Rapunzellady42 - Gi Nathlam Hí
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"He reaches it, before everything else, as winter convulses. Dismounts at it. Breezes penetrate deeply through overcoat in the sharp cold. Revenge imitates a desert, his spirit infuriated. Everything embitters him, from a fighter to a friend. When conversation a departure indicated, he left home's terrible secret. Now a large, melancholy God-marionette is situated nearby. A monument to greatness Anahman sees, there among blood-spotted engravings. "Indeed," Anahman says seriously. Silently he's watching, these assurances being most unhelpful. Some water splashes downward among wisteria-draped figurines. He wishes something privately, while flying creatures accelerate northward in disgust. He (a-struggling against instantly nervous hands) alternates earthward and heavenward to recognize ideas faded out of countenance, crying aloud: "Who knew? What substance? Whoever's causing my calamities?" An ancient ivory knife summarily shines, unsheathed, it too crying"Life therein's punishment enough!" London smoke goes southward, repressed, uncertainly answering nothings. Suspense. A startled owl that shrieks forthwith enables courage. Knife and wrist commit coitus, the bloody discharge drowning everything between them. He smiles, falls, dies."
Michael Keith. Not A Wake A Dream Embodying π's Digits Fully For 10000 Decimals. Imperfect
Worst thing ever in the whole world is when a thunderstorm is forecasted and then it doesn’t storm. literally so rude I was excited for this all day.
me: that’s a future me problem
me when i become future me: oh no