scribjellyfish - Call Of The Deep
Call Of The Deep

epic/high/dark fantasy art, character/creature art mostly, primarily in traditional medialinks

348 posts

Repaint Of Eymweth! This Took Forever And I Learned A Lot And It Is Far From Perfect, But! Here It Is

scribjellyfish - Call Of The Deep
Repaint Of Eymweth! This Took Forever And I Learned A Lot And It Is Far From Perfect, But! Here It Is

repaint of eymweth! this took forever and I learned a lot and it is far from perfect, but! here it is

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More Posts from Scribjellyfish

6 years ago
Repaint Of Eymweth! This Took Forever And I Learned A Lot And It Is Far From Perfect, But! Here It Is

repaint of eymweth! this took forever and I learned a lot and it is far from perfect, but! here it is

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5 years ago
Motorcycle Princess Of Edenia

motorcycle princess of edenia

we’re so close! the launch trailer looks so good!!!

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6 years ago

Emergency Commission Time

SURPRISE, it’s about my car again! This time it’s car payments, and the paying of them. Namely me missing work due to health and subsequently missing payments, because if you miss one day of work suddenly you’re out like 100 dollars and wow do things just avalanche into despair at breakneck speeds.

It’s honestly a miracle any of us manage to survive, but I digress.

So basically:

I’m opening FOUR (4) slots for full monochrome paintings, priced at $100 CAD (Canadian Dollars) each.

Emergency Commission Time

I specialize in monsters, aliens, and creatures! I’d prefer to stay within my comfort zone for these, but if I really have to I can attempt other subject matter.

Please consider though, there are two major caveats at play here:

These will require payment up front, even if you’re in my queue. Reason being I need to give something to the bank who graciously gave me a loan for my car in the first place, and:

Due to chronic pain in the form of rheumatoid arthritis, I don’t have an easy answer to how long my wait times will be. 

If you’re at all interested, don’t hesitate to message me, even if it’s just to say “hello!”. I know how hard it is to make money, so I have no hard feelings for anyone who can’t afford something! If you instead would like to donate, I spiffed up my Ko-fi profile, which you can find over yonder:

► Ko-fi

And if you’d just like to reblog to help, that’s appreciated, too. <3

6 years ago
Thumbnail -> Initial Sketch -> Refined Sketch -> Referenced, Pushed Sketch
Thumbnail -> Initial Sketch -> Refined Sketch -> Referenced, Pushed Sketch
Thumbnail -> Initial Sketch -> Refined Sketch -> Referenced, Pushed Sketch

thumbnail -> initial sketch -> refined sketch -> referenced, pushed sketch

6 years ago

scribjellyfish submitted:                        

this dead woman from Spawn is haunting me, I’ll be honest

original post:

@mauesartetc’s redraws made me think about the choices made even more, so I thought I’d try my hand at a redraw.

1. I, personally, really didn’t like this outfit and thought a little reincorporation of elements throughout would’ve been a quick way to give it a little more… something. I do like ridiculous studded stuff tho…

2. I think the blacking out of the face is supposed to actually be blacking out of the throat? It says in-panel her throat has been ripped out, and I somehow doubt despite the gratuitousness of the posing that they were aiming for that level of goriness. However, blacking out the face entirely might make it seem too impersonal/make it too obvious she’s an object, so I think the face elements were added back in to be “haunting”. I thought this could be more easily accomplished via a conveniently placed shadow - cheesy, maybe, but it provides censorship, allows the face for some impact, and symbolically cuts her head off. And comics aren’t strangers to convenient placement anyway.

3. I almost think a more realistic, straight-faced dead lady is more edgy than this sex-and-death mix at this point? Maybe I’ve got the benefit of hindsight, but I dunno.

Thanks for the redraw & commentary.  I think you’re right that showing the violence more realistically and dead on would be more bold and dark.  The murder of sex workers is already used as a lazy trope in fiction a lot and to use it as a pseudo-pin up panel too is even more gratuitous.  At least your way doesn’t distance the reader from the horror.

(CW: murder and violence against sex workers below cut)

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