194 posts
Rancher-briar - A Pokemon-IRL RP Account - Tumblr Blog
what pokemon do you raise? which non-team member pokemon is your favorite???
I breed Doduo and Dodrio for commercial sales, and I’ve dabbled in breeding Tauros, but I actually found the Miltank to be more difficult to manage!
My favorites to raise though have been Tauros. Despite their large size and aggressive appearance, when raised and trained properly, they’re sweeter than Candy and more manageable than Growlithe!
I'm opening Trick-or-Treat Inbox just for tonight! Send a Trick-or-Treat and I'll give you random stuff.
Tauros and/or Dodrio, dealer’s choice!
Reblog this with a pokemon and I will EITHER tell you
mythology surronding that pokemon
A supernatural experience I've had with that pokemon
A cryptid variant of that pokemon
A spooked Doduo but my left pinky off a little over a year ago.
Seeing so many wholesome rb games
Reblog this with the worst experience you've had with a pokemon
that's it thats the whole thing
Tauros and/or the Dodrio line. I feel like it’s obvious, but if there’s any stories behind it, they’d be fun to hear.
bored asf
second rb game for the day
but as your resident scaredy-meowth- thought this would be fun
Reblog with a pokemon and i'll tell you why i'm scared of it
if i'm not scared of it i'll list reasons why other people could be scared of it
My Stoutland was my first Pokémon. I found him abandoned behind the snack shack at a pool near where I lived, and he just started following me around.
He was already chipped when I finally got the allowance to catch him, but he’d been abandoned for about half a year by that point, so we never looked into it too deep.
Aight, I want to ask something to Rotomblr 'cause I'm actually curious.
How many of y'all had an actual, Prof-given starter, and how many just... got a random wild one?
Heya! Never have I ever been injured by my own pokemon?
Howdy friend!
I’ve gotten all manner of injuries from my Pokémon and Pokémon under my care! The list is long, but I’ll try and keep it interesting.
When I was just starting out, my first Dodrio Hen broke one of my legs, and would have fully ended my life had Stoutland not been there to save me.
While watching over a competitively bred and freshly evolved Arcanine that my uncle dumped on me, I got a whole bunch of burns all over as he figured out just how to control his fire.
A few years back, when helping teach a school trip about Pokémon farming and ranching, one of the kids didn’t listen when I said “don’t go into the pasture by yourself.” And they snuck off and almost got turned into a fine powder by Grouchy the Tauros, who wound up breaking a few of my ribs in confusion instead.
Just earlier this year, I actually lost my left pinky finger to a spooked Dodrio that was trying to protect itself and its chicks from a wild Raichu that someone released without considering the local ecosystem.
There’s also always a minimum of one nasty looking bump, bruise, cut, or other such blemish from generally handling aggressive Pokémon with sharp bits all over their bodies on me at all times.
That Bewear sounds like an interesting fella!
My most interesting training stories are my Stoutland partner and one of the Tauros brothers, specifically Sweetie.
Stoutland took a bit to get used to being handled in any way other than a lapdog, but once I got him into the idea of helping herd the Doduo, he took to letting me ride pretty quick.
Sweetie took a lot of work, since he seems to have had a bit of trauma before joining my ranch. He’s still a bit skittish around new folks, but if you give him scratches under his chin, he’ll just melt into your hands and be easier to handle than anything else.
Never have I ever trained a riding Pokémon.
If you’ve got a story to tell, I’ll tell mine after!
Oh I've trained a few! Tauros, Stoutland, Cyclizar, Farigiraf, one oddly enthusiastic Bewear..... Honestly, I couldn't give you the full count! :D
How about, as an ice breaker, we play a little
Never Have I Ever!
Ask me "Never have I ever -blank-", and I'll tell you the story if I have!
So, for example, a question might be "Never have I ever seen a legendary"! :D
Remember to send an ask to who you reblogged from!

A photo of my Mudsdale and my Stoutland snuggling up together for a nap as it starts to rain outside.
Stoutland’s never particularly liked being on camera, so this is probably going to be one of the few times I actually catch him in a shot.
