Fallen Angel - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I'm kinda stuck....

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7 months ago

•~• INTRO •~•

• Hello! My names Clover!

• I’m Trans masc/Gendefluid

• My pronouns are: Any! Neos are encouraged though! Love neos lol

• I’m Omnisexual, Cupioromantic/Demiromantic, and Polyamorous. Which just means, I feel romantic attraction rarely (and need a relationship prior to the aromantic feelings) but still desire a romantic relationship regardless.

• I have: Autism, ADHD, Social and General Anxiety, and Depression. And possibly am a system

• This is my main blog, but I have a few side blogs for Kins (possible alters)

• Here’s a list of my kins(possible alters):

Cosmo (Spacekin)


Xiao Siye Cao (Ockin)

Onyx (Fallen Angel/Demonkin)

Ink sans (fictionkin)

Sun Wukong [OSP] (Fictionkin)

Leonardo Hamato [Rottmnt] (Fictionkin)

(Fictionkin) SC

Cryptic Cat (Otherkin/Felinekin/Crytickin)

Legends/Link | LU (Fictionkin)

Link/Tears | BOTW/TOTK (Fictionkin)

Vantablack | Ancientverse/UTAu (Fictionkin)


Velvet (Ockin)

Conceptkin | Not sure what it should be called-

Mia/The Fox | North Spirit (Fiction kin)

Error Sans | Undertale au

Kin info:


~•~ DNI: Transphobes, Homophobes, Anti-kin, Anti-otherhuman, Pro-endos, Endos, Jerks, Pro-shippers/Shippers of bad ships, if you don’t respect anything above :DNI ~•~



- Don’t bring drama onto my blog

- DMs are open! But I won’t respond from 10pm to 6am est/edt

- Asks are also open! And again, same time.

- Don’t send my pics of yourself, and no personal information.

- SWF blog only, and while I will post some gore and there there will be warnings!

- I don’t do requests for art/wallpapers/userboadrs/moodboards, or anything like that. While I would love to do art requests, I don’t have the time or resources to do so currently.

- I am a minor, bodily I am. Do not be weird, do not anything. (13-17)

- Do not send go-fund mes, or any kind of fun riser. I do not want to be bothered (or feel guilty) about it. I cannot give you money, I am broke.

- [Will add more later]


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7 months ago

I wanna draw like a group photo of kins

I Wanna Draw Like A Group Photo Of Kins
I Wanna Draw Like A Group Photo Of Kins
I Wanna Draw Like A Group Photo Of Kins
I Wanna Draw Like A Group Photo Of Kins
I Wanna Draw Like A Group Photo Of Kins
I Wanna Draw Like A Group Photo Of Kins

All good right? Most of them, yeah I could do.

But Cosmo? How tf do I draw him???

I Wanna Draw Like A Group Photo Of Kins
I Wanna Draw Like A Group Photo Of Kins

This is his usual form, and obviously he can be anything but I want to do the form I do most often

So if I ever wanna draw him, I got to figure out how in the gods will I am meant to draw him.

Yeah he is me, but space and hair is hard okay. It’s hard to find a proper place to design a space embodiment

Idk how to draw myself normally anyway, so like just big ass problems on my end

Skill issues for real for real

Man do we hate that all of my kins are so complex and my drawing style isn’t developed enough for anything I wanna do.

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7 months ago

Okay so like I’m a fallen angel right? That’s a thing.

I’m pretty sure my name was Onyx, and that I lost my wings (and by that I mean they were torn and ripped down to like a few inches off my back)

But like I want a god to “worship” idk if it’s just the angel urge to worship someone, but I want to be apart of a god’s following.

Not like in the angel way, even if I know that’s what I would have originally wanted, but more of in the way I want a god who is worshipped and that I can join the following but not be a “follower”

I don’t want to be holy or anything like that again. I do want a god, but not to worship. Just to have, and sometimes follow the rules. I want someone to follow and annoy because I won’t comply like angels should.

I lost my holiness long ago, and don’t care for it back. I want to playful piss of my god, and play pranks on the normal angels. I want to laugh and play with other fallens from the same following.

I want a community based on a god and the followers. I want people who I use to relate to, and people who I currently relate to. I went a home. I want the little of what’s left of my wings to be taken care of by my peers. I want to be home with others like me….

