Wip Game - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Thanks to @jung-nika-hoseok for tagging me in this. Lol I've been so busy lately.

Ok I'm CURIOUS about "Forbidden" the title itself is so đŸ˜ƒđŸ™ŒđŸ»

Anyways these are the (named) WIP titles I'm working actively on.

Stand down

The host

His excellency's advisor

Unlikely yours

I don't have moots to tag. :) But anyways!

WIP Ask Meme

RULES: Post the names of the files of any WIP folder you feel like sharing; it doesn’t matter how non-descriptive or ridiculous it is. Let people send you asks with the title(s) that intrigue them, and then post a snippet or tell them something about it. 

I’ll start, shall I?

Tagging: @akirakurusuimagines, @dragonsinkwell, @aunclassynerd, @askkrisachan. 

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1 year ago

Let's do this: below is a list of some of my WIP titles, lemme know which one(s) interest you and I'll post a snippet with your ask :D (saw this somewhere on another lovely writers page and i wanted to see how it went)

Darkness At Every Corner (BTS)

Instinct (BTS)

Attention (Part 3) (TWD)

Sunshine, Starlight (FNAF SB)

Fear No Evil (BTS)

The Snape Girl (Harry Potter)

Guests (BTS)

All The Blood We Spill (BTS)

This is only WIPs that I've started writing, i have many many more.

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1 year ago

Aaa thanks for tagging me @theharrowing! I'm gonna dig to see if I have 3 WIPs to post, but I definitely have 3 fics done for this challenge! Some of these snippits might be kinda long whoooooops

No Pressure tag list (do it if you want to, don't feel obligated to play!) @candlewaxandp0lar0ids , @suga-kookiemonster , and @writtenwhalien, anyone else who feels like it!

rules: post 3 snippets from published work, and 3 from your wips

*3 Published*


Throughout the entire trip to the nature reserve, amongst the small talk and laughter, all you could think of was how aware you were of your feelings. Ever since you admitted them to Hoseok a week ago it was like the floodgates had opened now that they had a name to it. And it was making it hard to just act normal. Every interaction was a balancing act of trying not to pretend things were different. Was your crush too obvious? Did Jungkook know? Why couldn’t you just act normal, like you had been for the past several weeks? Your brain was an endless loop of trying to play it cool. If he could read minds, all he would hear in yours was that meme song “don’t be suspicious” over and over again. Jungkook, for his part, was clearly having a blast singing along to the radio. It really wasn’t fair how talented he was – he could draw, paint, and he had a beautiful singing voice? This had to be proof that God played favorites. In between singing and bopping to the songs, you two sipped on the cold brew coffees Jungkook had brought so you could stay awake for the meteor shower. Being the passenger allowed you to look at the beautiful landscape changing outside the car. Now that you were fully away from the city, you could see trees and fields surrounding you instead of tall buildings and neon lights. The sun was setting around you, causing the world to glimmer in shades of green and gold. It was breathtaking. You glanced over at Jungkook as he bopped along to the radio and tapped his fingertips lightly against the wheel, the golden light hitting him the perfect way. It was warm enough outside for him to just wear a t shirt with a pair of jeans, which meant his tattoos were nearly on full display – and a distraction. Your eyes kept glancing up and down at the full artistry that covered his entire right arm. You wanted to hear all about them, the stories and reasons for each one; how they all fit together to tell a story
maybe even trace them with your fingers, especially the veins popping out from his hand gripping the wheel and then
.nope. Nope. You were shutting that down right now. You had to survive this trip without dying of thirst for the poor guy. Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious.

The Season

“Is this your first gala then? Are you new to the Season?” Your curiosity got the better of you as you took the furthest seat you could away from the man. You may be having a conversation, but years of training were a hard habit to break. He shook his head, then took a heavy breath as he looked toward the glittering manor. “I stopped going a few years ago, but my mother kept begging me until I ran out of excuses. So here I am, back into the fray.” He gestured out from the empty garden, the only audience being you, the flowers, and the willow tree. It was calm and quiet outside, far away from the crowds. He laughed darkly, shaking his head as he stared straight ahead. “Every single news article, all the social media posts, everyone gushes about how glamorous it must be, how powerful everyone is. It’s all so fake. No one inside that ballroom really cares about their so-called friends, it’s only what favors that person can do for them. What their alliance can bring to the table. I join the conversation and all anyone can talk about is who my father is, what my brother does. How lucky I should feel to be a part of that legacy. I mean, sometimes I don’t think they even know my full name!” “So what is your full name?” You blurted out before deciding to just own up to it; you faced him full on, looking right at him. He stared at you in barely hidden disbelief, then smiled softly. “Seokjin. I’m
” he paused, as if contemplating what he was going to say next. “I’m Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you.” Your brain was screaming at you as you tried not to freak out on someone you just met. Here you were, a mere lady’s maid, chatting casually to the 2nd son of Grand Minister Kim, one of the most powerful men in all of Erharan. Even back home in Auteris people knew of his family. Grand Minister Kim was one of the 3 Grand Ministers that made up the Leaders of State in Erharan. The Grand Ministers were the top of the top officials, who listened to the requests of the lower ranked legislative ministers to bring forth new laws for the country. But it was the Grand Ministers who enacted them, who were the true rulers – they were considered the same as kings and emperors of other countries. And that was just one half of his family pedigree. His mother came from the illustrious Jang family, the owners and founders of Jang Technologies, the leading solar technology company in the world. Their products basically brought Erharan and the rest of the world to the modern age, making it the industrial powerhouse it was today. If it could be run on solar power, it most likely came from Jang Tech. It was bad enough you were talking to a guest at all, let alone someone from such a prominent background. His family had inherited the role of Grand Minister for generations. They would probably continue passing down that title long after you and Seokjin were gone. You were stunned you didn’t even recognize him. But as you looked at Seokjin, the depths of his eyes searching for any type of connection, you recognized how difficult his life might be. How in this moment all he might need was a friend to talk to. And so, you decided tonight his family background didn’t matter. You could be his friend for the evening, pretend the differences in your social status wouldn’t cause a scandal. If anyone asked, you could just say you were doing your job – you were meant to serve the upper class, after all. If a nobleman asked you to sit and chat, who were you to say no? “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you too.” 

