rainbowdelicartz - The Artist from Rainbow Clouds🌈
The Artist from Rainbow Clouds🌈

just a bright n neon colored art blog that's just trying to vibe and share their art with the Tumblr world!! --------- Fozz/Hobbes, 23 years old, Ambonec/Genderfluid (any pronouns, born and present as female), Autistic ask me for any socials

522 posts

Finally Got My Icon For Pride Month All Drawn And Finished Up!! I Had So Much Fun With This One!

Finally Got My Icon For Pride Month All Drawn And Finished Up!! I Had So Much Fun With This One!

Finally got my icon for Pride Month all drawn and finished up!! I had so much fun with this one!

Also the flag I used for the background is Misfitoyic by @futabairl

Here's a full view of the shirt Boo is wearing

Finally Got My Icon For Pride Month All Drawn And Finished Up!! I Had So Much Fun With This One!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this!!


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More Posts from Rainbowdelicartz

1 year ago
Heya Guys, I Finally Made Myself A Brand Spankin New OC!! His Name Is Zipp And He's Wispy's Beach Bum

Heya guys, I finally made myself a brand spankin new OC!! His name is Zipp and he's Wispy's beach bum surfer dude cousin who lives in a small trailer on the beach that's an hour away from Bright Light City!

(more info down below)

Cousin of Wispy Brighton, Zipp Brighton is a well known local beach bum and surfer dude who lives right in a very small trailer home that is parked right on the edge of Citrus Beach, a very popular beach with a vacation town that's located an hour outside of Bright Light City

He and Wispy were born a year apart from one another and they have a very strong brother-like bond with each other that's been there ever since childhood, they both LOVE to party hard, chill out with bongs in their hands, and eat ungodly amounts of food until they both pass out together!

Zipp frequently hangs out at The Punch Bowl, a very popular tiki bar that is set in the middle of the beach that is owned by Jungle Juice, half of the time drinking until he's on the verge of getting cut off (and eating their food). The half being spent on flirting and ""laying his charm"" on pretty much all the patrons of the bar that he finds attractive

Zipp is also infamous for never being seen wearing any shirt of any kind whatsoever (except for tank tops on rare occasions) and if asked to by any establishment, he will outright refuse!

He is a very accomplished surfer in his area and has won at least the top three places at least over a dozen times in his time being in surfing competitions. He also loves swimming, volleyball, jet skiing, and boogie boarding

He visits his cousin Wispy in Bright Light City every three months or so just to have fun and catch up with each other in general. Wispy goes over to Citrus Beach every summer to visit Zipp and as a sort of "summer vacation" for himself. They both write each other letters and text each other on the phone basically everyday!



His two favorite fruits + flavors in general are lemon and lime

He had learned how to swim at the age of 2 since his parents would constantly have him swimming around in some body of water since they all grew up in a swamp (yes, Zipp and his family swam in a swamp)

He smells of tequila, sea salt, bog water, and weed

He used to have a belly button ring, but it got torn off because he thought it was a good idea to attach himself to a boat with a rope tied to his belly button ring so he could jet ski that way. It didn't end well

He does have a crush on Emmett and every time he visits Wispy, he's always trying to get "closer" to Emmett by any means possible. Wispy is amused by it and lowkey would like to see them get together lol

He absolutely HATES winter and cold weather, it means no fun for him (plus he hates freezing his ass off)



Sorry this took soso long for me to make + post, lots of stuff going on brain and IRL terms hehe Anyways I really hope you all enjoy my newest edition to my Originals!

Enjoy guys!!

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1 year ago
I Just Wanted To Say To All Of Y'all Before The Month Ends That I Wish You All A Very Happy And Amazing

I just wanted to say to all of y'all before the month ends that I wish you all a very happy and amazing Pride Month!

Wispy, his best friend Emmett, and love interest Ivy decided to dress in their colors and to drag along a giant LGBT Progress Flag (that also includes Intersex Individuals) to Bright Light City's Pride-Poolza Festival they hold every year for a week on June!

Happy Pride and enjoy y'all!!


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1 year ago
I Finally Have (digitally) Finished The Ref Sheet For My TF2 Self Insert The Entertainer That I've Been

I finally have (digitally) finished the ref sheet for my TF2 self insert The Entertainer that I've been having lie around as a paper sketch since last year!

(fyi I will mainly be using RED!Entertainer since the RED Team's my fav)

(More Info is down below!)

