TAKE ME - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Boxer Caz pls? :3 (as a nod to his past as a boxer in the intro)

Boxer Caz Pls? :3 (as A Nod To His Past As A Boxer In The Intro)

I headcannon that he reconnected with Suze like an hour after getting his face rearranged, which is why she makes that comment about his nose.

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2 years ago

Your strap would look so much better inside me

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8 months ago

I need to be their controversially younger girlfriend bro

I Need To Be Their Controversially Younger Girlfriend Bro
I Need To Be Their Controversially Younger Girlfriend Bro

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7 years ago


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6 years ago
Kimsoojas Room Of Rainbows In Crystal Palace Buen Retiro Park, Madrid, Spain

 Kimsooja’s Room of Rainbows in Crystal Palace Buen Retiro Park, Madrid, Spain

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11 years ago

Yyaaay im in tears and happineess

This Fucking Sign. I Swear.

This fucking sign. I swear.

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5 years ago


I- I did not expect this-


*begins crying* 




i usally don't do face forward portraits just cause they look wonky but ive been getting better at flipping the canvas so i tried it out once more and here was the results

 I Usally Don't Do Face Forward Portraits Just Cause They Look Wonky But Ive Been Getting Better At Flipping

This is a persons cradlesona on discord named "francis clemence" btw

And i REALLY liked how it came out and so i tried the same thing the next day but it was one of those days where it looked better in my head 😂

 I Usally Don't Do Face Forward Portraits Just Cause They Look Wonky But Ive Been Getting Better At Flipping

Ive been getting into twisted wonderland and noticed alot of ppl making ocs and this persons oc @randomikemendegen 👏 so cute 👏 and i love their artstyle and shading- but i didn't give them justice orz. I might try again with line art cause thats been working out too so we will see 👀

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5 years ago


YOURE JUST MAKING IT WORSE (in a good way askdsadjksdjha)

hi i’m back with more rambling and i’d like to call it —


under the cut, because god-fuck knows i talk a lot!

Keep reading

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5 years ago
Literally I Just

literally i just—

Can you write something about your friend dragging you to see pm ( they aren’t that big and are just playing in a cafe place ish ) and you don’t know much about them but you go with her anyway just for the company and enjoy music and Brandon spots you and can’t stop looking at you and you ask your friend which one is he and towards the end of the night you keep flirting and eye contact and whatever and then when you leave to the bathroom he follows and things happen

val’s side note: YETH OMG THIS- wow. hot.đŸ„” i swear i am a child of god.

Ever since Would You Mind came out, your friend became obsessed with PRETTYMUCH, you ended up learning all their songs due to her repeating them almost everyday. You knew they were all cute boys who knew how to dance and sing, but you weren’t that much into them.

Your friend tells you about this little gig that they’re doing and she doesn’t want to go alone, so you gladly agree to join her, cause why not. Once you were there, you were in the front, as your friend wanted to be there super early to get the best spots. The little cafe starts filling up with fans and you can feel the hype start rushing through your friend and you. Popular songs that they like blasting through the speakers, everyone cheering and screaming, great vibes. If you were being honest, you don’t understand why you’re excited too but you don’t mind, it’s as if your gut’s telling you that this night might be exciting.

The boys come out and as soon as they do, your eyes are instantly glued on one of them. You had always found him the most attractive but didn’t pay that much attention, but right now, it was all you could focus on. ‘Holy crap, who’s that?’ You ask your friend giddily, pointing him out as he was dancing. ‘Ohhh, him? That’s Brandon. Wait
 OH. MY. GOD. Are you into him??’ Your friend shouts as she notices how the blush starts creeping through your cheeks and you smile like a fool. ‘I mean
 I might be’ You say as you’re checking him out and you swore that he was too.

Damn, was the boy hot. The rest of the concert you keep on exchanging glances with him, you danced to their songs and sang them loud enough to make sure that you were getting his attention. ‘Okay, this is getting weird now. Please tell me that I’m not going insane, cause I could swear that Brandon was looking at you the entire show’ Your friend says after they finish their last song and get off the stage. ‘Well, we were pretty close to them and I was practically eye-fucking him. So, there might be a possibility’ Rush flowing through your veins.

You decide to go the bathroom to wash your face, you could feel that someone was following you. You turn around and there he was, Brandon Arreaga was following you to the bathroom, what a good story to tell your friend. Although you were excited to see him there, the question was floating in your head, what was he doing there?.

‘Um.. Hi, I’m Brandon’ He scratches his head, blushing a little. ‘Hi Brandon, I’m Y/N’ You smile shyly at him, waiting for him to continue. ‘I don’t know if you noticed, but I couldn’t get my eyes off you during the show and I thought you were doing the same. So, I thought maybe I could get your number
 Of course, if you want to’ He rambles and your heart’s pounding against your chest. ‘Absolutely, I wouldn’t mind at all, and yeah
 I was checking you out too, I find you really attractive actually’ You couldn’t believe your own words, but you were glad you got it off your chest cause next thing you knew, his lips were crashing against yours.

You didn’t know what you were getting into, but whatever this was, you were enjoying it. His hands were grabbing your waist, while his lips hungrily kissed yours. Your hands running wild through his hair. Both of you break the kiss to catch a breath, but he wasn’t letting go that easy and neither were you. Brandon opens the bathroom door, you both get inside and he locks it. Kissing again, you start rubbing your hand against his crotch, the bulge growing in his pants made you want even more. You bend on your knees, he starts unzipping his pants as he lets his d*ck all to you. You don’t hesitate and took him in your mouth as your hands pumped what was left of him. Your movements become sloppier as you could feel how he was close to his release, his hands are on your hair, making you go further. ‘Babe, I
’ His breath hitched and he came, you swallowed and licked your lips proudly. He helps you stand up, brushing your hair slightly, face blushed, swollen lips and tangled hair, that’s what you call a view. 

‘I guess I’ll give you my number now’ You giggle slightly as you try to fix your hair a little. ‘Yeah, that would be lovely-’ Before he gets to say anything else, you hear a knock on the door. ‘Y/N, are you there? You okay?’ Your friend calls from outside, and you could see Brandon was starting to get nervous. ‘Don’t worry, I’ve got this, just go with the flow’ He nods. ‘Yes, I’m fine! Give me a minute and I’ll see you outside, okay?’ You shout to your friend. ‘Fine. But don’t take too long cause I’m starving!’ She says and with that, she’s gone. ‘As I was saying,’ Brandon unlocks his phone and hands it to you so you could add your number ‘it would be amazing to actually get to know each other. I’m into you, Y/N’. You finish typing your number and smile at him, ‘Perhaps we should Brandon, and maybe you could help me and let my friend meet Zion, as a thank you gift?’ You say as you unlock the bathroom door and head outside, Brandon following your steps. ‘If it wasn’t for her, this wouldn’t have happened’ You say as you think of your friend and how you couldn’t be more thankful that she dragged you here. ‘If that means I’ll get to see you again, then you bet’ He winks and pecks you goodbye. Eventful day if you may say so yourself.

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4 years ago

Intimacy. That covers so much to me. I yearn to be intimate with you. I don't mind who. I must be an intimate slut. Just your leg pressed against mine is so good. How would you be intimate with me?

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10 years ago


brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild

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4 years ago

Giving me Cabeswater vibes

The Green Pool ~ Bullock Creek By Steve Reekie
The Green Pool ~ Bullock Creek By Steve Reekie

The Green Pool ~ Bullock Creek by Steve Reekie

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1 year ago
[230911] MINGI For Altered States

[230911] MINGI for Altered States

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