(Blank) For The Holidays

No, the most devastating part was that Off-Work Yoongi was dangerous. He wore a black fitted turtleneck sweater with dark blue jeans, and black wire framed glasses. His dark brown hair was swept back, exposing his forehead to make him look more handsome than he already was. You were used to Coffee Bee Yoongi, who wore the required uniform and baseball cap that nearly hid his features, or wearing a beanie that caused his hair to frame his face. But this? This was too much. Suddenly all the feelings you had when you first met him come rushing back the instant he turned to face you. Of course you had a small crush on him when he first started working at The Coffee Bee. You were about 90% sure everyone did. Yoongi was downright stunning; him being hard-working and silently caring was a bonus that had already thrown him into Ideal Boyfriend territory. But the idea of dating a coworker was just too messy for you to get over. You were afraid of what would happen if you were rejected, or if you started dating your coworker and broke up, or if you two had gone on a date and it just wasn’t a good time. Things would be awkward and your life was already off kilter without throwing that into the mix. So you just pushed down the feelings, locked them in a box in the back of your mind, and decided to ignore it altogether. But seeing Yoongi in that outfit (especially with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows), focused on cooking a nice dinner, was too hot and domestic for you to handle. And without realizing it he shot straight up past being a simple work crush, beyond ‘Would Be A Good Boyfriend’, and into ‘Perfect Husband’ material. You had to remind yourself that he didn’t even ask you here as a date. This was a friend party. A Christmas party for friends. You could be friends, right? “Hey Y/N. I’m glad you could make it,” Yoongi said brightly, his eyes crinkling as he smiled. You nodded with one in return, stomping down your resurrected romantic feelings so you could just chill for an evening.

*3 WIPs*

Another Life

With a sigh, you tried to think back to every single moment that led you here. “How many times do I have to tell you I don’t know how I got here? For the past day or so I’ve had a headache, and some sort of vertigo take over every time I laid down. I went to bed early so I could go to prompt care in the morning. Then suddenly I’m here, and it’s apparently not a dream and then there’s glowing fists in my face. Don’t know what else to tell you.” He paused, taking your story in. More thinking, more pacing, muttering, and shaking his head. You just stood there frozen – not like you had anywhere else to go. But if there was a small chance of him having any answers for where you were, you needed to stay put.   Finally, he walked back toward to, reaching toward your wrist. “You need to come with me right now.” You threw your arm back, moving further away from the man. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on. Where exactly are we? How do I know this isn’t some plot to kidnap me or lead me off to some hidden dungeon?” He groaned deeply, rubbing his palm against his face. “Saints and stars above, we don’t have time for this. And if we’re being technical, you are the intruder in the royal palace, so perhaps you should rethink your accusations. But if it will make you move faster, fine.” He sighed and slightly shook his head. “You are in the kingdom of Kalmarys, specifically the grand royal palace of King Rolftan and his heir, Princess Melyanna. My name is Jimin, a Royal Mage and Captain of Princess Melyanna’s personal guard. And if what I suspect is true, the High Mage needs to be aware of your presence right now. Does that answer your questions?”   “
wait, royal mage? As in magic? You can do magic?” Jimin stared at you, an eyebrow raised. “Do you not have magic where you’re from? Who hasn’t heard of the Royal Mages?” You crossed your arms in return, looking more at the floor than at the man. “Well, up until a few minutes ago I thought magic wasn’t even real, so
.” A shocked cough escaped Jimin’s lips. He opened his mouth, then closed it before shaking his head and reached for your wrist again. He mumbled something indecipherable to himself, half pulling you to the other side of the room.

Dream A Little Dream

Rice. The first word of your day, the only image in your mind when you woke up. Not a face, or a phrase. Just a bowl of plain white rice. With a sigh, you opened the faded journal on your night stand to add it to the list. Legend says that when the heavens deem your heart ready to be with your soulmate, the God of Love himself will place clues in your dreams each night so you can find them. The first image that lingers in your mind when you wake up brings you one step closer to your perfect match. It could be weeks, it could be months. But either way, you will find your soulmate. It certainly worked for your parents – your Literature professor father dreamt of fish, vast oceans, bright colors. Your mother, a marine biologist, dreamt of libraries, poems, and bottles of ink. When they met as college students, they said it was like magic swirled around them as they held hands after putting the clues together. You never had any reason to doubt soulmates existed when you could see proof every single day around you. But maybe Eros was just screwing with you because for the past few nights, all your soulmate dreams were of the same plain bowl of rice. Last week you dreamt of empty walls. Your journal was filled with documentation of the most mundane, puzzling clues that left you with more questions than answers. 2 months of soulmate dreams surmounting to “Yes queen give us nothing.” And look, it’s not like you were lonely. You’re not! It’s just
a little frustrating to see everyone in your family so in love, the ever-growing collection of Save The Dates and baby shower invites taking over the fridge. Your social media formulated to showcase how nearly all of your friends easily found their soulmates already. While the closest action you’ve gotten recently was reading a spicy novel while eating takeout pizza. It would be nice to be able to cook for more than one person, or feel the warmth of another body cuddling yours while watching (and judging) home renovation tv shows. You would even settle for dates that didn’t fizzle out after the second or third time, once it was abundantly clear you were not going to work out - even before getting into the soulmate dreams. You didn’t even have someone to point out cute puppies to when taking a walk in the park! 
.okay, maybe you were a little lonely.

After The End of All Things

“Mom, what’s going on? What happened?” you insisted quietly, trying not to wake the child sleeping next to you. “The last ship
they changed the departure time again. It’s now leaving at 4 am today.” Your eyes fell at the old clock next to the bed – 1:30. If you hurried, ran along the empty backroads, you could make it to the docks in time. But only if you left now. You darted out of bed in a flash, trying to race against the clock to pack what you could. You guiltily hoped that others like you – the ones who couldn’t afford tickets at the base price – hadn’t heard the new bumped up time frame yet. Less people at the docks meant more of a chance for your family to win the Day Of ticket lottery, where you’d earn a spot on the ship for a discounted price. If you couldn’t pay the amount at the time of selection, you could sign a waiver to work off the remaining balance. It was the only chance, the last hope, for people of your status to get onto the ships. The lottery only selected 100 people per departure, with hundreds of entries being the standard. Since this was the last ship, you’d be shocked if the entries were less than 1,000. You started opening drawers in the family dresser, moving quickly to just grab whatever items you found first. But then you noticed your mother walking slowly, eerily so, with a backpack in each hand. Only two. You froze in your spot as your eyes blinked rapidly, holding back the forming tears. You shook your head as you realized what was going on. “I can’t leave you,” you cried, reaching out to your mother. “It’s the only way, Y/N. Take your niece and go. You don’t have much time.” She set down the backpacks at your feet and grabbed your shaking hands. “You can still come with us! The odds of the lottery will be better with 3 of us, you know that! They have the family clause if Anna is selected since she’s too young to work. We can still stay together.” With a gentle squeeze and a deep sigh, your mother walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed an envelope. Her eyes were glassy as she placed it in your hands. You held your breath as you opened it, revealing some money and a pair of tickets. Your eyes widened and your hands shook as the light spilling in from the window emphasized the embossed, iridescent logo of the Global Space Command. You couldn’t ask how she got those tickets. You didn’t want to. Some things were better left unsaid. You looked back at your mother to find tears running down her face. If you weren’t in shock, you’d probably feel your own tears doing the same. “You and Anna deserve a better life. To get away from here. This world is dying, and you two have a chance to start over. Promise me you’ll survive. And live.”

