Greetings, fellow creatures! I'm Robin (they/them), 20 y.o. Welcome to my blog! All requests are CLOSED. Side blog: @ihaveadesiretoshitpost
586 posts
Pairing: Hizashi Yamada x reader
Warnings: none, just toothrotting fluff
A/N: I love me some cockatiel man! He's just so charming. I've been really depressed recently, but this has been stuck in my head, along with other ideas, so Imma try to write it down.

Hizashi loved coming home after a long day. You were usually home before him, unless something at your job went wrong and you had to stay there longer to help fix it. Ah, he loved how strong you were. So many people at your job looked up to you, and though it was tiring sometimes, you never turned down anyone who needed help. Sometimes he wondered why didn't you choose to be a hero as well.
But when he opened the door, keys jiggling in the lock, you didn't rush to greet him like you usually did. Hizashi frowned a bit. Maybe you didn't hear him or maybe you were busy. But why haven't you at least called out a greeting? The hero took off his signature leather jacket and boots and made his way further into your shared home, to at least greet you first before he'd let down his hair and relax.
He peeked into the bedroom- you weren't there. He looked in the bathroom, but again- you weren't there. It was when he got to the living room, where you also weren't, that he heard thudding coming from the kitchen. Hizashi smiled to himself. You were probably just making a snack for yourself. You liked to experiment in the kitchen, looking for easy snack recipes was your fairly new hobby. And he was always glad when you tested your one minute, three ingredient recipes on him.
The blond made his way to the dooorway of the kitchen. He expected you to whirl around the kitchen, looking for this and that, checking your phone from time to time to re-read the recipe you were following, as you usually did. It seemed he had came too late today, because Hizashi could see the oven was turned on over your frame, which was dancing around the kitchen, possibly waiting for the meal to finish baking.
Hizashi couldn't help but find you adorable. You were wearing big bluetooth headphones, eyes closed, hands on said headphones, as you danced around the kitchem shamelessly, head bobbing to the rhythm like some kind of DJ.
Hizashi quickly pulled out his phone before taking a few pictures of you. How could he resist? You were just too cute! He couldn't wait to rub this in Shota's face at work. Even the thought of Eraserhead's frown made the usually loud man silently giggle. He put his phone back in the pocket of his pants, before moving towards you.
You were lost to the melody and lyrics of the song you were listening to, when suddenly you felt two arms wrap around your midsection. Your eyes shot open, fight or flight instincts kicking in, before the mysterious person moved your headphones from one ear, to whisper sweetly "Relax, it's just me."
Upon realizing who interrupted your dancing session, you let your body relax, as your boyfriend's hands moved to grab your hips. He started swaying from side to side and you followed his lead, both of you enjoying the peaceful moment.
After some time, you felt Hizashi turn you around in his arms, yours interlocking behind his head as he placed a sweet kiss on your lips. You half opened your eyes to look into his, covered by sunglasses still and greeted him "Welcome home."
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More Posts from Robin-the-enby
I usually don't enjoy pregnancy fics, but thus one...oh this one was perfect. You captured Bruno's character so well, as well as the rest of the family's excitement and gentle help, advice and assurance. Also, WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN JULIETA I CAN'T JUST UNPREGNANT HER XDDDDDDD got me laughing so hard!
Can I request a bruno x pregnant reader headcanons ?
{A/N: ✨⌛️Absolutely, because I often think about how sweet and how good of a father this man would be and I am more than willing to write a bit of cute lil Bruno fluffs because I love my lil baby rat man<3 I know nobody asked, but i also added just a little touch of how I feel certain characters would react and help!💚⌛️✨
{Word count: unknown}
{Warnings 🚨: none unless you count tooth rotting fluff.}

First of all I just want to preface this by saying the only person more excited, aside from you and Bruno, about there being a new set of little toes in the house is Alma.
She probably NEVER thought the day would come that her little Brunito would produce new gift holders for la Familia.
It probably fills Bruno with mixed emotions to know how excited his mother is, especially knowing her high standards for how she expects her family to run.