Man, what’s the point of having my wings if I can’t even feel they properly stretch out?! I can’t fly! They’re torn too much for them to fly.

:( I wish I could I miss flying, but my wings aren’t big enough anymore

Man am I glad I don’t remember my falling though. That’s gonna be a painful memory when it comes, but for now I think I’m fine with not knowing.

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7 months ago

So I started drawing my fall(?) during math class today. It wasn’t really detailed but I’m going over it and making it a digital piece rn.

So I Started Drawing My Fall(?) During Math Class Today. It Wasnt Really Detailed But Im Going Over It

Obviously I’m not done rn, but like this is so random. I don’t have any actual memories, but just had this urge and this is what I drew. Not sure what it means, but I’m finish it.

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7 months ago

Holy shit I just realized why I’m so scared of heights.

I’ve had this fear since I was little. I’ve been scared of tall things for ever, and the thing was, “what if I fall off?”

What if I fall? What I I fall off and end up back down there?

Holy shit, I’m so scared of height cause I’m a fallen angel. It remind me of when I fell, even just a little.

I’m scared to experience falling again. I can’t fly, my wings are torn, and I won’t be able to save myself. I can’t save myself.

I love down there, but I don’t want to experience falling again. Even if it’s not actually sending me down there, that fear still stays with me.

Falling left so many emotions I can’t process as I don’t have the proper memories, but the fear hasn’t left. I don’t think it ever will….


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7 months ago

I got a few

- I hate rules, and love breaking them (that are like dumb, and won’t actually hurt people). Most of the ones I break are dumb, but I have gotten in trouble for it (fallen angelkin)

- I have the urge to correct people constantly, cause I like should know everything and I need them to know their wrong. I try not to (spacekin)

I don’t remember my other ones, but I have more I think


let's start a chain

everyone reblog with your alterhuman toxic trait

mine is that I forget that I'm not actually the size of a cat, which usually ends up with me stuck in a box

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7 months ago

(Tw: blood and falling from heaven)

(Tw: Blood And Falling From Heaven)
(Tw: Blood And Falling From Heaven)

I’ve finished my beautiful drawing (the cloud looks so bad omg)

Anyways yeah. It’s done. I like the person, and I hope you do too :3

So I started drawing my fall(?) during math class today. It wasn’t really detailed but I’m going over it and making it a digital piece rn.

So I Started Drawing My Fall(?) During Math Class Today. It Wasnt Really Detailed But Im Going Over It

Obviously I’m not done rn, but like this is so random. I don’t have any actual memories, but just had this urge and this is what I drew. Not sure what it means, but I’m finish it.

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7 months ago

Man do I hate when I can’t find any tips for my kins, so I go to asks that are open and accept requests for tips. Then just never get a response! 😭

Man I know they’re busy, and probably have lots of others and it’s just taking a while to get to mine. But I really suck at waiting! I want tips and help!

I just want some advice and help to figure out myself, and I want some tips for my life and gear.

I know they’re busy! But I just see so many tips for like less rare kins, and I’m just sad cause I can’t find any for my kins.

My kins are also really specific, but still. I want to see tips for space embodiments, fallen angels who have lost their wings, fallen angels who don’t care for heaven anymore, ink sans kins, ink sans kins who are friends with the bad sanses, and tips for ockins!

My other kin I gotta specifically ask for cause he’s really really rare (as in I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who kins him)

I just want some tips for more rare ones.

For my people who aren’t the typical one of their kin

Give us some love yall! I just want some tips!

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7 months ago

Also realizing a sign from my life before discovering my alterhuman identity

I’m a fallen angel, and something I talked about a shocking amount was how much i didn’t care about getting into heaven. How much I actually wanted to go to hell. I never liked the idea of going to heaven, and I wanted to go to hell instead.

Which makes a whole lot of sense now. The reason I never liked the idea of going to heaven was cause I don’t want to go back, I don’t want to go back to the place that threw me out and ripped my wings. The reason I liked the idea of going to hell was cause I wanted to go back to the place where I was accepted and lived.

This makes so much sense holy shit

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7 months ago

Something funny I wanna talk about is the fact that in both technically a fallen angel and a deity.