.....dang, I guess I do have a few WIPs, huh? LOLOLOLOL

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2 years ago

Sorcerer in Space (formerly How to Die in Space [Just Forget the Alarms])

Please, that sounds like it could be hilarious.

This is a Merlin fanfiction that I'm going to try to go back to after roots! :D

Basically, Merlin is a space scavenger, and magic-hating Arthur is marooned out in deep space with him after his ship explodes. Merlin's death trap of a spaceship with its AI (Kilghar) is the only way to get him and his knights back to civilization.

If they can keep from killing each other on the way.

Here's the AO3 description:

“Drop your weapons on the floor and kick them over here,” Merlin ordered.

“Are you out of your mind?” the leader demanded. “Do you know who I am? I’m Arthur Pendragon.”

“I don’t care if you're the emperor of planet Camelot - drop your weapons.”

“Arthur, you should probably do as he says,” one of his friends urged, already reading to drop his weapon.

One by one, Arthur’s companions kicked their pulse rifles over to Merlin. When he saw that he had lost their support, he followed suit, sighing dramatically as he tossed it onto the floor.

Keeping his own pulse rifle on them, Merlin kicked theirs further down the hallway. 

“Happy?” Arthur snarked. “Now, is there any tea on this spaceship?”

“Excuse me?”

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2 years ago


Gretta reached out and grabbed a hold of one of his biceps. “Ah!” he said loudly, recoiling from her hand and rubbing the sensitive area on his upper arm. He gave her a weak smile, getting up to sit on his bed. The music playing from his phone was turned off to show she had his undivided attention. 

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2 years ago

restraining myself from asking about the bodyguard au because I asked about that the last time Sir aldred and the sticky bog monster?

So this one is pretty much an idea I had for my current fanfic i'm working on. Sir Aldred and Gretta were making their way to her castle, but Dwight surprises them both by showing up with the poop emoji boxers over his jeans. It completely confuses Sir Aldred. The chapter I'm working on just now Gretta mentions how she finds it funny how some of the heroes in the comics that Dwight reads wear their undergarments on the outside of their clothing and mentions how maybe it's used as a tactic to confuse the enemy. I wanted him to say something along the lines of "Well, I might not be a champion that uses brute force or is good with a sword but I have the next best thing" "You must be joking." He looks over at Gretta who shrugs her shoulders. "Alright, I'll humor you, What could you, a champion lacking proper skills with undergarments over your clothes possibly have?"

"Bear spray." He pulls out the bearspray and sprays him in the face, Sir aldred screams and Dwight collides into him, trying his best to knock him over the edge into the sticky bog but he's not strong enough since sir aldred is pure muscle. Sir aldred elbows Dwight in the back, knocking the wind out of him. Since sir aldred is in pain and has lost his sense of direction he grabs Dwight and tries to fling him not realizing he was on the edge already and they both go tumbling into the sticky bog. Gretta goes to rescue Dwight and that is when the sticky bog monster makes a return. Gretta grabs a rope from Dwight's bag and helps him up just in tim as the bog monster turns it's focus on Sir aldred since he's the closest target and he gets pulled under into the bog, hearing his screams until they are garbled and only a few bubbles erupt from the bog underneath.

"Ew." Dwight says looking back. That's all I have for now.

I'll give you a freebie for the bodyguard AU anyway. I had a scene in my head where someone comes into a nightclub getting set up for a party Gretta is setting up and starts shooting up the place. Dwight grabs her and flings her over the bar and they hide behind it. She of course is freaking out, screaming as it's the first time something like this has happened but she needs to stay quiet. so out of sheer panic Dwight kisses her to shut her up. The guy runs out of the club taking off in a car and the screeching of tires are heard as they are left behind in the place that's now shot up to hell and back. Now they have to deal with the aftermath of the supposed attempt on Gretta's life and the kiss they shared.

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2 years ago


Thanks to @xqueenyleach for the tag!

rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.

I took a few of them off as I've already answered some of these past posts:

Here for DISA bodyguard AU

Here for more DISA bodyguard ideas and Sir Aldred and the sticky bog monster

DISA epilogue

Disa love confession

Disa Final Battle

Disa optional

Unused disa 1

Unused disa 2

Unused disa 3

Covering all bases Disa Mature

RE6 Jake and sherry one shot

Heavy in my arms redux


DISAbroken (a super angsty piece I am taking small excerpts from in my fic because no lie, I get super feels when rereading this, even if it has a happy ending)

Roadtrip DISA ideas

A moondragon christmas

I don't have as many people to tag unfortunately than my list of WIPs but I will tag few that I know of! @upsidedownwithsteve @precariousrelic @louwhose @usedtobecooler

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2 years ago

Disa optional?

So my optional fic was made as a what if scenario. This is spoilers for end of season 5 btw... so fair warning

Disa Optional?

Thanks to some stories of reincarnation (Zelda / the fallen series) with the theory of going farther down the family tree, there could be doppelgangers (Think basically Katherine and Elena in vampire diaries).

What if Baldric hadn't needed to redo the champion spell? He was able to save Hexala (just in time I might add) and Lady Ermingaurd, Chlodwig, and Macklyn arrived to aid Gretta and the rest to defeat Ragana and Hammond. There wouldn't have been a reason for the queen to contact Dwight and the bat hieroglyph wouldn't exist. A thousand years later, Dwight is reeling from the loss of Gretta and the newfound family he'd acquired. He walks through the hallways of school quite sad and rather alone. That is until he rounds a corner and suddenly crashes into someone...

Papers were sent flying like bits of confetti, floating until they covered the floor all around him.

"Sorry about that! I should've been watching where I was going!" Dwight scrambled to grab the papers scattered everywhere around him. He collected them into a neat pile, tapping them onto the floor. Standing up, he turned around to face the person he'd crashed into. Raising his head from seeing the girl's black jeans, he froze, blinking quickly to make sure what he was seeing.

"Can I... have my papers back?" The girl in front of him awkwardly asked.

He couldn't be imagining things, could he? She had long, straightened, dark brown hair that fell past her shoulders to the middle of her back. She wore a pretty green sweater that brought out the green in her eyes behind a pair of thin, black-framed glasses.

She didn't have any braids in her hair, armor on, or a sword at her side but she looked so familiar...

I love Dwight and Gretta together so much that I decided against this, even though it still lives rent-free in my brain. Some ideas for it were WAY far fetched and added so much drama that they didn't work at ALL.

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2 years ago

DISA Broken and Unused DISA... 2?

Ah the DISA broken fic....Ever have one of those days where you are just low and wish others could understand the feeling of the same low that you did? Welp, this is what came out in my writing. This part will be a bit long, but, ugh! The feels!

