Small with so much sass. Chirps loudly to assert dominance. Will bite if personal space is breached. Wild, but is loved unconditionally
645 posts
Sassy-kakariki-94 - CheekyBoy - Tumblr Blog
The Royai moments the anime adaptations left out bc they are COWARDS

(I believe in fma manga supremacy)
Riza's Grandpa asks Roy to marry her.

So this one needs outside material to explain, but Arakawa confirmed in the 2nd Guidebook (released only in Japanese and French) that Grumman is Riza's maternal grandfather. Not necessarily a big Royai moment but, still it's interesting how Riza's only known living family ships it, and that Roy doesn't exactly say "no" to his request.
I am forever fascinated as to why any of this exists in the first place, what did you mean by this Arakawa? why have Grumman make this suggestion in the first place? 👀👀👀👀👀👀 What were you suggesting? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Anyway, I wish we had an in-text confirmation of Riza's relation to Grumman and I wish this moment had come back to the story at some point. Even if it was just Riza glaring at Grumman being like "Grandpa why are you trying to marry me off?????"
2. Roy's "Get your hands off my wife!" moment.

He really said, "is he bothering you queen?" I wish we had more protective Roy and frankly, I don't understand how this scene didn't make it to Brotherhood? Riza was getting manhandled by a tin can and clearly not into it. The fact that a tin can serial killer developed a crush on her is concerning to begin with. It just wouldn't be in character for Roy to be cool with this. Roy is also a jealous boyfriend, what can I say?
3. The "I'm glad you're alive" moment.

For some dumb reason, Brotherhood changed this so when Riza apologises for worrying him, he just snaps "save it for the end of the mission!" Like, why Brotherhood? why would Roy ever snap at Riza like that? especially when Riza is generally the one who is laser-focused on the mission. Roy has enough faith in her, he's not going to see this brief apology as her being distracted or less competent. The manga dialogue is also meant to show how Maes's death is still a fresh wound for Roy, so of course he's on edge at the prospect of losing Riza too.
4. He literally asks her out

I feel like both anime adaptations really wanted Roy to be more of a womaniser than he actually is. But this scene lowkey confirms Roy has limited game and he only really wants Riza. It feels like dude jumped at the opportunity to ask Riza out the moment she technically stopped being his subordinate.
5. Roy's codename for Riza actually coming back

Seriously, I love how Arakawa took the time to establish "Elizabeth" as Riza's codename only to use it later to have Madame Christmas suggest that Roy regularly spends time with "Elizabeth" to the point where it's weird that he isn't with her now. And then, when Roy bemoans how "another man took Elizabeth" (an obvious reference to Riza being taken hostage by Bradley) one of Christmas's girls gets excited at the idea she might have a chance with Roy. The suggestion is that Roy isn't normally available on account of his seeing Elizabeth.
It's a strong hint to the idea that Riza and Roy might have *something* going on and are bypassing the fraternization laws through codes. At the very least it suggests that Roy isn't interested in anyone but "Elizabeth". Also look how bummed out he is that his wife is gone. Why did the anime rob us of so much pathetic whipped Roy? WHY?
6. Just a lot more touching in general

There's actually a lot of touching between these two in the manga. It's mostly during the big fights like the Promised Day or the battle with Lust and it really cements them as a true battle couple.
In the case of the Promised day they are literally fighting in each other's arms. Riza is leaning on Roy as she's on the verge of passing out from her wounds, and Roy is clinging onto her now that she has become his eyes. The way they hold each other shows how they are each other's crutch and how one always empowers the other. It also symbolises how inseparable these two are as moments ago Roy was at the Gate and before that Riza was on the brink of death, they could have lost in each other for good but they're still standing strong together in spite of everything.
The post-Lust fight is just a nice moment were Roy clings onto Riza out of sheer relief that she's okay and he hasn't lost another loved one. Even though he's on the verge of passing out from pain and blood loss, he still finds the strength to reach out to her.
Then there's the scene in the tunnels where he lowers her gun for her. The noticeable difference in the manga is that he does this after he takes off his ignition gloves.
The anime forgets to do this. It seems like a minor difference but it's kind of a big point of characterisation. Because we know that Riza has been hurt by flame alchemy, from the process of having the tattoo done to her by a trusted parental figure at a young age, to the trauma of seeing how much damage it did at ishval, to her very literally being burned by the flames so that it won't do anymore damage. Roy is the one who burned her, he's the one who used her secret to do unspeakable damage and suffering, why would he hurt her again by letting her go anywhere near flame alchemy?

