40 posts
I've Crocheted A Mini Ramen
I've crocheted a mini Ramen

More Posts from Rainiskyz
So like. During class I made my hand into a drone's hand

I originally wanted the triangle light thingy to be purple, but my highlighter disappointed me
I made my graphing calculator gay
It was disappointing and didn't have purple in the options

casually gonna use this for me and my friends now lol

Murder drones desktop wallpaper mega post :) all the murder drones wallpapers ive done so far, still planning on making that V one i did the poll for a while back i promise
I wrote a fanfic. I finally did it. It not the best, but it's acceptable. And I'll take it!
they say dreams have meaning but blacked out flesha (so maybe just a weird interpretation of tessa) lived in my closet and kept stealing my food, but I didn't see tessa with flesha eyes until the end because I left the closet door open for too long
Also there was another closet in my closet