scarletnight07 - hai (✿◠‿◠)
hai (✿◠‿◠)

profile picture credit to Pawel Olejniczak -- I post whatever & whenever, mostly blogs and jokes that I think of

42 posts

One Of The Only Days With Pretty Much Nothing After School, And I Spend It All On My Phone... I Know

One of the only days with pretty much nothing after school, and I spend it all on my phone... I know it's unhealthy but it's so easy to just eat away the hours and forget my responsibilities. Well, I suppose the best that can be done now is ensure that I'll do better tomorrow~

  • cheezbot
    cheezbot liked this · 10 months ago

More Posts from Scarletnight07

6 months ago

too late >:D

Dont Worry Everyone The Doctor Who Wiki Has Everything Under Control

don’t worry everyone the doctor who wiki has everything under control

6 months ago

Whenever I say "let's skidaddle", this is what I mean


6 months ago

SAME 😭 I'll say, 'it's so... what's the word...' and think for a solid five seconds before just settling on a synonym that isn't nearly as perfect but gets the gist across and leaves solemn disappointment in my heart.

scarletnight07 - hai (✿◠‿◠)
9 months ago

cat #4 is literally me

Hey friend your turn 😹

8 months ago

Is your barren lawn getting you down?

a photo of a British 1930s semi detached house with a green closely mowed lawn outside. in the middle is a single allium flower, just past the peak blooming stage. it sticks out like a sore thumb or a tennis ball on a bamboo cane

Try a single allium!

a close up of the lone allium flower in the lawn

You surely won't regret planting and painstakingly mowing around a single allium