My final thoughts: Manga Roy is altogether more dorky and in love with Riza than his anime counterparts and I miss his adorkable self.
I also feel like Arakawa was so good at subtly hinting at how in love these two are and how they basically *do* function like a couple even if they might not be together in the conventional het married with babies way.
this is actually so much more fucked than just "he knows what a charred corpse smells like" or whatever. why didn't they put this in the anime!!!

Happy birthday! It's generous to offer US some gifts! How about a Roy and Riza from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood?
I actually haven’t drawn Riza and Roy before! And they are some of my fav duo from FMA (aside from Bradley/Mrs Bradley otp lol). Thus I didn’t want to just do a simple sketch of them… so I somehow ended up drawing a weird prequel comic to Ultimate Weakness heh. Falman cameo!

RIP Roy Mustang
never thought we'd ever have to go without (i)

Their breakup was amicable. They were both going in two different directions with their lives and where Roy was going - the military and the numerous off the grid sites for weeks or sometimes months on end – he wouldn’t ask her to wait for him. She deserved to live her own life, not wait around for him and his ambitions.
When a tragedy befalls their child, Roy and Riza are left devastated. They come together to work through it while waiting for her to wake from her injuries
rated: t | words: 2948 | tags: royai, angst, au, modern au, kid au, parental royai, tragedy, injury, angst with a happy ending, separated parents
read on ao3 | read on ffnet
Hey Dad, I'm on the plane. I know you won’t get this for a while, but I still wanted to send you a message. Hope all is going well with you. Mum was freaking out at the airport. She was worried I’d forgotten something again, but she literally emptied and repacked my bag for me so many times, so there’s no way that would happen. I think she’s scared about me going off by myself. Could you give her a call when you get out? I don’t want her to feel alone while I’m gone, and I know she’ll love hearing from you. I’ll speak to you soon. I love you.
read on ao3 | read on ffnet

Quite a journey
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Merry FMA day to those who celebrate, don't forget to send your loved ones a cunty picture of Mustang or Hawkeye to ensure that the new year brings good luck

Riza Hawkeye and Roy Mustang in #32 for gemmythedestroyer!
I haven’t seen a single episode of FMA in my life… I hope I didn’t screw anything up too badly.

Riza Hawkeye's life changes completely when Roy Mustang draws her name for the 40th Hunger Games, sealing both of their fates and binding one to the other. Will they be able to succeed and reach their ambitions, or will the Capitol prove a too dangerous opponent for the likes of them?
HI FRIENDS! Yesterday, was the drop of our @royaibigbang event!! This post features three art pieces I made for @limetameta 🩷 their fic was so much fun to read ( even when I had zero knowledge in the Hunger Games hehe)
You can read their fic Gnawing Meat off the bone here on Ao3 or check it out in the EBOOK ( where art and fics are combined!!)
My favorite piece should be Riza covered in blood 🦅 I am really proud of how it turned out!

These are two other sketches I originally planned ( that I am okay with showing since they aren't messy haha )
Limeta is such a wonderful person and working with them was so fun!! Make sure to go and read and leave comments under their work🩷
My previous October 3rd posts: 1 | 2 | 3
Happy October 3rd! This time I want to post something from way in the past, a photo from Shounen Gangan, the day the final chapter leaked on June 7, 2010.

Particularly Roy because that’s what everyone wants to see. Some people may think Roy had a moustache in the first editions of Chapter 108, but thankfully he’s been moustache-free this whole time :)

General Roy and Hawkeye
The animators probably got a very early draft or something, since it also in the storyboard. Before the anime got one extra episode, it was meant to end on June 27, compared to the manga chapter's street date of June 11.
Oh also, I wonder if May's pose in the final photo is meant to be reminiscent of Al's new philosophy about Equivalent Exchange that he mentions earlier in the chapter.

