selendyne - 🌺Selendyne🌺

Una Amante de la música, el arte, las series, la lectura y el canto. Dibujo desde la infancia y decidí crear este blog como una forma de demostrarme a mi misma y a los demás como he ido mejorando, además de crear un espacio para mis emociones

10 posts



Me tomo tiempo pero aquí están los dibujos que te prometí para animarte en Twitter☺💕


Este fue el primero que hice, se que el fondo me quedo muy sobrecargado así que perdón si te daña los ojos😅


Este fue el segundo y el que mejor quedó según yo


Tercero y último, me inspiré en la última imagen de uno de tus cómics. Amo a Kazuya y al Soukoku💕

Todas los dibujos tienen camelias porque amo esa flor y como se relaciona con Chuuya 😍

Espero que te gusten y te ayuden a no desanimarte, tus dibujos son hermosos e inspiradores, y si bien siempre se puede mejorar no debes sobre-exigirte ni dejarte consumir por ideas que te auto-saboten. Nadie nace siendo, ni es, perfecto.

Ya has encantado a muchos con tu arte y se que seguirás haciéndolo. Espero que mis sentimientos te lleguen.

Eres increíble🥳

Lo haces muy bien👍

Ya no lo dudes😚💕

Está hermosísimo todoooo 💜💜💜💜 y los fondos quedaron muy bonitos también 💜

La última imagen la amo, jaja, te quedó muy lindo y muchas gracias por el apoyo, de verdad 💜😭 Estoy intentando trabajar en esos aspectos para evitarme el estrés (voy paso a paso), y sin duda este tipo de gestos ayudan mucho, especialmente cuando son tan bonitos como tus dibujos 💜

Muchas gracias 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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More Posts from Selendyne

7 months ago

My drawing for @luneariann Dtiys☺💕

My Drawing For @luneariann Dtiys

Please Follow me, like and Comment if you liked it😚💕

the image without text and the original drawing are below the cut👇

My Drawing For @luneariann Dtiys
My Drawing For @luneariann Dtiys

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1 year ago

I'm kinda stuck....

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9 months ago

El AU de B!Kazuya me parece tan genial💕 Tengo tantas preguntas, si Kazuya es el villano en este universo, Quien es el héroe? Yasushi?

Kazuya y Lyubov serian pareja de antagonistas? O el poder del amor hará de las suyas y Lyubov lo traerá al lado bueno?😏💕

Cómo seria su relación con Chuuya en este AU? Fría? Compleja? Amorosa? No sé por qué me imagino a Kazuya siendo ese tipo de antagonista frío, manipulador y despiadado hasta el punto de que a primera vista pueda parecer completamente iredimible pero al final se descubre que tiene la meta más humana y comprensible de todas, que en su caso es querer liberar y proteger a su papá, suena tan lindo😭💕 Supongo que, aunque sea un villano y todo, se me hace muy difícil no imaginarlo como un niño bueno en el fondo. Además de que me parece divertido imaginar a Kazuya en una habitación tortur@ndo gente, siendo todo frío y sádico, y luego aparece su papá Chuuya y pasa de ser un villano☠ a un niño pequeño exigiendo mimos y atención☺ Sería un contraste interesante y potencial para muchos momentos de comedia en medio de todo el drama que es BEAST!😅 Ya hasta me harme una idea de su personaje y todo, por si te interesa la voy a enviar aparte de las preguntas porque es un poquito larga😅

Ya nos armamos toda una película en torno a esto, jajaja 😂

Ya leí ambas preguntas, primero responderé esta y luego comentaré la otra 🖤

En mi corazón, Yasushi siempre es el protagonista (además de que es el LC del protagonista canónico, lol).

Para mi esto funciona así: Si Dazai está ausente en la vida de su hijo, entonces Fyodor está presente en la de su hija, y viceversa, asi que B!Lyubov crecería bajo la influencia de Fyodor, pero podría existir un quiebre entre lo que quiere su papá y lo que quiere ella. Y podría llegar a Yokohama no buscando algo, sino queriendo saber por qué su padre tiene tanto interés en la ciudad incluso después de muchos años.

Imagino que en un escenario como BEAST, Kazuya realmente no siente apego por proteger Yokohama ni nada, ya que es la razón (junto con la existencia de Oda), de que tenga que cumplir un papel que no escogió (justamente algo que mencionaste en la otra pregunta, jeje).

Creo que su relación con Chuuya seria compleja, ya que Kazuya sentiría que Chuuya estuvo "obligado" a criarlo solo por los planes de Dazai, y en esto me alejo un poco de tus ideas porque me encanta sufrir e imagino que, mientras más crece, Kazuya intentaría más alejarse de Chuuya y de todos para no ser el mismo tipo de hombre que B!Dazai fue para el resto, sin saber que repite el mismo ciclo de soledad que su papá. De todas formas, no me puedo imaginar a Chuuya como un mal padre que permita que Kazuya se aleje de él o que lo rechace por la "otra mitad" de su sangre, e intentaría hacerle ver que no es una "obligación", sino un ancla y motivo para seguir.

Creo que Kazuya sería un villano muy inquietante para todos, jaja, sería ese tipo que muestra una sonrisa engañosa en todo momento y nadie sabe si confiar en él o no, si está diciendo la verdad o está jugando con ellos, pero ahí entraría Lyubov y Lenore, ya que serían quienes más "podrían" ver si está siendo sincero o no 🩷

5 months ago


Do you have an opinion or analysis of Johan from Yu-Gi-Oh GX?

I love his Character💕


My opinion on Johan is I love him lots. The only reason I didn't include him on my previous season 3 posts is that there's so much to talk about with Johan he basically requires his own post. Johan is just as important to Judai's development in season 3 as Yubel, both alchemically and thematically.

So let's embark on another long, long post for Johan and his role in the story.

The Golden Shadow

Before we deep dive into alchemy let's talk about Jung. Jung's theories of analytical psychology is heavily based on Alchemy so this is relevant, I promise. Freud and his contemporary Jung both pioneered the field of psychology together, however Jung went deeper and believed that re-occuring character archetypes and motifs in stories told us something about the human subconscious itself.

