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Rider DraugGrim

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Political Rant

Political Rant

I really love Election Time in Canada, because now I can easily see all the racist, xenophobic assholes who dont care about anyone but themselves and their immediate wealth and comfort, by any means.

I mean, in this day and age? If you've got a Conservative sign, you are literally against everything Canada represents in the eyes of the world.

The party leader buys a private jet - A JET - and boasts about it, espousing the traditional campaign bus. And then brands himself as 'one of the people'. Maybe he means '1% of the people'? Nevermind that since he needs a landing strip for said jet, he's skipping over any municipalities too small or poor to accommodate an airport. Nevermind that recent studies show the carbon footprint of personal jets is off the fucking charts in terms of climate damage. Nevermind that - what the hell does he do when he gets to his destination? Just stand on the tarmac? Or, dare I say it, does he still need a BUS? Or do they all pile into personal vehicles? Maybe a fleet of Hummers?

Short sighted bullshit. Fuck you Andrew Scheer.

This blogger is:

Pro-Immigration - We're all immigrants. Deal with it.

Pro-Spending (deficit?) - You have to INVEST to build the future. The returns will come.

Pro-Natives - They got fucked over, are still getting fucked over, and it's not fair.

Pro-Choice - Your body, your life, your choice.

Pro-2SLGBTQIA+ - Yep.

Pro-supporting Medical, Schools, and Infrastructure. - Hire more nurses, pay teachers better, rebuild some damn roads.

Pro-supporting nations who need help - I used to be so proud of Canada's involvement in UN Peacekeeping missions. I may not have known what they entailed, but the notion of blue hats going in and helping after other countries went and ruined everything, or horrible disasters struck... That seemed like a good legacy to follow up our defining contributions to the World Wars.

Look, I just want a future for the kids of my coworkers that isn't some wasteland Mad Max Waterworld spin off.

I want a place where people can identify how they want, love who they want, and believe in who they want without some random person saying they need to die because of it.

I want a land of equal opportunities, regardless of race, gender, heritage, birthplace, religion, or orientation.

I want the image of 'Canada' that I loved as a child back. The one we learned about in History and Current Events, that was a world leader in human rights and compassion. Unassuming politeness that could whup ass when needed.

Sure I was naive and ignorant as a child, but would living up to such ideals be a bad thing?

And I don't see any of those hopes ever happening if we fall back under a Conservative Leadership, not with what they idealize in this current era.

Cat tax:

Political Rant

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