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For Fans Of Old School Death Metal
For fans of Old School Death Metal
This post is to serve as a list of recommendations of niche or newer Old School Death Metal-esque bands, and what bands they’re most similar to.
Let me preface, if you’re looking for Cannibal Corpse you’re not going to get it. I like some Cannibal Corpse songs, but they’re not the kind of music that I want to get from Old School Death Metal (OSDM). You’re going to get a lot more stuff similar to Morbid Angel or Death because that’s mainly what I’m into.
I’m also going to mention themes here, which you may find confusing if you don’t pay attention to Death Metal’s themes but there’s something much more interesting to me about Death Metal that goes into mythology, history, or the occult, in the stead of the classic “Gore and Misogyny” that lazy Death Metal bands tend to do.
With that out of the way, here we go.
Gruesome - For Fans of early Death
American band done explicitly in the style of/in tribute to the band Death, with albums reminiscent of Leprosy or Spiritual Healing.
Sijjin - For Fans of Morbid Angel
A personal favorite of mine, this one has hooks and riffs for days. I found myself surprised to like this, as I had expected modern death metal bands to have nothing interesting in store, but this 2019-born band delivers just as well as any old Florida Death Metal band.
Atrocity - For Fans of the general Florida Death Metal scene
If you search this band up on Spotify, you’re most likely going to be greeted by their shitty cover albums. Yeah, in my opinion this band definitely fell off. I would, however, highly recommend their sophomore release “Todessehnsucht”. It even happens to feature a cover of a Death demo song, Archangel.
Perdition Temple - For Fans of Deicide and Morbid Angel
You’re in for a lot of Morbid Angel-type stuff, even though Death is my favorite band. This one isn’t necessarily just death metal though, as it’s sometimes labelled Black/Death Metal. Not in like, a war metal/bestial black metal kind of way though so don’t get your hopes up if you’re into that. I would personally recommend their first release the most, “Edict of the Antichrist Elect”.
Nile - For Fans of Morbid Angel
You might cry, “That’s not niche or new!”, but if I can get through to at least one Morbid Angel fan who just happens to not know about Nile, my job will be done. As the name suggests, this band thematically pertains to Egypt, particularly Ancient Egypt. I’ve never been a huge Nile fan, but of the few songs I do love I really love them.
Xenomorph - For Fans of Morbid Angel
Specifically, the American band that only released Empyreal Regimes in 1995. I really love the production on that album, something about the tone feels warm.
Angelcorpse - For Fans of Morbid Angel
If you love Morbid Angel but hate the groovier or slower parts, this band is for you. Personally, never been a big fan since I love the slower stuff from Morbid Angel, but you may love this.
Altars - For Fans of Morbid Angel
In direct contrast to the last band, here’s a bit of a groovier death metal band. Specifically, this the Altars that is an Australian Death Metal band that released “Paramnesia”.
Necronomicon - For fans of Morbid Angel
Canadian Death Metal band, I would specifically recommend “Pharoah of the Gods”, if you can get past all the unnecessary intros on multiple tracks at least. Generally, mid-paced sorta stuff.
Sentenced - For Fans of Death
They had a similar thing to Atrocity, except they went into rock music later on instead of just making covers. I would recommend their first album, Shadows of the Past, if you’re looking for that Florida Death Metal sound, and their second album if you’re looking for a more prog extreme metal sound. Anything beyond that I don’t like.
Mithras - For Fans of Morbid Angel
I would recommend specifically their album “Forever Advancing...... Legions”. It’s more on the groovy end of that Morbid Angel sound.
Scarab - For Fans of Morbid Angel (or Nile)
Excellent Egyptian Death Metal band, except this time actually from Egypt! I would highly recommend “Blinding the Masses”.
Coffin Texts - For Fans of Morbid Angel
A very underrated Death Metal band that is yet again, thematically about Ancient Egypt. If you’re tired of this theme, at least know it’s better than the alternative of just gore and femicide.
Nader Sadek - For Fans of Morbid Angel
Morbid Angel-esque riffing, sung over by one of the Morbid Angel singers, but oddly enough, about oil? I would recommend their excellent release from 2011, “In the Flesh”.
End of Recommendations
That’s all I have for now! If anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear em, if you reply with a suitable band I might give em a listen and reblog this with more!
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More Posts from Rottingwaysofmisery
Tutorial for Exploring Metal
New to the genre? Already familiar and just curious? Regardless, I’m here to give a short guide and some tips. Mind you this isn’t a strict thing, more so some suggestions and some (hopefully) helpful advice!
Now, you might be under the impression that genres are stupid, but in a lot of people’s experiences those labels can be very helpful when describing and finding what sounds you like and don’t like. You want something with keyboards with spooky church organs or choir-like effects? Maybe something more Gothic might be up your alley!
I’m not going to go and describe every genre for you, I’d rather you give a listen and learn the history of genres and to form your own opinions. Wikipedia, despite its flaws, can be a very helpful resource for learning the history of genres and getting at least a vague idea of what a genre might sound like. Hell, you might even find a new band you like out of the bands mentioned on a given genre’s article.
