I am to become ghostly- wait, this fandom's alive??
5 posts
Scientificghostpapers - We Stan The Fentons In This House - Tumblr Blog
Love this post as a breakdown! My biggest struggle with Tucker is that I am one of those kids who doodled anime characters as a high schooler, and Danny and Sam break down into that style very well, but Tucker's face shape is very distinct from theirs...and I'm not a great artist, lol. I think I'm going to have to do some cheek bone studies now!
lets talk abt the stylization of danny phantom
so ive been an observer of phandom for a reaaallly long time now and ive noticed something thats had me thinking about this for a while. a lot of artists have mentioned they dont really know how to translate some of the characters into their own styles. this is something ive mostly noticed be said about tucker so i thought id make a little reference sheet type situation comparing the style of the show with a toned down version of my own

and its the fucking cheekbones!!! thats the part thats tripping yall up
-paulina has a slender face with high but soft cheekbones. shes a latina character so she translates to me as someone whose indigenous features are more prominent
-meanwhile sam has a rounder face and lower cheekbones than paulina does. the pic i chose honestly wasnt the best bc sams hairstyle covers their face a bit but moving on c i gotta to to sleep lmao
-valerie is NOT SKINNY and yet ppl stay drawing her that way. the show had its own issues with that itself but if you look at these characters by their faces alone it provides the necessary information to know that valerie has chubby cheeks
-dannys cheekbones are sharp and high but not as high as paulina's
-meanwhile tuckers cheekbones are sharp and low pero tambien el es un cachetón so he would have chubby cheeks as well. also it might not look like it but tucker wears a beret! id love to see more art of him wearing it :(
tucker danny and sam have natural eyebrows!! they dont do anything with them so if you wanna get more fun with it give em stray lil hairs n stuff!
and now the word cheek looks wierd to me ANYWAYS I REALLY HOPE THIS HELPS if yall want more facial breakdowns of any of the other dp characters lmk!
Why do I have to carefully curate what I say and do because I don't know the lives and experiences of other people, constantly failing and constantly feeling guilty for my failures, while other people can be rude to me and I just have to accept it as the natural flaws innate in other humans with lives and experiences I don't know- people who are struggling with things I don't know- I can't know, so I have to accept this and roll with the punches. But other people don't have to roll with my punches, because it's rude for me to punch in the first place. I'm better than that.
How many of my flaws do people around me deal with quietly? How many don't I see? How am I screwing up my relationships and I don't even see it?
I hate that I keep things close to my chest. But I know things would not be different if I didn't. If I was open about my struggles, people would still dislike me. People would still have this disdain for me. People might even have MORE disdain for me! Who knows, I don't! Well, I know it wouldn't make things better- the person who knew didn't care.
The nice thing about having a blog no one pays attention to is that I can talk about how I hate myself. I don't want to die or anything, I just think it's astounding I've gone this far through life and still manage to be insulting and unlikable.
I wish I had a best friend. I have friends, but I'm a B or C tier friend, no one that people want to hang out with, y'know?
Except for digital friends, and unfortunately I suck ass at being friends with people through private messaging. Sure would be nice if I had a social group to participate in, and we see how that fared!
I want to leave society. I want to give up on trying. But I'm too desperate for socialization to commit.
*generates your fanfic*
So. Hi. Thanks for having me. Long time lurker, first time blogger.
Been a big fan of DP for a while, but this is my first time actually posting about it. But I bring a gift! Is it fanart? Nah. A fun new headcanon? Pfft, nope. It's actually a remix of everything YOU guys do that I love!

I present...the fanficinator. A handy dandy phanny danny fanfiction prompt generator. This is version 1.0, I just whipped it up tonight. But I hope you guys can have a lot of fun with it!
Danny Phantom Prompt Generator by Scientific Ghost Papers
If you have any ideas to add in, pleasepleaseplease let me know. I just was pulling things that I thought of, but I know we can make this a big ol' boy.
So my boast referenced my quail birds and then I got Lunch Lady and I’m a little intimidated by this quiz’s actual intelligence.
a What Ghost Are You type uquiz but its entirely from the point of view of some random casper high teen and the options are all like “you got: Ember! youre super cool and have such Vibes im not sure why phantom hates you i think you deserve a to mindcontrol us just a little bit, as a treat <3″