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Me: Watches 'Sunshine' (2007).

Me: Watches 'Sunshine' (2007).
Me five minutes after the movie ends: "Man, I could really go for watching 'Sunshine' again..."
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Link is Super Handy for just that. Or you can just Move To all the momentarily unwanted cues to some distant number range.
There's also the sweet "Load earlier save file version" ability that the audio guy is very jealous of.
But! In this case?
It honestly didn't need 60 cues, it's a "Shaw Play". One location. One room. In Real Time. In the middle of the day.
We might have to break out Battleship over headset to pass the time.
With/Without Directors.
Lighting LD Levels:
In attendance: Lighting Designer, Assistant Lighting Designer, Lighting Board Operator (me).
Five hours of programming subtle, half minute shifts in looks as characters enter and exit and move around the stage.
————Next Day————
Lighting LX 1:
In attendance: Lighting Designer, Assistant Lighting Designer, Lighting Board Operator (me). Director, Assistant Director, Stage Manager, Light Walker.
LD: Talking with Director. Comes on Comm: “… Delete cues 8 through 60.”
Subtlety be damned. One look for an hour.

Easter Monday, 2019
Got a call to assist my stage manager from “The Orchard (after Chekov)” last year. Raccoon had got stuck in one of her compost bins. Sorted that out, but now I was dressed and in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
The weather was beautiful, all the summer bikers were out and about. Decided since I was outside, I might as well have an adventure. There’s an ATV track that runs parallel to Concession 1 Road.
Black Hole Update
Hello! I’ve seen a lot of people talking about Katie Bouman and her work on the black hole picture, and sharing around photos of her excitement when they got the photo, and I’m glad that she’s getting recognition. However, while Bouman herself has emphasized that the project was a team effort, a lot of people seem to be overlooking or erasing the very notable contributions of some of the other scientists who worked on it, and that doesn’t sit great with me, so I’m here to draw attention to a couple of them as well.

This is Andrew Chael. He worked with Bouman on the algorithm to construct the image of the black hole and did most of the raw coding for it.

Speaking of that algorithm this is Mareki Honma, who is the man I’m given to understand was its original inventor. Here he is announcing the photo at a press conference in Tokyo.
And here is a link to Harvard’s page on all the contributing members of the Black Hole Initiative, including Bouman and these two!

Look at that.
The road to adventure stretches ahead!
Easter Monday, 2019
Got a call to assist my stage manager from “The Orchard (after Chekov)” last year. Raccoon had got stuck in one of her compost bins. Sorted that out, but now I was dressed and in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
The weather was beautiful, all the summer bikers were out and about. Decided since I was outside, I might as well have an adventure. There’s an ATV track that runs parallel to Concession 1 Road.
Standing on the top railing of a scissor lift due to vertical access limitations, upper body wedged into a two foot square crawl space, boxed in by a sprinkler pipe and aluminium L-track with those cheap styrofoam feeling ceiling tiles. Only one small enough to fit, with nimble enough fingers to reinstall blackout curtain motor limit chain.
Venue Head LX (on ground) to Construction Electrician (properly in scissor lift beside me): "Hey, do we have a stud finder?"
I drop down out of the ceiling just enough to double thumb point at my chest and declare "This guuyyy."
ConstLX almost dies laughing. HeadLX's face was sheer confusion. I love this job.