Hey! I'm Ren (E/Them) This is where I put my art stuff I guess. Please don’t repost any art without asking first or crediting. Reblogs are very much appreciated. COMMISSIONS OPEN!
399 posts
Inktober 23/24: Dancing

Inktober 23/24: dancing
inmyfreshestj-s-blog-blog liked this · 6 years ago
More Posts from Ren-the-pen
Depression: I thought I killed you
Me: I lived.
Depression: I thought I broke you
Me: I’m whole
Depression: I thought I controlled you
Me: Well, it’s time to stop thinking and start looking around. Because I’m still here and you can’t do anything about that. You can try and sometimes you may get really really close, but I will always have the power to put you in your place.
Your art is lovely. Hope you'll have a pleasant day/afternoon.
*nervous artist mechanical noises* thaAaAaAnnnnnnnNKzzt you so much! I-I-I hope you have a lovely day azzz well, fellow human-n-n-n

Happy New Year everybody! 2018 was hell, but we got through it. GET READY FOR 2019, THE YEAR OF SUPER-DUPER HELL BUT WE DO OUR BEST!!!!!!