(31, irish) the raven cycle & all for the game, etc. PSA:I'm happy to consult on any cultural queries involving irish ronan lynch aus - seriously hmu to save us all
234 posts
So I Havent Posted Any Ronan Lynch Jams In A While, And While This Isnt Being Added To My Magnum Opus
so i haven’t posted any ronan lynch jams in a while, and while this isn’t being added to my magnum opus ronan headcanon & playlist of alt abrasive techno & electronic music, this is 110% a bygone lynch family favourite that niall used to pump full volume to his sons at every opportunity
irish punk-grunge about the troubles, how could he not?
even declan wasn’t able to resist howling along to “it’s the same old theme/since 1916/in your head, in your head, they’re still fighting”
(also niall’s parenting relied heavily on proclaiming “this is not what the men of 1916 died for” whenever any of his sons did something dumb because he always thought this was hilarious sorry i don’t make the rules) but maybe “another mother’s breaking/heart is taking over/when the violence causes silence/we must be mistaken” cuts a little too close to the bone these days
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More Posts from Ravenslynch
kavinsky: look, if you don’t want to date me, and you say you don’t want to date gansey, then who?

i never do fic recs but nu yur nu meh etc. i’m in the mood so here we go for some pynch goodness - I’m just focusing on complete stories rn as I was going to include incomplete works and then realised that that would be a lot and take more time than i have rn, so hopefully I’ll make another post with those at a later stage. i’m also just posting these three stories as a lot of my other complete fic recs are much more popular/generally rec’d so i thought it might be nice to give these a boost (they’re all relatively recent too)
not that damn impossible by @douxamers / douxamer Rating: E | Length: 15,909 ‘I was thinking,’ Adam says eventually. ‘I’m lucky. That we’re friends.’Friends, Ronan thinks, and the word shakes him back to earth. He’s supposed to be Adam’s fucking friend. non-magical au, ronan pov, pining/slowburn, robert parrish warning - ronan is so wholesome, the barns is so wholesome, it starts with an alternate beginning to ronan and adam’s friendship and evolves into catching feelings and i cannot, but also you know that the shadow of robert parrish looms large in the background so there is also deep dark concern. i could read more and more of this a+ character work Witchcraft Celebrates by eheyeh (anyone know this author’s tumblr url?) Rating: M (though there’s an additional extra scene in the series which is E) | Length: 42,117 A slow burn, assholes-to-friends-to-lovers au, featuring cameos of Gansey being Gansey, but mainly about Adam and Ronan. Well, to be honest, mainly about Adam. But that makes it about Ronan. Or maybe it's the other way around. There are feelings and bad music and boys throwing things. Also pie. non-magic au (though persephone is her all-knowing self), mixed pov, set in new york, as above assholes-to-friends-to-lovers, robert parrish warning - while this is a non-magic au, the author does a really interesting job of altering elements of canon, particularly in relation to adam’s arc with his parents, to make them gel in a really realistic way. again character work is fabbb (i really liked the mention of the gadgets that ronan created as a prolific insomiac) & also adam’s approach to ronan’s birthday left me deceased
Walls and Bedrock by @douxamers / douxamer Rating: M | Length: 15,835 ‘Adam?’ said the therapist, with maybe a tinge of impatience creeping into her voice. It wasn’t – it wasn’t like if he said the wrong answer she’d tattoo Adam’s forehead with ‘fucked-up.’ (Ronan had said that this morning. Well, garbled it through a mouthful of eggs.) Author’s Note: Non-magical AU, except Ronan's still a dream-thief. Set in the summer and fall between junior and senior year – Ronan has dropped out of school and is living alone in the Barns, while Adam is in an apartment and in school/working. Some things from canon are the same, some are different. WARNING: In this fic Adam mentally re-lives many scenes from his abusive childhood. The abuse itself is not re-lived but there are several references to violence. Adam and other characters discuss, in depth, the psychological effects of his abuse. adam sees a therapist, adam pov, adam feels unknowable, established relationship, hurt/comfort, secrets, non-linear narrative, sickfic, mental health and relationships, adam and ronan are good with kids, flashbacks to violence, flashback to animal cruelty in chapter 11 - this fic is heavy on the feels. ronan is extremely supportive and gentle and loving in an extremely ronan way. adam struggles to be on the receiving end of this and with his own understanding of his ability to love him back, or to think of a future where they’d grow a family of their own, due to the nature of his childhood. tbh i felt the way the books ended the storyline with adam and his parents was sort of abrupt? like suddenly his trauma evaporated or something. as a result, i’m completely here for adam not being suddenly okay, with him dealing with his past and seeking therapy and struggling with this. it’s tough and adam falls apart and ronan aches for him and it’s all expertly executed, you should read it if you can.
god can you imagine being niall's lawyer
niall: i want to leave a few million dollars to each of my sons and the rest to maintaining my house and wife
lawyer: weird way to say that but all right
niall: she's going to go into a coma when i die, you know
niall: also i want my middle son to have the house, but if he ever goes inside it, bankrupt the little shit
niall, brandishing a scrap of paper: also here's this sentence in a nonsense language. work that in somewhere
@ganseylike #but on the other hand #no-one in scotland is going to specify that the gaelic they speak is 'SCOTTISH gaelic' yeah this is probably v true - I haven’t had the chance to get into this with a Scottish person yet, I just threw it in absentmindedly as Scottish people may be more likely to call it gaelic, particularly as they also have scots which is a seperate language? - scottish people feel free to come here and yell at me as this is just off the cuff thinking here - basically it’s more that scots gaelic is how we refer to scottish gaelic in ireland, but we don’t tend to use gaelic when we’re referring to our own language and it’s not a component of its title
mainly I just want to avoid the narrative dissonance which comes from reading something about an irish character and then being told that they are speaking gaelic, it’s just so jarring.
PSA for the raven cycle fandom or any other fandom with irish characters or characters of irish descent - irish people call the irish language irish or, in irish, gaeilge. the word gaelic is usually used to refer to gaelic football. no one says that they speak gaelic here.
there are gaelic languages - scots gaelic, for example, being the name of the gaelic language spoken in scotland - but, if you’re talking about irish people speaking the gaelic language of ireland, it’s called irish/gaeilge. thanks so much for tuning in.
i was just absentmindedly thinking about how the death card in the tarot deck doesn’t normally signify death, and instead should be interpreted to mean a transformation, and all the while blue is told by her tarot-wielding family that when she kisses her true love they will die and gansey doesn’t really die he is transformed and wow am i satisfied