rololamp - ramona

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Rololamp - Ramona - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago


1 year ago
Random Rolo Ramblings 7: Lamperouge Birthday Party
Random Rolo Ramblings 7: Lamperouge Birthday Party

Random Rolo Ramblings 7: Lamperouge Birthday Party

October 25 is the perfect date to take a short look at the only birthday party of the Lamperouge brothers we know anything about, mostly thanks to picture drama Turn 19.02.

There is really only one image plus a few lines from Lelouch, but we can see that they are celebrating in style: candles, flowers and a tea (or coffee pot). Lelouch tells Rolo that he has prepared all his favourite food, so if we assume that this is teatime, they are probably also going to have a birthday dinner (unless all of Rolo's favourite food is some sort of cake or sweets).

In all likelihood, Lelouch also made all of the preparations, including the decoration, himself (he really is the perfect housewife). Of course he does this to show Rolo how much he cares for him, and he probably prefers a celebration at home just for their tiny family to a student council birthday bash á la Milly (maybe Milly insisted on it anyway and we just do not know about it) or a dinner in a fancy restaurant, but he also seems to be a thrifty person and I get the feeling that the brothers have to live on a somewhat tiny budget. (What are their sources of revenue anyway, apart from Lelouch's earnings from gambling?! Are they secretly funded by the OSI? The same goes for Lelouch and Nunnally: did Charles open a bank account for them before he exiled them?)

What Lelouch certainly did not save on was the present for Rolo, that locket was probably quite pricey. It is a nice touch that Lelouch even says in the drama that he thought it would look good on him, but now he realises that it is a little girly (which kind of supports my hunch that Lelouch really bought the Locket for Rolo, but subconsciously with Nunnally in mind, unless he is the sort of person that buys birthday presents months in advance). He is not wrong, though, it does look good on Rolo, and maybe that is exactly because it looks a little girly, but also because it perfectly embodies what Rolo says (sings, actually) Lelouch gave him: a heart called happiness. No wonder he is grateful for it, and it is no surprise that this charming celebration made such a lasting impression on him.

1 year ago

25th October

25th October

They wished Rolo a happy birthday before Nunnally on Twitter? In the game too, Rolo's birthday greeting appeared first, and then Nunnally's. That doesn't make sense considering he got his birthday from her, but I certainly won't complain.

(Short post, sorry. Although there are still Lost Stories videos I haven't shared, I haven't had much free time lately.)

1 year ago
rololamp - ramona
1 year ago
He Sawd The Mac N Cheese BIG FAIL :(

he sawd the mac n cheese BIG FAIL :(

1 year ago
1 year ago

went on a break, now I'm a scott pilgrim fan

1 year ago
I'm Rewatching Code Gayass For The 900th Time
I'm Rewatching Code Gayass For The 900th Time
I'm Rewatching Code Gayass For The 900th Time
I'm Rewatching Code Gayass For The 900th Time
I'm Rewatching Code Gayass For The 900th Time

I'm rewatching code gayass for the 900th time

1 year ago
Not Happy About This Tbh, I Just Want Rolo Please Give Him To Me Now PLEASE AHHH (I Play This Game On

Not happy about this tbh, I just want Rolo please give him to me now PLEASE AHHH (I play this game on my IPad so I take "screenshots" with my phone cus I don't have Tumblr on my iPad)

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1 year ago
Team Boss Queen Has Added Another Queen To Its Ranks. Tbh, The Healers Make A World Of Difference In

Team Boss Queen has added another queen to its ranks. Tbh, the healers make a world of difference in this game, like I can't count how many times Euphemia has been MVP because her boyfriend has an awful time staying alive during 11000+ level fights (ironic I know)

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1 year ago

Y'all, the first 13 chapters of Lost Stories are R1, and Chapter 4 just launched today, that means it's gonna take FOREVER until Rolo is unlocked oml!!