Heya! How is your mudscale doin'? Heard that he was getting in a bit of trouble and feeling alone lately!
(- @pokemonranch)
He’s doing well!
I’ve been spending the last few days giving him some TLC and making sure that he knows I love him. Stoutland’s been cuddling up with him at night too, since I asked him to help spend more time around the big lug.
He still likes collecting my neighbor’s free roaming Pokémon, but I need to have a talk with them about that… the Pokémon seem fine with Mudsdale grooming them and being protective, but they already have homes and some of the neighbors have gotten mad that I haven’t immediately brought them back, so I’m still on the hunt for a few permanent herd mates for him.
Howdy again!
I’m in sinnoh for a few days and I was wondering if I could bring the boys by for that Tauros meeting and potential adoption? Also, I just think it’d be cool to get to meet another rancher!
There aren’t too many of us in northwestern Jhoto, aside from the huge Moomoo farm.
Sure! I'm sure some of the 'mons here would love to see some new faces! And I feel the same about meeting other ranchers. Most of the ones I know live near Solaceon Town here in Sinnoh; Canalave doesn't have what you would call, a rich farm life. Mostly fishermen and Professors using the local library.
So, if any other ranchers/farmers are on rotomblr, feel free to reblog this so we can unite and maybe... have Farming-Con or something

Here’s a photo of my current oldest Pokémon and one of my closet companions, Mudsdale! He loves to go on walks and rides around the grounds, but recently he’s taken to attempting to adopt other Pokémon that come into his immediate sphere of influence.
At the moment, we’re on our way to return my neighbor’s Dedenne, who she generally lets roam around the countryside… I don’t need a Dedenne eating up my treat stashes for when the Tauros or Doduo act right, so back home she goes!
My Mudsdale isn’t allowed to just wander around the neighborhood freely. Most of his attempts to take other Pokémon are when they wander onto our property, or when we’re riding out for a walk.
I received Mudsdale from a family member who bought him a few months after I fully dedicated to running a ranch, which is when I started breeding Doduo. He was already a 7 year old Mudsdale at that point, and as far as I checked with the local Pokémon Center and research sources, his general behavior wasn’t too far out of the norm…
As far as I know, he was bred for competitive battling but had an injury early enough in life to skew training to be too troubling, so the original owners sold him to a suburban family who kept him alone… beyond that, I just know my aunt bought him from a different rehoming situation and then passed him off to me.
I through the socialization with the Doduo, Dodrio, and a few other Pokémon I’ve acquired would be enough to help balance out his herd nature, but he just started trying to corral Pokémon on walks or that the neighbors let wander around about a month ago.
My main partner (Mudsdale, M10) has been trying to kidnap the other Pokémon he sees around the neighborhood, and I’ve had to return half of them because they’re already owned and just being adopted by my giant mud horse.
I think he’s trying to start his own herd/family, but he was raised by himself, and I’ve only had other Pokémon for about two or three years, so I think it’s just instinct kicking in…
Got any Mudbray or other equine Pokémon that he could buddy up with? I’ve got space enough…
i'm trying to interpret this correctly, but...is your mudsdale just. allowed to wander around other people's properties? i'm surprised your neighbors haven't called the rangers on you yet. it's your responsibility to keep your pokemon contained on your property. even if your neighbors are doing the same, it's highly irresponsible to just let your pokemon wander, especially one as large and powerful as a mudsdale.
it's also concerning that your mudsdale has been alone most of its life. these are herding animals that need company. i'm glad you have other pokemon now, but that is a serious welfare concern.
we do currently have a mudbray up for adoption, but until you address the containment of your mudsdale, we cannot adopt out to you.

Got a photo of two Tauros brothers my grandfather bought from the fair on a whim… two fully grown, pure-bred Kantonian Tauros…
I don’t know what he was thinking, but hey, I got boyos out of it.
The one in the front is formally named Charger, but he responds to Grump more than anything else. He’s extremely protective, and served as a herd leader and livestock guardian for ages before being sold. Nowadays he’s a little more calm, and will even come up to ask for scratches sometimes!