(the leaker did not post this page, so I have to use a real screenshot)
"World Leader Pretend"
Shortly after the war in Ishval, the soldiers at Eastern Command participate in their annual training against Briggs. A wayward Roy wanders over to Riza's station, and conversations about their shared past ensue—although much is left unsaid, as always.

I made the illustration for this beautiful fic by Richard @koussevitzky ✨ Read it here!
Alao, lease go check all other great fics and arts from this BIG BANG project too! ⬇️
AO3 compilation here
PDF ebook here
Thank you for the amazing works @royaibigbang teams! 🥹⭐
My thought about the fic: (just in case might contains spoiler)
When I read this fic, I can imagine the beautiful scene Roy and Riza had when they were talking. The scenery, the warm ambience, the intense yet peaceful interaction, it's written very beautifully 😭💛💙 I can feel the conflict in their heads, how they feel towards each other, what they really WANT to do...❤️🩹
I could create this art because I can feel it—them. The breeze, the atmosphere, as if I can see them right in front of my eyes and watching them having interactions 🥹
Once again, thank you Richard for writing it beautifully ✨

By @raisingmybanner
Riza Hawkeye has worked as Security Director for private art authenticator Roy Mustang for eight years with little trouble. However, recently Mustang has taken on riskier and higher-stakes jobs, putting himself and his team in danger of exposure and harm. The objective of a new undercover job – authenticating an elusive ink drawing while undercover on a three-week island retreat – hits too close to home for Riza. Secrets carefully kept threaten to be brought to light, exacerbated by the closeness required while posing as a young engaged couple.
Hold on, they have to pose as an… engaged couple? For three weeks?!
Happy Royai Big Bang day!
Here is part of my contribution to this @royaibigbang ! I got to work with such lovey people and an amazingly talented writer for this big bang! This story is so beautifully written and enthralling you will be hanging on every chapter! Go check out this fic and all of the other wonderful stories and art created for this event for this event!

“She remembered the blood staining the white of the sand a dark, ugly red. She could see it when she closed her eyes.” -Chapter 4, Overcome (
Happy October 3rd and happy Royaibigbang2024!
I worked on this piece for chapter 3 of @quiet-nocturne ‘s fic Overcome, which you can all read on ao3!!
So many amazing artists and writers worked on this event, check out @royaibigbang page which will be sharing them all!
Under the cut I have the link to the fic and some lines i drew inspiration from for the piece.
Lines that gave me inspiration for the depictions in the scene!
For the depictions in the mirror:
Riza looked down, and she was wearing Amestris blue, with her desert cloak over it, and a sniper rifle slung over shoulder.
…red eyes.
And there was such hatred in them.
Suddenly, Riza’s sniper rifle was in her hand, propped up and ready. She could still see the woman’s face in the scope.
As Riza pressed the trigger, the woman phased out, suddenly replaced by Mustang. His face showed shock, horror, fear -
For the smoke in the lungs:
Riza woke up with a gasp, hand on her chest. Her heart thumped rapidly against her hand. She took in huge gulps of air, trying to grasp ahold of herself, but it never seemed to be enough.
She could feel the sickly press of panic pushing forcefully against her chest, out of control and rapidly building, wanting to consume her whole.
General setting and physical action:
When her face felt numb, she pulled back and turned the tap off, drying the water off with her t-shirt.
Breathing heavily, she stared at her reflection in the mirror for several long moments, gripping the porcelain sink with white knuckles.

“Xing royalty at three o’clock,” Riza murmured, pretending to brush a crumb off Mustang’s lapel. “They look about as happy as we do.” “So, incandescent?” Mustang whispered. “Naturally.”
my artwork for @raisingmybanner's fic "Accretion" for @royaibigbang!!! ✨
i had an awesome experience collaborating with everyone in @royaibigbang 💕 all of us put a lot of time and love into this project, so please go check out all the amazing artwork and fics! there's even a whole PDF ebook that you can download!!!!