Dwight grabbed his sword and sheathed it in the scabbard on his belt “Come on, I’ll take you home.” He said, automatically. He was so used to escorting her back home. It wasn’t even just making sure she’d make it home safely, he wanted more time with her. He always wanted more time with her.

Gretta began to walk away from him before he could react. “No Sir Dwight, I will take my leave.”

“But, Gretta-” he argued. She turned towards him for a moment, an open palm out. It was a warning for him not to follow.

“I’ll be fine.” She said, trying to suppress the tears she felt coming on. “We will see each other in the morrow, will we not?”

Dwight could only nod his head a little, not knowing if that would honestly be the case.

“Good e’en Sir Dwight.” She said, turning and walking away quickly, hoping her tears would only betray her once she was out of sight.

Gretta pushed ever forward, not daring to look back. Her emotions spiralling between sadness and anger. She knew how she felt about him, but she knew they couldn’t keep being the way they had been. It would make things too dangerous once the real threats arrived at their doorstep.

As she entered the neighborhood, she looked at Dwight’s house up ahead and stopped. She worried in that moment of leaving him in the woods. She couldn’t stop herself from turning around to face from whence she came. It was getting dark, and he was nowhere to be seen following behind her. The emptiness she felt hit her like a tidal wave. He wasn’t there to hold her hand, intertwining with hers. All the special happy moments they shared since she had returned were more than likely at an end. Why would he bother spending any time with her now after what she'd done? She bent down with her hands on her knees, and breathed deeply as every breath since she left Dwight had been shallow. She turned and headed inside her home.

Baldric, and Hexala were looking over some books. Baldric barely got a word in before Gretta had rushed up the stairs.

“Welcome home yo-” Baldric started, and she was already out of sight, heading up to her chambers. Baldric quickly ran to the bottom of the steps “Princess, are you not well? Where is Sir Dwight?” He didn’t hear an answer, all he heard was her chamber door slam. He wasn’t used to dealing with situations like this with Gretta. He walked back over to the counter where Hexala watched Baldric, hoping he’d have an answer of what just happened. Baldric shrugged and looked at Hexala, wondering if it was best if she talked to Gretta. He was just about to open his mouth to ask when his phone started ringing.

“My beckoning instrument is ringing.” He noticed it was Dwight and flipped it open. “Yes sir Dwight?”

“Hey, uh, did... did Gretta make it home okay?” Dwight asked, not sounding much of his normal self.

“Uh, Yes she made it home safely. I had presumed you would’ve accompanied her?” There was a silence on the other end of the phone for a moment.

“She.. wouldn’t let me.” Dwight said weakly.

“Oh.” Baldric felt a bit helpless in the situation. “Well Sir Dw-”

“Can you just tell her I’ll see her tomorrow?” He asked quickly, hinting not wanting to talk any more.

“I will see to it personally Sir Dwight, good e’en.”

“Goodnight” Dwight said.

Baldric clapped his phone shut and gave out an exasperated sigh, joining Hexala at the counter.

“What happened?” Asked Hexala.

“Madam, all I know is I have now conversed with a very unhappy champion and the princess has flown to her quarters the moment she arrived. I am undone with these two.” Said Baldric, worried. “I thought I would be prepared for everything to help the princess through her life. No one prepared me for this scenario.”

“Maybe they just got into their first quarrel? Just let me whip up a spell for them. I could even do a love spell, it would make it so much easier. It won’t even cost a body part!” Hexala said. Baldric looked at her, slightly annoyed at the notion. He remembered what her enchantment and love spells were capable of.

“No, I can’t let you do that.” Baldric said.

Hexala pouted at him “You’re no fun.”

She noticed the worry in Baldric’s eyes, not knowing if it was for Gretta, Dwight, or both. She put her hand on Baldric’s for comfort as he sat there thinking of anything he could do to help. “Both of them have been through so much together. You and I know even at our age real love can be messy. They are just starting to feel all these different things from being only friends a short time ago. Those two are only just starting to see that, give them time. The most we can do if you don’t want any magic involved is to just help them through this.” Hexala said.

“I do not understand how I ever deserved you.” Said Baldric, holding Hexala’s hand and kissing it. Baldric was back in thoughts, he couldn’t help but worry about them both. Dwight had kept his word and not ever let them down before. He hoped now things would not change. Baldric didn’t want to admit it as much as he wanted to, but they had both changed each other’s lives for the better.

“Sir Dwight is her champion. He’s destined for great things at princess Gretta’s side. The Queen wouldn’t have entrusted me to have him awaken her again if that was not meant to be.” Baldric said.

“We know from returning that not everything may play out the same way it did before.” Hexala said.

“Are you saying fate may not side with them?” Baldric asked “I hope that is not the case.”

“Nor I.” Said Hexala “What shall we do?” Baldric put his hand on Hexala’s and tapped it gently and looked into her worried eyes.

“For now, hope my fair maiden. Hope there is a calm in the midst, or at least a calm for my nerves.”

Dwight was lost in thought as his feet carried him out of the forest. He had made a call to Baldric to be sure Gretta had made it home safely before he even departed from the forest clearing. He didn’t want to upset Gretta any further by catching up with her. He'd gone through so many emotions in their parting conversation. Dwight knew that eventually, he would have to set these feelings aside, he was still her champion. He still had to be there for her, he just didn’t know if that was what Gretta wanted, not anymore.

When he reached his front door, he unbuckled the sword fastened to his waist. He entered, hoping Nana was in her room. He felt a bit of relief hearing her in the kitchen. He put his scabbard down with the belt near the door sitting up. He attempted to sneak upstairs to be left alone. As he ascended the first step of the landing, the scabbard fell over with a clang.

“Dwight is that you?” Nana called out from the kitchen.

“Uh.. yeah Nana.” Said Dwight running upstairs. He was already dreading the next question she was going to ask.

“How was your d-” She said coming out of the kitchen, not seeing Dwight but hearing him quickly shuffle up the steps.

When he entered his room, he realized how much of a mistake he made going in. He was most likely better off anywhere but there. He sat on his bed a moment, surrounded by reminders almost as an onslaught. The scrying pool chart still on the easel, the stuffed tiger, the medal hanging up, a scrapbook Dwight was making of all their dates together.

He looked at the easel and he felt something bubble up to the surface, an emotion he rarely ever felt. As he balled up his fists he realized what it was, it was anger. He was normally good at channelling all the negative energy and using it instead for figuring out a fix for a problem. He couldn’t find a solution, not now, not when he felt completely helpless. The situation that got them to this point was the reset. He cursed Hammond, even though he was already gone. Because of him, Gretta had to go into the scrying pool and both of them had to start again. Everything had changed in that moment. Everything was happening differently and all that chaos did nothing but throw their growing relationship into more of it. The only good to come of it was that he made the choice himself this time to be her champion. Dwight grabbed a hold of one side of the big paper pad on the easel and pulled it down. The chart ripped as the pad and easel came tumbling down with a loud clatter. His anger dissipated quickly as if ripping the paper had vanquished the worst of foes. All that remained was the tears he started blinking away. He slumped and sat on his bed with his head in his hands.