The one in the back is Charger’s younger brother, Crusher, who responds to Sweetie. The bull looks fierce and as dangerous as he brother, but from how he’s acted in the half-decade I’ve had him and his brother, he wouldn’t hurt a Cutifly. Unless he’s out grazing, he usually tries to follow at my heels like a Growlithe.
I’ll post more pictures of these two and my other Pokémon as time goes on!
Thank you very much!
I’ll be over to discuss adoption and maybe have a meet and greet with the other boys soon!
Have you rehomed that Tauros pair from a while back?
I’ve been looking to expand my herd from a pair of brothers my grandpa bought at the fair one year but didn’t actually have room for in his backyard.
We were able to find a suitable home for one of them on a ranch in Paldea, but Duque is still here with us if you're interested! I actually recently posted a picture of us, if you want to check out how he's doing.
If you'd like to adopt him, feel free to drop by the ranch sometime soon and we can discuss it!
I found a partner Banjo sleeping behind the shack at my community pool when I was in a rough depression. The little Lillipup was super sweet, but nervous as all hell, so I didn’t bring him home, since I knew my mom wouldn’t want another Pokémon, especially one she didn’t pick.
About a year after that, I moved out to live with my dad, and I finally got to bring Banjo with me as a real part of my life. He was entirely untrained, but he figured out how to vibe as a house pet pretty quickly.
Now, another year later, and Banjo’s a big happy stoutland who’s currently asleep at the end of my bed. Once I turn my light out to sleep though, he’ll crawl up and lie right next to me like he does every night.
Hi can we share stories abt how we first met some of our pokemon?
if you have a pokémon reply ^^^^
Humans have an odd perception of what is “Friend Shaped” to the rest of the known universe.
If you step back and remember that humans will viciously pack bond with anything from tiny robot vacuums to giant apex predators, and that they come from a death planet, it can make some sense why a beast like the Riivoma could be seen as “cute”. Riivoma have short fur in a beautiful array of colors, ranging from shimmering whites and pastels to rich and earthy greens, and their anatomy isn’t all too different from that of shepherd dogs from Earth, but the difference comes in the size and sheer danger these brutes present. Riivoma generally stand at around 2.0 to 2.3 meters at the shoulder, with protruding canines that are designed to dig into a creature’s skull and not come out… and they’re the apex predator of Eurydice (Original planet name cannot be translated to English due to missing characters in alphabet.)
— — — — — —
Naturally, as a born and raised resident of Eurydice, Malou knew to avoid these slumbering beasts, but when her human traveling companion saw one and instantly started fawning over it, she knew that it would cause trouble.
“Look at it’s widdle ears and toofers!” Human Xavier whispered in awe, instantly shrinking a little closer to the ground as though he were a predator stalking his prey.
“Xavi, do you have any idea what that thing is,” Malou hurriedly whispered, having seen this same thing happen with many of her previous human companions. “You cannot approach that thing. It’ll kill you, and then use your scent to find and kill those you love.” Malou had to admit, Riivoma are rather relaxed after a meal, being content to leave things be, but Xavier didn’t need to know that.
“But… Mally… look at the guy.” Xavier whimpered, green eyes already shifting into something that humans call “puppy dog mode” or something along those lines. “It’s just schnoozin away, harmless as a kitty cat back home… if not friend, why friend shaped?”
Malou could admit to seeing the resting Riivoma as beautiful and awe inspiring, with flecks of gold spattered across a brown and white body, but she couldn’t see anything friend shaped about the beast’s muscular limbs and claws designed to make climbing up sheer cliffs Childs play. “There’s nothing friend shaped about that beast!”
Xavier stops for a moment, still low to the ground and watching the sleeping Riivoma with the same focus as an old man watches golf before he speaks again. “… try and stop me.” With those words hanging in the air, Xavier begins forward at a quick pace, moving in a wavy pattern so Malou would have a harder time grabbing him if she tried to give chase… but she didn’t.
Malou stays planted to the ground, frozen in shock, tinged with fear as she watches her newest friend march to his death unflinchingly. The Riivoma shifts slightly in its slumber as Xavier draws ever nearer, hands extended towards the beast’s chin and neck. Malou closes her eyes and turns away, not wanting to see what fate will befall her compatriot, but knowing that she’ll hear the resonant crunch of bones being ground to powder within the beast’s maw.