For Carl Cung, "the rediscovery of the principles of alchemy came to be an important part of my work as a pioneer of psychology". Jung linked the steps of alchemy several a process of turning lead into gold as a metaphor for individuation.

Individuation is essentially becoming one's self. Jung believed for a person to be whole, they had to integrate all the parts of their personality. His model divided personality into the the persona (the face / exteral world) shadow (the internal / the subcosnscious where everything's hidden), and the anima and animus made of feminine and masculine traits.

In a show like Yu-Gi-Oh GX, individuation is the process of growing up. Jung used alchemy as a metaphor for a developing person's ego maturing, each stage representing a different aspect of his divided conscious. Nigredo is where we become aware of our shadows, Albedo refers to the anima and animus, citrinatis is where sophia the wise old man or women appears, and rubedo is where the self becomes whole.

Johan however, represents two concepts I've left out. Sometimes alchemy is not four stages, but rather five.

The fifth stage is the Peacock's tail, which appears when a person receives a flash of inspiration. Unlike other stages of alchemy associated with color, Peacock's Tail is referred to as the prismatic stage, associated with the colors of the rainbow. The connection to Johan who's signature card is the Rainbow Dragon is obvious.

More on the prismatic phase in the second half of this power however. For now all you need to know that like the star card in Tarot, Johan is a dazzling light of inspiration that helps kickstart Judai's development. The way he does this is by giving Judai someone to aspire to be like.

If the process of aclhemy is to create gold and become your best self then Johan is the golden shadow, to Judai. His role in the story is to help guide Judai into being his best self.

While the shadow is made up of parts of ourselves we hide from others, sometimes these are positive qualities. For example, a character with low self-esteem like Sho Marufuji constantly put himself down and therefore he's never able to see his good qualities because all he ever focuses on is how he's lackluster in comparison to his brother.

If Yubel represents the worst of Judai's flaws that he must learn to accept so he can learn to love himself in spite of those flaws, Johan represents the best in Judai. While Judai has many flaws that are glossed over in the first two parts of the show, I'd also argue he doesn't experience any positive growth. He's entirely stagnant as a character, which is why I say the opening to season 3 and the immediate introduction of Johan is what kickstarts his development.

The banner image I used for this post is where Judai and Johan are doing the Yu-Jo pose, a card in the TCG that is a reference to the friendship between Yugi and Joey in the original series.

However, I would argue that their roles are flipped. In spite of being the main character Judai is Joey, and Johan is Yugi. It's Yugi who makes Judai develop into both a better friend and duelist as a result of their friendship, to the point where Judai almost became too codependent on him and had to learn to separate himself from Yugi and develop on his own in Battle City arc.

(Hint hint, Judai and Johan will follow almost this exact same arc).

Yugi is the light which guides Joey into betterig himself, and Johan is the light that guides Judai.


Judai and Johan from their first meeting, get the vague sense they've already met before. Since this is Yu-Gi-Oh the immediate assumptio would be they had some kind of relationship in a past life, but plot twist it's Yubel.

However, I think this red herring is still important because despite the constant comparisons Johan is more similar to Yubel, then they are to Judai.

Edo refers to them both as Duel-Bakas, Shou gets jealous that Judai and Johan spend constant time together after meeting, in everyone else's even probably Judai's they're the same but if you look at their actions as audience members they're quite different. The comparison between them shows the many ways in which Judai is lacking.

Johan is basically Judai, but better. Judai is put on a pedestal by all his friends and seen as a classic hot-blooded shonen protagonist. Johan however, is the one who has all the classic traits of a real shonen protagonist, including having a dream to aspire to, and also fighting to protect his friends.

These are the two most important traits established from basically the first episode with Johan.

Strong bonds

A reason to fight

Johan's personality is more complicated than that, but these two traits are the most important because they're things Judai is lacking in.

Judai is someone is defined by his friendless background, and had no friends until his first year of Duel Academy. Which is why it makes perfect sense that while Judai is in love with the idea of having friends, he doesn't quite understand what a healthy friendship looks like. Judai is also someone who lacks a reason for dueling and only cites he does it for fun and his own personal satisfaction.

Arguably Judai is forced into duels with greater stakes in seasons 1 and 2, but the key word there is forced. Judai is always pushed into those situations, either because his friends aren't strong enough to duel, or his friends actively expect them to fight their battles in their personal lives for him (cough, cough, Sho). In other words he duels for two reasons, either personal satisfaction, or carrying the burdens of others because that's the way he keeps his friends around him.

Judai is ruthlessly criticized for both of these in season 3, the stakes of dueling become too high and Judai just crumbles under the pressure of having to duel for everyone else. As a result his friendships which were never that stable to begin with fall apart.

Johan on the other hand has a goal on his own, and while he might be a tad overprotective of Judai he's also able to coordinate with the rest of the group. In fact when the whole school is teleported to the other dimmension, it's Johan who steps up to lead, while if you notice Judai's actions he splits off from the group repeatedly. Johan's actions are also the reason they are able to return home, because Judai was unable to do anything substantial to defeat Yubel.

One of Johan's first interactions with Judai is him pointing out how callous Judai can be towards his friend, something which others would usually brush aside.

Sho: Bro… I thought you would have something to say to me. Johan: He seems lost. I think he just wanted you to give him some advice. Judai: Sho will be fine.


More importantly Joha can notice these flaws about Judai and immediately point them out and confront them about him, while still remaining friends with him on the whole.

Johan is Judai's model for a positive friendship. In comparison the friendships he has with other people crumble because of inability for both sides to communicate.

When Judai and his friends travel together to another dimmesion, Judai is selfish in constantly disregarding others feelings and running ahead, and at points even lying to them and going against plans they all made together. However, Judai's friends are unable to confront him about these issues and instead mostly talk and complain among themselves behind his back. Judai might not have listened in his state of mind, but they don't even make the attempt.

In fact the friends who do try to confront Judai about his behavior are August and Jim, characters Judai has known just about as long as Johan in comparison to friends he's had for two years who don't feel comfortable having a basic confrontation with him.

Judai's friendships suffer from the fact that none of them are truly equal. Sho for example is the first person Judai meets on the island and the one who he's known the longest, but one of their first interactions is Judai expressig discomfort for the fact Sho calls him his older brother because he wants duelist to be equals and Sho just ignoring him and continuing to call him that.