Also, remember, this is all made-up and held only by consensus, form your own opinions on what a genre is and isn’t! It’s okay! Even if someone might call you stupid for your opinion, as long as you’re educated on the history you’re still going to have an understandable opinion.
If someone ever asks you what the first black metal band is, and you say could say “Venom”, and someone might disagree with you and say “No, it’s Bathory”, but those disagreements are okay and neither of you would be objectively wrong. Hell, you’re even allowed to disagree with me and say that these genres ARE objective. Just don’t be a dick about it and you’ll be fine.
Useful Tools
I already mentioned Wikipedia, but that’s not going to be your best resource. Your best resource is going to be the Metal Archives website. Now, one thing I must warn you about before you use it. They don’t allow any bands that they deem to have more non-metal influence than metal influence, because to them it all starts at the riff. If they have one album that is predominately original metal riffs, then it is going to be accepted. What is a metal riff? It’s a “You know it when you hear it” kinda thing. If you hate that, I’m not the one who designed the website. Essentially what this means is that Nu Metal, most metalcore or deathcore bands, “kawaii metal” (as in babymetal, babybeard type stuff), vkei with metal elements (Dir En Grey), industrial rock (KMFDM, Nine Inch Nails), whatever Primus is, Prog Rock (Tool), are not allowed on the archives. Also, please understand that a band being deemed non-metal has nothing to do with the quality or aesthetic of the band, it just means they don’t think they have any albums or releases with predominately original metal riffs.
With that out of the way, let me explain why the website is useful as a tool.
1. If you decide you like a band that also happens to be on the Metal Archives, then it’s going to have a “Similar Artists” tab, which will recommend bands that other people have voted to be similar to that specific band. (Mind you this isn’t completely reliable, for instance, Danzig is at the top of Type O Negative’s Similar Artists tab and they have very few similarities).
2. The forums have a section dedicated JUST to recommendations! It’s called “Recommendation Central”, and if you make an account you can post and ask about recommendations for bands of specific sounds and genres.
3. Avoiding problematic bands. I will elaborate further in the next part.
Avoiding Bigotry
This is a huge concern for people getting into metal, I’ll give some tips on things to avoid.
1. Avoid anything labelled NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal) or RAC (Rock against Communism), as both are heavily associated with white supremacist music.
2. Look at the “Themes” portion of the Metal Archives page for a given band, if it says some shit like “Misogyny”, “White Supremacy”, or “Antisemitism”, then you’ll know to throw it in the garbage.
3. Do a simple google search. I’m serious, sometimes people will make entire write-ups about everything that’s problematic about a band.
4. If you’re really paranoid, look for the lyrics of individual songs before you go and add them to your playlists. Often times albums on the Metal Archives will have lyrics.
If you really loved a band, deep dive into them. My two favorite bands are Type O Negative and Death, and yet I could absolutely infodump about everything wrong those bands have done.
Don’t be afraid to consider your own values and principles, if a band has problematic themes or a problematic background consider how it might make the people around you feel if you listened to them, especially promoting the music openly. Consider things like, if the musician(s) behind the music project is/are dead, does it matter? If the art is the problem, do I only listen to the songs that aren’t the problem? If the music is bigoted against my identity and I am personally okay with listening to it, does that make it okay? If I am okay recommending a band with problematic themes or backgrounds to another person, should I warn them what they’re about to get into? If I’m okay with listening to music with problematic themes, where do I draw the line, if I even do?
I’m not going to tell you what you ought to think, I just want you to develop your own thoughts and feelings.
With all that said, I will say. If you listen to and/or promote music with White Supremacist themes literally fucking DNI with me. I don’t want to make friends with NSBM fans.
That’s all! Happy Listening!!
original song (i have no idea what I'm doing)

someone do this with Death

Pride flags colour picked from Cannibal Corpse albums 🖤💀
My Favorite Metal Bands
As the title suggests, I’m going to be talking about my favorite metal bands and WHY I love them and specifically my favorite album/release from them. This isn’t in any particular order, though Death and Type O Negative are my absolute favorite.
My favorite Death Metal band ough I love em this band is my baby. There’s so much variety and so many fucking hooks. He always managed to make each album interesting in their own way. I love all the albums, my favorite has to be Leprosy though.
Type O Negative
This shit here is my jam, literally so many good songs from each album. My favorite is October Rust, personally.
Black Sabbath
I know this might be kind of a sin but I love the Dio-era most. Listen to “Heaven and Hell” and “Dehumanizer”
Literally one of the greatest doom metal bands ever, I love “Epicus Doomicus Metallus” but my personal favorite is “Nightfall”
EEEEEEEE oh my god i think this might be my favorite black metal band. My favorite from them is “Under the Sign of the Black Mark”.
Those first two albums are so fucking good, honestly I recommend both “Refuge Denied” and “Into The Mirror Black”
Oh my god their first two albums are so fucking good, please give them the song “Buried Alive” a listen off the album “Black Metal”.
Control Denied
This has to be my fav progressive metal band (even if they only lasted one album), I HIGHLY recommend “The Fragile Art of Existence”.
Specifically, Zjevení bc I don’t really care much for their other stuff. Shit is just my jam, this is the kind of Black Metal I fucking love.
That’s all I can remember right now! These are definitely up there in terms of what I think are the greatest metal bands.