He would NEVER tell Abuela to her face that he doesn’t want his child pressured and burdened by all this gift stuff, but he definitely tells you. He’s very open about it whenever you two are alone.
He’ll lay his head in your lap, fingers absent mindedly tracing light spirals on your swollen abdomen as the occasional sigh passes his lips.
You’d reach your hand down to his head, gently swirling one of his curls along your finger watching as he melts into your touch. You don’t have to even ask what’s wrong.
He’d immediately spill whatever’s mentally siphoning his contentment. I’d imagine by this point he KNOWS he doesn’t get to just hide his emotions from you anymore.
Bruno: “What if the baby gets a gift like mine.”
Y/N: “Then we’ll love them...and we’ll guide them...and we’ll help them grow.. Everything we’re suppose to as their parent. ”
Bruno: “Well, yeah duh I know that Vida...but I-I dont know. I just don’t want my kid to have to grow up the way I did...I know mama. If our kid grows up with some cursed useless gift like me, I’m never gonna hear the end of it. I don’t want them to get outcasted for something they don’t have a choice on....”
It just burned you up, you hated to see the anguish he held. While the two of you always made such strong progress working through the pain and doubts he held onto throughout the years, you still wished you could do more.
Y/N: “Mi Amor, our baby will always have a place in this family. Right here...with you and me...And if your mama doesn’t like whatever gift is bestowed upon our child when they come of age, she can take it up with me. I will FULLY advocate for our child, no one will make our baby feel like they do not belong in this family.”
His eyes are just hearts as he glances up at you.
It also heats his stomach to see the primal mama bear side of you. He thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world.
The man is CONSTANTLY asking his sisters for advice.
As two woman who have given birth 3 times each, he takes their word as gospel.
Bruno: “What did you always want more than anything when you were pregnant? I mean, you two have had kids before....I just want to make sure she’s comfortable without being a bigger pain than anything she’s going through.”
Julieta: “Honestly, the only thing I wanted more than anything when I was pregnant was to not be pregnant anymore.”
He’d press his lips together, brows pinching in confusion. He’d ask for something more manageable that he can help with. Back rubs, foot rubs, stuff like that.
Both of his sisters would 100% give him a laundry list of helpful and NOT helpful things that he could possibly do to help ease you to your due date.
Pepa: “Don’t suffocate her! ¡Por el Amor de Dios!, I hated NOTHING more than when Felix followed me around like I was some fragile helpless thing! I just wanted him to shoo! When you’re that big and that uncomfortable having someone follow you around and worry about your every move day in and day out is NOT helpful.”
He definitely takes this all to heart, making sure to keep a strong mental list of all the DO NOT’s. The last thing he wants is to make your pregnancy and his presence in it a nuisance.
He’ll happily climb the stairs of the tower as many times as you need throughout your pregnancy to bring you midnight snacks and treats. Anything you want, you’ve got.
Antonio is EXCITED.
He asks Bruno everyday when the baby will be here.
Truly it’s a good test of patience for the man. Repetitive questions are a consistent part of a child’s learning, especially when testing the limits of their parents patience.
Bruno: “Uh, aha well I don’t ACTUALLY know...we’ll yeah I COULD have a vision but your Tia told me I was to have absolutely no visions about the baby, so sorry kid. When the baby is born they’re born. I promise you’ll know about it, okay?”
As you approach closer to your due date, the man is a wreck. He composes it fairly well but internally he’s screaming, throwing up, panicking.
He’s definitely scared to be a dad. What if this kid doesn’t like him? What if he’s not good with kids? What if he’s not a good parent? What if he doesn’t love his kid...is that something that happens? Can he hate his kid?
He would not bother you with these thoughts though, he’d confide them in someone else. Agustin or Felix.
Bruno: “Anything I should be doing right now?....I’m just...I-....What if when this kid is born, I don’t like them and they don’t like me.....What if I’m bad at this whole being a dad thing. I think I want to throw up.”
They give him the pep talk of a lifetime. From two amazing fathers, to one amazing father to be, they know exactly what he needs to hear.
