kit / 20s mostly a repository for articles, websites, fandom, and other resources i like and want to share.
788 posts
UNESCO Issued A Statement Calling On Russia To Respect The 1954 Hague Convention For The Protection Of

“UNESCO issued a statement calling on Russia to respect the “1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols, to ensure the prevention of damage to cultural heritage in all its forms.” Sarah Cascone, ArtNet, 25 Feb, 2022.
More Posts from Rosemarysealavender
oh dear
I told a kid in my class the other day that it was going to be the year of the tiger! This kid is a kindergartner, five years old.
Usually there’s some interest when I bring this up, but this kid sort of sat with that for a couple minutes, expression settling into a thousand yard stare. Just as I was wondering if something was wrong, he looked at me with his haunted eyes and asked, in a tone of resignation: “When are the tigers coming?”
I had to quickly reassure him that the year of the tiger was like…an animal assigned to the year, and not another plague or natural disaster! Between the Covid, lockdowns, and huge flood of cicadas last year this child probably decided that this was in line with how the world worked and was mentally getting his affairs in order.

— Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
Ripped-Up Government Records and the Critical Role of the National Archives (SAA Letter to Editors)
from the Society of American Archivists website - https://www2.archivists.org/
February 4, 2022 — Responding to recent media reports, SAA President Courtney Chartier with the assistance of the Committee on Public Policy yesterday sent the following letter to the editors of the Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, The Hill, and Chicago Tribune:
Ripped-Up Government Records and the Critical Role of the National Archives
Recent media reports about former-president Trump’s regular practice of tearing up documents required to be preserved under the federal Presidential Records Act should be of concern to all Americans. Government records laws exist to ensure that our public servants are accountable to the people they serve. The White House Office of Records Management deserves great credit for ensuring that these documents were retained regardless of their condition, as well as the National Archives for helping to make them usable for accountability and transparency.
These reports underscore the importance of maintaining the funding and independence of the National Archives. Additionally, the current Archivist of the United States will retire spring 2022 and the next Archivist will continue to play a critical role in ensuring that essential evidence of our democracy is both preserved and made accessible according to federal law. Given the issues at stake, it is critical that the Biden administration select an appointee who is highly skilled and well versed in the nature and management of federal government records—and particularly presidential records. On behalf of the Society of American Archivists, we urge that this issue be given the critical attention it merits on behalf of the American people.
in love with this article!
would like to shake hands with the author (Fobazi Ettarh)!
It’s ALWAYS time for Kate Bush! (The Dreaming - “Ne t’enfuis pas” 1983)