Though she uses and goes by the Entertainer class title as a name of sorts (as she kinda hates her name), her real name that's been recorded on secret files is Marah McNally

Her role to the team is basically a revamp/rehash of a scrapped 9th Class that was going to be in the game called The Commander whose role was to overlook the map and communicate different tactics and other needed information

In The Entertainer's case, she's a feint strategist who uses her magic shows, sing n dance numbers, and overall bombastic and captivating show woman to distract enemies and get a good look of the map of where they're located so her teammates are able to ambush the opposing team themselves

She's not a class that's meant for too much physical combat as they're a strategist attacker more than any other, but she still has basic melee weapons like a metal pole that's shaped like a magician's wand and a sledgehammer and small hand guns such as a red and blue Smith & Wesson pistol with white stars on it and a black and white Glock 26 pistol

Personality wise, she's laid back, easy going, wise cracking jokester with a bit of a sass streak on her if the opportunity for it presents itself (like if Spy or Scout are acting cocky for example), she doesn't really take too much seriously since she sees her job as being a "performer" of sorts instead of any sort of military role, but she still feels like her team mates are the family that she always wished she had

And when the times become dire, she can become a unmoving force not to be messed with and is the emotional rock for everyone else afterwards and during their times of need


Thank you all so much for looking at this newest self insert and sorry for all of that long info I gave here, hope it's enjoyable nonetheless!

Hope you all enjoy!!


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1 year ago
I Now Present You All With Prism's Anxiety-ridden, But Otherwise Hard Working And Most Trusted Secretary

I now present you all with Prism's anxiety-ridden, but otherwise hard working and most trusted secretary and friend (and verbal and at times physical punching bag), Rocket Pop!

I'm soso happy I was happy to draw him again since his design is so much fun to work with!

(All info will be down below)

Born with the name Rocket Poliano Cornell, Rocket Pop is a nickname bestowed upon him by his family and by extension everyone that he's ever known due to his striking red, white and blue scales. Rocket's eye(s) also have the tendency/habit of splitting up into either twos or threes whenever he is in any kind of extreme stress/fear/anxiety, since it is a norm for draco lizards to do

Another reason is also due to him being an Ice Element (their word for having ice breath/powers), since his kind come in all sorts of colors, Elements (such as fire, water, grass, and many more), and even different kinds of ear shapes, horns, tails, and what type of fuzz/fluff/fur they have on their chest/joints/back (if they have any at all, since some just have scales). Rocket Pop is also the only Ice Element in his family ever since his great grandfather

Rocket Pop comes from a farming family of six (including himself) that lives in a farming township called Wheat. They consist of his mom Belladonna (a Plant Element), his dad Cliff (a Stone Element), his two brothers Spark (a Light Element) and Dusty (a Earth Element), and his sister Wisteria (a Flower Element). Rocket is the second oldest out of all his siblings (in order: Dusty, Rocket, Spark, Wisteria)

He also actually has a pretty good relationship with all of his family and sends them all postcards/letters of how he's doing with his life pretty much every day, his parents are extremely supportive of Rocket receiving a higher education and having a much better job than just being a farmer on their family farm all his siblings have. Even if they all have their differences, Rocket loves them

After Rocket had graduated with high honors and a scholarship to a very prestigious college, Rocket went off for his accounting degree at the age of 19 and at that college, he had met his new friend and future boss Prism Sixxen taking the same chemistry class together. After they both graduated, Prism opened up his law firm and the first person to come to mind to be the new secretary for him was none other than Rocket Pop!

Since then, Rocket Pop is rarely ever seen not at least a foot nearby Prism to placate and tend to ever need and desire his boss can possibly ask for/demand of him. If he is, he is usually in his office working on organizing, working on/organizing PILES of files and paperwork, in the attic reorganizing the items there, or at his small apartment that's right next to the law firm getting what little rest he's able to sneak away with. Due to all of this, he is living, shaking, breathing personification of work stress and stress induced insanity

But despite all that he goes through, he still loves his job being a secretary, loves organizing things, and actually gets paid pretty decently so he sticks around and doesn't attempt to quit (some even suspect he has a sort of strange crush on Prism)

When he is able to have a day off to himself (which is rare) he can be seen at many of the flower shops around Bright Light City since he has a strong love for flowers and plants (especially at Ivy Buckingham's flower shop) or at the Bright Light City Park just hanging around



Rocket Pop LOVES fireworks and firework shows. He goes to the firework show that Bright Light City holds every Fourth of July

Rocket Pop's favorite school subjects (still loves them to this day) were math and science (especially chemistry)

Due to him being an Ice Element, he uses his ice breath a lot to make popsicles (his favorite food), cool down the offices/apartment without using an air conditioner, and to create ice floors to walk across water if need be. He also has ice claws and teeth that come out whenever he's in need to attack someone/something, freezing whatever they come to contact with

Despite draco lizards being an overall small species, Rocket is actually pretty small for his kind (the average size for a draco lizard is 9 inches tall, the biggest they can get is 10 and a half inches) and is the shortest one out of his family

One of Rocket Pop's biggest hobbies is collecting stamps and postcards


Whew, that's a lotta info, hope y'all don't mind that!

Anyways, enjoy!!


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1 year ago
My 9th ArtFight Piece For @satuwn, A Really Amazing Furry Artist I Follow In Tumblr Who Literally Has

My 9th ArtFight piece for @satuwn, a really amazing furry artist I follow in Tumblr who literally has the most godtier character designs I've ever seen in my life!

Welcome's colors and design were so much fun to work with!

I really hope you guys like how it turned out!!


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