Happy FMA Day AND Royai Big Bang drop day!!!
This is my piece for @raisingmybanner's fic 'Accretion' for @royaibigbang! An AU where Roy, an art authenticator, must pose undercover as an engaged couple with Riza, his security detail, to determine the authenticity of an elusive piece that has surfaced.
Here they're in the gallery in front of the fabled 'Young Man with Flowers' ink drawing. But is it real? Is it a forgery? Make sure you read the fic to find out!

Edward paused. He remembered this moment, somewhere in the recess of his brain. Fifteen years old, pocket change in the womb of his coat, dog shit tea smudged over his lips. He’d meant to leave and had glanced the Colonel pouring dogshit tea for Lieutenant Hawkeye. He remembered thinking, ‘He must hate her if he’s feeding her dogshit tea.’ He remembered, too, the oppressive intimacy of it. The Colonel’s eyes flickering to the Lieutenant’s lips. He’d looked away rather quickly. Edward slipped the tea letter back into the pile and retrieved Roy’s letter he wrote following his strokes. Edward picked up where he left off.
my artwork for @royai's fic "letters to central north" for @royaibigbang!!!! ☕️
i had an awesome experience collaborating with everyone in @royaibigbang 💖 all of us put a lot of time and love into this project, so please go check out all the amazing artwork and fics! there's even a whole PDF ebook that you can download!!!!

Happy FMA Day AAAND Royai Big Bang drop day!!!
This is my illustration for @beware-thegemini's fic 'Amestrian Prometheus' which dropped today for @royaibigbang! It's an intense, emotional AU combining FMA and the story of Oppenheimer. The themes of the destructive powers of alchemy and nuclear fission are such a natural marriage.
I had a super fun time with this one! I wanted to emulate the style of a courtroom sketch, textured and colorful, based off the courtroom scenes. What's going on? I guess you'll have to read the fic to find out! ;p

She kept nearly jumping at the feeling of his fingers running through her hair - his touch was clinical, and not at all sensual, but her stupid brain was not taking it that way. His fingers felt good, entirely too good, and Riza was constantly feeling goosebumps running up and down her arms, stubbornly resisting the urge to shiver, or to lean into his touch like a cat.
my artwork for @quiet-nocturne's fic "overcome" for @royaibigbang!!!!!! 😳
i had an awesome experience collaborating with everyone in @royaibigbang ❤️ all of us put a lot of time and love into this project, so please go check out all the amazing artwork and fics! there's even a whole PDF ebook that you can download!!!!

AO3 Collection | Tumblr Tag | eBook Download (pdf)
The day is finally here!! Happy Royai Big Bang Day!!
What is a big bang? A big bang is a fan-led event in which writers and artists collaborate together to create long-form content. Each writer gets a selection of artists drawing for their story, and a beta-reader if they choose. This event gives creatives a chance to bring their ideas to life in the form of creative teams.
Over the last 8 or so months our teams have been working so hard together to create a big BANG of royai fics and art, and today's the day they finally get to show it off!
We've got over 550k words of fanfic in store for you from our writers, all lovingly looked over and edited by our wonderful beta team! And around 40 pieces of art to share from our artists, each piece tied into a specific fic!
A big bang indeed!
The AO3 collection is now live here, so please check it out!
We also have a stunning eBook for the event, a complete collection of everything which was created, which can be viewed and downloaded here from dropbox
Each contributor's posts will be reblogged here, under the tag #royai big bang 2024
We all look forward to sharing what's been created for this event with you! Please show your support for our wonderful creators and teams!

So happy to share my artwork for the @royaibigbang!! These were drawn for @roseofbattles and her fic An Argument for Therapy, which is available to read with the entire big bang collection 🥰
Click each photo for more detail 💕
These were such a blast to draw and I'm so glad I was able to be a part of this project!

HIIII HAPPY OCT. 3rd!! I participated in the @royaibigbang event this year by illustrating Snapshots by the amazing @aicasey !! Please give it a read and leave a lot of kudos on your way! Also if you are interested in the rest of the Big Bang project you can look at the whole collection on AO3 or download the epub!
This has been an amazing, fun project made alongside a bunch of incredible people!! I can't wait to work alongside you once more!

“𝐼’𝓋𝑒 𝒹𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃’𝓉 𝐼…𝐼’𝓋𝑒 𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊…”