reallytinyceline - really tiny celine
really tiny celine

hi:) im cnart12 on deviantart and i write gt/tiny stories ace/pan she/her

51 posts

Heyo Heres A Gt One Shot Short I Wrote A Couple Months Ago, You Can Also Check It Out On My Deviantart

heyo heres a gt one shot short i wrote a couple months ago, you can also check it out on my deviantart account :

i just figured people may need something happy and carefree to read in light of recent events in america. its hard going through my day with little to no hope on gun reform being made and the general state of our country under trump, but little things like this tend to be a ray of light in the dark. 


Wet. Drenched. Freezing. I hated my life in that moment. Dodging huge balls of water the size of my head was terrifying and time consuming. My hair was soaked, hell, my entire body was soaked. How was I supposed to show up to this meeting looking like I had just showered fully clothed? The wind was also so strong that it almost lifted me up with it, like a flyaway sheet of paper. Don’t go outside, the news station said, it’s not safe for humans. Well, apparently my boss didn’t get the memo, not that he cared about the safety of humans anyways.   My blouse clung to my torso, and the hair that I painstakingly put into a sweet little twist on the back of my head now hung limply in my eyes. I could barely see twenty feet ahead of me, much less now know the direction of the bus stop. Damn this world and its lack of accommodations towards humans. My heaven would be me, curled up on my couch, sipping tea and watching Netflix, but no, my boss specifically needed me to come in today to “help” him present a new idea to prospective backers, but it really meant he just needed a pretty face and a human to show how “race inclusive” the company was. A freezing drop of rain splatted right on my head, soaking me to the bone. I stood in place for a moment, frozen in frustration and shock. I was completely and utterly drenched, and there had to be at least another mile until I reached the bus stop. Tears welled up in my eyes but I swallowed them down and trudged along, I couldn’t risk not showing up. I needed this job. Nobody was outside at all, I didn’t even catch a glimpse of a giant, even though this storm wouldn’t be as severe for them. What I would’ve given to have been sixty feet taller so I wouldn’t be so wet. I let a sigh escape my lips and shoved the hair out of my eyes, holding my briefcase close to my chest, hoping my laptop wasn’t ruined already by the water.  A huge gust of wind smacked that hair right back onto my face, almost taking me with it. A real jolt of fear trickled down my back, it really wasn’t safe for me to be out. My dress was so heavy with water that the hem fell below my knees, beyond my rain jacket. I squinted my eyes, searching for a tree or bench or something to stand under, but there was nothing in sight. Only darkness and impenetrable sheets of rain. Another powerful gust of wind whipped around me, and it was so powerful that my feet lifted from the ground and I blown a couple feet with it. I let out a sharp scream, scared out of my wits that I would be blown away and never be seen again. I struggled to remain on solid ground, tears adding to my already soaked face. And with another strong blast, I was airborne. I screamed in utter fear, flapping my arms like an idiot trying to get back to the sweet, dear solid concrete. SMACK

