36 years old || she/her || cisgender womanSometimes I write stuff…mostly I rambleMasterlist! Networks: BangtanArmyNet
581 posts
Babe, Listen
Babe, listen
Your fic isn’t a flop, it’s a cult classic. Only the coolest freaks like it, don’t worry about it, it’s great.
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More Posts from Sabiekay

😭😭 I can’t wait for summer to end…
taehyung: *sees yoongi*
also taehyung: i must pick that lil guy up
Aaa thanks for tagging me @theharrowing! I'm gonna dig to see if I have 3 WIPs to post, but I definitely have 3 fics done for this challenge! Some of these snippits might be kinda long whoooooops
No Pressure tag list (do it if you want to, don't feel obligated to play!) @candlewaxandp0lar0ids , @suga-kookiemonster , and @writtenwhalien, anyone else who feels like it!
rules: post 3 snippets from published work, and 3 from your wips
*3 Published*
Throughout the entire trip to the nature reserve, amongst the small talk and laughter, all you could think of was how aware you were of your feelings. Ever since you admitted them to Hoseok a week ago it was like the floodgates had opened now that they had a name to it. And it was making it hard to just act normal. Every interaction was a balancing act of trying not to pretend things were different. Was your crush too obvious? Did Jungkook know? Why couldn’t you just act normal, like you had been for the past several weeks? Your brain was an endless loop of trying to play it cool. If he could read minds, all he would hear in yours was that meme song “don’t be suspicious” over and over again. Jungkook, for his part, was clearly having a blast singing along to the radio. It really wasn’t fair how talented he was – he could draw, paint, and he had a beautiful singing voice? This had to be proof that God played favorites. In between singing and bopping to the songs, you two sipped on the cold brew coffees Jungkook had brought so you could stay awake for the meteor shower. Being the passenger allowed you to look at the beautiful landscape changing outside the car. Now that you were fully away from the city, you could see trees and fields surrounding you instead of tall buildings and neon lights. The sun was setting around you, causing the world to glimmer in shades of green and gold. It was breathtaking. You glanced over at Jungkook as he bopped along to the radio and tapped his fingertips lightly against the wheel, the golden light hitting him the perfect way. It was warm enough outside for him to just wear a t shirt with a pair of jeans, which meant his tattoos were nearly on full display – and a distraction. Your eyes kept glancing up and down at the full artistry that covered his entire right arm. You wanted to hear all about them, the stories and reasons for each one; how they all fit together to tell a story…maybe even trace them with your fingers, especially the veins popping out from his hand gripping the wheel and then….nope. Nope. You were shutting that down right now. You had to survive this trip without dying of thirst for the poor guy. Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious.
The Season
“Is this your first gala then? Are you new to the Season?” Your curiosity got the better of you as you took the furthest seat you could away from the man. You may be having a conversation, but years of training were a hard habit to break. He shook his head, then took a heavy breath as he looked toward the glittering manor. “I stopped going a few years ago, but my mother kept begging me until I ran out of excuses. So here I am, back into the fray.” He gestured out from the empty garden, the only audience being you, the flowers, and the willow tree. It was calm and quiet outside, far away from the crowds. He laughed darkly, shaking his head as he stared straight ahead. “Every single news article, all the social media posts, everyone gushes about how glamorous it must be, how powerful everyone is. It’s all so fake. No one inside that ballroom really cares about their so-called friends, it’s only what favors that person can do for them. What their alliance can bring to the table. I join the conversation and all anyone can talk about is who my father is, what my brother does. How lucky I should feel to be a part of that legacy. I mean, sometimes I don’t think they even know my full name!” “So what is your full name?” You blurted out before deciding to just own up to it; you faced him full on, looking right at him. He stared at you in barely hidden disbelief, then smiled softly. “Seokjin. I’m…” he paused, as if contemplating what he was going to say next. “I’m Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you.” Your brain was screaming at you as you tried not to freak out on someone you just met. Here you were, a mere lady’s maid, chatting casually to the 2nd son of Grand Minister Kim, one of the most powerful men in all of Erharan. Even back home in Auteris people knew of his family. Grand Minister Kim was one of the 3 Grand Ministers that made up the Leaders of State in Erharan. The Grand Ministers were the top of the top officials, who listened to the requests of the lower ranked legislative ministers to bring forth new laws for the country. But it was the Grand Ministers who enacted them, who were the true rulers – they were considered the same as kings and emperors of other countries. And that was just one half of his family pedigree. His mother came from the illustrious Jang family, the owners and founders of Jang Technologies, the leading solar technology company in the world. Their products basically brought Erharan and the rest of the world to the modern age, making it the industrial powerhouse it was today. If it could be run on solar power, it most likely came from Jang Tech. It was bad enough you were talking to a guest at all, let alone someone from such a prominent background. His family had inherited the role of Grand Minister for generations. They would probably continue passing down that title long after you and Seokjin were gone. You were stunned you didn’t even recognize him. But as you looked at Seokjin, the depths of his eyes searching for any type of connection, you recognized how difficult his life might be. How in this moment all he might need was a friend to talk to. And so, you decided tonight his family background didn’t matter. You could be his friend for the evening, pretend the differences in your social status wouldn’t cause a scandal. If anyone asked, you could just say you were doing your job – you were meant to serve the upper class, after all. If a nobleman asked you to sit and chat, who were you to say no? “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you too.”
