Stoutland - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Drew Pokemon With My Left Hand, Stoutland, Photoshop.

Drew Pokemon with my left hand, Stoutland, Photoshop.

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1 year ago
Joining The Pokemon Evo Swap Challenge!

joining the pokemon evo swap challenge!

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8 months ago
I Lied; I Drew More Cosmo

I lied; I drew more cosmo 😈

I think Stoutland would be his partner Pokémon. Just the vibes

also, bonus

I Lied; I Drew More Cosmo

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1 year ago

I found a partner Banjo sleeping behind the shack at my community pool when I was in a rough depression. The little Lillipup was super sweet, but nervous as all hell, so I didn’t bring him home, since I knew my mom wouldn’t want another Pokémon, especially one she didn’t pick.

About a year after that, I moved out to live with my dad, and I finally got to bring Banjo with me as a real part of my life. He was entirely untrained, but he figured out how to vibe as a house pet pretty quickly.

Now, another year later, and Banjo’s a big happy stoutland who’s currently asleep at the end of my bed. Once I turn my light out to sleep though, he’ll crawl up and lie right next to me like he does every night.

Hi can we share stories abt how we first met some of our pokemon?

if you have a pokémon reply ^^^^

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1 year ago

Heya! How is your mudscale doin'? Heard that he was getting in a bit of trouble and feeling alone lately!

(- @pokemonranch)

He’s doing well!

I’ve been spending the last few days giving him some TLC and making sure that he knows I love him. Stoutland’s been cuddling up with him at night too, since I asked him to help spend more time around the big lug.

He still likes collecting my neighbor’s free roaming Pokémon, but I need to have a talk with them about that… the Pokémon seem fine with Mudsdale grooming them and being protective, but they already have homes and some of the neighbors have gotten mad that I haven’t immediately brought them back, so I’m still on the hunt for a few permanent herd mates for him.

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1 year ago
A Photo Of My Mudsdale And My Stoutland Snuggling Up Together For A Nap As It Starts To Rain Outside.

A photo of my Mudsdale and my Stoutland snuggling up together for a nap as it starts to rain outside.

Stoutland’s never particularly liked being on camera, so this is probably going to be one of the few times I actually catch him in a shot.

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1 year ago

Heya! Never have I ever been injured by my own pokemon?


Howdy friend!

I’ve gotten all manner of injuries from my Pokémon and Pokémon under my care! The list is long, but I’ll try and keep it interesting.

When I was just starting out, my first Dodrio Hen broke one of my legs, and would have fully ended my life had Stoutland not been there to save me.

While watching over a competitively bred and freshly evolved Arcanine that my uncle dumped on me, I got a whole bunch of burns all over as he figured out just how to control his fire.

A few years back, when helping teach a school trip about Pokémon farming and ranching, one of the kids didn’t listen when I said “don’t go into the pasture by yourself.” And they snuck off and almost got turned into a fine powder by Grouchy the Tauros, who wound up breaking a few of my ribs in confusion instead.

Just earlier this year, I actually lost my left pinky finger to a spooked Dodrio that was trying to protect itself and its chicks from a wild Raichu that someone released without considering the local ecosystem.

There’s also always a minimum of one nasty looking bump, bruise, cut, or other such blemish from generally handling aggressive Pokémon with sharp bits all over their bodies on me at all times.

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2 years ago
This Is A WIP, I Love The Idea For This Fusion But Its Sooo Damn Hard To Pin Down. Combo Is Sigilyph

this is a WIP, i love the idea for this fusion but its sooo damn hard to pin down. combo is sigilyph and stoutland

im torn between weird creature beast or a costume thats somehow alive.....

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2 years ago
Of Course Theres Muscle Beneath This Pudge, Did You Really Thought All This Lard Carried Itself Around?

“Of course there’s muscle beneath this pudge, did you really thought all this lard carried itself around?”

I’m honestly surprised there’s not a lot of Stoutland furry art!

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1 year ago
So....I Gave Onix A Stoutland.

So....I gave onix a stoutland.

I like to think that he uses them to get around when he is too tired or lazy to do it himself

And he does have a full team of pokemon, I'm just not drawing them yet..

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1 year ago
This Is Mostly Just A Test For The Stoutland That I Gave Onix And That's When I Found Out That The Pen

This is mostly just a test for the stoutland that I gave onix and that's when I found out that the pen can smudge

I still like it tho...onix could be a bit bigger

And I want to give stoutland a name

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1 year ago
So The Stoutland Now Has A Name Is Scout!

So the stoutland now has a name is Scout!

Onix is more then strong enough to pick up scout and fly around with them

They are getting ready for take off

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1 year ago
Onix's Full Team Of Pokemon

Onix's full team of pokemon

Here are their names

Scout the stoutland

Tom the drampa

Ralphie the slowbro

Lily the musharna

John the pangoro

And Emily the shiny lunala (it's just a wing because I can't draw them that well)

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