I'm Raven, i like to draw, I use they/them pronouns Zeph★ Lover™ That's all :) Yt: https://youtube.com/channel/UC-Xtj93Znw4P0VLPsSnkVOg TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ravengachaarchive?_t=8fHJsWNiJW5&_r=1
82 posts
Rebell Designs :D
Rebell Designs :D
Hello, just wanted to 'announce' that my sister and I will be at the Salt And Tar Teenage Market event in Bootle selling original bleached T-shirt designs + hand painted artwork under the name R.E.Bell Designs.

We'll be there both days (27th & 28th) so if you're in the area and feel like coming (even if not for us) it'll be great.
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More Posts from Ravendraws13
once again thinking about the solid snake panty lines tweet
Here to have a little complaint because it's been on my mind. I have a younger cousin, nine years old she is, in year 4, primary school. I was out with her a couple weeks back in our local shopping centre and they had a small fair on for kids including face painting. Now my little cousin was really excited and asked if I'd wait in line with her to get her face painted which of course I said yes. As we were waiting I noticed a group of girls, around her age maybe a little older but 10/11 MAX, all in full nike with designer purses GLARING at my younger cousin and giggling at her for wanting to get her face painted. And like. What the fuck? I don't see anything wrong with a child being a child. However I don't blame these girls, I blame the way they were raised, societys expectations forcing them to think they had to be that way. What is happening to our youth is tragic. Tween years are being erased and teenagers practically have to be adults just to be deemed cool. It is sick. Let kids be kids.
This is why I quit Pokémon, too many sweats (I watched the anime)
I've caught Rayquaza in Pokémon Sword!!
Now I can formally summit my application to Team Sky!
Typa shit I do ong

Why is this me constantly