Agustin: “It’s scary at first, you have this little human looking up at you and they’re so helpless and defenseless, but the first time you lay your eyes on that baby nothing else in this world is gonna matters. The only thing you’ll be able to think about is them. And your wife of course.”
Felix: “is’ true. The first time I ever held Delores I thought, there is nothing more gorgeous. She blew the breath right outta me. Bring yourself some tissues, your going to cry mi Hombrecito.”
The day you give birth he’s a wreck. Pacing back and forth outside of his door, fingers winding and twisting his ruana as he waits for the door to pop open.
If I’m being entirely honest, while you would have wanted him there, both Pepa and Julieta strongly advised against it.
He’s definitely a little squeamish and I feel is the type of dad to pass out in the middle of delivery.
While it breaks your heart to think you’d have to go through this alone without your husband, you know he’s leaving you in two very capable hands.
When the door finally opens, Casita wastes no time bringing the man straight to the top of the tower. The tiles clatter and clink as they warp him to your side in what felt like no time at all.
His heart thuds ferociously against his ear as the sight of you with a tightly wrapped baby pans into his vision. Those gorgeous green eyes of his widen and glisten as he watches the way the small baby lays so peacefully nuzzled against your chest. The bottom of his foot would rub against the top of his toe as he glances between both you and the baby, his ruana still tightly wound in his hands.
Bruno: “Hi.”
He’d be so flustered and so overwhelmed he wouldn’t know what to say.
Felix is 100% right. Tears are all over the mans face just LOOKING at the baby.
Casita would nudge Bruno's body forward until he’s next to the bedside.
You’d give him a weak tired smile, gently holding the baby forward for him to take, his hands hesitative as they remain in their wound place.
Y/N: “It’s okay mi Amor. You’ve waited 9 months for this moment, you’re ready. Come meet our baby.”
His hands would out stretch and you’d lay the baby right against his chest, positioning Bruno’s arms to insure he holds and supports the baby properly.
Overwhelmed is an understatement to say the least.
His brain is in a whirl wind as he watches the baby whimper and worm in his arms, their little mouth popping open as they give a yawn.
How could he think he’d ever hate this baby.
Tears pour down his face, and you cant help the way your own tears dribble. You extend your hand out craddling his cheek as your thumbs brush the water from his face.
Bruno: “I will never let anything in this world hurt you. I love you...Both of you”
He’d glance down at you, just pressing a small kiss to your forehead.
He holds the baby for as long as he can until eventually he has to pass them back to you. His eyes don’t leave the two of you the minute the baby is out of his hands.
He was mush, putty in your hands. Both of you.
Writing for fandoms I'm in? Nah bro, adding new fandoms to write for is the way <3
Hiiiiiii! Can I ask you something introspective from the human reader about her relationship with Uta? Like wondering why he loves them or something? Thanks if you do!
Utaa, I miss Uta so much.
Thank you Anon for the request!
Note: there are references to the the light novel Tokyo Ghoul Void
78- Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x human!reader

“Eat me.”
Humans and ghouls cannot coexist. This was the idea that flows insistently in the social capillaries, whether it is for survival instinct or simply for selfishness.
It is insistent and mechanical, that reiterating how much human beings are in danger in front of ghouls, but at the same time those same human beings behave as if it should never happen to them. No one ever asks why things; people just go through them and judge them as if it doesn't really concern them.
But you know it's about you, it's about you. Not only do you look into the eyes of a ghoul every day, but they are your way, in them you see your future.
Yet despite the love between you and Uta, you had never been asked more than you should before, perhaps because he had protected you, or perhaps because you had been distant from him. In any case, more than trying to keep him safe it had never weighed on you to give up going out for dinner or showing yourself too much in public.
Basically, you are a normal couple, so normal that you forgot that he is stronger than you, much stronger, he is capable of things you cannot even dream of, and above all he can only eat human flesh. He can only feed on those like you.
You never had to deal with ghoul violence, probably because of him, but when you saw that masked ghoul attack and kill Tsugumi, suddenly the reality you had built crashed before your eyes.
