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6 months ago

I felt like being emotionally destroyed today, so I watched the dub of episode 151 of MHA. I don't know what it is about Izuku's face when he comes careening out of the sky like a fucking warhead and sees the state of the fight but it gets to me every single time in both languages. He looks positively haunted and it makes me want to cry, my poor son. Anywho, to recover, I decided to go rewatch 136 and 137, which are my favorite episodes of the entire goddamn series and I realized it's high time I do a little rant about them.

This is mostly for me because, again, I don't have anyone to rant about this with and I have got to get these emotions out of me somehow, but I hope someone else finds it enjoyable!

Welcome to Lizzy's MHA Evening Ramble: Why MHA episodes 136 (Deku vs. Class A) and 137 (A Young Woman's Declaration) are what really show us the impact Izuku has had on the people around him (specifically Class 1-A).

Honestly, I don't have much science to back up this post. There's not really a psychological reason behind why these episodes slap, but they do and I'm gonna talk about it.

You see, for better or for worse, everyone in Class-A has a different and unique personality. That much is obvious, I know, but that also means each of them have different things that impact them. Think about it, what means a lot to one person doesn't so much to another.

And yet, despite that, every single one of them had something to say to Deku. Every single one of them. For some of them, it was as simple as helping them organize their notes. For others, it was something he said or did that has followed them through the entire show.

"Meddling where you don't technically have to is the essence of being a hero, right?"

Izuku said that one time to Tenya. One time. But that, accompanied by his actions that night, became the corner stone of what Tenya strove to become.

They all voted to go after Izuku–not even voted, they all just got up and went. No second thoughts, no questions, they just went. They literally slapped a GPS out of Endeavor's hand so they could find him. They were not about to take no for an answer, not even from Izuku himself. It's insane, honestly, that one person managed to impact a group so deeply they'd risk everything to bring him back to their class.

I think a lot of the time, we think of difficult or unhealthy relationships as those where you give and give and give and the other person refuses to the same. No one really tells you what to do when someone you love dearly is giving so much it's hurting them, but they refuse to receive. It's an odd situation, but one I love seeing explored.

Could they have just let him go on his own? Fight by himself because that's what he wanted? Yeah, they totally could've. But they didn't, because they knew if the roles were reversed, Izuku wouldn't have thought twice about hunting them down. They weren't victims, they didn't want to be protected, they wanted to kick ass at his side.

They didn't do it out of heroism or even necessity I'd argue, they did it because that was their friend and they'd be damned if they let him suffer alone.

Still, despite that, Izuku wanted to protect them and he was so, so scared to lose them. It makes sense, in a sad, twisted way, that he would rather keep them locked away behind a wall and fight alone than let them stand at his side. He was haunted by the shit the people around him went through because of Shigaraki and AFO. It's far easier to blame yourself for things than it is to admit that it wasn't your fault and, sometimes, nothing could've done would've changed the outcome. I have no doubt it would've felt like he killed them himself if he went back and something happened, and the thought of that was far more terrifying than any threat to his own person. Of course he wanted to fight alone, he didn't want to fathom the possibility someone else would get hurt because they were around him.

But that wasn't for him to decide.

Sometimes, we forget a relationship goes two ways. It was dangerous for them to be there, sure, but that was a choice they made. A choice they wanted to make. They couldn't make him let them help, but he couldn't make them go away either. I have no doubt that if he got away that day, they'd have followed him to the ends of the earth until he gave in.

It's also easy to forget Izuku is just a kid. He's sixteen, barely in high school. Ochaco says as much when she pleads with the crowds to let him in. Her voice cracks as she begs this group mostly made of ADULTS to let a boy rest inside the walls of his own school. He probably doesn't physically know how to deal with these kinds of emotions yet (the frontal lobe, responsible in part for our emotional reactions to situations, doesn't fully develop until around 25/26, and even then research suggests it's never really fully done). It probably makes perfect sense to him that the best course of action is to be alone, even if it seems stupid to us.

We all need support at any age, but especially during those teenage years. Those are vital years of development as the mind develops and starts to take shape. Izuku has been beaten, traumatized, and terrified, it's no wonder he seems to be making such irrational decisions.

No kid should be carrying the weight of the entire goddamn world on their shoulders at that age and, of course, no one could've predicted that AFO was going to accelerate the process and force Deku to face him, but that doesn't make it any better.

However, that's the great thing about having friends, families, and partners, they come alongside you in those times and help you navigate this crazy new situation. They pick up the things you can't handle because they want to. Sometimes, they just stand next to you. Sometimes you have them lean on you for support. And, sometimes, they shoulder up next to you and carry you for a bit so you can catch your breath.

Because that's what you'd do for them.

Whenever I watch these episodes, I'm reminded of that scene in Lord of the Rings where Frodo thinks he can't go on and Sam says, "I can't carry the ring, but I can carry you!" I think this has similar vibes.

They couldn't carry One for All, but they could carry Izuku, and they were determined to do at least that.

