Ramblings and thoughts. Currently obsessed with batfam (mainly Tim Drake) I love ORV, Inso’s Law, Irondad, NagiReo(the found family desires are strong with this one)
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Inktober2024 day 2: Beginnings
It all started with Young Just Us
Pierce Through

Archer Iruma is back in action!!

(weakly) aha,, Jason...Todd...... :'))) hope the red isn't going to be a problem if so it's paint alright I'll put a tw in the tags just in case- idk how to use tumblr o(-(

hehe, glitters.
i think people who complain about paragraphs being too long should just read/write screenplays instead. some of us actually enjoy reading

Haven’t collabed with @renconner in a long while for a mini comic (minus our big one, Instinct). We were talking about one of Stan’s lowest moments involving being outside with that damn sign, so we decided to make a comic with Stan remembering it. I’ve also kinda of assumed Filbrick would lie to Ford about what’s going on with Stan (Stan probably did too to some extent).

Iruma Suzuki from Mairimashita! Iruma-kun/ Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun!
I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.
have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.
Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.
Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.
Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.
It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.

Dick, holding Tim close while hissing at the hundreds of people gathered outside the Manor who all want to adopt: Who the hell posted an 'Available for adoption' advertisement for Tim?!
Damian, actively printing more adverts: I have no idea
Jason, posting them all over town: Must have been Alfred
Tim, who had designed the ad in the first place: Just let it happen, Dick
Bruce, running in: Can I adopt him again

Crow likes shiny stuff

Batman: Gotham Knights (2000) #30
i personally have very complicated feelings on the Gotham Knights video game and the routes it takes with characterization. i think it has a charm to it and it goes in an interesting direction with everyone (especially within the confides of the plot of the game) but it does have certain moments that veer painfully fanon for me. (such as: the dialogue where Tim drinks too much coffee) it's an interesting story for what it is but i don't view it comics-based for characterization and therefore don't care to interact with it much for like. fanfic purposes.
that *said* though. i do have to give the game some kind of credit for giving one of the top five JayTim moments that lives rent free in my mind. every since i played the game, the cutscene lives in my mind daily. it's the specific cutscene where Jason and Tim are arguing about whether or not Jason's non-lethal bullets are too dangerous for the field, and the argument leads to TIm *standing in front of the target* Jason is shooting and telling Jason to shoot him. it lives rent free for me. i never stop thinking about this.

