please make yourself comfortable.”

“Thank you, De.”

“No need to thank me. It seems like you have endured a few storms alone. Get some rest. We’ll talk in the morning.”

She nodded with a smile. “I parked my car in front of your house, by the way. Breaking into your garage would’ve set off the alarms.”

“That’s…very thoughtful of you.” He chuckled, “Give me the keys. You know the neighbor’s kid is a devil. You don’t want him to spray colours on your car.”

Before heading towards the room, Y/N walked up and wrapped her arms around Dean, and he returned the gesture. “I’m sorry.”

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4 months ago

Dean Winchester Masterlist

Dean Winchester Masterlist

Dean Drabble Masterlist | Back to the full Supernatural Masterlist Oneshots and Drabbles under the Read More

Dean Winchester Masterlist

💖 - Fluff | 💔 - Angst | ✅ - Done | ▶ - Ongoing | ❌ - Cancelled | 🔞 - Smut | 💬 - Social Media

Charity Heist Masterlist 💖▶ The reader works as a retrieval expert (aka. thief) for Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency, the best group of con artists in the world. But even though she's the best in the biz, she's no better than a bumbling fool when dealing with her all-consuming feelings for the group’s hitter; Dean Winchester.

Chick Flicks - Part 2 💖▶ (ON HIATUS) Gabriel decides to play wingman the way only he can as the reader and Dean go on a different kind of movie date.

Choices - A CYOA Fic 💔✅Choices is an interactive Supernatural choose your own adventure story where your choices determine the outcome and whether it’s a Dean x Reader or Sam x Reader.

Come Home - Part 2 - Part 3 💔✅ The reader struggles through heartbreak, unaware of Dean doing the same.

Dream on - Part 2 💔✅ The reader gets cursed by a witch and can’t fall asleep. She tries to hide it from the Winchesters, but they find out.

Hunter/Hunted - Masterlist - A Flash Fiction Series 🔞 ✅ Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.

Itsy Bitsy Spider - Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Epilogue ✅ The reader helps the Winchesters in a case involving a particularly nasty arachnoid. Not really angst or fluff, more like a "case"

Limelight - Masterlist 💖 💬 The workaholic and media shy CEO of Winchester Inc, Dean Winchester, is forced to try online dating by his friends. What will happen when he swipes right on (Y/N), who is working on a series on online dating for her magazine?

Logged in - Masterlist 💖✅ Sam tells Dean and the reader about a new online community for hunters and they both scoff at him, but secretly use it and end up drawn to each other.

Lost - Masterlist 💔✅You ran away from a silent unrequited love and got captured. But Dean thinks you left by your own choice. Will he ever realise that you’re in danger?

Missing in Action - Masterlist 💔 ✅ Dean is hit by a spell cast by an apparently lovesick witch. And though your little group tries to keep him from her, he breaks free. Breaking your heart along the way.

My Funny Valentine - Part 2💖✅Dean takes the reader out on a “friend date” after her latest boyfriend blows her off for Valentine. Not knowing that the reader sees him as so much more than a friend.

Night at the museum - Part 2 💖✅ A greek god of alcohol messes with the readers judgement during a hunt, causing both Dean and her to act like drunken fools.

Reverence - Masterlist 💔❌ The reader comes into Dean’s life, and flips it up-side down.

Sleeping Awake - Masterlist 💔✅The Winchesters and the reader is hunting a creature that’s been killing women in their sleep when it comes to them instead.

The Man in Apartment 43 - Masterlist 💔✅ Neighbours AU - Dean and the reader live next door to each other and can’t stand each other. Will things change once circumstances bring this bartender and business man duo closer together?

The Mirror People - Part 2 - Part 3 ✅ The reader and the Winchesters investigate a strange case in a small town in Arizona. Not really angst or fluff, more like a "case"

Well, Hello There Stranger - Part 2 💔💖✅ Sam informs you that Dean’s suffering from temporary memory loss and has forgotten you. Yet, when you meet your boyfriend, it isn’t the cold eyes of a stranger that meets yours.

Dean Winchester Masterlist

A Day Off Your stubborn boyfriend never takes a day off, even when he’s feeling under the weather. Luckily Dean Winchester has you around to make sure he takes care of himself.

Building a nest The reader worries as Dean starts acting a little out of character after you find the Men of Letters bunker.

Date Night - Dean Dean & the reader decides to confuse a bunch of strangers as they test out some bad pickup lines at a fancy jazz bar.

Friendzoned The reader has to go undercover with Dean, but pretending to be the girlfriend of the man she secretly loves is a lot harder than she thought it would be.

Flexibility Dean walks in on the reader doing yoga and challenges her when she is steadfast in it helping her be a better hunter.

Flushed Cheeks The reader plays a poker game with rising stakes against Dean.

His Rock Dean finds comfort in the reader’s arms after a hard day. COMFORT FIC

Meet the Family Dean is nervous about meeting the reader’s family, but everything is going great, until a simple misunderstanding makes all hell break lose.

Morning Person The reader tries their hardest to get the sleepy hunter out of bed at a reasonable time as he tries just as hard to keep them there, snuggled up to him.

Pickup Lines Dean tries to stump the reader who is the self-proclaimed champion of anti-pickup lines with the cheesiest, cringeworthy lines he can think of.

Secret Love The reader is secretly dating a tattooed Dean behind Sam’s back since Dean doesn’t want anyone to know he can be soft hearted.

Seduction The reader shows Dean that she knows the art of seduction when he doubts her skills.

Stupid Choices The reader is angry and worried after Dean gets arrested during a hunt and she has to bail him out.