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5 months ago

Testing, testing, 123

Ig my art posts aren't showing up anywhere other than on my actual blog so... that's neat. Just wanna see if this will actually show up anywhere of if it's all of my posts.

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1 year ago

rewatching itsv and its genuinely astonishing that even with how incredible, revolutionary, stunning and distinct that animation is, you can already tell it's miles behind atsv. every spiderverse movie picks up the animation industry and chucks it 20 years forward. like theyd already struck gold with itsv they didnt need to push the limits even further but they did

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Okay, I know this was in no way the main point of the episode, but it kind of broke my heart that throughout this whole episode we had to watch Sam hang around all of these insanely wealthy people, with private jets and millions of dollars worth of art, when he can’t even get a loan. 

I understand that Sharon had to go through a lot, but she is also pretty well off financially at this point, Zemo is incredibly wealthy, and Bucky is, at the very least, not struggling for funds. And, just, to hear Sam on the phone with his sister, both of whom are still so worried about money was tragic. Sam is out here breaking laws and trying his best to be a good person and help everyone, but his family has all these personal and financial struggles that he can’t fix. 

I also was a bit disappointed that no one followed up with him about that call. Like no one even asked, hey who’s Sarah? Is the problem she was talking about something you need help with? We watch Sam support Steve, Bucky, and he’s now going to try and support Sharon too, but I hope in future episodes we see more people trying to help and support Sam.

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11 months ago

Ppl always told me that freckles are like sun kisses.

I think it's ironic, because I have freckles, but my name means moon

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1 year ago

I want to save posts but, idk how or if I can so, here's my alternative (part 2) :

Hehe another meme thingy i made for my timtomk I’m sorry that sound is just,,,,so him

Toying with the idea of writing a fic* where a true crime podcaster researching the circumstances of Gregory House's death and James Wilson'

--- putting here so I can remind myself to check if someone did it 🥹

I don't know how to really express this except to come across as a "kids these days" scold, but so much of the criticism of queerness in Goo

gay tumblr ships may come and go but destiel is forever

--- I added this one just for the dramatics of it

Thanks for reading! If you’d like to check out more of my stuff for this fandom, here’s my House M.D. Oneshots Masterlist. The rest of my wo

--- I need more fanfics about themmm

Hailey’s Circus
This hug wasn’t in the script. In the script, it was only written for Debbie and Lip to embrace Ian. Not Mickey. But, Noel just pulled Camer

--- I'm so grateful for them. 💖💖💖

Y’all have no idea how bad I want to make a scrappy group of paranormal/cryptid investigators. Just a rag tag bunch cruising around the coun

I need this so baddd 😭

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5 months ago

[Not alterhuman/nonhuman related]

I'm 19 years old. I'm going to go trick or treating. I don't care that I'm an adult. When I was younger, I had issues with trick or treating cause I was a scared pup so I have only really been going trick or treating properly in the last like 4 or 5 years, a little before COVID time. So let me have my fun.

Also, if anyone says anything about my scared past self, listen I was a young pup and was very terrified of scary things, I am still not entirely into scary things, some I like more than others, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Be yourself and do what you want to do as long as no one gets hurt.

if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.

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6 months ago

Final product

yup, for a dabihawks love child fanfiction I've been working on, hence the name, my only spoiler for the fanfic to better explain the sketch is that Phoenix will be the only girl, youngest out of three siblings. Feathers, oldest son, Fíabado middle child. (Just an idea, haven't started anything with them yet) I do have a long Dabi x Hawks fanfiction I've been working on and I might post it here, I have to do it through screenshots as there's a word limit on these posts but I'm thinking of finishing it first and then posting it chapter by chapter... Anyway here's the sketch 😅

Final Product

Should I add color... 🤔

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9 months ago

Random Turtle Thunks

Just imagine

Its older Leo and he somehow made friends/ slowly catching feelings for a young single mom fallen on hard times.

He's over at her place after some big scare and they're both up early. She because she's gotta make breakfast for the kiddos and he because he wants to help, make sure she's ok and what not.

Just imagine

Them goofing off in the kitchen together singing Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 into wooden pancake-covered spoon and spatula microphones while cooking breakfast in the morning light spilling in from the window.

Just imagine

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1 year ago

thinking about older bf mike.

Thinking About Older Bf Mike.

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1 year ago

Real footage of me if I was being chased but it’s by Coriolanus Snow

Real Footage Of Me If I Was Being Chased But Its By Coriolanus Snow

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6 months ago

I have this oc they don't get a name. I call them Protag (much like the Protag from Elevator Hitch, even though they got nothing In common (yes this is an unpaid add for Elevator Hitch)) anyway

They got sad wet kicked cat energy. They lives centuries dying and coming back to the same body, still doesn't know how tf the body still works (it's thorough magic), but doesn't have fcking time to figure out, since there's crazy people going after him for his juicy immortality, it's just like they never get the memmo that it doesn't matter how many times they kill Protag, Protag just can't get rid of it

There's also this equally sad wet kicked cat, BUT he does puts on a convincing act to seem like an arrogant little bitch (he is, but he's an arrogant little bitch with Trauma™)(and is also a god) he's also the one who cursed Protag with immortality. But now isn't powerful enough to take it from them, since he's weaker now

So they just kinda. Get together, sometimes? Protag is just too tired to feel enraged anymore. And Little Bitch God is too depressed to feel too much guilt

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10 months ago

So I had this idea to make a videogame

🔻Interested? More below!🔻

Okay, so this game is something similar to BATIM or Poppy Playtime.