Once again I believe there is problems on both ends, Judai is very selfish and has a tendency to be ignorant of other people's feelings. On the other hand, Judai's friends eventually get in the habit of expecting him to solve their problems because they've built up the idea of him in their minds as the group hero.

As I said the friendship crumbles from both ends in season 3, part of it is Judai being selfish and acting like he's the only person that matters, part of it is his friends ruthlessly criticizing him because he's failing to live up to the image they've constructed for themselves.

Judai's friendships are fundamentally unequal but Judai himself isn't aware of this because he has no idea what a healthy friendship looks like - until he meets Johan.

Johan is a character not introduced to us in season 3, and yet it's very understandable to the audience that Judai would become so obsessed with saving someone he's known for about a month, to the point where he risks the lives of friends he's known for two years. Because that month has given Judai his first taste of what true friendship is like, rather than the idea of friendship he's been chasing.

Johan is Judai's better half in a lot of ways. One example we're introduced to immediately upon his introduction is Johan's role as someone able to see duel spirits, and his strong relationship with his cards. Just as an example, all of Johan's cards regularly talk to him and Johan even refers to them as the closest thing he has to family.

Judai until that point had a spirit partner that doesn't talk, and his heroes and neo-spacians are more like allies. For Judai the Neo-Spacians are allies in his fight against the Light of Destructio, for Johan the Crystal Beasts are his family.

Johan is also far more experienced as someone who can see duel spirits, while Judai is actively repressing the memory of the fact he could see spirits much earlier in life, and of Yubel.


Before the characters even travel to another dimmension, Johans duel against the spirit hunter Giesse demonstrates how Judai is lacking in these two traits, strong bonds, and a reason to fight. It also demonstrates the difference between how Judai and Johan regard their spirit partners, and why Johan's relationship with his cards is better.

Shortly before the duel even begins Judai is pushed to the brink by his previous duel against the teacher. A duel that not only exhausted him, but also deeply disturbed him because the teacher called into question his lack of reason for dueling and Judai had no real response. When Judai questions himself he does something we don't often see him do, he goes to someone else for advice. J

udai basically never lets himself appear insecure or lost around friends who aren't named Johan. Judai even apologizes to Johan for asking something out of the blue, he's so unused to relying on others for emotional support of any kind.

Judai: Johan what have you been dueling for? See, it's about fun for me... Well, for the surprise and happiness too. I guess I do do it for the fun. Sorry, I guess I put you on the spot by asking out of nowhere. Johan: What's this about Judai? Judai: It's nothing. Johan: I suppose there is one goal I have. Johan: Even if someone doesn't have the power to see spirits, they can still form a bond with a spirit. That's why I do it for people like him.

Johan wants to be a bridge between humans and spirits. Not only is Johan a character defined by the strong bonds of friendship he forms, but his life's goal is also built around improving the bond between spirits ad humans.

Immediately afterwards, Judai gets up and struggles to duel against their next foe. However, this time Johan steps up to duel in Judai's place, which is also a drastic change from Judai's other friends. Unless they had a strong personal bond like Fubuki and Sho with Ryo, Judai has stepped up to handle all the major duels since Season 2. Judai even experiences anxiety over letting Johan go and duel in his place.

Johan is introduced to Giess the hunter, a spirit hunter who actively found a way to kill spirits. A character like that seems like Johan's obvious narrative foil. Giess even invites the comparison between the two of them, saying that Johan is obsession with getting his hands on Rainbow Dragon is similar to how he hunts spirits.

However, Giess works much better as a negative foil, or shadow of Judai. Which is why it makes sense Johan is the one who duels him, because he represents the best in Judai while Giess represents the worst.

Now the question is how could Giess possibly be compared to Judai? Yes, as I demonstrated above Judai is much more inexperienced with seeing spirits than Johan is but he's never actively malicious towards them the way Giess is.

Except, you know when he slaughters hundreds of duel spirits after turning into Haou the Supreme King.

Giesse has a final monologue upon his defeat, to explain why he does what he does and his cruelty towards spirits. Giesse who has probably been able to see spirits as long as Johan once formed a strong bond with a duel spirit, but he was separated from that spirit. The pain made him close his heart off to forming bonds with any other spirits.

After losing his duel spirit partner he came to conclude it was impossible for humans and duel spirits to get along, because the spirits are too pure hearted to understand humans.


Giesse foreshadows Judai's downfall and his actions as the supreme king. Giesse's start of darkness was being forcibly separated from his spirit partner. The entire conflict from Season 3 happens because Judai made the choice to send his childhood friend / spirit partner Yubel into space.

Ironically, despite Yubel beig corrupted by a force called the Light of Destruction, and having a very twisted, sadomasochistic view of love I think Giesse's words here describe why Judai and Yubel can't understand each other.

Yubel is in a way too pure hearted.

We're never given a reason why Yubel became so overprotective of Judai in childhood before they ever became corrupted by the Light of Destruction but we know one thing for sure.

Yubel has no understanding what they did was wrong. They saw themselves as doing their job of protecting Judai which they sacrificed their body for in the past life. They neither understand why Judai was upset by their actions, or why Judai was upset when people started avoiding him because for Yubel being alone with Judai was enough for them.

It makes sense that Yubel wouldn't understand that Judai wants to have friendships with other children his own age. After all Yubel is a spirit that can only be seen by Judai. For Yubel, there is only Judai, they can't communicate with others, they can't form other friendships. Which is extra tragic if you remember that Yubel wasn't born a duel spirit but a personhood, and gave up their very personhood for Judai.

Yubel is very pure-hearted in a way that's almost insidious, they are so straightforward about their love for Judai, and they exist solely for Judai's sake that they can't understand why Judai has room for other people in his life, because there's no one else for Yubel.

The conflict in season 3 comes from Judai's decision to abandon Yubel. Judai can't come to an understanding with Yubel because Yubel is too pure, being a duel spirit that only exists for Judai's sake.

Judai also follows a similiar path to Giesse, when he loses Johan along with the rest of his friends Judai makes the decision to give up on the notion of love in order to gain power instead.