Stupid Cupid Dean tries to keep the reader from joining them in an interrogation of a Cupid.

Tag, You’re It The reader challenges Dean to a round of laser tag, to see who’s really the best shot.

The Costume Party Dean and the reader go on a hunt at a costume party, where Dean has to deal with his jealousy as the guys can’t seem to keep their eyes off the reader.

The Raid Dean and the reader goes on a Halloween candy raid to stock up their sugar arsenal.

The Shower The reader decides to pamper herself when the boys are away, not expecting Dean to return so soon.

This is Halloween The reader and the Winchesters have to go undercover at a Halloween party to catch the demon they’re hunting.

Try Not To… Dean challenges the reader to a try not to laugh challenge using pickup lines, but for her the challenge turns into a bit more of a try not to fall deeper in love with the lovable dork.

Dean Winchester Masterlist

A Second too Late Dean realises he loves you, but he’s too late as you already love someone else.

Bloodlust Dean helps the reader fight against her demon blood addiction.

Changed Traditions Dean deals with the first Halloween alone, taking care of your daughter.

Complications Dean stays by your bedside after a hunt leaves you in a medically induced coma.

Creep Dean learns about the reader’s self hatred and tries to help her through it.

Hiraeth – Home is where the heart is Dean’s looking back on the summer he spent with you in his arms. A year has passed, summer is here again. But it’s a summer without you and, even in the sweltering heat of the bunker, he’s freezing to the bone.

I Just Called to Say I Love You As Dean realises he’s only got minutes left to live and no way to get help, he calls you; so he can hear your voice and have one last normal, happy moment.

Meet Me Back Here in a Year Dean and the reader take a break for a year to sort out their heads and hearts.

Mementos Dean looks back on all the treasured memories he’s shared through a life lived by your side; lived loving you.

Nicotine Dean has his vices, but they all pale in comparison to how he craves you. Yet he pushed you away, leaving him gasping for air.

Phone Call The reader calls Dean from a solo hunt (angst).

Side by Side You go looking for Dean on the eve of another hunter’s death anniversary. Knowing he’s lost, and needing to comfort him.

Soldiers The reader and Dean find themselves surrounded by demons, knowing they’ll have to go out there again, to be soldiers, even if it could mean the end of everything.

Sunshine Dean thinks back on all the great times he’s shared with the reader and how much he loves them. With You - The reader realises she has died and has become a ghost as she tries in vain to comfort her boyfriend Dean.

The Classifieds What lengths will Dean Winchester go to when he runs out of options to save the people he cares about? Is he willing to let go of a part of himself to save his family?

Dean Winchester Masterlist

After Hours Dean Smith asks the reader to work overtime to clean up a mess she made, and things get heated after hours when Dean catches her in his office, indulging in something other than paperwork.

Homeless Hearts Dean and the reader seek shelter in each others skin a year after she left the bunker to save herself from heartbreak.

Eavesdropping The reader hears Dean through the motel room wall and decides to have a little fun herself.

Playing dress up The reader has to go undercover with Dean to find a cursed object. But as they have to hide from a guard things start heating up.

Tension/Passion The reader and Dean fight after a hunt, before making up in the best way possible.

Dean Winchester Masterlist

A Measure of Worth Dean cannot stop the protective rage building in his after a hunt that nearly went wrong. But when she questions her self worth, Dean is left questioning everything'

Bad Dreams The reader wakes up after a pre-hunt nightmare and takes a late night stroll through the bunker to make sure Dean is ok.

Daddy’s Little Girl Adoptive father Bobby tells the reader that Dean and Sam are coming to visit. The reader is happy, as she secretly loves Dean.

Halloween Surprise You’re out trick or treating with your son when you run into someone from your past. Someone with the same green eyes as your son.

Home Dean has tried and failed to make a home for himself and his brother. Until she walked into his life.

In the neighbourhood Dean shows up out of nowhere after being gone for 8 years, the day before the reader’s son’s birthday. A son who also happens to be Dean’s.

It was always you After hunting alone for three years the reader meets Dean again and realises they have always loved him.

The way he kisses The reader avoids Dean after drunkenly making out with him the night before.

To be her hero Dean can’t fight the demons in his girlfriend’s mind. But he can still be there for her, comforting her.

Trick or Treat It’s Halloween, and the reader wants a different kind of treat. Luckily, she knows exactly where to find it.

Unexpected The reader finds out she’s pregnant and goes to break the news to her boyfriend, Dean.

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4 months ago

Dean Winchester Masterlist


Dean Winchester Masterlists


Dean Winchester drabbles masterlist

Dean Winchester one-shots masterlist

Dean Winchester miniseries/2-parter masterlist

Dean Winchester series masterlist


Endverse!Dean masterlist


Michael!Dean Drabbles/One-Shots masterlist 

Michael!Dean Series masterlist

Michael!Dean A/B/O masterlist


MoC!Dean drabbles/one-shots masterlist

MoC!Dean miniseries masterlist


Demon!Dean one-shots/drabbles masterlist 

Demon!Dean miniseries masterlist

Demon!Dean series masterlist

Demon!Dean A/B/O masterlist


Dean Winchester A/B/O drabbles masterlist

Dean Winchester A/B/O one-shots masterlist

Dean Winchester A/B/O miniseries/2-parter masterlist

Dean Winchester A/B/O series masterlist


AU!Dean Winchester one-shots/mini-series masterlist 

AU!Dean Winchester series masterlist

AU!Dean Winchester A/B/O one-shots masterlist

AU!Dean Winchester A/B/O miniseries masterlist 

AU!Dean Winchester A/B/O series masterlist

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