reallytinyceline - really tiny celine
really tiny celine

hi:) im cnart12 on deviantart and i write gt/tiny stories ace/pan she/her

51 posts

You Know What I Fuckin Want

you know what i fuckin want

lord of the rings g/t  - interactions between hobbits who’ve never seen big folk before and are totally freaked but i dont feel skilled enough to write in the arda universe bc tokien is some good shit and it makes me sad when i see butchered lotr fanfiction 

  • nocturnal-birdie
    nocturnal-birdie liked this · 6 years ago

More Posts from Reallytinyceline

6 years ago


I’m pretty sure there’s something already on the discord servers (but I can’t find it lol), but I just thought it would be kind of nice to do a Tumblr Masterlist with all the G/t content creators.  That way, people could find blogs to follow based on their interests a little easier and some lesser known Gt artists can get some exposure!!  Since I’m sure this list will be edited from time to time, I’ll post a permanent link to it in my sidebar so that people will be able to access it whenever they want!

Some stipulations for the list: Please only send me info if you’re a CONTENT CREATOR.  Ideally I would love to do a master list of everyone in the Gt community but that list would just infinitesimally long.  It’s okay if you reblog other Gt content on your blog (other than your own) since I’m asking for people’s art tags in addition to their url’s, but if you don’t produce your own Gt content to some degree, please don’t submit anything!

If you are a content creator, DM me this info! Tumblr Username(s), (If you’re like me and have two different art blogs, just send me the names and appropriate info for both!) Art Tag: (Send me the URL) Blog Rating: SFW, NSFW Medium: Artist, Writer, Both  Content: Primarily G/t, Primarily GTS, Occasionally, G/t, Occasionally GTS, Both Gt/GTS Equally Content: M/m, M/f, F/f, F/m, etc. (Feel free to specify if you produce content of other genders/orientations!) Content Size Preference: This will vary from person to person, so just send me what sizes you usually draw! Commissions: Yes/No (If you do commissions, send me the url of your commission sheet) Art Trades: Yes/No Takes Requests: Yes/No Open to RP: Yes/No Other Social Media: Deviantart, Twitter, etc. (basically any other platform used to post your original content)

If you guys could DM me this info that’d be great.  This list will def help people sort out blogs based by interests and it’ll help some smaller blogs get some exposure!! So even if you’re not a content creator, could you guys at least reblog this around so that people can see it?  It’d be much appreciated!! Thanks everyone~~

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7 years ago

tinies putting their tiny hands on giant fingertips

7 years ago
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.
Morning 4! Thawing Some Ice.

Morning 4! Thawing some ice.

Once again, feel free to drop me (or Alasdair, or Alicia) asks - I thrive on that stuff, no lie. And I love sketching answers.

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6 years ago

LMFAO OMG i was relistening to some good disney tracks and I decided to look up the music video for Here I Am (from Spirit) because its a fuckin awesome song and LOOK ITS G/T AAAaAA THIS WAS SO UNEXPECTED

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6 years ago

I need to go to bed, but here’s a really bad, really quick g/t story with some new ocs

Trigger warning for fearplay?  and the mention of depression?

Keep reading

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