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58 posts

Was Always A Dream, Part I

Was Always a Dream, Part I

“Every night I lie in bedThe brightest colors fill my headA million dreams are keeping me awakeI think of what the world could beA vision of the one I see” In keeping with the Pride month of June, I have a story for you that continues into today. So that we are all on the same page, not all of you reading this may know what I mean by Pride. “The word ‘pride’ is an integral cultural concept…

Was Always A Dream, Part I

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More Posts from Revairin

10 months ago

 A Pan Handling Dilemma

Photo by MART PRODUCTION on “People don’t like to see homelessness,” he said, adding he felt like perhaps the community would rather the homeless, “be out of sight.”   — Steve Huston                                                   Waiting in his truck at the stoplight, Aiden noticed the man dressed in a green leprechaun suit and hat (yes, really) who was holding a black decorated…

A Pan Handling Dilemma

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11 months ago

Erasing the Black Cloud

Rainbow over the River Forth taken from the esplanade in Kirkcaldy, Fife. WorldPhotographyDay22 by Craig is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0 It was an hour later and the patient having Dialysis had another code white. A code white can be that the pt was unresponsive, a possible stroke, or having respiratory challenges. He was unresponsive for a second time. By the time I arrived, he had been responding…

Erasing The Black Cloud

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9 months ago

The Heart of Joy

“We cannot always control the situation we are in,                                                         but we can always control our attitude toward it.” – Victor Frankl Aiden remembers how his dad died. He died the way he lived, as a gentle man and a gentleman. His name was Wilbur Ernest Wolf, and he grew up on a farm, becoming a jack of all trades and a master at some of them. Dad was a…

The Heart Of Joy

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7 months ago

Surfing with Spirit

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”— Jon Kabat-ZinnWhat is it like to let the Spirit, as in the Holy Spirit,run and operate in and as your life? What would that mean? The sport of surfingis a great metaphor and example that can explain how well we can have Spirit,run and operate in our lives. When one allows themselves to let the Spirit guidethem, one can flow more in their…

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9 months ago

Immortality or Death

Sophie curled up next to Abbie “Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present. Our life has no end in just the way in which our visual field has no limits.” —Ludwig Wittgenstein, Australian Philosopher Aiden couldn’t imagine life without…

Immortality Or Death

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