What do I mean? Well I’m a spacekin, and I view myself as a space embodied. I can change my form and look however I desire. I’ve existed as long as the universe has, and will continue to exist as long as it does. I am space, and can literally do as I please. I basically do have the powers of a god. I am similar to a deity (do not treat me like one, I’m just saying it’s similar)

But I’m also a fallen angel. One who hates my former deity/god. One who hates my heaven, and one who doesn’t much care for deities and their rules.

Two very different battles.

Well, not so much.

Cosmo is much more chaotic neutral, and definitely would not like to be worshipped. I would not like to be worshipped. I mean, yeah I am space and stuff but I’ve don’t messed up stuff in my life. Being the embodiment of space gives you a lot more freedom and flexibility to do what you want, since there isn’t really anyone to stop you. Definitely killed some planets and stars in my life.

Onyx? Fallen angel. Not a ruler follower, but does what he needs to survive. We’ve probably done less bad shit as him the as Cosmo. Like a lawful evil or lawful neutral. Chaos bringer, but it’s limited and much less powerful than what Cosmo can do.

Do we think they would get along outside of our human body? Probably not. Onyx would not like Cosmo, and the fact Cosmo would 100% rub their abilities in his face. Cosmo is sweet but also a jerk. We love them for it, but still.

So different battles, but just not in the normal sense.

Celestial bodies and fallen angels always get along in weird ways. Our Cosmo and Onyx are proof, but we deal with it :3

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7 months ago


I'm nervous sending this bc in rlly new to the alterhuman and otherkin communities so idk how much help I am

but I saw one of your kins was a fallen angel who had lost their wings and I might have had an idea for gear?

idk if it would even work, but

suspenders? like possibly, you could buy suspenders and cut them and glue them to the back of a shirt you have, so that way they may feel like wing scars?

I'm not sure how it would work, but it was just an idea

or maybe you could wear low cut back shirts and maybe attempt to draw wing scars on your back?

but yeah, sorry if that didn't help :')

That’s actually a really good idea!

Thank you for the suggestion!!! I’m write it down!

Never really thought about how to make my wings before, but honestly these ideas are really good! 🙏 we appreciate it!

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7 months ago

Man being a fixationkin is weird.

I go from being like, “Yeah I’m Leonardo from the rise universe” to’ “Huh, nah I’m currently Sun Wukong from Osp’s videos”

Like, they are always there but damn is it still weird. And I mean weird in a silly/funny way. I enjoy being a fixationkin because my hyper fixations are constantly changing.

Even funnier is that I come back to those hyper fixations either days, weeks, months, or if it’s a rare one a year. Like I have such a long list of hyper fixations, that I genuinely forget about them half the time.

So I’m constantly changing between my fictionkins, my sirenkin, and my ockin. Constantly changing world. The only ones that stay are my fallen angel kin and my space kin.

What a funky vessel I get to be :)

My current list of fixationkins:

Leonardo from Rottmnt

Ink sans

Sun Wukong from OSP

Xiao from Lmk (oc)

Vinus/Ceinus (siren)

Cant wait for there to be even more :3

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7 months ago

consider: fictionflicker

I have considered it, but I don’t stop being the characters. As my hyper fixations change, who’s pulling the strings of our vessel also changes.

They don’t stop being our kins, it’s not that kind of temporary. Just changes of who’s the main kin.

Fixationkin :3 changes with my hyper fixations. I have a large list, and it just goes in a circle. I come back to the them, and I don’t stop being them. It just changes who’s running our vessel and who’s on ghettos side lines.

lol I hope those makes sense

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6 months ago

I love the fact that im just a bunch of different people suck in a random persons body.

We don’t know how to navigate the world and it honestly doesn’t make sense lol

There’s the embodiment of space, the fallen angel, the siren, sun Wukong from osp, Leo from rise, ink sans, and one we shall not name for reasons.

Like what do you mean you expect us to do human things? None of know what human shit is, apart from leo, so how are we meant to pretend to be human?

Humans have weird practices anyways.

We’re not meant for this, and some day people are gonna realize how shitty of a job we’re doing.

- We’re not a system, and we don’t actually hear any of our kins in our head. We do have our vessel but they are the only one thinking and existing in our headspace. I’m sorry if it’s confusing :(

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