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1 year ago
Team Boss Queen

Team Boss Queen

1 year ago
This Is My Niche Now I Guess
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This Is My Niche Now I Guess
This Is My Niche Now I Guess

this is my niche now i guess

1 year ago
Actually Dont Judge Me Too Hard But There Was One Character I Really Truly Loved And It Was Stupid Chocolate

actually dont judge me too hard but there was one character i really truly loved and it was stupid chocolate bastard mcgee

1 year ago
Chocolate Bastard

chocolate bastard

1 year ago
Old Rolo Babie

old rolo babie

1 year ago
Watch Out, He Got A Knife!

watch out, he got a knife!

1 year ago

―『Murder becomes a habit.』

i couldnt stop thinking about how this dialogue from one of my light novels applied to a character from one of my anime, so i had to make this to get it out of my head

1 year ago
rololamp - ramona
1 year ago

Hokenshitsu to omukae

Finally, here’s the translation of the 3-minute long track “Hokenshitsu to Omukae” (something like “The Infirmary and Picking Up [Someone]”, that “someone” being Rolo) from the 1st volume of the Student Council WAVE drama CDs! However, I share only the text and not the audio file at this time. The CD was recently released, and I feel it’s not right for me to upload any part of its contents online… at least until the CD becomes impossible to acquire through legal means. This track exclusively features the voices of Lelouch and Rolo, although there is an inaudible nurse present with them (which you’ll notice they occasionally address during their conversation): Lelouch: Nurse, I heard Rolo has been taken to the infirmary!! Is Rolo okay?! What is his condition?! Have you contacted emergency services?!?! … No, you might tell me to calm down, but my precious little brother is in the infirmary!! How could I not panic?! More importantly, where is Rolo?! Rolo: I’m here, brother. Lelouch: Rolo! … Thank goodness. Just what happened? Rolo: It’s nothing major. I just tripped during P.E.. But everyone in class made a big deal out of it, so I was brought to the infirmary. Lelouch: I see… I was so sure something was wrong with your health. The other day you were clutching your chest too, remember…? Rolo: Ah… that was… I told you that was nothing, right…? Haha. You are such a worrywart, Brother… Lelouch: That’s not how it is! You are my only little brother, you know? Of course I worry! So, did you receive treatment? Rolo: Yeah, the nurse treated me a while ago, so I’m fine. Look! Lelouch: That’s good then. Nurse, I apologize for losing my composure earlier. When it comes to my little brother, I tend to get anxious… You say I’m "caring towards my little brother”? (TN: 弟想い) It’s not like that. It’s just that we live far away from our parents, who are in our home country, and I feel that I must take care of him. … Oh. So that is what you mean by “caring towards my little brother”. Well, it comes naturally to me, though. Rolo: Brother, you are too overprotective… Lelouch: I do not think of myself as “overprotective”. I mean, you used to have fever and stay in bed so often. Rolo: Those are stories from when I was little, right? Lelouch: What are you saying? Just the other day you caught a cold and had a fever. Rolo: T-That’s… well… Lelouch: Eh? You ask what happened? Ahaha. The truth is, the other day we washed the bedsheets together. As we were doing so, we splashed water on each other for fun, but since this guy got too cocky and stayed wet, he ended up catching a cold. Rolo: That’s mean, Brother! You didn’t need to tell the nurse! Lelouch: Haha! Sorry, sorry. But it’s the truth, isn’t it? Rolo: Well… it is. Lelouch: Eh? What about me, you say? I did change my clothes, so… Ah, you are not talking about that, but about my health? I’m alright. Do I look that unhealthy? It’s fine. I eat enough, really. Rolo: He’s lying. He leaves the dormitory food uneaten too, you know. Lelouch: Hey, Rolo! Is this payback for what I said before? No, I truly am fine, seriously! I eat properly. You don’t have to go as far as handling nutrition management and doing the work of a public health doctor. *Bell sound* Ah, time to leave school? Nurse, that’s the bell signaling the end of school hours. We have to return to the clubhouse now. Rolo: Oh. He ran away. Lelouch: I didn’t! More importantly, is your injured leg okay, Rolo? Do you think you can walk? Rolo: Yeah, no problem! I’m fine. Lelouch: Well then, nurse. Thank you for taking care of Rolo. … Regarding the nutrition management matter? I will consider it. Well then, see you. — Rolo clutching his chest… 😭 but I’m glad that Lelouch’s anxiety was triggered by noticing something unique to Rolo, rather than projecting Nunnally’s characteristics onto him. And when he mentioned the bedsheets, I thought for a moment Lelouch was going to reveal the mystery behind Pink Sheets™, but he talks about water, so I assume the memory mentioned here refers to a different day. Still, how clumsy is a trained assassin with ±10 years of killing experience that he allows himself to get a fever from consciously not taking care of himself?! Well, it’s good to see that he has relaxed that much! Speaking of which, I’m doing a lot of assuming here, but I assume Rolo picked up the phrase “You are so overprotective~” from hearing Milly say it (she calls Lelouch that on this CD as well), since I can’t imagine he had the chance to learn how playful teasing works at the Order. There’s more. The CD came with a booklet which includes the “Health Room Usage Record,” detailing Rolo’s health:


Very interesting points here: ・“Fell during physical education class and scraped knee“. Nonetheless, the reason he was taken to the infirmary wasn’t just because of that injury, but because he presented “mild palpitations and dizziness”! ・The file states that “regarding palpitations and dizziness, they are related to a preexisting medical condition of his,” which Rolo himself, Lelouch (referred to as “his guardian”) and his homeroom teacher were already aware of, and which “does not affect his everyday life”. Meaning!! That when Rolo told Lelouch about his weakness during Turn 5, only the “so I can’t use my Geass for long” part was news to Lelouch. He already knew about Rolo’s heart being fragile, and Rolo knew that he knew (I wonder if, in those moments when Rolo clutched his chest after Lelouch’s real memories returned, Lelouch instinctively remembered the anxiety he used to feel when Rolo did the same in the past…). ・ Rolo has no allergies.

Vol. 2 of WAVE was also released a few days ago, but I haven’t come across any information regarding the extent of Rolo’s presence in it. (EDIT: Asked over at the Lost Stories guild and was told “Rolo didn’t appear much this time”). Unfortunately, I think it will be hard for me to buy the rest of the Volumes, though… unless the Rolo content is so important that I’m compeled to, like in the case of Vol. 1, haha.

By the way, Rolo is also depicted in the illustrations of Volume 5, looking exasperated as Sayoko flirts with none other than MaiHani:


To end this post, I just want to mention that you can watch the Lost Stories 1st anniversary special program here. During the ending sequence, from 2:08:04 to 2:08:07, the focus is on Lelouch’s memories with Rolo, including Lelouch placing Rolo’s locket on his hand when he dies. Less than half a minute later, Vincent is shown together with the other most important KMFs, therefore so far I’m confident that Lost Stories will treat Rolo as a prominent character and not make him casually shoot Lelouch and be okay with it afterwards.

1 year ago

Also, I saw Gidle in concert. Best day of my life ngl I love these girls so much!!!

Also, I Saw Gidle In Concert. Best Day Of My Life Ngl I Love These Girls So Much!!!
Also, I Saw Gidle In Concert. Best Day Of My Life Ngl I Love These Girls So Much!!!
Also, I Saw Gidle In Concert. Best Day Of My Life Ngl I Love These Girls So Much!!!
Also, I Saw Gidle In Concert. Best Day Of My Life Ngl I Love These Girls So Much!!!
Also, I Saw Gidle In Concert. Best Day Of My Life Ngl I Love These Girls So Much!!!
Also, I Saw Gidle In Concert. Best Day Of My Life Ngl I Love These Girls So Much!!!

Yuqi looked right at me and gave me a heart!!!

Also, I Saw Gidle In Concert. Best Day Of My Life Ngl I Love These Girls So Much!!!
1 year ago
Damn, I'm Eating This Shit Up!! Rolo Looks Gay As Hell. Like, Really, Why Is He In A Sailors Outfit?

Damn, I'm eating this shit up!! Rolo looks gay as hell. Like, really, why is he in a sailors outfit? Twink. Anyway, this image is getting engraved into my brain thanks Sunrise *kisses*

1 year ago

I love code geass!

1 year ago
rololamp - ramona