Nana opened his door and saw him sitting there, staring at the floor where the easel was. “Honey, are you okay?” Nana asked walking over and sitting next to him on the bed. She put her hands on his shoulders and he looked at her. His eyes were glossy, as he wiped his face with his sleeve.

“I...don’t.. know.” Dwight said, putting his head on Nana’s shoulder. “I think me and Gretta broke up.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Nana asked.

“I just don’t get it, what I did wrong.” Dwight said. “How is it that I’m so happy when I’m with her? So happy and relieved I could tell her how I felt, but now a part of me feels so sad, all in the same day?” Dwight asked Nana, with a look that told her he wanted a legitimate answer.

“Oh Dwight honey, I think, that’s just a part of being in love with your best friend.” Nana said. Dwight gave out an exasperated sigh

“Being in love sucks.” said Dwight, letting a few tears fall from his cheek.

Nana wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his arm gently for comfort.

“I know things might seem like it’s at the worst, but it’s not. Just give it time for both of you. It might get better. Not everything has to happen right now.”

“She gave up on us so easily, after everything that’s happened between us. I hoped after all the time we’ve had together since she came back, it would mean something.”

“I’m sure it does Dwight. People deal with love in their own way. Not everyone wants to jump in head first like you have. She might be a princess, but she’s not like ones from the fairy tale books I used to read to you as a kid.”

“No, she really isn’t” Said Dwight sniffling. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

She had found the scrapbook that Dwight had started working on. As she flipped through the pictures, she realized it was to keep all the memories of their past dates originally. Somehow it seemed all wrong. It caused her stomach and heart to twist into knots. The romance was gone. The photo book had their fun at the carnival immortalized by raffle tickets and a picture he had printed out of them together on the Ferris wheel. She fell onto the page including the dance, which was what cut into her possibly the most. He had placed the pictures of them from the photo booth on it, save one, the one where they'd kissed. He was trying his best to hide all the memories of their once fleeting romance just so he could maybe salvage their friendship, and possibly heal some of his heartache. She couldn’t help but picture all the momentos he had in his room, thinking of them all gone and locked away somewhere just so they would be out of sight and out of mind. She flipped through the last pages, which contained movie tickets and dried flowers of the little ones he’d love to pick and place in her hair. At the back of the book there was an envelope in one of the holders with her name on it. A letter? She pulled it out and opened it, secretly hoping this wasn’t some sort of letter saying goodbye.

Gretta, I just want you to know that what happened the other day, it hasn’t changed my mind with anything I’ve said. I’m not going anywhere.

I know it might take a while before things might feel normal again between us. You might still not even want to talk to me anymore after this. I just wanted you to know that whether you feel the same way I do one day or not, I’ll be here. Because if i wasn't, what kind of best friend is that? What kind of champion is that?

Her eyes welled up with tears. After all she had put him through, he still couldn’t give up. He still wanted her in his life. She’d seen other knights flee for less. She dropped the note and before it even hit the floor, Gretta was outside heading to his house. She rang the door bell barely able to stand still. She didn’t know what she would do or say, but she needed to see him. She knocked on the door a few times and no answer. She tried to peer into the window, but it looked like there was no sign of anyone in. She turned around, and tried to calm herself. If she did see Dwight, what would he think of her looking in such a state at his door. She tried her best to wipe her tears away.

“Gretta?” She heard the voice she needed to hear. She looked up and noticed him coming up the sidewalk on his bike. He instantly stopped not far from her house. He dropped his bike not caring about the bike stand. He unfastened his helmet and let it drop to the ground. She ran to him, carrying too many emotions with her. She ran up to him and gave him a slap across the face, possibly harder than she had planned.

“Ow! What was that for?” He asked, rubbing his cheek in shock. He saw the tears well up in her eyes in that moment. He needed to do something. Instead of him moving, she closed the distance between them quicker than he could react and put her head against him.

“You selfless, stupid, poop nutty!” She said beating on his chest calling him all the names she could think of. All of her frustration she had with herself was coming out in that instant. Dwight didn’t stop her, he just took it in stride not caring of the bruises that would likely appear later. He put his arms around her and tightened his embrace.

“It’s okay Gretta. It’s okay.” He said, gently running his hands through her hair. Her hits became weaker and weaker until they stopped and she wept into his shoulder. “I’m here.” He held her tightly as her arms wrapped around him. Neither of them letting go until Gretta’s sobbing had slowed. Dwight held her tightly and slowly swayed her to help soothe her. When everything stopped he held onto her for a few moments more just to make sure everything had eased.

“Are you better now?” He asked her. He felt her head nod yes against him. He put his hands on her shoulders to pull her from the embrace. It wasn’t that he wanted to release her from their hug, he just wanted to see her to make sure she was okay.

“Gretta I’m so sorry.” He said. “I never meant for this to happen.”

“I know.” Gretta said. “You did nothing wrong.”

“Can I have my best friend back? I miss her.” Dwight said, trying his hardest to stop the lump in his throat forming. “So much.”

“As long as it means I can have mine back too.” She said, trying not to start crying again.

Unused DISA 2 is mostly a jumble of different things but this is a part i hope to either rephrase or use in something.

He was someone who had found a way into her heart and was breaking down her walls within. She waited for the warnings, the same ones that used to practically shout at her only a short while ago, that being this close to her knight would be dangerous. But as their kiss deepened, she knew that if they were there at all, they were now only a faint whisper. She had already ignored the warnings for far too long. It was too late for her. If she was meant to perish by his side, then so be it.

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2 years ago

DISA love confession and DiSA final battle please

So the love confession one you might've read before? but i've also changed a few words here and there to fit better? i'm still trying to work out the kinks in it honestly. The scene was going to be where they had just returned from a date out with Dwight wearing medieval clothing he made himself (with the help of Nana and Juliet--who helped with costume designs from time to time on school plays). It was kind of an even trade-off since Gretta had worn present-day clothing on a date of theirs earlier. Dwight and Gretta are together at this point, but he's still struggling with trying to find that perfect moment to tell Gretta that he's truly in love with her.

"I thought you'd like my attempt at being a bit more medieval."  

“I do. Though It’s led me to wonder how you would have fared back in my time.”  

“I don’t know. I mean, if you can handle being here in mine, maybe, I would’ve made out okay in yours.”   

“Well, we didn’t have much in the way of luxuries back then that you have here. There were no beckoning devices, making of selfmes, dates at bowling alleys, or the YouTube for entertainment."  She snickered fondly, plopping herself down next to him.

