randomfanboi - RandoRandomGuy

🇬🇧🇺🇦Hi… I’m new around here. I like stuff like Teen Wolf, Twilight and Choices. This is mostly a male reader insert blog.. Somethings on this blog are 18+ worry not as I will warn you. You can ask me anything. And apologies in advance for some things since I’m new. Ask me luv!

47 posts

Why Do I Feel That Gabriel Was The Vampire Hunter, Captain Adalhard

Why do I feel that Gabriel was the vampire hunter, Captain Adalhard

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More Posts from Randomfanboi

2 years ago

Wait… the characters in immortal desires are 18 right? And the book is not 17+? Look I understand… but I still want a steamy scene from Gabe or Cas, they better give it or I’m throwing hands.

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2 years ago

K I have a theory (Spoilers under the cut)

Cas mentioned that Gabe had a history that would make us see them differently. Cas called it karma. So here’s the thing I think Gabe’s family were vampire hunters therefore they got killed by vampires however in the choices files, there is a vampire sprite of Gabe. Plus it makes sense that Gabe’s parents were vampire hunters because where did they get that talisman. But what peeked my interest was when Gabe gave us a silver key. If you read the writing carefully, Gabe’s hand or skin did not touch the key, it was covered in a cloth and they closed our hands around the key. First off why cover it in cloth? And second during the sparring Gabe reacted in a blink of an eye, sure it could be that they’re fast but I find that suspicious.

Gabe could have been turned into a vampire as punishment by the coven.

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2 years ago

Me after the trailer of Hogwarts Legacy:

Me After The Trailer Of Hogwarts Legacy:

Me when reading social media about it:

Me After The Trailer Of Hogwarts Legacy:

Y’all… what is this? I came on here, expecting to see excitement, not criticism.

Explain this please and also explain the backlash against JK Rowling because I am totally lost.

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2 years ago

I miss The Elementalists so hard.

Look Choices… listen. What if we could go to a different magical college, then discover that we are a blood att, we keep it a secret from our friends, teachers etc. and the enemy could be this evil cult of Attunes who are trying to kidnap us to use in a ritual because they know we are a blood att.

Look I miss using magic, AND YOU MOTHERF-… TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!


Anyway I love this story concept I came up with.

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