This is quickly followed by him killing duel spirits en masse, probably more than Giesse managed to kill in order to sacrifice them to forge a powerful card. When Johan is battling with Giesse he's literally battling a reflection of the worst part of Judai. Which sets up Johan's role in the series to guide him to his best self.

In summary Johan's relationships with his spirits are strong and healthy, Judai's relationships with Yubel is weak and unhealthy. In fact, Judai is helping achieve his dream of being the bridge between humans and spirits by essentially teaching Judai what strong bonds looks like.

Johan is also symbolically Judai's complementary half in a lot of ways. Each of the new transfer students plays a deck that embodies one elemental step of the stage of alchemy, August is fire / Nigredo, Amon is Water / Albedo, and James Crocodile Crook is Earth / Citrinitas. Johan is the only exception to this rule, because he plays the crystal beasts which are modeled after the seven colors of the rainbow.

Johan is light which puts him into the contrast with Judai who's both set up as the chosen one of the "gentle darkess" to fight the light of destruction, while at the same time someone corrupted by that very darkness into becoming Haou.

Which sets up Johan to contrast to be a pair with Judai. My friend Kaula or @nini-the-mirror pointed out to me we're shown two types of darkness, the destructive darkness embodied by nightshroud and the gentle darkness. While the light of destruction is set up as a destructive force in the universe, there's also Johan's light based crytal beasts, and rainbow dragon which cleanses away darkness. Fusing Rainbow Dragon with Neos purged Yubel from Johan's body, and when Judai was trapped in darkness illusion in Domino City and believed Johan to be Mr. T, it's Johan and the Crystal Beasts who purify him once again.

Johan's desire to be a bridge between spirits and humans, his northern heritage, and Rainbow Dragon all call to mind the Bifrost, a rainbow bridge which connected heaven ad earth.

The bifrost was a connection between the mortal world, and the realm of the gods, or the physical and the spiritual. Just as Johan is a mortal who can talk to spirits. Yu-Gi-Oh GX is also an anime heavily based off of alchemy concepts, and one of the central ones that's even said by Professor Daitokuji himself is: That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above.

It's a phrase written on the Emerald Tablet, often shortened to "As above, so below." It means the mortal world effects the world of the cosmos, and the world of the cosmos effects the mortal world because everything is connected.

By wanting to stregthen the bonds between humans to spirits Johan is basically embodying this phrase. Judai's goal as the alchemist is to be the one to make changes in the mortal world that affect the cosmos. For example, his battles on earth against Saiou has a direct effect on stopping the Light of Destruction, but honestly again Johan serves his role a lot better than Judai.

Johan is in fact a character written around the concepts of bonds itself, the bonds of humans, the bonds between friends. Judai cares about these things too, he wants to be a good friend, but he has lots of flaws that stunts his growth and holds him back. His inability to integrate his shadow also presents him from being his best self (the golden shadow).

To quote my friend Psyche:

"The shadow is basically the storehouse of everything you don’t like about yourself. The things that others are but you could never allow yourself to be. But it’s also the storehouse of the alchemical gold."

Not only is Johan the best parts of Judai by being his golden shadow, he's also essentially Judai's goal. Judai wants to be like Johan.


If Johan gives Judai these things he's lacking, a healthy friendship, and a reason for fighting, then problem solved right? All Judai needs to do is marry Johan.

If you can't tell I was being sarcastic.

The Prismatic Phase

Alchemy is a process of refinement, of breaking down and forging into something stronger. However, when the metal starts out it's full of impurities that need to be hammered out. Alchemy is often used as a metaphor for both character growth and developing relationships in stories, after all if a character starts out perfect there's no story.

I said above multiple times Johan exists to demonstrate to Judai what a healthy friendship is to Judai. However, the attachment that Judai forms with Johan is anything but. Albeit for different reasons than the rest of his friends.

Johan is indeed someone who is set up as Judai's equal, and also strives to be his support rather than constantly relying on him for battles. Johan doesn't just exist to be a good friend to Judai however, he also demonstrates leadership skills Judai doesn't have when faced with a school full of hungry students teleported to another dimensions.


The problem is on Judai's end. Judai definitely needed a friend like Johan, because he's never experienced a friendship between equals before. However Judai as inexperienced as friendship as he is takes this openly supportive friend and starts using him as a crutch.

There's one scene in particular that demonstrates this problem. In the leadup to the cobra duel, Judai confided in Johan twice that he doesn't have any real reason for dueling and he's insecure about that fact. Cobra then criticizes Judai heavily once again for his irresponsible attitude.

Seeing Judai about to crack under the pressure, Johan takes the moment to encourage Judai by reminding him that he has in fact been carrying everyone's responsibilities on his shoulders all along.

Johan: "Why are you so scared Judai? You think there's nothing riding on you? Quit messing around. You've always had everyone's hopes on you. Anyone who's being counted on'll have people putting all their hopes on him. Isn't that what you're always burdened with. What will happen to us all if you lose?"

Well-meaning advice from Johan, but wrong for Judai for two reasons. The first is that Judai's reasons for fighting are something he has to think through for himself. That's how character development happens. Judai can't solve this inner conflict by having Johan just show up and drop the answer in his lap. He still hasn't thought about what he wants to be, he's just accepted Johan's words at face value.

The second is that Judai taking on other people's burdens is precisely the problem. Johan is such a self-reliant person he can give his support to other people without tiring himself out, but Judai can't. Johan wants to protect his friends. Judai duels for his friends because he's absolutely terrified of losing his friends, that's the difference.

Judai's not mature enough to handle other people's burdens and eventually the pressure gets to him and he completely cracks. Judai's just not mature enough to have a healthy relationship with Johan in general.

A relationship where being separated causes one person to have a complete emotional breakdown is not a healthy relationship.

In fact Judai completely ignoring all of his friends after a separating from Judai, and wanting to get him back ad being willing to sacrifice anything for that goal is a parallel to Yubel. Yubel is also someone who was separated from their best friend who they emotionally depended on, and stopped caring about anything but said friend, and was willing to sacrifice everything to reunite with them.