(Blank) For The Holidays
No, the most devastating part was that Off-Work Yoongi was dangerous. He wore a black fitted turtleneck sweater with dark blue jeans, and black wire framed glasses. His dark brown hair was swept back, exposing his forehead to make him look more handsome than he already was. You were used to Coffee Bee Yoongi, who wore the required uniform and baseball cap that nearly hid his features, or wearing a beanie that caused his hair to frame his face. But this? This was too much. Suddenly all the feelings you had when you first met him come rushing back the instant he turned to face you. Of course you had a small crush on him when he first started working at The Coffee Bee. You were about 90% sure everyone did. Yoongi was downright stunning; him being hard-working and silently caring was a bonus that had already thrown him into Ideal Boyfriend territory. But the idea of dating a coworker was just too messy for you to get over. You were afraid of what would happen if you were rejected, or if you started dating your coworker and broke up, or if you two had gone on a date and it just wasn’t a good time. Things would be awkward and your life was already off kilter without throwing that into the mix. So you just pushed down the feelings, locked them in a box in the back of your mind, and decided to ignore it altogether. But seeing Yoongi in that outfit (especially with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows), focused on cooking a nice dinner, was too hot and domestic for you to handle. And without realizing it he shot straight up past being a simple work crush, beyond ‘Would Be A Good Boyfriend’, and into ‘Perfect Husband’ material. You had to remind yourself that he didn’t even ask you here as a date. This was a friend party. A Christmas party for friends. You could be friends, right? “Hey Y/N. I’m glad you could make it,” Yoongi said brightly, his eyes crinkling as he smiled. You nodded with one in return, stomping down your resurrected romantic feelings so you could just chill for an evening.
*3 WIPs*
Another Life
With a sigh, you tried to think back to every single moment that led you here. “How many times do I have to tell you I don’t know how I got here? For the past day or so I’ve had a headache, and some sort of vertigo take over every time I laid down. I went to bed early so I could go to prompt care in the morning. Then suddenly I’m here, and it’s apparently not a dream and then there’s glowing fists in my face. Don’t know what else to tell you.” He paused, taking your story in. More thinking, more pacing, muttering, and shaking his head. You just stood there frozen – not like you had anywhere else to go. But if there was a small chance of him having any answers for where you were, you needed to stay put. Finally, he walked back toward to, reaching toward your wrist. “You need to come with me right now.” You threw your arm back, moving further away from the man. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on. Where exactly are we? How do I know this isn’t some plot to kidnap me or lead me off to some hidden dungeon?” He groaned deeply, rubbing his palm against his face. “Saints and stars above, we don’t have time for this. And if we’re being technical, you are the intruder in the royal palace, so perhaps you should rethink your accusations. But if it will make you move faster, fine.” He sighed and slightly shook his head. “You are in the kingdom of Kalmarys, specifically the grand royal palace of King Rolftan and his heir, Princess Melyanna. My name is Jimin, a Royal Mage and Captain of Princess Melyanna’s personal guard. And if what I suspect is true, the High Mage needs to be aware of your presence right now. Does that answer your questions?” “…wait, royal mage? As in magic? You can do magic?” Jimin stared at you, an eyebrow raised. “Do you not have magic where you’re from? Who hasn’t heard of the Royal Mages?” You crossed your arms in return, looking more at the floor than at the man. “Well, up until a few minutes ago I thought magic wasn’t even real, so….” A shocked cough escaped Jimin’s lips. He opened his mouth, then closed it before shaking his head and reached for your wrist again. He mumbled something indecipherable to himself, half pulling you to the other side of the room.