Xavier, now right up close to the resting Riivoma, can see all of the taught muscles hidden from a distance by the bright colors and soft appearances, as well as the 18 inch fangs protruding from the sides of the snoozing monster’s maw. This doesn’t deter him at all as he gently runs a hand along the underside of the beast’s head, gently scratching up and down with his gloved hands. Very quickly, a sound like a running motorcycle breaks the relative quiet of nature, and Malou flinches from behind her cover of foliage.
Though the sound of crunching bones and satisfied snarls over a meal well had don’t follow like the Eurydice native expected, instead she hears quiet chatter from the human. She whips back around, eyes flying open to see the single most dangerous creature on her home planet gently kneading the soil and purring happily as her insane human engages in “baby talk” with the monster.
Xavier slowly shifts as he watches the giant animal melt into his hand, with its heavy head leaning down into his palm, and razor sharp claws ripping up the ground like a cat making biscuits. What little fear was within him is now all gone as he sees the Riivoma as a harmless little creature. The man leans his side against the shoulder of the beast and moves his second hand to gently scratch between its shoulders, keeping the other hand focused beneath the chin of the beast. The Riivoma is entirely content to stay in contact with Xavier, moving slightly to allow for pettier scritch giving.
— — — — — —
A good half an hour later, and Xavier begins to move away from the beast, the weight he leaned against its side moving away as the gently scratching and massaging fingers slow to a stop and eventually pull away. The passive purr from the Riivoma quickly stops, though the beast’s breathing does seem to hasten. Xavier takes this as a bad sign, and quickly retreats to the tree line, where Malou has been watching and taking notes for the past 15 minutes.
When Malou speaks, her voice is barely higher than a whisper. “What in the name of Unn is wrong with you? We have to go, right now!” Despite the quietness of her voice, the urgency held within isn’t lost on Xavier
He follows his friend and coworker away from the resting place of the apex predator that have already begun to stir with life.
— — — — — —
Malou’s eyes dart around anxiously as her and Xavier make their way back to the local village where they’re staying between jobs. Every snap of a twig beneath their feet or flap of an odd bird’s wings sets her on edge, like something is going to fall from the sky and end her life.
Xavier has never before been more glad that they aren’t handed weaponry beyond a baton for self defense between jobs… he gets the feeling that if Malou had a gun at the moment, the whole forest would be gone in a flash.
As the duo round a turn to enter the small village, Malou turns around, club drawn and held out before her like it is a firearm, and she speaks in a shaking voice. “Come out, wretched beast. I know my partner upset you, but I don’t care… stop stalking and just attack already!” Despite having worked together for more than a half dozen years, Xavier has never heard his partner so actively scared, and they’ve been in shootouts with space pirates before.
As soon as Malou begins shouting, the Riivoma gracefully trots out from the tree line, eyes fixed firmly on Xavier instead of the one actually threatening it. The hulking beast begins forward, and Xavier for the briefest of moments realizes what he was snuggling with… this beast has earned the title of Apex Predator, as it saunters forward, he can’t help but realize just how big it is.
Malou’s hands continue to shake for the briefest of moments, but Xavier places a hand on her shoulder before stepping forward and giving the beast a closed mouth smile. The man’s voice speaks again in the same soft tone he used while speaking to the same sleeping beast. “Heya there, big buddy. Sorry I left earlier.” In a move that Malou could only assume was suicide, Xavier raises a hand for the Riivoma to smell and continues to slowly step forward.
The hulking beast takes another step forward before quickly bunting it’s forehead against the gloved hand of the human. Xavier chuckles before beginning to scratch all around the beast’s head. “Good boyo…”
“IF NOT FRIEND, THEN WHY FRIEND SHAPED!?” the human cries out after you denied to let them pet your homeworld’s most dangerous predator.
me: these are my friends!!! them: yeah! you're my friend :) me, every time: huh whuh??? your FRieedn??? Friend with me????? likes me????

rule #1 of the world is that love is stored in the kitty cat