“I’m sure with some help from you and the others I would’ve
 adjusted.” Behind his smile, a hint of sadness appeared in his deep brown eyes. “But I guess there are some things we’ll just never know.” A dull ache threatened to form in his chest. It always happened when he thought of the scrying pool. That small circle of water was the only force powerful enough to tear him and Gretta asunder. He never wanted to admit that what hurt the most was after fate had brought them together--that after everything, he was being told he had to stay behind; He didn’t belong where she was going.

“It doesn’t matter now anyway.” He spoke softly as if to reassure himself. “You’re here now.”   

“It matters to me.” She said, placing her hand in his. “You were willing to follow us through a scrying pool."

“Yeah, I–I was.” "You were willing to leave behind everything you knew. Your home, your friends, your family, for us." His grip on her hand tightened. "And when you found you could not follow, you chose to remember us, in spite of knowing it would've been easier to forget." "Call it a negative side effect I was willing to take."

She hadn’t asked the question, but he could see it plain as day on her face, the same sadness she’d attempted to stow away at the carnival. Sage eyes, deep with wonder and tears, begging to pool at the edges. Why choose that over a normal life? 

He didn’t know if he could ever express how much she truly meant to him--how much she had irrevocably changed his life. When Gretta and the rest of her family disappeared through the scrying pool, the world had forgotten about them ever being there and continued around him. He was surrounded by other classmates and friends, but none of them could’ve ever replaced the princess. All he found as he made his way through school hallways and classrooms was a loneliness he'd never known to exist--until he’d lost his best friend.

The awful, bitter taste of finality hung in the air and lingered on his tongue. There was no more time for them to go on any more crazy adventures together. There were no more possibilities for his romantic hopes, for them to share a first kiss, or for him to tell her the three words he should've said sooner. After feeling that loss, that heartbreak, that ache
 he never wanted to go through that again--not when by some miracle, fate, or both, she was brought back to him. They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, but how could anyone possibly understand what a distance of a thousand years could do? 

"The only reason I needed was you." Interlacing their hands, he started to caress hers with his thumb.

"Every time we've had to face your enemies, every adventure we've been on, every decision I've had to make, whether it was involving some crazy plan, waking you up, or what memories to keep, I chose you." Leaning forward, he closed his eyes, pressing his forehead gently against hers. "I'm always going to choose you, Gretta." His heart quickened at the next three words to escape his lips. "I love you."

As for the final battle scenes, it's more of ideas on where i want the story to go. There's a proper fight with Sir Aldred near the immortal flame I had planned, but there's also a whole rescue part I had planned for Gretta thanks to Ragana. I might put both in depending on how i want the story to go as I'm starting to like both honestly...

Sir Aldred fight snippet: Suddenly, Dwight felt his feet leave the ground. For a brief moment, he was flying But the sensation was quickly replaced by a sickening thud as he slammed into something, hard. Pain shot through his body as he landed, knocking the wind out of him. He was sure If he hadn't broken any ribs, they were most likely bruised.

"Dwight!" Gretta yelled.

She watched Dwight as he groaned and sat up. Her eyes widened with his and he looked frantically around him, realizing he didn't have the bottle of water in his hand anymore.

"Looking for this?" Sir Aldred asked, twisting the cap open. "Thanks for the water, I was rather parched." He chugged the water down in a few gulps. "You know, you've really become a real pain in my side," he said, crushing the bottle in his hand and throwing it somewhere behind him.

"The feeling is mutual, dude." Dwight said, holding his side, standing up.

Gretta angrily drew her sword. Sir Aldred parried her incoming attack, knocking her sword from her hands. He aimed his sword squarely at Gretta as he walked over and kicked her sword across the room.

Ragana snippet:

"Release the Princess at once!" demanded Chlodwig.

"With pleasure!" The sword came down onto the strong vines, slicing through the only thing keeping Gretta suspended above the wide well-turned-drowning pit. A shrill shriek escaped her as she fell, only giving her enough time to inhale one deep breath before she broke through the water below.

"Gretta!" Dwight yelled, jumping up onto the stones, almost losing his balance. "Whoooaaa." He looked down into the well, only seeing darkness. He didn't know where the water level was or how deep. The only thing he did know is he was going wherever she did.

"Get them!" Ragana shouted, coughing with her aching lungs. There was a fierce yell heard in the distance. A band of ten men with angry, purple, glowing eyes and varying builds were headed in their direction.

"What are you waiting for?!" shouted Chlodwig to Dwight.

"I can't see anything down there!" he shouted back. If there was even a slim chance of saving her, he would have to find her first. He swung his backpack around to his front on one shoulder and pulled out a flare and his flashlight. One of the men was heading towards Dwight at the edge. Chlodwig clashed against the man's sword with his own. He nodded to Dwight, watching him set the flare alight. Dwight looked away from the blaze before dropping it into the darkness. It lit the way, traveling down down down.

"Save your princess champion boy! We shall handle these nemici Ahaha!" Jacopo shouted over his shoulder, throwing daggers, and sticking two of the men to a wall.

Dwight took a few deep breaths and jumped, his body meeting water seconds later. The water was murky and dark, he could barely see his own hand in front of his face. He turned on the flashlight, seeing algae clinging to some of the walls in front of him. Looking down, he quickly found Gretta. When he reached her, her eyes were looking past him, wide with panic. He followed her eyes and wish he hadn't. There were bones, a lot of bones. The only evidence of the bones ever being people were the few skeletons still in armor sitting against the walls. A maniacal bony grin was permanently on their faces, welcoming all who fell into the drowning pit to join them. A few bubbles floated past him, seeing Gretta struggling.

Dwight did the only thing he could, he pulled her to him, securing his lips over hers and gave her air from his own lungs. He pushed his feet from the bone covered floor to reach back up to the surface. It was probably double the depth of the deep end of a community pool. Reaching the surface he gasped for air, chest burning from the lack of oxygen. One deep breath, two deep breaths, three... and he was swimming back down towards Gretta, hoping those breaths would be enough to get back to her in time.

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1 year ago

Thanks for the tag, @louwhose !

here's a sentence (well really 2) from chpt 18 of my fic I'm working on atm.

The two women looked over at the two teenagers brushing hands as they walked. They shared a knowing smile, reminiscing about young love when they spotted the knight and princess taking each other’s hand, interlacing their fingers together. 

I'm just gonna tag some other disa loving peeps but no pressure! @precariousrelic @xqueenybee, @psychicbluebirdmiracle

Last sentence tag

RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence

thanks for the tag, @bahbahhh!

here's some shink I've been working on I guess

They decided that they really couldn’t justify paying for yet another game on their poor stretched college student budgets, so they just headed back to their apartments afterwards.

oh dang it I don't even wanna count how many words that is let's just go with no pressure tags for @linktheacehero @aheavenscorner @whogirl2011 @pikayay213 @pastelsandpining and. um. whoever else wants to I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head.