You could liken the disappearance of Johan, and the subsequent rising of Judai as the Supreme King as propelling him through the black phase of alchemy Nigredo, where the soul is brought to its lowest point and the worst flaws are revealed.

In the second sense, "the nigredo of the process of individuation on the other hand is a subjectively experienced process brought about by the subject's painful, growing awareness of his shadow aspects. It could be described as a moment of maximum despair, that is a prerequisite to personal development Here is "the darkest time, the time of despair, disillusionment, envious attacks...Nigredo, the blackening" [Source]

Johan's friendship is important to Judai, but his union with Johan doesn't actually fix any of Judai's problems and aggravates them in some ways. Judai doesn't even start improving as a character until after they seperate.

Johan isn't the rubedo the end result of alchemy, he's the pristmatic phase, the shining light of inspiration.

One metaphor I like to use for the Prismatic phase is the Star in the fool's journey. GX references Tarot and the fool's journey too, and like alchemy it's also a metaphor for personal growth. The fool (Judai) a person brimming with infinite potential, yet one who is also supremely ignorant, walking forward blind has to wise up to the wys of the world.

In the Fool's Journey the Star is a period of brief respite after the disaster of the tower. A beacon of hope and inspiration appears before him.

The Fool is suffused with a serene calm. The beautiful images on the Star (17) attest to this tranquility.Radiant stars shine in a cloudless sky serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration. The Fool is blessed with a trust that completely replaces the negative energies of the Devil. His faith in himself and the future is restored.

Doesn't this just describe Judai and Johan's first meeting to a T? Johan is supposed to be Judai's guiding light in the story ater all. However, the Star is immediately proceeded by the moon the card of illusions and self doubt.

Just like Judai becomes too reliant on Johan to provide him all the answers, the light of the star makes the fool vulnerable to the illusions of the moon.

What effect could spoil this perfect calm? Is there another challenge for the Fool? In fact, it is his bliss that makes him vulnerable to the illusions of the Moon (18). The Fool's joy is a feeling state. His positive emotions are not yet subject to mental clarity. In his dreamy condition, the Fool is susceptible to fantasy, distortion and a false picture of the truth.

Season 4 even invokes star and moon symbolism in regards to Judai and Johan in a negative light. Fujiwara looking into Johan's heart says that Johan's weakness is Judai himself.


He describes Johan's friendship and fixation on Judai as a moon eclipsing the sun. That's not two opposites balancing each other out that's one obscuring the other.

The season 3 version of their relationship is unhealthy and therefore needs to be broken apart and reformed. That's the process of alchemy, even if Yubel didn't kidnap Johan they probably would have broken apart some other way because Judai was too dependent on Johan.

It's also a violent process that includes Judai needing to duel Johan in a way where they are both inflicting pain on each other in order to purify Johan of Yubel's control. Yubel and Fujiwara both comment that underneath it all Johan desires a violent conflict with Judai. Which is probably something that would be explored more if Season 4 was longer. My interpretation however is that Johan being who he is, is kind of forced into the role of caretaker when Judai is involved as Judai is often in need of taking care of. That probably produces darker feelings for a change in their relationship.


The opposite of unions is a violent process that requires dissolving your previous self. The dictionary of Alchemical Imagery defines it as-

one of the central images of the opus alchymicum and a crucial operation in the creation of the philosopher’s stone.  The alchemists were ultimately concerned with the union of substances, the reconciliation of opposites. Through the ‘marriage’ of opposites the goal of the opus, the production of gold and its metaphysical equivalent was obtained. (p. 35)

Judai doesn't marry Johan, but they do have their friendship broken apart and reforged again and it's representative of the prismatic stage.

The Peacock's tail which Johan represents is also like the Star in tarot, a stage where a guiding light suddenly appears. One of the Spector Solis plates , Plate 16 - which depictins a Peacock in a flask is a good representation of this stage.

It is a plate of what else but unity.

The unity that began in plate fifteen is fully realized with the encapsulated animal’s transformation into a single-headed being. The peacock tail is a physical stage in alchemy, a brilliant flash of green which comes to signify that the alchemist is one the right path. It can also be recognized in spiritual/psychological alchemy as a flash of visions that come to the adept as they move through the phases of transformation.

The peacock doesn't just appear to guide the young alchemist through the phases of alchemy however, he also guides them spiritually.

 Plate sixteen embodies that process, the turning point where the adept reaches a new level of consciousness with a flash of the peacock’s tail. Consider the words spirit (i.e., the wine), spiritual, and inspiration. To inspire can mean to breath; it can also mean to transmit fervor. Spirit can be meditative, or evocative.

Who better to provide spiritual guidance to Judai then the person who's goal in life is to become the bridge between humans and spirits.

As the star's dazzling moment of inspiration is just temporary, the plate also emphasizes that the peacock's tail itself isn't the ed of the journey. One of the most significant symbols on the painting is the appearance of three people drinking wine and eating grapes. Three people = three stages of alchemy. As for the rest.

The key to the process of plate sixteen lies in the bottom left-hand corner, with the three people seated at a table, drinking wine and eating grapes. The process of this plate is fermentation. Grapes must be crushed and destroyed to create sweet intoxicating wine. The grapes are perfect as they are, but by destroying them we can make something higher, something that can alter consciousness.

Judai has a nice, comfortable, supportive friedship with Johan but he's the one receiving most of the support. By destroying that relationship, he's able to make a healthier one. Ironically it's the separation from Johan that teaches Judai how to exist apart from him.

In that sense Judai's character development revolves around two figures in season 3, two important relationships, Judai needs toto reunite with Yubel, and he needs to separate from Johan after quickly becoming too codependent.

The three of them together even form an alchemical trio. Often works featuring alchemy symbolism will divide characters into three different roles, the soul (anima), the spirit (spiritus) and the body (corpus). Symbolic of three parts of one whole person. The main characters of a work are often symbolically marked as one of the three.

The classic symbolism of alchemy is the circle, the triangle representing soul spirit and body, the square that repreents the four elements, the small circle, and the man and woman which form the rebis.


The triangle is what we're talking about here, in terms of marking characters to Soul, Spirit and Body. Though, another variation is Mind, Heart, and Body.

