ryo0o0o - Ryo


326 posts

FUCK YOU *draws Your Honk Eye Star Rail Oc*

FUCK YOU *draws your honk eye star rail oc*

FUCK YOU *draws Your Honk Eye Star Rail Oc*
FUCK YOU *draws Your Honk Eye Star Rail Oc*
FUCK YOU *draws Your Honk Eye Star Rail Oc*
FUCK YOU *draws Your Honk Eye Star Rail Oc*
FUCK YOU *draws Your Honk Eye Star Rail Oc*

@wistfxlwishes @palmtreepwr @com-i-cal @kosmic-autokrat fuck all of you

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More Posts from Ryo0o0o

5 months ago
16th Century Ring That Unfolds Into An Astronomical Sphere
16th Century Ring That Unfolds Into An Astronomical Sphere

16th century ring that unfolds into an astronomical sphere

5 months ago

I don’t know how to say this in a non-obsessed way, but I need the ao3 status updates to be beamed straight into my head whenever the archive goes down. I need that shit announced like we’re in a plane attempting to make a risky landing. Oh we’re down for another 20 minutes because of a server in the Pacific? Sure, thanks. I’ll just wait here.

5 months ago

Alright. I’ll love him.

Alright. Ill Love Him.

I don’t think he’ll like it very much, though

And Now, I Bring You, My Silliest Most Self Indulgent Oc In The World!!!!! Made Purely For The Purpose

and now, i bring you, my silliest most self indulgent oc in the world!!!!! made purely for the purpose of appealing to me and me only! his story goes as such:


Echo (not his real name but we’ll get to it later) spent his childhood wandering the streets of his dead-end slum town, eavesdropping on whatever caught his fleeting interest. He was peering into a government building through a back window, when a door opens next to him and out pops a little mechanical ball. He pokes and prods at it for a moment, before it whirs to life, and- Woah!!!! it’s a sentient AI robot friend!!!!!!!

From there, his interest in science, engineering, and robotics grew. He and the AI—who he named Z—would work together on many a project throughout the years. They were business partners and friends, working their way up the ranks until they were well known and greatly respected figures in the world of robotics.

But the fame got to Echo.

He started to look down upon Z, seeing it as nothing but the tool that got him to where he was now. He was human, with infinite possibilities in life and the means to accomplish it all. But Z? It was just some lousy AI that he picked up after it had been discarded. He was the one who trained it, who fixed it, who did all the work. It was just there to give him the information, which he now had. So Z was useless to him. Just another thing in the way.

So Echo, in his self proclaimed glory, decided to divorce himself from the help of Z for good. He arranged a gaudy public display, where he would give a speech, and sever Z’s wires, killing it off for good. What harm could it do, anyway? He was the only one who knew how to fix it.

So the day comes. Echo is up on stage, listening to the claps and cheers of his adoring audience. Everything is going well. He gives his speech. He pulls the sharp dagger he’s been hiding from under his coat. He reaches over to sever Z’s wires as his final display, and-

He misses.

There’s a pain in his arm, a dizzy feeling in his head, and loud, horrified shrieks around him as the world slowly starts going dark. Echo wakes up in the hospital. He goes to sit up, and there’s a whirring noise, one he recognizes all too well.

It’s Z—who now seems to be attached to him, quite literally. Wires feed into his arms, mechanical parts doing their work to keep him alive. He looks at his arm, and it’s stitched all the way around, a huge scar where he’d cut himself. He’s not sure how he can still move it, something about cybernetics he read up about many years ago. He doesn’t know and doesn’t care to.

All he knows is that he failed. Z is still here, alive, and even more embarrassingly—keeping *him* alive. All because he missed one little swing of a dagger. How careless.

And so, utterly and completely humiliated, ostracized from his peers for his failure of an attempt at freedom, he only has one choice. Try and kill Z again.

Z—who is in such a state of disrepair that he isn’t even sure it’s the same thing he’d been about to stab however long ago. And he’s not completely a monster, so it’s not like he’s going to kick it when it’s down…

He gives himself a new name and a new purpose—to rebuild Z. To fix and reassemble it, all so he can finally get the satisfaction of finishing what he started and killing this wretched program once and for all.

He’s an Echo of his past self, completely and utterly consumed by one goal, kept alive by what he’d come to resent so much.


yea so that was my silly guy :) he’s an egotistical maniac who thinks he’s better than his only friend and is simultaneously the biggest idiot in the world and the smartest guy in his field. i love him and i hate him and he makes me lose my mind

he’s also vaguely inspired by the song Brutus by The Buttress so yea (and he’s also very much language of the lost by riproducer core :))))

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5 months ago

Ok but way would someone pay you to stop doing this? It's so cool and fascinating


let me introduce you to a few 100% real, totally unphotoshopped photos!


yep, that is REAL! spider rain EXISTS! and is a regular phenomenon! that happens and is documented! and involves MILLIONS of spiders!!!!! RAINING DOWN ON CITIES!!!!! THAT’S A REAL THING THAT HAPPENS UNAVOIDABLY!!!!!!!!!! i need to foam at the mouth in hysteria for a few minutes, but when I calm down i’ll give you some Spider Rain Science Facts  

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5 months ago

I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.