Weird Dreams - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Had a weird dream where the Skeleton King and the Alchemist were two different people and were having a custody battle between Chiro and the monkeys by duking it out đź’€

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5 years ago

"Relationships are like communism. I like them in theory, but in practice........"

- Me

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8 months ago

I just had a dream where my cat got into my eyeshadow and I posted it on tumblr saying “My cat got into my 7-year-old Claire’s eyeshadow” and the attached pic was of my cat with a completely golden sparkly muzzle and then I woke up the next morning and there was a news article saying “17-year-old tumblrer Bunzy shocked over becoming famous overnight due to now world-known post” and I checked my tumblr and everything else I had posted had like 3 notes but that one post had like 10,000,000,000,000,000 notes and I was the most famous person on tumblr.

Here are the things that are wrong with that:

I don’t have Claire’s eyeshadow

I don’t have 7-year-old eyeshadow

I don’t even think I wore eyeshadow or any makeup 7 years ago

My only gold eyeshadow is almost out and there’s not enough in there to cover his whole fat face

My cats are too stupid to open the eyeshadow that I do have

The cat in the dream isn’t around anymore

I don’t look at the news

wtf is the name “tumblrer” is that like YouTuber but for tumblr

I’m not 17

It’s not possible to get that many notes on a post

There’s no way that would happen

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4 months ago

yea, especially from the creepy hairy man from my last dream, where i had to Parkour away from him with a group of gang kids and a dog

So, uh, I slept 12 hours, I had two dreams that were literally just life reminding me that he t suck and in one I was solving a point 'n click puzzle in a very buff axolotl's lap, while said Axolotl talked with that weird ass octopus from Lovecraft. Btw the axolotl really loved me and he was a very sweet little guy. All that is to say; I woke up in the middle of the axolotl dream, but I'm glad mr.axolotl offered me pets or smth, I can't remember shit

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7 months ago

I had a dream a couple of nights ago where somebody said that tough guys can't wear dresses so Guzma started walking around in this really fancy fucking wedding dress because nobody tells your boy what he can't wear and real tough guys can handle anything.

And he was still acting like himself, or at least my weird dream-colored doesn't-even-play-the-new-Pokemon-games-except-Masters perception of him. So there's this big rough tough guy in an impressive wedding dress pestering people, drinking malasodas, and breaking stuff.

Everybody just kind of rolled with it and acted like he was in his usual attire. That was except for an exchange between a random person and Nanu. The person is complaining about the public indecency and Nanu just replies "yeah he's breaking everything he's definitely not decent." So the person keeps trying to redefine what public indecency is without saying outright that what he doesn't like is Guzma in a dress, and Nanu just either doesn't get it or doesn't care. I wish I could remember the exact contents of the whole exchange because it was like something out of a standup comedy routine.

The dream then went off in a completely different direction, except at one point where I was looking at social media five months later (in dream time) and wedding dresses were trending as the thing for gangsters to wear because of Guzma. There was even like a bridal-themed bank robbery and stuff.

I tried to draw it but gave up because I suck at drawing. Still, the whole thing made me smile when I woke up. So after some deliberations, I thought I'd tell the entire internet about it.

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9 months ago

I had a dream about eyeless jack but instead of stealing your kidneys he'd climb in ur window at night and give you top surgery. "I gotcha boobs" was all i remember him saying...

I Had A Dream About Eyeless Jack But Instead Of Stealing Your Kidneys He'd Climb In Ur Window At Night

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1 year ago

last night i had a dream that there was a tiktok trend where people make their own dark worlds, so me and my sister tried to make one so we got a bunch of our plushies and put them all in one room, and then i pulled out a knife and stabbed the ground and created a dark fountain. i think the rest of the dream was just dream randomness sadly.

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1 year ago

I had a dream the other day where I was getting chased by this white and black moth that was the size of an average adult American male in this dimly lit stone building with wooden floors. The image that’s stuck in my mind is of me looking at the monster while I’m running away from it with a circular table with metal legs and a white top on the far right between the two of us with an oil lantern lit on top of it.

After I ran away from it, my dream transformed into one of those web games kinda in the style of something you’d find on, except the game was of a woman with short blond hair with her head and hands stuck through a light grey wall. When I clicked on her finger, she screamed bloody murder and it scared me awake. I couldn’t fall asleep after that, but it was only five in the morning, so it wasn’t as early as it could have been.

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7 months ago
Google Maps New Baltimore Glitch That Happened In 2013
Google Maps New Baltimore Glitch That Happened In 2013
Google Maps New Baltimore Glitch That Happened In 2013

Google maps new baltimore glitch that happened in 2013

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9 months ago

gangle what the hell were u doing in my dream last night

also y did u need batteries

also y was i spiderman

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8 months ago

i had a dream that harold, duncan, geoff, n another td boy i cant remember were in minecraft, but it was more like minecraft dungeons bc harold had limited arrows

so harold (ig i was watching from his pov) killed this pig thing n then it turned into a whole bunch of other creatures that started to chase him, then the gang approached a rlly big cave. two giant worms popped out n they worked like that 1 roblox game w/ the angry red wall that retreated n then sped up n crashed into u. harold jumped on top of 1 n tried to use his bow but he had no arrows

then smth happened, they defeated the worms, n they all approached the cave. harolds grandma appears n starts yapping, then an advertisement plays (like in my dream) n she yaps abt facebook ads

also another dream where komi from komi cant communicate teams up w/ dracula ig n shes super overpowered

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7 months ago

i think i had a dream where i went to td n started dating duncan

i dont even like duncan what the freak brain

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2 years ago

Sometimes when you have really elaborate dreams you just want to write them and then call a company going "AAAH GRAAAH BOOOK"

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1 year ago

I just had a dream fhe other might where I was... just.. chopping vegetables

So many vegetables it wouldn't stop oh my god

I couldn't even see the cutting board anymore

I don't even remember what it was for

I couldn't tell apart the scraps from the rest

But San and Wooyoung cheering

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6 months ago

I had a dream that I gradually and inadvertently turned into a version of the whittler witch from Brave, because I bought a cursed cookbook. Everything I baked would turn people into their spirit animal and a lot of my family turned into jackasses and mules and I literally woke myself up laughing.

