25 Bi Queer Exploring my body and gaining confidence. +18 Gainer. CW 370 GW: 400
463 posts
I Would Love It If Porn Bots Would STOP MESSING ME
I would love it if porn bots would STOP MESSING ME
More Posts from Secretbigboylover
Get fat
Get addicted to food
Get addicted to video games
Get fatter
Get addicted to staying in
Get addicted to sitting on your ass all day
Get fatter
Get addicted to heavy breathing just from the effort of hauling your ass off the couch and waddling to the door to collect your family sized meal of greasy fast food
Get addicted to jerking off and thinking about the day when you won’t be able to reach anymore
Get fatter
Get addicted to wearing sweatpants and ill-fitting T shirts all day
Get addicted to the endless spiral of obesity you’re eating yourself into
Get addicted to the knowledge that this is your life now, and then get fatter
Oh and also, get fatter
Honestly sounds amazing
Just imagine it. Being so big to use your belly as a table to hold up stuff.
Sitting there at your desk just trying to play some games but can no longer reach the keyboard, so you prop it up on your belly and play away.
Tell me that isn't a sight you wouldn't want to see when coming home
god fat jocks just turn me on

Coach wants me bigger!
God I want this
imagine a feedism resort where feedees can book a room and have a holiday where the staff provide 3 or 4 full meals throughout the day with many fattening snacks in between and free complimentary heavy cream shakes. Feeders can come too and make sure their feedees eat everything (and enjoy the sight of them spilling out of their swimwear at the pool). All the rooms come with a funnel feeding system and you can order whatever food you want to your room.
When you go home thirty pounds heavier, you can just say it was a little bit of vacation weight ✨
Man I wish there was a rent a feeder website or app. I’d love to get stuffed in person but I don’t know any feeders irl