You worked here before, and after being fired, the facility soon shut down. Years have passed, and now you decided to pay a visit to your old place of memories, perhaps to find something. You meet something you shouldn't have seen before, and now you're stuck here until you defeat that thing.

So first, to get to the actual production line, you have to go through the bugs. There are three sectors: Main, for Spiders, for Ants and for Bees. Be it any normal exploration, you'd go straight to the facility, through the main exibit, but oh no! The thing's locked. So, in order to progress, you'll have to open exibits, find keys, solve a few puzzles and escape the main rulers of the sectors! Sounds easy.

So, this facility will not just be a toy/cartoon making building, it also doubles as an animatronic bug exibit for the little kids! Kids love mechanic toys, some enjoy bugs, so why not mix it together?

On your way back, you meet Father. He's a big mantis animatronic, made not just for the children, but to help workers as well! He looks less appealing due to that exact reason. Father is in charge of the main area, he keeps the glitched animatronics in their designated area, to keep those who enter safe. At first, he junges at you, mistaking you for another bug or an intruder, but Flou quickly comes to save you. After that, Father explains a few things to you, then allows you to progress. Don't forget him, he'll come up later.

First comes the Ant section. The queen, Martha, is the ruler here. After getting the key from this section, you meet Flou (pronounced like "flew"). She's a small ladybug animatronic with an ability to fly! Just like a real bug. In one of the glass cases, you can see her friend - Flick. He's dead. What a shame. Around the same time, you find out that bugs here have broken code due to a glitch that nobody was able to fix. The bugs have started to eat eachother, and the only few that were left untouched by the glitch are Flou and...

After you get the key, you meet the ruler of the area - king Archebald, one big tarantula. He doesn't attack you immediarely, like Martha did, he instead tries to lure you in his trap with Flou as bait. But you're smarter than that. You get Flou and dash for the exit, successfully escaping Archebald and his disgusting, dark palace.

Next up is the Spider area! Ew. Flou gets stolen from you here, so you have to progress on your own. Again. Here you can go through the backdoors area, meeting the "Beetle" room and a beetle plush, perhaps a resident of this room.

The last before the least, the Bee exibit. The bugs refer to it as "Golden Kingdom", and it's rightful ruler is Queen Elizabeth (no, not the british one). You meet her right after you enter, but she seems chill at first. Even offers you gifts from what her servants found in the further areas of the game. But you're here for only one thing - the key to the facility. Once you get it, Elizabeth gets angry that you don't want to stay, then sends her faithful servants after you. Once they fail, the queen lets you go, saying that "she has a few heads to sever".

Now, the last area of the game - the Facility itself! Father goes with you on this one, since he doesn't know himself what's down there. However, as you progress, Father starts to give into the glitch. To stop him from chasing you around, you turn the production on, which tragically murders Father. You now successfully made Flou sad. Father's head is the only thing left intact, so you take it, in hopes of fixing him later. Flou suggests that you should find the source of the glitch and kill it off like a roach, so nothing bad happens anymore. That means going deeper into the facility.

Descending down below, you notice how that roach statement becomes more relevant. Little hologram roaches run around by your feet, sometimes messing with the light sensors neccecary for opening doors. Though, there's nothing that can stop you. Even deeper in, you find the source of all the glitches: a generator in a shape of a roach. You find a weapon and bust the thing open... finding out it containds a keycard. Where does it lead? To the blueprint room! The source of every bug. In hopes of fixing Father, and destroying anything relevant to the roach, you go there, noticing how the holograms dissappeared. You fix Father, return with him to the Main area, then wave a goodbye to the friends you made along the way, as you leave back home, satisfied with your success in killing the glitch. A nuce cup of coffee should do.

Now, that is all! The game is supposed to be in 3-D, perhaps with some gimmicks to top it off. Though, here's a few problems that make it impossible:

1. I'm a 14 year old girl, so nobody will take this project seriously.

2. I don't have money nor courage to ask for a few VAs for the game.

3. I'm not a writer, so it won't be all that good

4. I have nearly zero programming expierence, all I can do from this is 3-D models.

So, if you enjoyed, please leave a like, perhaps a good ol' reblog will do, maybe even tell me your thoughts on this idea! I'm happy to receive any feedback. Have a great time of day!

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9 months ago
This Sketch Of Medic TF2's Nose My Friend Made

This sketch of Medic TF2's nose my friend made

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