Danny Phandom - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Jazz: so umm... why was I called here to the Lazarus pits?

*Batman points upwards where Danny is floating on the ceiling giggling. Red Hood is perched on a crevice near him trying to bribe him with a cookie*

Jazz: What happened?

Batman: he took one look at the pit cried "I must drink the forbidden kool-aid" and stuck his head in.

Jazz: I would ask why you didn't stop him but he can turn intangible so that's a mout point.

Batman: it's also why we can't get him out of here.

Jazz: so he's just been up there? for how long?

Batman: 8 hours. He has windows of being sober but he keeps drinking from the pit before we can convince him to leave.

Jazz: Why does he have a batarang?

Red Hood: Batman used his dad voice on him the second time he drunk from the pit and he started crying. It was the only thing that got him to stop.

Jazz tired sigh: okay I got this *smiles and uses a tone of voice normal saved for very little kids* Danny!

Danny: Jazz! :D

Jazz: what are doing up there?

Danny: I'm a balloooooon

Jazz: I see. Have you had dinner yet?

Danny: Noooope just some coookies. Red Hood is the bestest hero. He gave me cookies. And, and dis, dis thingy he took from Batman. Batman scary. He's a scary... scary... bat

Jazz: well Nasty burger is going to close soon and you know what happens when Nasty burger closes before you have dinner?

Danny horrified: I have to eat what's at home *turns to Red Hood and gives batarang* I gotta go *starts descending in circles blowing raspberries*

Batman: what is he doing

Jazz: being a balloon

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2 years ago

Those twins Damian and Danny's fics always have them being like “YOUR ALIVE!!!?!!!!” *starts crying* but what if instead they immediately accept it?

Dick: omg Damian don't freak out but we found out that your twin is alive!! Damian: I KNEW MOTHER WAS LYING-

Damian: Brother I've come for you! Danny, who in one year died, learned ghosts are a thing and became the ghost king: yeah okay what's up dami

It would be even funnier if Danny and Damian find out themselves and just don't even tell anyone.

Danny would probably introduce Damian to Jack and Maddie but Damian would wait to tell the Batfam and make them suffer.

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2 years ago

Okay but doppelgängers Damian and Danny,

Like let’s say in this au Maddie was apart of the LOA and had Danny when she was still in it. Talia making them spar and learn together, but with how much Maddie and Talia, other LOA assassins compare them that they assume that they are siblings, they even came up with a convoluted story about why their mothers won’t admit it.

Danny: I wonder why mother keeps denying, we know that we’re brother?? Damian: That is because, you were a mistake. I was wanted and you wer— Danny: NO I WAS TOTALLY WANTED!! Damian: THEN WHY HIDE YOU????

Maddie eventually runs away after Danny almost died, and Danny forgets a lot about the LOA, and Damian grew up and left for Gotham. Something happens and the Fenton Family have to run, and they go to Gotham.

Danny gets enrolled and finally meets Damian again, both are confused at first before they remember each other again.

Damian: ?? Who are you? Danny, who just walked in and is running on pure coffee: Excuse me?? Who tf are You?? Damian, recognizing his sass: DANYAL?????

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1 year ago

Dp x dc prompt: Invisibility investigating the Wayne's manor, Danny mentality compares the place to the Addam's when an idea pops into his head. Turning his right glove hand visible, he starts doing his best Thing impersonation.

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1 year ago

Nobody does it like the phandom

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2 years ago

*generates your fanfic*

So. Hi. Thanks for having me. Long time lurker, first time blogger.

Been a big fan of DP for a while, but this is my first time actually posting about it. But I bring a gift! Is it fanart? Nah. A fun new headcanon? Pfft, nope. It's actually a remix of everything YOU guys do that I love!

A screenshot of the fanfiction prompt generator.

I present...the fanficinator. A handy dandy phanny danny fanfiction prompt generator. This is version 1.0, I just whipped it up tonight. But I hope you guys can have a lot of fun with it!

Danny Phantom Prompt Generator by Scientific Ghost Papers

If you have any ideas to add in, pleasepleaseplease let me know. I just was pulling things that I thought of, but I know we can make this a big ol' boy.

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2 years ago

I wish to be informed if there are!!!😍

Are there any fics were Danny and Jason are bio brothers?

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1 year ago

Do they realize what power they gave to the dp angst writer with the graphic novel?


After all, Phantom planet is not relevant to the story anymore, nobody except Sam, Tucker and Jazz know Danny is Phantom, so that means people still hate him, his parents hunt him...

And GIW can do whatever they want since nobody likes Phantom anymore...

So no more meed to make AU's, you can basically use this...



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1 year ago
So Danny Phantom Is Trending On Tumblr, And That Makes Me Really Happy

So Danny Phantom is trending on Tumblr, and that makes me really happy 😭

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11 months ago

It was a pleasure torturing Tumblr today phandom, I wish to see you all next year for another torture (vivisection) round‼️

It Was A Pleasure Torturing Tumblr Today Phandom, I Wish To See You All Next Year For Another Torture

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11 months ago
Also Yes, I Did Sneak Into TikTok With The Danno

Also yes, I did sneak into TikTok with the Danno 😊

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