Dream A Little Dream
Rice. The first word of your day, the only image in your mind when you woke up. Not a face, or a phrase. Just a bowl of plain white rice. With a sigh, you opened the faded journal on your night stand to add it to the list. Legend says that when the heavens deem your heart ready to be with your soulmate, the God of Love himself will place clues in your dreams each night so you can find them. The first image that lingers in your mind when you wake up brings you one step closer to your perfect match. It could be weeks, it could be months. But either way, you will find your soulmate. It certainly worked for your parents – your Literature professor father dreamt of fish, vast oceans, bright colors. Your mother, a marine biologist, dreamt of libraries, poems, and bottles of ink. When they met as college students, they said it was like magic swirled around them as they held hands after putting the clues together. You never had any reason to doubt soulmates existed when you could see proof every single day around you. But maybe Eros was just screwing with you because for the past few nights, all your soulmate dreams were of the same plain bowl of rice. Last week you dreamt of empty walls. Your journal was filled with documentation of the most mundane, puzzling clues that left you with more questions than answers. 2 months of soulmate dreams surmounting to “Yes queen give us nothing.” And look, it’s not like you were lonely. You’re not! It’s just…a little frustrating to see everyone in your family so in love, the ever-growing collection of Save The Dates and baby shower invites taking over the fridge. Your social media formulated to showcase how nearly all of your friends easily found their soulmates already. While the closest action you’ve gotten recently was reading a spicy novel while eating takeout pizza. It would be nice to be able to cook for more than one person, or feel the warmth of another body cuddling yours while watching (and judging) home renovation tv shows. You would even settle for dates that didn’t fizzle out after the second or third time, once it was abundantly clear you were not going to work out - even before getting into the soulmate dreams. You didn’t even have someone to point out cute puppies to when taking a walk in the park! ….okay, maybe you were a little lonely.
After The End of All Things
“Mom, what’s going on? What happened?” you insisted quietly, trying not to wake the child sleeping next to you. “The last ship…they changed the departure time again. It’s now leaving at 4 am today.” Your eyes fell at the old clock next to the bed – 1:30. If you hurried, ran along the empty backroads, you could make it to the docks in time. But only if you left now. You darted out of bed in a flash, trying to race against the clock to pack what you could. You guiltily hoped that others like you – the ones who couldn’t afford tickets at the base price – hadn’t heard the new bumped up time frame yet. Less people at the docks meant more of a chance for your family to win the Day Of ticket lottery, where you’d earn a spot on the ship for a discounted price. If you couldn’t pay the amount at the time of selection, you could sign a waiver to work off the remaining balance. It was the only chance, the last hope, for people of your status to get onto the ships. The lottery only selected 100 people per departure, with hundreds of entries being the standard. Since this was the last ship, you’d be shocked if the entries were less than 1,000. You started opening drawers in the family dresser, moving quickly to just grab whatever items you found first. But then you noticed your mother walking slowly, eerily so, with a backpack in each hand. Only two. You froze in your spot as your eyes blinked rapidly, holding back the forming tears. You shook your head as you realized what was going on. “I can’t leave you,” you cried, reaching out to your mother. “It’s the only way, Y/N. Take your niece and go. You don’t have much time.” She set down the backpacks at your feet and grabbed your shaking hands. “You can still come with us! The odds of the lottery will be better with 3 of us, you know that! They have the family clause if Anna is selected since she’s too young to work. We can still stay together.” With a gentle squeeze and a deep sigh, your mother walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed an envelope. Her eyes were glassy as she placed it in your hands. You held your breath as you opened it, revealing some money and a pair of tickets. Your eyes widened and your hands shook as the light spilling in from the window emphasized the embossed, iridescent logo of the Global Space Command. You couldn’t ask how she got those tickets. You didn’t want to. Some things were better left unsaid. You looked back at your mother to find tears running down her face. If you weren’t in shock, you’d probably feel your own tears doing the same. “You and Anna deserve a better life. To get away from here. This world is dying, and you two have a chance to start over. Promise me you’ll survive. And live.”
.....dang, I guess I do have a few WIPs, huh? LOLOLOLOL