rengerain - Renge & Rain
Renge & Rain

52 posts



It’s hard to keep your head above the water when you’re drowning in your own tears...  Take that, former me who wrote horrible Goth poetry! 

More Posts from Rengerain

3 years ago

I’m a magpie...

You can become a child’s hero in surprising ways…

While I was waiting for names to be called at Parent Pick up, a little boy named Dell dropped the shiny silver bead he had found.

He became really upset…  

It was going to be yet another surprise gift for his mom!  Dell usually tends to pick her (and his teachers) flowers and draw pictures full of hearts.  So when he lost his bead Dell began to panic and crawl around on the floor.

I make beaded jewelry for fun…

It took me 3 seconds to find what he was looking for.  I picked it up and gave it to him…

I got the biggest smile…

And since that day, I’ve gotten a couple of hugs as well…

Erase the stigma and ignore inaccurate depictions in the media.  I’ve said it a couple of times now.

The sweetest boys have Autism!

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3 years ago


Hug hug hug hug hug

You’re my favorite teacher

No, no please don’t leave!

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3 years ago

Depressed Again...

Depression hits hard

What if it never leaves me

Will I be trapped here?

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3 years ago

Late Post...

So sorry…

I missed my post deadline…

I was in a lot of pain yesterday.

Anyway, I really must look up how to run Tumblr automatically.

But for now, I still have a praxis to study for…

And it’s making me so anxious that I am making myself ill…

It always happens…

My stomach is killing me and I can’t eat or drink certain things without making it worse.

Like dairy, anything spicy, caffeine, sugar, citrus, etc.

Half of my normal eating habits are now off limits.

And I get to endure a full week of this since the test is next Saturday…


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