I'm Raven, i like to draw, I use they/them pronouns Zeph★ Lover™ That's all :) Yt: https://youtube.com/channel/UC-Xtj93Znw4P0VLPsSnkVOg TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ravengachaarchive?_t=8fHJsWNiJW5&_r=1
82 posts
Doodles :3

Doodles :3
liquidifiedsnake liked this · 8 months ago
clownpalette liked this · 8 months ago
More Posts from Ravendraws13
Why is this me constantly

Re-reblogging this because we did the KKK in history and it's on the rise again. Absolutely not, not in my house.

Rebell Designs :D
Hello, just wanted to 'announce' that my sister and I will be at the Salt And Tar Teenage Market event in Bootle selling original bleached T-shirt designs + hand painted artwork under the name R.E.Bell Designs.

We'll be there both days (27th & 28th) so if you're in the area and feel like coming (even if not for us) it'll be great.
once again thinking about the solid snake panty lines tweet
Me 10 minutes after finding a local alternative indie band and listening to their whole discography and deciding I'm their biggest fan

Id seen a slideshow on Tiktok using their music (it was the bands acc) so I go have a listen because gothic rock is right up my alley, click on a song and oh my god. It brought tears to my ears, it ascended me to a higher state of being, my frontal lobe developed and I personally high fived jesus and thanked god for blessing me with ears to listen to such a beautiful song and gifting us the men who made it. It had 6 likes and 11 views. Diabolical. Shout out to The Sprats I love you guys!!!