riki-riks-chick - if i die tmr ill love u tdy
if i die tmr ill love u tdy

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Masterlist Coming Soon I Think Ik How To Now

Masterlist coming soon i think ik how to now 🤭

More Posts from Riki-riks-chick

10 months ago

Not an ask but as a writer, my writing account is @kittysarchive anyway you write so good! You write all the members as tropes soooo good and realistic!

Thank you so much! I love supporting other writers so ofc imma follow u and check out ur posts 💞

10 months ago

fine then, “Ni-ki” , I just especially pointed him out because he JUST turned to an adult. So you thinking about not just him, ANY of them, in a sexual way is weird. But just because I pointed out Niki doesn’t mean I dont think its weird overall.

If u think it's weird then block me. Many groups get ff written abt them sexual or not. You policing me isn't gonna change that, so get off my page. Riki is an adult and I'm sure he'd appreciate being treated as such. And once again.. I dont write Riki smut?? So what are you even going on abt? A three paragraph drabble that implies intimacy? You need to grow up bc I'm not writing anything that isn't appropriate to Riki's age.

10 months ago

Riki Thoughts

I wanna hug him so bad.. Like imagine having the worst day and it's all better the second you get home and hug your bf Riki. His arms around your waist, nuzzling into your neck, him whispering soft, reassuring, words because he knows you had a bad day.

I literally would die to hug this boy.

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10 months ago

You write something suggestive abt a legal adult and people are trying to call you out for it lmao. Y'all are embarrassing.

10 months ago

I really wanna change the whole aesthetic of my page... but then I gotta edit all my posts too 😫