I collided into something, hard enough to whack the air from my chest and cause a shock of pain to reverberate through my body, and I fell onto my back. My eyes closed in a wince, but they opened right back up again when I realized that I was suddenly on a sold (yet warm?) ground and that curiously enough, it wasn’t raining anymore. Oh fuck. In the darkness of the enclosed space, I could just barely make out the impossibly large fingers arched over me, each one slightly larger than my entire body. I immediately sat up, hands sliding over the rough skin of the palm beneath me. I was cupped in a giant’s hands. The surface below me tilted, and I was thrown against where the fingers met the palm, getting the air knocked out of me again. It seemed like the giant, whoever he, guessing from the girth of the fingers and the callouses beneath me, was jogging. I was so terrified that I was being kidnapped, that I began to claw at the fingers trapping me, hoping, to miraculously wrench one away so I could somehow escape. But I continued to be jostled around, and my efforts failed. And suddenly, all was still. I could hear the deep breathing of the giant, and the rain against glass. He brought me inside? I couldn’t stop shaking from fear. Who knew what his intentions were? Nobody would care if I went missing, I had no family, no friends. My boss wouldn’t give two shits if I disappeared. I shielded my eyes at light hit me when he opened his fingers, and curled up into a small ball. “Hey, hey, I’m not gonna hurt you,” a deep voice rumbled, causing me to cringe. I tensed, still refusing to open my eyes. “I saw you in the storm, and I couldn’t just let you be blown away,” he stated sincerely, “Here… I’ll set you down.” His hands tipped, and I uncovered my eyes, clambering off his hands and onto a white surface. I landed on my side and winced in pain, but ignored it and scrambled in the opposite direction of the giant. “I’m so sorry if I scared you, and I wish I could’ve asked permission to hold you, but it was uh, I would say, a matter of urgency.” At that, I finally turned to face him, still trembling in the shock of the whole event, cold and nearly frozen in fear. My eyes met a huge toned dress-shirt covered abdomen, and travelled up and up, until his face. I made eye contact with a man whose nose was only a bit smaller than the length of my entire body. He was very handsome, I admit, with sharp features that were currently contorted in an expression of worry and care. But I wasn’t really paying attention to looks, and was more distressed about the fact I may have just been kidnapped. He looked about my age, maybe a little older. Damp brown hair fell messily on his forehead. He crouched down further, and now eye level, searched my face with ginormous hazel eyes. “Are you okay?” Stunned mute, I just nodded and stepped back a few feet, wrapping my arms around my body self consciously. I had always felt awkward and small around giants and tried to avoid direct contact with them, always opting for human staircases and elevators instead of hopping in their hands. I didn’t like how small and insignificant they made me feel, and with this beautiful huge man staring at me, I just felt more uncomfortable and scared. I let my eyes take in our surroundings. It looked like we were in a basically empty department store, and he had set me on a shelf that had some giant-made heels on it. “I’m Leo,” My gaze snapped back to his face, and then to his outstretched finger. I swallowed, “C-Caroline,” I moved forward and shook his finger, and then quickly retreated. My voice was so shaky. “Uh, t-thank you for uh, that.” I gestured to the storm just beyond the glass windows and let out a small, nervous laugh. Leo’s mouth lifted in a slight smile, “No problem.” He searched me again with those huge orbs, moving up my soaked body, “Are you sure you’re okay? It’s pretty dangerous out there.” “Yeah, I figured that out,” I shifted on my feet anxiously and wiped the hair from my face, not meeting his gaze. “Maybe a couple bruises and some mental trauma, but nothing I won’t recover from.” I sneezed, and another bout of shivered wracked my body. “Damn, you must be freezing. You’re definitely get sick if you stay in those soaking clothes.” He observed, eyebrows furrowing in concern, “Let me take you home, it would be the least I could do after probably terrifying you when I grabbed you out of the air.” I bit my lip, “I-I really have to get to work,” I held up my briefcase, “I can’t miss this meeting… my boss will be pissed if I do.” His eyes widened in surprise, “Your boss is making you,” he nodded at me, “in this size, travel through one of the worst storms this spring to go to work?” Ethan frowned, “That’s messed up, it’s been broadcasted that the weather is too unsafe for humans to go outside.” He threw his hands up, causing me to gasp and move back a couple steps from the unexpected movement. “Sorry,” he said, noticing my intimidated expression, “that’s just ridiculous.” I glanced down at my feet, watching the water puddle around the flats I bought just last week. “I know,” I agreed, “I just really have no choice,” I tapped my