Most commonly, authors mark their male protagonist, the Male Principle of the Work, as heart and their female protagonist, the Female Principle of the Work, as mind.  If they have a companion, he or it will be marked as Body.  If you look back at the Mundus Elementaris that I just posted you’ll see that Sun corresponds to Cor (heart) and Moon to Cerebrum (brain).   The characteristics of a “heart” character are pretty much what you’d expect: courage, self-sacrifice, occasional rashness and impulsivity.  The characteristics of a “mind” character are if anything even more obvious.  “Mind” characters are knowledgeable, book-smart, and sometimes overly cautious.  What about the Body character?  There isn’t one in every alchemy story, but when this does appear, the markers are predictable.  Body characters are focused on their bodily needs–they are hungry, thirsty, and, in adult stories, lusty.  And they are often fearful.  [SOURCE]

In this case in a slight difference from the norm, I'd argue that Judai is the heart, Yubel is the mind, and rather than body Johan represents spirit.

The three of them essentially make up the trio of Judai's two most important relationships. Judai is a part of other groups, because GX has a ensemble cast. In seasons 1 and 2 he mainly hangs out in a trio of Sho, Hayato and him, and in season 2 it's Sho, Kenzan and him. Season 4 kinds of marks Judai, Asuka, Sho and Manjoume as the most important students of the graduating class.

However, the characters that influence Judai the most are Yubel and Johan. Johan is the spiritual ispiration, while Yubel is first a challenge for Judai to wise up and grow up, and eventually settles down into a role of advisor like Astral or Yami Yugi.

The main character trio of Season 3 onward are essentially Judai, Johan and Yubel, and each are critical to each other's growth. All three also participate in the final duel against season 3's villain. Judai and Johan tag team darkness possessed Fujiwara, and Judai and Yubel fight nightshroud.

However, as I mentioned above the way these relationships develop Judai are opposites, one of them needs to unite, the other needs to split.

A lot of people draw parallels to Yubel and Ai, the ally turned final villain of Vrains. Ai is also motivated by love and a desire to protect Yusaku the main character and object of their affections. However, the greatest point of comparison is that the option of fusing themselves together, an obvious call back to super polymerization is brought up by Ai in order to be flatly turned down by Yusaku.


And you won't be you.

The parallel to Judai and Johan is not as obvious here, but think about it Judai is his absolute worst self when he's willing to sacrifice anything just for the chance of having Johan back


Okay but just look at how different the two are. Both Johan and Judai, when put in very similar situations (having to save someone), tell us what they’re willing to risk for that goal. They’re both very clear about that. Johan is willing to risk himself. Judai is willing to risk everything else. [Source]

Judai become so destructive in his path to get Johan back, including slaughterig duel spirits en masse, somethig the self appointed protect of duel spirits Johan would absolutely hate that you have to wonder if his desire to have Johan back is even about Johan.

Judai doesn't have much respect for Johan's agency as an individual. It's normal for Judai to be sad, or even to have survivor's guilt when he thinks Johan is dead because he sacrificed his life to save him.

However, Johan didn't sacrifice his life to save just Judai but everyone else. Johan also made the choice to sacrifice himself so Judai would be safe. Judai's response to that choice is to immediately throw not only himself but his friends into repeated danger in order to rescue Johan, and then when all hope is lost start hurting spirits.

Judai doesn't respect fact that Johan wouldn't be happy with Judai hurtig himself or others, especially spirits, because rescuing Johan was never about Johan, but Judai's own feelings of grief.

Juudai is a deeply flawed protagonist. He’s more selfish than any other protagonist this franchise has ever known. The way he goes after both after Johan in season three and O’Brien shows that he actually doesn’t care all that much for them as people. To him, they represent a concept: Victory, or at the very least atonement for his past actions. A convenient way to right what he did wrong.  That is not to say that he doesn’t like them as people - he does. But when the chips are down, what he ultimately wanted was a chance to redeem himself by saving them. [Source]

Yubel and Judai are opposites who need to be united and learn to live with each other. The crux of Judai and Johan's problem is that really they're so similiar that everyone, including Judai sort of sees them as the same perso. However, as stated above just underneath the surface they have a lot of differences that could lead them to an unhealthy relationship. Judai just like Ai needs to learn that Johan is a separate person from him.

Which is why Judai's greatest two character development moments with Johan come not from the moment where he fuses rainbow dragon with Neos for the first time to cleanse Judai's body from Yubel.

It's actually immediately afterwards, when Johan hands Judai his deck to face Yubel. While Judai also makes the decision to face Yubel alone.

The arc theoretically could have ended right there. Judai's objective was to save Johan, and Johan was saved. Except the real conflict of the arc was that Judai needed to learn to take responsibility for himself, instead of leaning on a convenient crutch like Johan.


In Yu-Gi-Oh a duelists deck is often referred to as their soul, so Johan is entrusting Judai with a lot. That simple action really shows Judai that Johan can support him even from a distance and the two don't need to be attached at the hip.

In the tag duel against Fujiwara, Johan makes a similiar decision of sacrificing himself in order to protect Judai. However, to show how much he's changed since season 3, this time Judai does't completely lose his mind over Johan's sacrifice and respects Johan's feelings instead. Johan doesn't want Judai to fall apart, he wants Judai to carry his feelings with him and finish the duel for both of them and that's what he does. Judai has learned now to accept support without completely turning Johan into a crutch.

Citriniatis is also the third stage of alchemy. Each Season of the four seasos Yu-Gi-Oh Gx represents one of the four stages of alchemy.

The third stage is often referred to as the stage where the light which appears in albedo starts to shine.

Seperation from Johan essentially kicked off Judai's blackening stage, waking up his shadow in the form of the supreme king and bringing light to his flaws. This passage in particular describes it as a "rising sun" and "bringing light to consciousness."

 In  most cases Jung himself expressed the work as having three stages. Still, citrinitas seems to fit better into a flow of growth and development, as well as mystical progress as the third stage. In the second stage, albedo, a light appears in the nigredo darkness, the light of an awakened soul which is symbolised as a moon (the feminine) shining in the darkness. The third stage, citrinitas, brings forth the light of the sun (the masculine), a light which magically transforms the shadowy and fearful subconscious into valuable consciousness. From the dark night of rubedo, to the pale morning light of albedo, the sun rises in citrinitas to the culmination of day in rubedo. [Source]

Johan is simulatenously a light which shines on Judai's worst flaws just by being his better self and showing how selfish Judai is in comparison, while at the same time he's also the light that guides Judai on the path of healing.

