sarwanoodle - Sarwa Noodle
Sarwa Noodle

she/her they/them - moths are pretty cool - you can ask me things if you want

187 posts

You Will Be Given Death.

You Will Be Given Death.

You will be given death.

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More Posts from Sarwanoodle

10 months ago
DoH (Drops Of Honey, Iterator) And Laeka (Lizard That's Actually A Beecat But They're Like A Werecreature
DoH (Drops Of Honey, Iterator) And Laeka (Lizard That's Actually A Beecat But They're Like A Werecreature

DoH (Drops of Honey, iterator) and Laeka (Lizard that's actually a Beecat but they're like a werecreature don't worry about it)

The entire extremely complicated lore of DoH below for anyone curious (Warning!!!!! The Rain World universe me and my friends have slowly but surely created is very very funky there is a lot of unlore!!!)

DoH was originally designed by GC (Grayscale Contract) to be a replacement for someone part of her local group, but she ended up making a design she liked better (Sprinkles of Snow). A family of Beecats, a subspecies of slugcats, stole the blueprints and used them to make a replacement for another iterator (GRWTE).

Basically how the replacements work is when an iterator attaches the replacement puppet to their structure they like become the replacement. The Beecats were incredibly crafty and used all sorts of material they stole from the local iterators to create the replacement puppet. They forcibly attached it to to GRWTE, forcing them to become DoH.

DoH was programmed to love the Beecats, and took care of them for a while until he connected to the global chat. Some iterators in the global chat were worried about him, and decided to try to help him. DoH was removed from GRWTE, but one of the iterators that helped, EFotS (A friend's iterator), felt kind of bad for DoH, since he was kind of a separate person?

EFotS literally researched and learned some sort of forbidden sorcery (idk it's complicated) to create a soul for DoH to call his own. But EFotS kinda fricked it up a little so DoH's soul is mutated, which usually causes some weird stuff. (Me and my friends have lovingly named these cursed creatures Sproinklies)

DoH is very traumatized when he wakes up and gets his memories of what happened back. He hates Beecats now, and doesn't want anything to do with them, so he stays with EFotS. DoH eventually grows a tail, which is blamed on his mutated soul. His tail starts growing longer over time but dw about it

A while later they discover that DoH has a mouth and a stomach and is slowly turning into flesh and bones. Whenever he eats, his tail grows and another part of him becomes biological. This freaks DoH the frick out because when it first happens he literally doesn't remember that part of him not being biological and he worries that his memory is going to get worse and he's going to forget everything.

DoH's memory doesn't get worse and he doesn't forget everything so everything's fine!! But DoH still kinda struggles with an identity crisis because he's changed a lot from what he used to be and he's worried that EFotS won't care about him anymore because he's so different from the person EFotS wanted to save. But EFotS still loves him and DoH loves EFotS and did I mention they're gay they're gay as hell

Anyway if you actually read all of my insane ramblings you are also insane. Take this

DoH (Drops Of Honey, Iterator) And Laeka (Lizard That's Actually A Beecat But They're Like A Werecreature

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10 months ago

out into. the yonder

A small orange kitten on a transparent background. It has been edited out of a photo.

ive freed this man

10 months ago

Oh my God.

Smeargle & Togetic Peanuts Edition
Smeargle & Togetic Peanuts Edition
Smeargle & Togetic Peanuts Edition

smeargle & togetic peanuts edition

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9 months ago

[ID: An iteration of the cat breakdancing meme to be Siffrin from In Stars and Time dancing while the King looks on. They have the signature Act 5 shadow over the eye and dead expression.]

Look at this evil bug

A gif loop of the first half of Siffrin's dance. His arms are spread and he bounces in place, kicking one leg out, then the other.
A gif loop of the second half of Siffrin's dance, the breakdancing part. They spin on one hand, swapping which hand is on the ground as needed.

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