Also cat carving I'm working on

I Had A Dream That I Gradually And Inadvertently Turned Into A Version Of The Whittler Witch From Brave,

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5 months ago

Cat Mimic

I think this is a wonderful awful idea

I had a dream last night that I found a cat statue mimic so I surprise adopted it to leave on my porch to eat the meanies that steal my Halloween decorations.

Will update with concept art soon, it will be terrible. :)

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1 year ago

Just wanted to put this out there, because it was weird.

I had the weirdest dream, I was shopping. Maybe groceries, maybe snacks, but I was with a friend. And I kept pestering them about something, "you gotta get this, trust me, it's awesome" and it was either avocado dip or some stupid weird flavour of crisps. As we were in line, about to pay for our stuff, my friend goes "This is the worst idea. Man, I shouldn't've listened to you, this is gonna suck!" about wathever item I pressured them to get.

Then all of a sudden, the line is no longer to pay for our groceries but instead we were outside (no bags anymore, my friend was gone) and waiting for someone to lead us into what looked like a regular bulding but through an oppening, I could see what looked like a massive arena or colisseum(?) with the round design of rows going up. But it absolutely did NOT fit inside the building it was contained in. The geometry didn't make any sense. I was almost up but for wathever reason and until I woke up, the line never moved. I was standing next to a wall that had some sort of list on it. It initially looked like a list of guests or something. And for wathever reason, the line started to talk shit about the Barbie and Openheimer(?) movies. Shit, the arena we were being sent to was apparently a movie theatre, so why would they be taking the piss out of the only movies being shown? (in the dreamworld).

Not long after, the conversation shifts towards pitbull-the dog breed-hate and it was heated. Apparently even dream me was all "Yeah fuck those damn dogs" and everyone had nasty things to say about them, mostly about how dangerous and reckles the owners seemed to non-pitbull owners. I then remember looking at the wall and suddenly, the list is an opinions wall. It had names (some with last names, initials or numbers) and next to them it had "their opinions" and it was weird shit ranging from 'likes sourdough' to 'hates phylosophy'. But my dreamself wanted to find some to be pissed about and inmediately read some girl's name out loud because 'she loves pitbulls'.

A girl behind me goes 'what, huh?' cuz apparently she's got the same name as the one my dreamself calls out. But it's only something like 'Jane 1' and the girl chills the fuck out. This girl has purple hair and it's important for later.

Because later, a girl next to her is sharing a drawing she had made. A couple of 4 panel comics. Two comics, with a weird stylized art and abstract concept. The comic depicted the girl in line and Jane. But Jane was like a regular ass person, not a cartoon or cartoony or anime. And the other, the older sister, was extremy stylized. Kind of like the way early Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network shows looked like. Her hair was all geometric shapes and she had a long nose and uneven, asymetric(?) eyes. The cartony lady in the comic tells a smaller version of herself (her daughter maybe?) "I am drawing you how you've never been" and within the comic, the character had a drawing of what the other "never looked like" and since the girl in line was showing her comic around, every time I was able to look at it, the drawing within the comic changed. It changed between old fashioned, realistic naked ladies sorrounded by fruits or cats and weird amorphous blobs with eyes, different colors and settings for both variations of "what you never been like" and it made absolutely no sense. The 4th panel of the first comic had Jane and her sister looking at eachother like (o_o).

And then the 2nd 4-panel comic was even more impossible to comprehend. First of all, Jane's sister had become a blurred outline. If you've ever seen the 'Humanity' item in Dark Souls closely, she looked a lot like that, just a blurry outline with eyes. Second, the contrast between her comic characters was even greater now. Her cartoon version was even more angular and brighter than the semi-realistic Jane drawing. Oddly enough the hair colour was exaclty Jane's purple. Her little character was smiling in 3 of the 4 panels on each comic. A very cute smile like two dots and a curved line with rosy cheeks, almost like Kirby or Pikachu. But her drawing self looked like something out of Rayman Origins, Fairly Oddparents or a MAD magazine. And in this 2nd comic, she and Jane were bothering what looked like her mom... apparently? And it only had one dialogue bubble some like "this is what you've never been!" and the last two panels were Jane and her sister jumping/leaping towards their mother and their mother was a sort of puddle with eyes on the ground, that changed colors each time; as well as the old timey ladies covered in spooked cats or half-eaten fruits this time.

I have no fucking idea what any of it is, what it means or why my friend got yeeted halfway. But what the fuck brain.

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5 months ago

i once had a dream that i was hanging out with my friend when B.J hunnicutt walked up to us and started arguing with my friend. they were really going at it and B.J started violently twerking at them to prove a point. i have no idea what point he was trying to prove

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1 year ago

Listening to analog horror while sleeping was a trip

All I can say is that having a dream while listening to someone break down an analog horror series was an experience. Literally dream that the new apartment I moved into was coming to life all the while the audio was still playing. It kinda painted a picture of what environment I was in. I thought I was going insane. I didn't help that I had headphones on.

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