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10 months ago

WIP Ask Game

RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.

thanks to @louwhose for the tag!

I've been away from writing for a while but getting back into it. so here's a list though I'm going to exclude the Dwight and Gretta bodyguard AU as I've already posted about this a few times already lol:

Disa epilogue: 2 years later

Disa epilogue: 6 years later


Disa final battle

Covering all bases DISA Mature rated

RE6 Jake and Sherry one shot

Heavy in my arms Redux

Disa chapt 18: Fireworks and Espionage Draft 2

Disa love confession

The wedding

Disa Love potion number 10

Gonna tag as many people as i can but there aren't too many so anyone else seeing this is more than welcome to join in! :

@louwhose @xqueenybee @precariousrelic @psychicbluebirdmiracle @coruscantiprincess

*glances at watch* yeahhh I think it's been long enough since I've done this to do again

WIP Ask Game

RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.

taking @ladye-zelda's anyone can do it tag to mean me anyhow here goes


that one prison au




A Good Catch



In Another Life

tetra needs some fancy names

That One Time It Was Really Foggy And I Awakened An Ancient Calamity


Minish Marriage









okay and so now... as many people as I have wips... hah. well then I suppose the goal is just gonna be as close to 26 as I can get.

no pressure but tagging @linktheacehero @aheavenscorner @zeldaelmo @pastelsandpining @pikayay213 @whogirl2011 @xqueenybee @bahbahhh @adrift-in-thyme @newtsnaturethings @aurathian @hyylia @wouldyoustilllovemeifiwasawyrm @mistresslrigtar @tired-twili @onewingedsparrow @ladyhoneydee @dawn-the-rithmatist @cooking-with-hailstones @deiliamedlini @srah-the-violist @marimbles @nocturnalfandomartist (or whichever blog you want I know you have several) @precariousrelic @farore-or-less @angelicgarnet

seriously. NO PRESSURE because I know I tagged a lot of people to get 26 also anyone I didn't tag feel free to consider yourself tagged if you want to do this

Tags :
10 months ago


okay there are a lot of rambles here but here is one at the top of the page:

He stopped and waited, eyes taking her in and her heart fluttered in her chest. Because she understood completely why all the second guesses, all the waiting for her reactions.

He’d always left everything up to her.  Now that we have our memories back, you might remember a conversation we had... In a toilet stall
 um, Or... maybe you don’t remember
  She could’ve told him she had forgotten or it was silly and he would’ve laughed it off, gone back to things as normal. Without any hesitation or question because everything they’d done--- everything they were still doing--- it was all up to her. Power always came with being a Princess, but it was a completely different sensation behind your ribs when you held something like this boy's heart.

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10 months ago

DISA Final Battle??!!

So I have only added a few lines from the last time I posted this. this is the part I've had for Sir Aldred. I've also added parts to the face-off against Ragana. so someone can ask for those if they feel so inclined because I am still struggling with what I wanna do with big bads:

Suddenly, Dwight felt his feet leave the ground. For a brief moment, he was flying But the sensation was quickly replaced by a sickening thud as he slammed into something, hard. Pain shot through his body as he landed, knocking the wind out of him. He was sure If he hadn’t broken any ribs, they were most likely bruised.

“Dwight!” Gretta yelled.

She watched Dwight as he groaned and sat up. Her eyes widened with his and he looked frantically around him, realizing he didn’t have the bottle of water in his hand anymore.

“Looking for this?” Sir Aldred asked, twisting the cap open. “Thanks for the water, I was rather parched.” He chugged the water down in a few gulps. “You know, you’ve really become a real pain in my side,” he said, crushing the bottle in his hand and throwing it somewhere behind him.

“The feeling is mutual, dude.” Dwight said, holding his side, standing up.

Gretta angrily drew her sword. Sir Aldred parried her incoming attack, knocking her sword from her hands. He aimed his sword squarely at Gretta as he walked over and kicked her sword across the room.

"I really tire of turning people into animals when they are this persistent." Sir Aldred spoke aloud, his blade moving in a slow circle towards the two. "I'm sure neither of you know how it feels to not only be trapped in a sticky bog, but to have a sticky bog monster eat you," Sir aldred put up two fingers. "Twice." "Ew." Dwight commented.

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10 months ago

Disa Love potion number 10

"Have you lost your brew bubbling brain?" Dwight looked from Gretta to Hexala. "You do know there is such a thing as communication in relationships instead of trying to fix everything with magic spells right?"

The doorbell rang and everyone's attention turned towards the door.

"I'll get it." Dwight shook his head walking over to the door. There was a gigantic bouquet of flowers in the shape of a heart filling the entrance. The delivery man's tan baseball cap was the only thing seen before he peered over the side.

"Delivery for..." they trailed, shuffling with papers, "Gretta Besieged?"

"Ooh! That's me!" Gretta bounded over to the door to look at the display.

The delivery man in his brown uniform pulled a clipboard out in front of the flowers with a pen in hand. "Sign here please." Dwight let out an exasperated sigh and signed the paper attached to the clipboard while Gretta dragged the menagerie of flowers into the entranceway.

"Have a good day!" the guy said before Dwight nodded with an awkward smile and shut the door.

"Wonder who those are from," Dwight said looking through the flowers, hoping to find a small card somewhere nestled in the bouquet.

"Come now, Sir Dwight," Gretta snickered "You needn't be so coy."

"Umm..." Dwight looked around and Hexala shrugged at him. "I don't know what you mean by that."

"Are these flowers not from you?"

Dwight shook his head, going back to his search. "Here it is, I found it! He slid open the lip of the envelope and pulled out the card tucked inside. "Looks like it's from--"

The doorbell rang again.

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6 months ago

Thanks for the tag! Oh boy... I have a lot of WIPs...

Cia traps Wars as a painting

Lege gets dementia!

Are You There?

Growing Pains

Lege is sick and a cuddly bunny at heart <3

Familiar Stranger

Rulie hates Lege AU

Love is Stored in Sugar Cubes

Wind gets appendicitis

Fablegend (Chain plays wingmen)

Fablegend (Rule is their descendant)

Lege and bees

"You can not have a break down right now"

Turns out Wars and Lege have something devestating in common (Rulie is heartbroken <3)


Rule gets a cold (convinced he's gonna die because of WebMD)

Magic but it's like Synesthesia

Legend in the Making

All of these are LU. I have a ton of other fic ideas but I think these are the only ones I've written for.


Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.  Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!  And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.

i was tagged by @starwolfie! thank you!

my wiplist as of 30/8/24:

the cursebreaker

the primordials


sing me to sleep

fruit bats (series)

lu hunger games au (series)

yestermorrow (name pending)


stationary point

darkling i listen

out in the woods we rot

peter parker on reddit

200 hyoi pears

sepfember (yay!)

fan joy july (sadly i dont think it will ever be finished)

before the rain stops


uhhhhh.... those are all my wips i guess..... hit me up if you wanna chat about them xx. i might have to be cryptic for some because of spoilers though... im gonna go grab some breakfast now and then get back to working on ch20 of cursebreaker hohohoho. love you guys 💞💞

and now for tagging time! the fun part! i can't remember who has already done this or not, so! no pressure to respond! @rosehipandroots @crazylittlejester @noorahqar @savimatteo2810 @jellyfishvibes @not-freyja @musical-chan @zarvasace @tashacee @a-manicured-lawn @artemistorm @serbii @nancyheart11 @across-violet-skies @needfantasticstories @elle-rosewater @anime-obsessed @hotcheetohatredwastaken .... if any of you are working on some juicy wips right now, please consider me SUPER interested 👀👀👀

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Ahahahahh @vanilla-chip-101 you found me >:)

I only have two atm <3

Ahsoka gets to paint/do anakins hair as black mail (what a great younger sister)

Obi wan gets a cat and it somehow fixes the galaxy (the cats name may or may not be Battle Ax)

Tags just for fun! @indigostars @pandora15 @ashnagog

wip game

thanks for the tag, @sonderwalker! 

Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs

i did this a little while ago, but there are a lot of wips i haven’t talked about, so like,,,,,,,here’s just a batch of wips that i either haven’t really talked about / have only talked about once a long time ago and have since made some progress with them: 

dreaming instead of sleeping 

superhero au (oh god) 

tcw office au 

tcw but make it w au (oH GOD) 

wandavision au (caroline why) 

‘slaps doc’ this baby can fit so much bi panic

no pressure tags: @vanilla-chip-101 @lightasthesun @ilonga @giggles-and-freckles @alright-anakin @ninastarkov

Tags :
8 months ago

WIP Ask Game

Thank you for tagging me, @verbenaa!! 💖

Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.

I've got some weird ones, I could post all 14 chapters I'm working on, but that would be insane! So instead, here are two chapters I'm working on and some little additions and other things!

One Night in Baldur's Gate

Ten Tonne Heart Ache Sitting on Your Back

Trying on Jeans

Last Light

Astarion Goes Goth

Thank you!! Pretty sure everyone got tagged, but feel free to jump in!

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6 months ago

WIP Wednesday

Tagged by @roguishcat, go check out her work for some delightful Astarion x Tav fics! 💕

Here's a little preview of the next chapter of Branded Blood. Tiefling Astarion is utterly smitten...

Flare’s heartbeat spiked as she watched him intently lick the honey from his hands, so Astarion had indulged in the vulgar display. He doubted any of the Infernal creatures she had been subjected to ever bothered to stir her interest beyond what her curse forced on her. When he had offered the kiss, her innocence in that regard had been apparent. No one had shown her tender affection before, and something terribly wicked reveled in him that he would be the first. Her first and only if he had his way. Astarion raised her palm to his lips, setting the kiss gently as a gift, and let her go.

When Flare told him it was the best kiss she ever had, Astarion wanted to give her a thousand more. He would kiss over each eyelid, across her cheeks and nose over her scattered freckles, devour her lips and drink in her sighs. He would make sure every touch was better than the last, each one a promise of the gentleness she was owed. His tail beat furiously against the ground in his excitement and he pulled away, grabbing his shirt and wiping his hands off on the dew-damp fabric. He offered her his shirt and snatched up the flower chain beside her.

Some other fantastic writers to check out (no pressure tags but I'd love to read what you're working on!): @ladyduellist @pinkberrytea @preciouslittlebhaalbae @xxnashiraxx @verbenaa @justabiteofspite @elinorbard @kalmiaphlox @khywren @pickel182 @charmandabear

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6 months ago

wip wednesday

*gasp* me, posting wip wednesday on ACTUAL wednesday?! a rare sight, surely. thanks so much to my sweet friends @inkymoonbunny @khywren and @xxnashiraxx for tagging me! I'm so happy to be participating!! I've been a little MIA recently due to just general life, but I promise I've been working hard of chapter 8 of to eden and I think it will be done soon!

since I haven't shared much recently I'm going to share a bit more than normal tonight 🎉 here's some bits from the upcoming chapter~

Rin’s fingers are poised on one of the delicate strings of her lyre as she strums it lightly, a low hum reverberating out from the instrument. She frowns at the sound of it from where she leans against a conveniently placed rock near the fire, the note falling flat as it dies in the silence of the dark night. “You’re off.” A haughty voice echoes above her as she huffs out a breath. Rin sends Astarion a withering look from where he lounges on the rock right above her, a book held in his hand as he reads by the light of the fire. “And so is your stitching, but you don’t hear me calling you out on it, now do you?” His stitching wasn’t, of course. It was always practiced, perfect, and near precise—Astarion as good with a needle as he was with a knife or an arrow.  But, as always, he didn’t have to know that.  Astarion flips a page with unnecessary force, his agitation dragging a secretive smile to Rin’s lips that she hides into her lyre. He really made it far too easy to tease him sometimes. They had both quite politely ignored the events of the other evening; the memory of the closeness of their lips and the things she had said settling into the recesses of her mind as if they were nothing more than a dream that haunts her when she lays down her head onto her sad excuse for a pillow.  It was a lapse in judgment, at the very least. The klauthgrass had clearly addled her mind more than she thought, upon looking back on it. It’s the only reason she would have ever said the things she did, whether spoken from her lips or written down on paper.  She also still needed to burn the damn letter, but that was neither here nor there.

and since @xxnashiraxx asked so nicely, here's a little smut preview 😉😈 read at your own risk, friends.

“Ah, darling,” Astarion’s voice is tight as he buries his face into her neck, hips bucking into her hand as she works him from the crown of his cock to the base, breathing harder with every stroke. “Much more and you’ll spoil the main event.” Rin slows her motions as he pants against the column of her throat, so close to his own completion she can practically feel it in the way his body shakes above her own, muscles quivering with the want of release. “Would it be so awful if you were to come like this? On my hands, all over my skin?” Astarion raises his head from her neck, pupils blown and hair disheveled as he pants. “Decidedly not, but I think I want to fill that sweet cunt of yours instead.” “If you say so,” She brings the hand that had been stroking him to her mouth, the tip of her tongue peeking out between her lips to lap at a glistening string of precome sticking to her skin, savoring the flavor of him as her eyes find his. Astarion swallows hard, gaze fixated on the pink of her tongue as she wraps her lips around the finger, sucking lightly. She smiles sweetly around the finger between her lips, sending him a wink that has his eyes rolling despite the heat burning in the depths of them.

tagging @ladyduellist @elinorbard @preciouslittlebhaalbae @roguishcat to play if you want to! sorry if anyone has already been tagged as well!! also, even if you weren't tagged and want to post, please do!!!!!!

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