just a guy. terfs fuck off
655 posts
Ratchetonsteroids - Ratchetonsteroids - Tumblr Blog

Excuse me as I go insane over the fact that Cybertron is an inorganic-organic hybrid planet


@firefox-official idk who else to tag 😔🙏
Making a chain cause why not!? Hdisiwisjs
Put your name/nickname in the Character Headcanon Generator and see what you get!

@starsinthenigth @mxnaceo @duckp0t + Anyone who wants to do it! (No pressure)

imagine getting chewed out by your husband for being self-sacrificial again

end of the beginning
This is canon right


Had to stop due to migraine:(

Ratchet enters the multiverse!
I'm proud to present my piece for this years @tf-bigbang !!!
Thank you so much to my amazing partner for this Reverse Bang Saphire Dance! Please check out her companion fic Doctor Doctor, it's funny and adorable and so so good. "An accident in Brainstorm's lab brings Ratchet down to discover he's already there. Leave it to Brainstorm to mess with the multiverse. Two Ratchets quickly becomes three. How many Ratchets can the Lost Light handle?"
So I've animated Sparkling Soundwave trying to walk+ discovering his own tentacles
hope yall enjoy cause this shit took my soul
(Also original artwork that inspired this (that ive drawn a while ago))

Sorry if he looked a little different cause I forgot to reference the original image while animating

My characters transformers whom I love madly
Happy Pride Month! 🙏💐
Designger: Rata Maria
Arts: Vigne
Win a drawing for FREE!

Rules are easy:
1. Comment this post with this emoji -> 🤠 (cowboy hat)
2. Reblog
And done! ✅
I will assign you a number and select the winner through a lottery system!
Sketch style -> this (only digital version of course!)
<48 hours left>
Good luck! I’m looking forward to draw your character! 😊
(Doing this to avoid an art block lol)
@lets-try-some-writing I just remembered you like op angst, so I recommend this if you haven't seen it already :)
*Cracks Knuckles* Let’s Get Started
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Jack Darby & Rafael "Raf" Esquivel & Miko Nakadai
Characters: Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, Rafael "Raf" Esquivel, Bulkhead (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Mechanic - Character
Additional Tags: robot gore, Mild Swearing Part 8 of Smug Bastard Words: 4,017 Chapters: 2
*Cracks Knuckles* Let’s Get Started
General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Jack Darby & Rafael "Raf" Esquivel & Miko Nakadai
Characters: Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, Rafael "Raf" Esquivel, Bulkhead (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Mechanic - Character
Additional Tags: robot gore, Mild Swearing Part 8 of Smug Bastard Words: 4,017 Chapters: 2

Good luck on tfp 😭😭 he's hard 2 draw realistically

accepting suggestions for the last megan.. !!!
write your url by only using emojis
love a fictional character who will scowl and tell people “I’m not sick” “I’m not hungry” “I didn’t get injured”
meanwhile he has an extremely high fever, he ate some soup last week, and the blood is soaking through his jacket
"GuYs thIS ShIt wOrkS" let's see then

oh god what did i do
