Dividing The Fo4 Companions Into Such Categories As "who Would Forgive Killian For His Past Vs Who Wants
Dividing the fo4 companions into such categories as "who would forgive Killian for his past vs who wants to kill him with hammers"
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More Posts from Romaniwasteland
i've said it before and i'll say it again
but the Institute is what happens when you don't make STEM kids take ethics classes
October 23rd, 2287
If you should find these Holotapes, then I have somehow passed on. Please deliver them back to Jame Ledet, Diremall, Chicago Wastes or dump them or record over them. I'm dead and will haunt you if you do the latter so I think your best bet is to deliver them to my son if you want any peace.

Jame, I made it pretty far into the Commonwealth before my last fusion core ran out. The navigator indicates that the nearest cities are Lexington and Concord. I think I'll try Concord first. I add the coordinates to my Pip-boy's map before arming the turrets and locking the bus. I take the keys with the tracker in case I find a better place to park it. How ironic that the bus dies near a cemetery.

The rain doesn't last very long and it's soon sunny for the rest of the trek. I pass a train station that is infested with mulle. But as I near Concord I hear a lot of gunfire. I would prefer not to be a part of whatever's going on there so decide to cross the woods trying to find a place to rest for the time being.

I walk until I could see a row of relatively intact houses. I hear voices nearby and not wanting to invite trouble I just swim the short distance across. Walking a short distance around until I found a tree that had fallen on one of the roofs. From there the cul-de-sac looked empty except for a mister handy still doing it's gardening. Might be something to salvage and trade but nothing of enough substance for my needs.

I decided to travel a bit of a ways further into the woods, mostly to forage as I had only packed enough food to for the trek. WHile in the woods I came across what I thought was a construction site. Thinking that there would be an abundance of copper and things like spark plugs in the equipment I decided to check it out.

It wasn't a construction site but the entry to a vault! "Well," I thought. "Maybe it'll be one of those vaults that sometimes let wastelanders in. If anything I can see if they'll let me trade for a few basic supplies and a place to sleep." I know the fusion cores I need will be in there but I don't want to risk stealing those again. It's dangerous enough that I stole the ones from the Brotherhood supply farm before I left for the Commonwealth.
First clue that something strange was going on is that there was no call box but a button. And the button opened the vault.

And then the vault just opens?

Second thing is that there are skeletons and radroaches in the vault!

Turning a bit, I found boxes where they kept the vault suits. I pick one out and look at the back. This was vault 111 according to the suits. I take 3; the brand new one still in its packaging, a "utility" suit that seemed for use for the more mechanical jobs, and a Vault-tec backpack. I put on the utility suit, thinking that it might have better protection against the sun when I leave here.

It seems like this was one of the experiment vaults. The experiment seemed to be freezing people? I think. Anyway one of the pods was opened and I decided to look at the logs. It says that most of them failed and the people inside were dead except for pod 6 and pod 7. There was a man and infant in pod 6. Pod 7 was the open pod. I go to look in pod 6 and the man was in there dead like everyone else and there was no baby. Then I felt it. The goddamn ghost feeling. He died here more recently than the others. What the fuck???

I press on anyways. Vaults even abandoned ones have a lot of valuable things in them that I could use to trade for some caps. So I decided to travel further. The terminal in the security office shed a little more light on what happened to cause the skeletons. Apparrently there was some sort of mutiny. I don't know about you but I think there may have been two experiments going on in this one.

Went into the galley and after killing the radroach there, found that there was not much left behind in the form of food. Which was to be expected if what I read was true.
Continuing into the atrium and there I found her. Pod 7. She didn't have her baby with her, but she did have a holotape? She was also the only one in the whole place whose spirit was still here. Not good. I listened to her holotape and the baby was taken? Okay.

Her spirit will not allow me rest until I find out what happened to her baby and why they took him. I told her I understood and will carry out her wish on behalf of the Bawon. I do not wish to have her spirit turn Mulli against me. After I just went back into the galley and slept in the sleeping quarters. Until next time Jame.
I started a new playthrough for this version! I'm excited to do Holotapes to Jame again for the new blog! I've added some parts of her lore and culture into this version.
Mulle/Mulli: in Romanes (Romani Chib/Language) a mulle is what we call our dead. Dead people have the ability to attach themselves to the living that have not carried out their wishes or were given proper rites. They are very malicious ghosts and you do not want them around. Mulle are also wasteland romani slang for feral ghouls.
The Bawon: In Voudou, Bawon Samdi is the master of Death and he guides souls into the afterworld. He is a cunning trickster and has ressurected Sweetjane on a whim of his. She is now his apprentice/assistant, however she is reluctant to take on this role due to her beliefs as a romni.
Redraw of an old piece

Been thinking about Hancock a lot (need to actually draw him as a ghoul again lol)
my favourite genre of nexusmods screenshots is when people are showing off looksmenu things in the intro and it just looks like this