Random pictures I took during everyday life and other stuff from the internet
1499 posts
I Really Like This Happy #snowman Figure At 'Kartoffel-Kiste' On #Hansaplatz #Dortmund During #christmas

I really like this happy #snowman figure at 'Kartoffel-Kiste' on #Hansaplatz #Dortmund during #christmas #market 4.12.15 #latergram (hier: Dortmund Hansaplatz)
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A nicely #illuminated #tree at #Winterleuchten in #Westfalenpark #Dortmund 5.12.15 #latergram #DOüberrascht (hier: Westfalenpark Dortmund)

One of my favourite spots in #Dortmund #Nordstadt - you have a good view from the bridge #Spähenfelde 27.11.15 #latergram #DOüberrascht #trainspotting #panorama #industry #skyline (hier: RUSH HOUR Nachtpalast - Dortmund)

The decoration of #Kleppingstraße #Dortmund for #Weihnachtsmarkt always has its special #atmosphere 4.12.15 #latergram #DOüberrascht (hier: Kleppingstrasse)