wristwatch, sighing when I realized the clock-hands were stuck, probably broken from the rain water, “I, uh, better get going, I don’t want to be more late than I am.” I awkwardly avoided eye contact, letting my gaze pass over the totally store we were in, and tried to ignore the fact that a huge man was currently staring at me. “Can I at least drop you off somewhere?” He prodded. “I, uh,” my voice cracked, and I had to swallow back frustrated tears, I was basically reliant on his stranger, regardless of the fact that he saved me, “I guess… My bus stop wasn’t too far from where I got blown away.” I dared to sneak a glance upward, momentarily mesmerized by the lingering raindrops clinging to his lashes. “Here,” he slowly extended his hand, and laid it flat beside me, carefully watching me. I stared at it with doubt. There is so much trust and faith that goes into being carried by someone, and I only really had three people I’ve ever been close enough with in my entire life that I allowed to hold me. “I promise I won’t do anything to hurt you, or endanger you, Caroline.” I met his gaze again, wordlessly nodded, and shuffled my feet to his hand, and winced when I leaned weight on it to climb on, trying to repress my fear. Once I was as safely situated as I could, and effectively self conscious of my size, he lifted his hand with such slowness, it was as though he thought I would break. I slammed my eyes shut, a fear of heights and a fear of ginormous beings was enough for my poor nerves. He must’ve felt me trembling, because the next thing I knew, I was carefully prodded with one of those log-like fingers. I flinched, eyes flying open, and after that, my mouth as well. I was closer than comfortable with his face, and there was an obvious tinge of red spreading across his cheeks from him studying me. “Sorry,” he mumbled, “Just wanted to make sure you were okay.” I gave a nervous “thumbs-up” and wrapped my arms protectively around myself as his fingers closed around me, leaving me in a scarily spacious, living cave of skin. He started walking, and I heard the ding of the department store door, and the aching cold of outside leaked between his fingers, making me shiver. As though he felt that, his fingers closed tighter and I was jostled a bit, as he jogged through the pelting rain. It was one of the weirdest experiences I’ve ever gone through, it was like being in one of those spaceship simulators in an Air and Space Museum, but only this time, I didn’t actually feel sick at all. I found myself clinging to one of his pinkies, and soaking up his natural body heat. In a short time, he stopped, and opened up his hands, revealing, thankfully, the bus stop. I let out a sigh of relief. He slowly fell to his knees, using one hand to brace his weight on the ground. I turned and looked up at him, “Thank you so much for this, I really don’t know what I would have done without you.” Leo smiled, revealing adorable dimples that made my heart ache for some reason, “I’m always there for a damsel in distress,” he said as he lowered me under the bus stop canopy, letting me step off. For a split second I missed his touch, the heat. I mean, I was cold and wet, so that made sense… right? “I, um, thank you again,” I sheepishly smiled, tucking a wet strand of hair behind my ear. I offered my hand to him, and with delicacy that blew me away, he took it between his finger and thumb, and with restrained strength, shook it. He let go, and I drew in a deep, shaky breath. “My pleasure,” Another grin lit his face up. “Uh, so...  I guess I’ll see you around?” “Yeah, I’ll see you around.” And with that I turned around, ready to climb the steps up the bus canopy to the human-bus connector bridge. But something stopped me in my tracks. There was a feeling here I couldn’t shake. Like I was letting something very important go. I spun around, biting my lip as I saw him stand up to his enormous height. I stared at his shoes for a few seconds, before I decided on impulse to jog back over. “Leo!” I shouted, but was not heard as the rain and wind drowned me out. Just before his loafer lifted from the ground in a step, I kicked it as hard as I could. It stopped mid-motion, and I gazed upward as he lowered himself into a crouch, blocking the rain out with his mammoth figure. He looked at me curiously, a half smile curving his lips. The words died in my throat as I was once again overwhelmed by him, but I shook it off. “Um…” I shifted nervously, I couldn’t believe I was about to ask this. “Could I… Could I get your number?” I laughed nervously, and glanced away, ready to accept rejection. “I thought you’d never ask.” His lips split into a full, toothy grin, hazel eyes sparkling. I felt like a blush spread over my whole body in that instant. The rain works in mysterious ways, I thought to myself with a smile, and a flutter awoke in my dusty heart.

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I’m all for this 


my love for them is so stron g same 

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This Was A Beast Of A Project But It Was Worth It! Have Some G/T Point Of View Goodness.

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