The blood and the life of the old woman dying was only part of the visceral fear that had gripped you. The uncertainty that she has hit you so violently no longer makes you understand what is real and what is not.
You have understood that in front of the strength of a ghoul you are nothing more than a helpless little mouse, there is nothing you can do, you are at the mercy of events. But you met one of those beings who called your name with the attention with which no human being has ever called him, who smiled at you like no one has ever smiled at you. How could he smile like that at his food all that time?
If ghouls are what you saw, why do some of them bow their heads to the human corpse - their food -?
"Are you ok?"
Uta's voice is the only sound in the deserted street. You knew he would come to check on you, he always does, he always tries to protect you, but now you are not sure why.
The mere presence of him put the ghoul who killed the elderly seamstress on the run, you saw him, you don't really know who he is. Why would someone like him waste time after a piece of meat?
"You eat humans."
Yours is not a question. You are affirming it; it is a realization towards yourself.
He is surprised, you know why he stops in his footsteps, but he is neither uncertain nor frightened by your words.
"Yes, I do it." He tells you the clear and clear truth. He has no reason to deny, it is something that is part of him, and he does not have to reassure anyone, much less himself, that he was born this way.
If he is alive it means that he has eaten someone, if you are alive it means that he has not eaten you.
"Eat me then."
This time you manage to disconcert him: "Sorry?"
"Eat me!" It would be fair, right? It would be fair, maybe you were born just to be food "If you eat people like me, then why not me?" Why would anyone talk to their food? Why would anyone love their food? “You can kill me now, right now. You can make me part of you here and now, you can- "
You do not realize your hands against his chest, which he holds firmly so that they do not move too fast and risk injury, you do not realize his sweet but firm whispers that try to calm you down.
It's when his teeth clench on your bare neck that you lock up.
His breath touches your skin, it is warm, almost breathless. His tongue is warm, and your heart beats fast in his jaws.
You find yourself in his arms, helpless, as you have been so many times. Defenseless in the strength of the ghoul, but also in the attention of a lover.
One bite would be enough, your neck would be severed and your life would break. But all he does is keep you there, threatening you without actually doing it, rather waiting for you.
When your breathing adjusts and your heart calms down against his chest, then he trusts to let you go.
A light kiss is placed on the bitten spot, before he allows you to look into his eyes again: "but you are not to eat."
The words he addresses to you are so natural and spontaneous that they take your breath away. How can you see things the way he sees them? You would pay to do it at that time.
"Another ghoul would do it."
"But it’s me here."
And again, he takes away every word you could say, while he looks at you with those eyes so inhuman, so placid, yet so full of tenderness for you.
He's right, Uta is with you, and that's all that matters.
And precisely because there is him, who holds you in his arms without squeezing, letting you escape if only you wanted to, you realize that your perspective is wrong.
It is not you who sacrifices yourself to love him, it is he who sacrifices himself for you.
Uta, who protects and guards you even though it would be in his nature to tear you apart and devour you. Can you say you've ever been loved by anyone up to that point? Could you ever be loved like this by a human?
"You love me so much ..." your whisper is soft, and he just greets it without speaking.
Words are rare from him, but they are useless, you just need that reassuring hand that holds you against his chest, as if you were the whole world.
“Kiss me hard until you swallow me
And I will live forever within you"
Freddie - Pinguini tattici nucleari
Aaaaaagh this was so sweet! I loved it, it was so gentle and encouraging towards Bruno and the ending! I pove that he only kissed reader's cheek, cause the first time he'd probably be too shy to kiss the full on! Loved it, great job!
Hades and Persephone | Bruno x Gn!Reader
Warnings: (Y/N) being a greek mythology buff (it’s a joke but still)
Summary: Bruno is feeling like he’s a bad person and you comfort him. (Also, I’d say the time this took place is right after the ending, but some people still haven’t fully accepted Bruno yet.)

Keep reading

@just-a-sleepy-idiot <333 @monsterfloofs <333 @a-napoleon-lover-at-17 <333
if you were a deity, what would you be the god of