sebrem77 - sebrem's photo stream
sebrem's photo stream

Random pictures I took during everyday life and other stuff from the internet

1499 posts

Christmas Lights Essen / Dortmund, Dec 15, 2014

Christmas lights Essen / Dortmund, Dec 15, 2014

Visiting the CS meeting in Essen also was an opportunity to enjoy the lights of the Weihnachtsmarkt. And on the way home Kaiserstraße in Dortmund also was nicely decorated.



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Click on the photos to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.

Some of the pictures also are on Instagram:

Weihnachtsmarkt #Essen – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas market Essen

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 4:49 PST

Weihnachtsmarkt #Essen – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas market Essen

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 4:51 PST

Weihnachtsmarkt #Essen – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas market Essen

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 4:52 PST

Weihnachtsmarkt #Essen – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas market Essen

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 4:54 PST

Weihnachtsmarkt #Essen – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas market Essen

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 4:56 PST

Weihnachtsmarkt #Essen – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas market Essen

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 4:57 PST

Weihnachtsmarkt #Essen – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas market Essen

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 4:58 PST

Weihnachtsmarkt #Essen – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas market Essen

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 4:59 PST

Dortmund Kaiserstraße:


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Click on the photos to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.

Some of the pictures also are on Instagram:

Kaiserstrasse #Dortmund – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas #illumination

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 5:03 PST

Kaiserstrasse #Dortmund – see for the full set (21 pics) #Christmas illumination

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 5:06 PST

Christmas lights Essen / Dortmund, Dec 15, 2014 was originally published on sebrem's musings

More Posts from Sebrem77

10 years ago
#Dortmund #Nordstadt #cirrus #clouds Canon PowerShot A620 14.12.2014 (en Dortmund Nordstadt)

#Dortmund #Nordstadt #cirrus #clouds Canon PowerShot A620 14.12.2014 (en Dortmund Nordstadt)

Tags :
10 years ago

Dortmund Weihnachtsmarkt / Nordstadt, Dec 14, 2014

Today I met a fellow CouchSurfer to take some photos on Weihnachtsmarkt, and on the way back home some cirrus clouds also said “hi”.


jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#id537-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').addClass('loading'); }); // Check for on() ( jQuery 1.7+ ) if( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery(window).on ) ){ jQuery(window).on('load', function(){ jQuery('#id537-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').removeClass('loading'); var alpineLoadPlugin = function(){ jQuery('#id537-hidden-parent').AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin({ id:'id537', style:'bookshelf', shape:'vertical', perRow:3, imageBorder:0, imageShadow:0, imageCurve:0, imageHighlight:0, lightbox:1, galleryHeight:0, // Keep for Compatibility galRatioWidth:800, galRatioHeight:600, highlight:'#64a2d8', pinIt:0, siteURL:'', callback: function(){jQuery( '#id537-AlpinePhotoTiles_container a.AlpinePhotoTiles-lightbox' ).attr( 'rel', 'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id537' );if(jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine){jQuery( 'a[rel^=\'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id537\']' ).fancyboxForAlpine( { titleShow: false, overlayOpacity: .8, overlayColor: '#000', titleShow: true, titlePosition: 'inside' } );}} }); } // Load Alpine Plugin if( jQuery().AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin ){ alpineLoadPlugin(); }else{ // Load Alpine Script and Style var css = ''; var link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); jQuery.getScript('', function(){ if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } if( !jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine ){ // Load Lightbox jQuery.getScript('', function(){ css = ''; link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } alpineLoadPlugin(); }); // Close getScript }else{ alpineLoadPlugin(); } }); // Close getScript } }); }else{ // Otherwise, use bind() jQuery(window).bind('load', function(){ jQuery('#id537-AlpinePhotoTiles_container').removeClass('loading'); var alpineLoadPlugin = function(){ jQuery('#id537-hidden-parent').AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin({ id:'id537', style:'bookshelf', shape:'vertical', perRow:3, imageBorder:0, imageShadow:0, imageCurve:0, imageHighlight:0, lightbox:1, galleryHeight:0, // Keep for Compatibility galRatioWidth:800, galRatioHeight:600, highlight:'#64a2d8', pinIt:0, siteURL:'', callback: function(){jQuery( '#id537-AlpinePhotoTiles_container a.AlpinePhotoTiles-lightbox' ).attr( 'rel', 'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id537' );if(jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine){jQuery( 'a[rel^=\'alpine-fancybox-safemode-id537\']' ).fancyboxForAlpine( { titleShow: false, overlayOpacity: .8, overlayColor: '#000', titleShow: true, titlePosition: 'inside' } );}} }); } // Load Alpine Plugin if( jQuery().AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin ){ alpineLoadPlugin(); }else{ // Load Alpine Script and Style var css = ''; var link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); jQuery.getScript('', function(){ if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } if( !jQuery().fancyboxForAlpine ){ // Load Lightbox jQuery.getScript('', function(){ css = ''; link = jQuery(document.createElement('link')).attr({'rel':'stylesheet','href':css,'type':'text/css','media':'screen'}); if(document.createStyleSheet){ document.createStyleSheet(css); }else{ jQuery('head').append(link); } alpineLoadPlugin(); }); // Close getScript }else{ alpineLoadPlugin(); } }); // Close getScript } }); }

Click on the photos to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.

Some of the pictures are also on Instagram:

14. Dezember: "Budenzauber – Eindrücke von Weihnachtsmärkten, ob groß oder klein…" #instadventskalender by @feemail – see for the full set (15 pics)

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 3:35 PST

14. Dezember: "Budenzauber – Eindrücke von Weihnachtsmärkten, ob groß oder klein…" #instadventskalender by @feemail – see for the full set (15 pics)

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 3:37 PST

14. Dezember: "Budenzauber – Eindrücke von Weihnachtsmärkten, ob groß oder klein…" #instadventskalender by @feemail – see for the full set (15 pics)

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 3:38 PST

#Dortmund #Nordstadt #cirrus #clouds Canon PowerShot A620 14.12.2014

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 3:44 PST

#Dortmund #Nordstadt #cirrus #clouds Canon PowerShot A620 14.12.2014

Ein von Sebastian Bremicker (@sebrem77) gepostetes Foto am Dez 12, 2014 at 3:46 PST

Dortmund Weihnachtsmarkt / Nordstadt, Dec 14, 2014 was originally published on sebrem's musings

Tags :
10 years ago
14. Dezember: "Budenzauber Eindrcke Von Weihnachtsmrkten, Ob Gro Oder Klein" #instadventskalender By

14. Dezember: "Budenzauber – Eindrücke von Weihnachtsmärkten, ob groß oder klein…" #instadventskalender by @feemail - see for the full set (15 pics) (en Alter Markt Dortmund)

Tags :
10 years ago
#Christmas #lights In #Dortmund - 10.12.14 #latergram - See Http:// For The Full

#Christmas #lights in #Dortmund - 10.12.14 #latergram - see for the full set (15 pics) (en Wißstraße)

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