sabiekay - SabieKay’s corner
SabieKay’s corner

36 years old || she/her || cisgender womanSometimes I write stuff…mostly I rambleMasterlist! Networks: BangtanArmyNet

581 posts

I Love Good Writing Days. My Jin Fic Was About 2.3K Words On Monday, And As Of Last Night Were At About

I love good writing days. My Jin fic was about 2.3K words on Monday, and as of last night we’re at about 6.5K!! 🥳🥳

(We’re gonna ignore that I’m not even a third done with the story shhhhhhh)

More Posts from Sabiekay

3 years ago

To any fic writers who worry they are wasting their time... I read a fic for a relatively small and inactive fandom about three years ago. And there was one specific scene where a character watched another dancing like an idiot to a beyonce song and it was so sweet and loving that even now years later I have that song on one of my spotify playlist so every once in a while it will play and remind me of that fic, and every time it does I smile and feel a little happier.

The stats on a fic will never really tell you if your writing touched someone. There's no numerical way to show you what impact you made. Maybe you are wasting time, or maybe you are writing something that someone will remember for a long time, something that will never fail to make them smile.

3 years ago

I’m so sorry for the 3 people (and multiple bots) who might have been eagerly waiting for my Jin fic, but I think I’m gonna table The Season for now…I just can’t seem to work out how I want this story to go, or why I’m writing it. Microcosmos was so much easier (although it took 7 months to write) because I had a clear vision of what message I was telling - it was about connection and healing from something that hurts deep inside. I could easily picture myself in the story (which makes writing dialogue and reactions so much smoother), Jungkook’s and Hobi’s characters were also so fleshed out and I was able to show how friendships are just as important as romantic ones.

But The Season? It feels like a series of words. I have nice moments and good ideas, but I can’t figure out why I need to write this fic. Why Jin? What narrative am I trying to tell? What should the reader feel? What am I trying to say about this world? I just lost my inspiration for it despite all the rewrites and changes I made to it over the past couple months

Maybe later I’m gonna go back to it with a clearer mind, but for now it’s going to the back burner :(

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3 years ago

To the leave-in conditioner I spent $20 on:

To The Leave-in Conditioner I Spent $20 On:

Seriously…why are products for curly hair so expensive? At least this one was decent sized bottle….and also not the most expensive curly hair product I’ve seen in the store 👀

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3 years ago

I wrote out a detailed outline of my Jin fic - tentative title is The Season - and it’s about twice as long as my Microcosmos outline 👀

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3 years ago

Me for the past 2 days: wrote 2,500 more words in my fic, have been writing more than I have in the past couple weeks

My laptop: decides to crash twice within a half hour

Why….. T_T

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