After all Judai's final action in Season 3 isn't to kill Yubel like the Supreme King, or like a hero would, but rather to reconcile with Yubel. That's a path Johan would have taken considering Johan's whole goal is to help lost spirits like Yubel repair their relationships with humans.

Judai's journey of atonement even takes a similiar path to Johan, and mirrors Johan's dream of becoming the bridge between humans ad spirits. Unlike the duel between Cobra and Judai though, I don't think in this case it's Judai relying on Johan to give him the answers in life.

This is because the two of them have entirely different reasons for wanting to help spirits. Johan wants to help spirits because the strong connections he feels with spirits, and the crystal beasts in particular give him the only sense of family he's ever known. It's also because of an encounter with a little boy who lost his Jerry Beans Man where he came to understand that even people who can't see card spirits still feel a strog bond with them.

Judai however has an entirely different motivation, his journey to help duels spirits is a journey of atonement. It's also one he's taking together with Yubel because they both have a lot to make up for and a lot of healing to do.


Judai also didn't start out Season 4 wantig to become the bridge between humans and spirits. In fact he spent most of season 4 sitting alone in his dorm being depressed and aimless. It's his confrontation with Fujiwara, and his act of helping Honest reunite with his spirit partner Fujiwara that gave Judai the idea that he could help heal other spirits too.

Following the motto of dissolve et coagula, dissolve and coagulate all the troubles and tribulations and even the separation of Season 3 was necessary for the much healthier bond between them in Season 4.

Judai doesn't even say goodbye to Johan at the end of the season, and he leaves without telling Johan where he's going, but essentially they are still walking the same path of uniting spirits and humans and it's a path Judai would have never found without Johan's help.

9 months ago

Aqui están mis pensamientos sobre B!Kazuya ☺💕

Me emocioné y se hizo largo, pero es que tus ideas siempre me inspiran😅💕

Creo que como dijiste su mayor conflicto como villano seria el motivo su nacimiento, ya que el solo vería su existencia como uno más de los métodos de manipulación de Dazai. Me imagino que su cariño-odio por Dazai será lo que mas lo impulse a su villanía en este universo. Tiene buenos recuerdos del poco tiempo que convivieron juntos pero al crecer y sentir que solo lo creó y utilizó como un medio para proteger la ciudad (y a Oda) y mantener encadenado a su papá, ese cariño se convirtió en odio. Por lo que pensó "Si ese estúpido se sacrificó a sí mismo por sus objetivos, yo voy sacrificar a todos los demás por los míos" Por lo que para liberarse a sí mismo del plan de su padre y vengarse de él, hara todo lo contrario a sus deseos. Destruira la ciudad de Yokohama, matara a Oda y liberara a su papá de sus cadenas. El no va a auto-inmolarse ni nada por el estilo (ya vio como eso lastimó a su papá) No, no vamos a hacer eso otra vez. Esta vez serán los demás quienes se sacrificaran por su deseo. Me imagino lo complejas que deben ser sus emociones😓 Desprecia tanto a Dazai, pero al mismo tiempo aun lo quiere y lo extraña. A él y a aquellos tiempos lejanos en que los tres juntos solian ser una familia normal. Y se odia a sí mismo por eso, por creer en las mentiras de Dazai, por pensar que su amor por ellos era real, por no haber podido proteger a su papá y por encima de todo, odia parecerse tanto a Dazai. Por lo que intenta fingir que "ese hombre" (nunca se referirá a el como su padre) no le importa, que su ☠ no significa nada para el, que sus acciones no lo lastimaron. Por otro lado. Kazuya ama muchísimo a Chuuya, no permitirá que nadie lo utilice y quiere protegerlo de todo mal. Pero siente que no es más que una carga y un tormento para el precisamente por parecerse tanto a "ese hombre" y por lo que el cree que fue el motivo de su nacimiento (este chico tiene un conflicto existencial y un odio a si mismo muy serios). Quiere liberar a su papá de su sufrimiento incluso si eso significara apartarse de él, pero no lo hara porque sabe que su papá no soportaría estar solo (El no se parecerá a "ese hombre" en eso)

*Creo que sin querer aplique el tropo constante de todos los Shonen de que los hijos siempre aman de sobremanera a un padre y odian al otro para facilitar el drama😅 Generalmente no me gusta pero siento que aquí encajaría*

*Puntos extra si Kazuya se convierte en un hijo sobreprotector que impide que Chuuya tenga citas (porque 1-jamas permitira que una basura indigna se acerque a su papá y 2-aunque desprecia a Dazai con su vida, admite a regañadientes que él es el único padre que reconoce) además Kazuya no se avergüenza de admitirle a Chuuya que hace esto porque sus tíos lo apoyan😎)

*Más puntos extra si resulta que fue Dazai quien le metió esta idea en la cabeza de niño, diciéndole que cuando el no estuviera cerca, Kazuya tenía como misión proteger y mantener a su papá lejos de "la basura y la alimañas"😒🗡*

