redriot619 - Untitled

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Redriot619 - Untitled

redriot619 - Untitled

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2 years ago

Okay, everyone in the US needs to look at what's happening right now and analyze it like you would a list of events from a history textbook:

Children are stolen from their families, locked in "detention centers."

A president attempts a coup, but he is not impeached. The people who took part in the attempted coup are given sentences of anywhere from a few months to a few years. Nowhere near what one would expect for people who committed treason.

There are numerous laws put in place to limit voting even more than it was already limited.

There are laws passed to discriminate against entire groups of people, and a main political party calls human beings abominations.

The highest court rules that convicted criminals have no right to introduce new evidence, even if it proves the "criminal" innocent."

The highest court rules that police cannot be sued for not informing someone of their right.

The highest court says that they intend to take away bodily autonomy from women, children, trans men, nonbinary people, agender people, intersex people, gender fluid people, and other gender nonconforming people.

If I was reading this about a country in a history textbook, I would clearly be able to see that the country was losing any semblance to a democracy. If this was a novel, I would be shouting at the main character to wake up. What do you think?