the absolute certainty Tim has that he is in no danger standing in front of Jason, who has a loaded gun pointed at his face. the way Jason *hesitates* for just a moment before lowering the gun. he thinks about it for just a second. Gotham Knights JayTim seem to get along very well and can rely on each other, but Jason still clearly holds a bitterness about his death and Tim that flickers through in some lines of dialogue under the guise of jokes. especially since this game deals *heavily* with concepts of Pit Madness causing an altered state of consciousness, i think it's believable that occasionally, Jason fights the urge to fight and hurt Tim for the feeling of being replaced.
i like their tension so much in this canon. they get along but you can *tell* Tim is afraid of addressing Jason's trauma or even addressing Jason head-on, and Jason leans into spooking Tim about it. which isn't very comics feeling in their dynamic, but it is an interesting way to place their dynamic if you're playing with a more timid Tim who's newer to the role of Robin. (which he seems to be in-game) he really doesn't want to offend Jason, or worse, piss him off. but he'll still face Jason head on for things like this, while completely aware of what Jason could be capable of.
and Jason seems very protective of Tim and respecting Tim as a Robin in typical Jason fashion. if Tim pushes, Jason *will* relent. he knows this is a kid who's proved himself and should be treated with equal respect, sometimes even more than Dick and Babs do in-game.
so for all that to culminate in Tim stepping in front of Jason's loaded gun that he *knows* is on the edge of being too dangerous, just to force Jason to listen? it's the most unhinged way Tim could've gotten his point across in this scene. he was literally daring Jason to hurt him and playing with a very dangerous fire. but he did it anyway bc he believed he could make Jason heel just at the thought of hurting Tim. and he was *right*. they're gay and i'm feral ty.
@doodle-dog-diary look!! Supercycle mention lmao
Guys I know we all make silly jokes about how YJs missions are crazy and scare the new kids and are cryptids for it, but the real reason the team would be seen as spooky and wild… is that the majority of the members aren’t around anymore.
Think about, four out of the eight core members of the team have just, disappeared.
They mention invading a country and Barts like “yeah it was to save Anita’s mom” and the younger hero’s are just like… “who???”
“Oh yeah, we had to deal with Darkseid back in the day, he was weirdly interested in our teammate Secret,” Tim (no real names unless necessary) Drake says casually “okay, ignoring the dealing with Darkseid part because idk how to comprehend that, who the fuck is Secret??” One of the batfam asks wildly. Steph chimes in with a casual “that’s the girl who tried to kill me, right?”
“Man, sometimes I miss Slobo,” Cassie says quietly when they’re chilling and one of the newer titans happens to be near by is just like “what the fuck is a Slobo?”
“Cissie would freak if she saw this,” Kon jokes. Conner Hawke is just like “I feel like I’m supposed to know who that is????”
Like, Secret, Cissie, Anita, and Slobo are just gone, and the new heroes definitely don’t know who they are, and most of the older heroes don’t either.
YJs mission reports are crazy for many reasons. One of which being no one knowing who the fuck they’re talking about.
Not to mention “I wish we still had the Supercycle, I wonder how its kid is doing?” “the What?? How???”
man if I gotta make bad art, it should at least be easy! But it’s not! It is also hard to make this bad art
Tim Drake: Batman, you’ve gotten too dark since your last Robin died. You need a new Robin to remind you of something very important: Batman doesn’t kill.
Bruce: I… thank you, Tim. I’d almost forgotten—
Tim, blowing up a warehouse full of goons: killing is MY job

Somebody has to have already done this meme with these four hooligans, I’m sure of it, but once I had the idea it wouldn’t leave me alone.
I haven’t drawn them in so long.
Bruce is at a gala, okay, and he’s talking to a woman.
Random woman: “And we found out that we’re having another child!”
Bruce: *absolutely cackling inside, because this is about to be the funniest thing he’s done in weeks*
Brucie: “That’s wonderful! Where are they? Can I meet them? How old are they?”
Now Brucie is standing there, scanning the room for children with a huge grin on his face, while all of the random rich people stand around like ‘who’s going to explain to the adorable, well-meaning idiot that most people know they’re going to have children a few months before the children are born.’
And worse, who’s going to have to break the news to him that he can’t meet the kid today?
Because this man… this man has acquired all of his children with zero premeditation. Yes, he does have a bio kid, but that one showed up on his doorstep as a preteen. He did even less acquiring with that one than with the others.
Bruce has a blast acting out his disappointment, and has to turn some so that he can no longer see Tim and Cass leaning against each other and laughing, because otherwise he’s going to start laughing.
Just Tim showing how how much he loves his brother Damian
Basically saying he doesn't want a world without Damian

Had a breakdown after Damian death and hallucinated him and said that he wanted to protect Damian ( to protect you )

And hugging him

2000s nu metal jason (twt prompt) ♡
Bart Allen: I want to tell you a joke but I only remember the punchline.
Tim Drake: Go ahead.
Bart Allen: Tooth hurty.
Tim Drake: When is the best time to go to the dentist.
Bart Allen: You complete me.

Heh heh hehh
This has to be an AU already right? I’ve never seen it. I’m doing it. My city now

The angst potential alone haunts me. How long do you think he waited for Ford?? When did it start to sink in that nobody was coming to save him, that nobody would miss him? Would anybody even want him back? How long did it take for his anger, his heartbreak, his grief to turn into acceptance and a belief that this was divine retribution? How long did he work, how many jobs did he take, how much wealth did he accrue, how many brushes with death did he have until he believed he’d “earned” the right to go home and see his brother?? Many such questions. I need to go deeper

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