Kazuya ama a Lyubov pero al mismo tiempo se mantiene a distancia de ella, y no expresa sus sentimientos porque teme que acabara lastimandola (y no lo culpo, el ejemplo de romance más cercano que ha tenido término muy mal) Tiene miedo de repetir los mismos patrones que Dazai y si a eso le sumamos su odio a sí mismo... no se ve como alguien digno de amor que digamos (hasta que Lyubov le hace ver que si no quiere ser como su padre, tiene que hacer exactamente eso, superar sus miedos, ser sincero con sus sentimientos, comunicarse y no guardarse las cosas para el solo, tiene que confíar en ella, porque ella lo ama y el es digno de eso) Quiere destruir la ciudad y la Agencia de Detectives hasta los cimientos como parte de su plan, pero entiende que los detectives como individuos no tienen la culpa y no pidieron nada de esto. El no los odia, comprende que todos ellos, al igual que el, solo fueron peones para cumplir los deseos de Dazai. Pero se rehusa a seguir sus planes (nunca más será su peón) y si ellos se interponen en su camino, entonces no tiene más remedio que lastimarlos para quitarlos de en medio aunque no les guarde rencor, pero nunca irá a matar seriamente contra ellos. Con excepción de uno. Creo que al principio de su intento de venganza, Kazuya intentaría engañarse a sí mismo y a Oda diciendo que, al igual que con la Agencia, no va contra el por algo personal, simplemente lo hará para ir en contra de los deseos de Dazai y liberarse de él, Oda como individuo no importa en la ecuación, es solo un daño colateral, no lo odia, etc. Quiere mentirse a si mismo para fingir que no le importa "ese hombre" ni nada que tenga que ver con el. Hasta que su odio se libera y no es capaz de fingir más. Porque en realidad esto es más que personal. Desprecia a Oda casi tanto o más que a Dazai. Porque siente que por su culpa los abandonaron a él y a Chuuya. Ve su continua existencia como una fuente de sufrimiento y un recordatorio constante para su papá de que Dazai eligió el bienestar de alguien más (un completo desconocido) que a su propia familia y por eso quiere destruirlo con tanta o más fuerza que todo lo demás. Para callar esa parte de él que no quiere reconocer.

Ese niño herido y abandonado llorando en la oscuridad por el amor que le robaron.

*Oda no se salva de sufrir en ningún universo😅* Pienso que la posibilidad de redención para Kazuya vendría de entender que a pesar de todo lo que hizo Dazai, el genuinamente los amaba a él y sobre todo a Chuuya, que aunque fuera terrible demostrándolo y su amor fuera retorcido, era real. Que los recuerdos bonitos que compartieron no eran mentiras ni un método de manipulacion ni parte de este "gran plan" para proteger Yokohama, no fue por Oda, o la Agencia, o el mundo, sino por "ellos"

Porque Dazai amaba a Chuuya, porque aunque fuera por poco tiempo quería una familia con el, porque quería que aunque el ya no estuviera ellos dos fueran felices. Qué Kazuya entendiera que su nacimiento no fue para encadenar a Chuuya, sino para darle algo que amar y proteger para que no se sintiera solo cuando Dazai ya no estuviera. Su nacimiento no fue un acto de manipulación. Su nacimiento fue un acto de amor.

*Puntos extras si esta revelación se da por un flashback o una "Visión del Destino Místico" en donde aparezca Dazai como fantasma y la primera reacción de Kazuya sea patearlo en la cara😂*

*Más puntos extra si Dazai luego le pregunta a su hijo si cumplió con su tarea de mantener a "su perro" lejos de las "alimañas" y que, luego de que Kazuya entienda, le de otra patada y le grite "ESTO ES OTRO PLAN TUYO!? PAPÁ NO ES UN PERRO!" Se calme y le diga que si, que seguirá cumpliendo esa misión, porque aunque lo odie sabe que su papá solo lo ama a él y a regañadientes admite que Dazai es el único digno del amor de Chuuya (aunque un piensa que sus padres son unos completos lunáticos😅)*

*Corte a un Dazai orgulloso de su hijo, y de que se parezca tanto a su papá (especialmente en sus golpes😅) comenzando a despedirse diciendole que lo siente, que se cuide y que le mande saludos a su papá. Y Kazuya, ahora con una nueva visión de las cosas, le diga "también me parezco a ti" y Dazai se sorprende y le sonríe antes de despedirse😭*

Y esto sería todo. Perdón si se hizo demasiado largo. Me encantaría saber tu opinión de esto💕

Este AU realmente me llegó😭

*Puntos extras si esta revelación se da por un flashback o una "Visión del Destino Místico" en donde aparezca Dazai como fantasma y la primera reacción de Kazuya sea patearlo en la cara😂* más puntos extra si vas a ir luego le pregunta Si cumplió su tarea de mantener suya lejos de las alimañ

El conflicto entre Kazuya y Oda seria potente, jaja, especialmente porque imagino que Oda vería a Kazuya como al resto de los niños, sin importarle de quien es hijo. Entendería perfectamente bien sus moricscio, pero como él también tendría algo que proteger, no se la dejaría tan fácil a Kazuya, pero sí empatizaria con él y entendería su enojo, y a la vez se enojaría con Dazai por insertar con o sin querer esa idea en Kazuya de que Oda fue mucho más importante que él o Chuuya.

Como mencioné en la respuesta anterior, imagino que B!Kazuya intentaría alejarse de todo primero e "ignorar" lo que le molesta, incluso su crisis de identidad, con tal de seguir con el único papel que conoce (un conflicto que el "canon" Kazuya también tiene, spoiler 👀), pero acabaría por cansarse y llevar todo a un extremo tal como has mencionado, y para intentar "repararse a sí mismo", intentaría hacer que Yokohama cayera.

Por supuesto, entre eso Kazuya también intentaría "liberar" a Chuuya de Yokohama, ya que sentiría que él es la razón de que siga con un plan del cuál nunca le informaron, y creo que B!Chuuya sería principalmente quien lo detendría de destruir todo porque no querría ver a su hijo llegar al mismo punto en que llegó B!Dazai. Creo que Oda también podría participar en eso porque es la mejor figura paterna para todos, jaja, e incluso lo imagino "disculpándose" por ser la razón de tanto sufrimiento, y Kazuya negándose a recibir disculpas porque, de todas formas, ninguno de ellos tienen culpa de nada.

No creo que una relación entre B!Kazuya y B! Lyubov iniciaría inmediatamente, ya que, como comentaste, aunque los sentimientos estarían ahi, Kazuya no sabría como es el "amor romántico", ya que no tiene ningún ejemplo, y ya que nuestro niño no debe seguir el mismo destino que su padre ni saltar de ningún edificio, el final para él en BEAST sería marcharse de Yokohama y alejarse de la ciudad para encontrar su propia identidad. Y quien sabe, tal vez no se marche solo 👀

De todas formas, me divertí mucho leyendo y comentando esto! 💕 Sin duda hay muchas ideas para hacer una novela de la novela, jaja 💕