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YOURE JUST MAKING IT WORSE (in a good way askdsadjksdjha)
hi i’m back with more rambling and i’d like to call it —

under the cut, because god-fuck knows i talk a lot!
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More Posts from Randomikemendegen
Me, just minding my own business:
My brain: Psst. Hey.
Me: No
My brain: What if--
Me: NO
My brain: -- we create ANOTHER TWST OC? *brings out pen tablet*
My brain: Ok ok, but, what if--?
My brain: -- We make it a nine-tailed fox sensei? :'D
Me: ...............
My brain:
Me: *takes the pen tablet* Continue.
Go ahead and hold his hand ;)
After all-
his hand is built for crushing boulders, punching the daylights out of someone, protecting that which is dear to him, and to warm another’s hand.

For all your ocs,if they had to choose between relaxing in the beach,camping in the woods or hot spring which one will they choose?

THE CAMPING TRIO!! (Ophiou, Lala, and Bel)
Now I know what you’re thinking; Lala is understandable, but why Ophi and Bel?? Well, that’s because Bel actually likes to go outside– though it’s mostly to collect items for his potions, that and the fact that the woods is a quiet place to go to without anyone else around. Ophi genuinely likes the woods in much the same vein as Bel, in that it is a quiet place where no one will be able to so much as look at him and such.
When the three found out that their schedules coincide and they were planning to go camping, out of convenience they agreed to go together. Although Lala complained at first since it was a one-person trip for herself but she eventually relented since she didn’t exactly mind Ophi and Bel due to them being people who can take care of themselves and aren’t helpless lil cubs.

THE BEACH TRIO!! (Sei, Fuyu, and Quin)
Fuyu seems like the LAST person who should, yes I say should considering her nature as a snow fae which makes her really weak/lethargic during summer or anywhere really hot, but for the longest of time she’s really wanted to see the ocean, since, where she came from, there was only snow and ice as far as the eye could see. Sei absolutely loves the sea since it feels so wide and out in the open, it has a pretty lively and comfortable feeling for him, Quin, on the other hand, despite also liking the sea and beaches, is embarrassed to go since that would mean he has to go topless (which he quickly corrects with wearing a summer jacket).

THE HOT SPRINGS DUO!! (Shir and Cirnu)
And of course, we get to the “adults” of this roster(for now until fox sensei gets implemented). Shir almost always heads straight to any nearby onsen whenever there’s one and he’s finished with his trainings and duties; he finds himself able to relax a lot more and loosen up a bit. Cirnu just likes the feeling of the hot springs really, as far as her memory is able to dig up she hasn’t tried one at all and so after the first time she’s really come to like going to the hot springs on occasion.
*slams hands on table yet again*
*abruptly stands up once more*
*aggressively points at the two*

More flat color doodle of Dylan and Antoine

“Kufufu, are you lost? Do be careful; after all, danger lurks ever-present all the time. It’s just the fangs are hidden constantly~.”
Name: Hokusai Nasu (old name: Shosei Mizumae)
Occupation: Mystic Arts Teacher
(Fried)tofu, abuurage, and (sweet)adzuki beans
The Gods
Chilli peppers and garlic
Twisted from: No one really. (He’s mostly based off of one of Japan’s Three Greatest and Most Evil Yokai “Tamamo no Mae”)
Short Description:
A teacher at Night Raven College. He is in charge of teaching language classes, such as foreign spells, “dead” incantations and such. Despite his popularity and closeness with the students, no one really seems to know anything about him or his past except for some of the faculty and the headmaster.
Hokusai is, well, shall we describe him, “as slippery as an eel”. Sure, the entire student body knows about his eccentricities, the fact that he always has a different random shtick ready for each and every one of his class sessions, he’s almost always found eating fried tofu which always appears to be literally the only thing he eats, and so much more— but no one really knows about his background, and none of the faculty are willing to indulge on that. Well, let me rephrase that; most of the faculty know a bit about his background, but only the headmaster Crowley and a few of the senior staff members only know about his true origins. He’s extremely mysterious and gives vague answers, some of them being even comical and so out of this world absurd that many students don’t even bother anymore to know, with the 3rd years and some of the 2nd years telling their junior dorm members, “It’s futile to even attempt to know about Hokusai-sensei’s past.”
That being said, it doesn’t mean he has a negative relationship with the student body, far from it. Despite his occasional weird and at times chaotic teaching habits, he’s actually pretty reliable and easy to talk to. Hokusai would even willingly offer and give advice to any student for free, or if he felt like it (no homework though is out of the question, teehee). He’s also one to at times mingle and talk to students himself, though he understands that as a teacher there are boundaries that he has to respect and doesn’t infringe on their lives… but it doesn’t mean that he can’t play favoritism at times, mostly just for fun. Additionally, unlike his past self, he’s quite mellowed out a lot; his recklessness is still there but it’s toned down a bit, he thinks a lot before taking action, and the fact that he DOES seem to ACTUALLY genuinely care about the wellbeing of others, particularly the students… in his own way, despite at times messing with and teasing them (whether it’s of their love life or of their secrets that he somehow managed to know/get a hold of).
However, despite being currently mellowed out, he still retains his… rather, “terrible” aspects. By that I mean, he’s a goddamn good liar and manipulator, as well as having a penchant for sowing seeds of chaos and discord. He has a bad habit of doing literally anything to get what he wants no matter what it is, no matter who gets hurt, and no matter what needs to be done to get it. Hokusai is also still really possessive and dislikes sharing, but often passes it off as a joke… though the way he says it, no one is sure about whether he’s serious or actually just joking, depends on the person. Thankfully, he’s in a binding contract with Crowley so he can’t exactly bring out his old and undying bad habits exactly.
[Will be edited in the future]
His last name, “Nasu”, comes from the plains of Nasu— the area where Tamamo no Mae was eventually slain.
His first name, “Hokusai”, comes from the Japanese artist of the name, “Katsushika [Hokusai]”, and was the one who told the story of Tamamo no Mae during the Edo Period.
His old first name, “Shosei”, comes from the word “sessho sekki”, which means [killing stone]. It is was the spirit of Tamamo no Mae eventually became after her death as it possessed a nearby boulder.
His old last name, “Mizumae”, comes from two of Tamamo’s previous names; “Mizukume” and “Tamamo no Mae”.
He’s contracted to and with headmaster Dire Crowley as an alternate response to his punishment (the original was that he would be sealed for all eternity fully-conscious as penance for his crimes). This is also his chance for repentance and his sentencing.
As a result, he’s relegated to one-tail status as his other eight tails and the majority of his prowess was sealed within him to avoid any mishap on his part, causing his hair and eye color to change from golden-yellow and red to gray/silver and yellow.

calm down me
calm down
dont fall for this
dont u dare fucking jump on this bandwagon or be one of the frontrunners-
hi i’m back with more rambling and i’d like to call it —

under the cut, because god-fuck knows i talk a lot!
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