rangersveppir - Skjøldur Labs with Ranger Sveppir
Skjøldur Labs with Ranger Sveppir

Hello, I am Ranger Sveppir. This is just a place where I talk about where I "work".

469 posts

What Did They Think You Were? A Pokemon Haha?

What did they think you were? A pokemon haha?

Ive been here in Alola for a few days, have yet to try a Malasada, really should.

I can relate to that first part.

Chimchar - Have there been any rumors about you?

Tepig - What are some of your favorite foods? Which ones do you crave the most?

Fennekin - Is there anything you like to chew on that you probably shouldn’t?

Oh, all sorts of rumors. The most outlandish was, I believe sometime around my initial assignment to Paldea, rumors that I was not entirely human. I take it as a compliment to my efficiency.

I like bitter foods a lot! Nanab bread, Yago fruit, curry with rawst or aguav berries. Though if I had to pick a favorite it would be malasadas- blame the Alolan side of the family for that one.

If I am given a hoodie and the hood strings have aglets those aglets will not survive. Also, in a context between my teeth and the ends of writing utensils, my teeth win, though not in the long term. Send prayers to my poor dentist who has to deal with "teeth grinding".

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More Posts from Rangersveppir

6 months ago

Quagsire Lax

Tell me your pokemon and their nature and I'll give you some fun facts about them!

6 months ago

This made me tear up.

rangersveppir - Skjøldur Labs with Ranger Sveppir


6 months ago

Even better I have a series of pictures in motion! Its old so sorry about the poor video quality but here we go, for context I had gotten this jar off her twice before deciding to film the third before releasing her from her glassen prison hah.

[Included is a video of a small larvesta with a large jam jar stuck on its head, it has stuck its head in after the sweet smell and is now wiggling around trying to get it off, since its little legs cant quite reach. A male voice can be heard "Sol why? You know its empty, we've already done this twice, there's nothing in it" , *a mechanical hand reaches down and helps get the jar off and throws it in the nearby bin* "Now no more getting in the garbage little lady, you hear me?" *the larvesta looks at the camera, then at the bin, then the camera, then jumps on the bin knocking it over, the footage blurs as a loud NO! can be heard before the video ends.]

Owners of Bug-Types, send me pictures of the lil' grubs. This is an order. I'll sue you if you deny me the joy of seeing images of insects.

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6 months ago

Can relate got to see a Z-move in person for the first time, they look really silly but if it works it works.

Alolans be like "this is my cat, Oppenheimer, and he will explode you if we do a little dance"

6 months ago

For the ask game: Chimchar!

- @anxious-trainer

Quite a few, my personal favorite was back when I was still a ranger a rumor started in Oblivia that I secretly did all the styler repairs after a rookie I was training saw me replace a burnt out rotor. (at my peak I could disassemble, replace and reassemble in about 20 seconds ((the rotors in the MK 4s where prone to burning out)) and when he asked if I did all the repairs I sarcastically said yes. Apparently he did not pick up on the sarcasm.