self-deprecating-possum - Being uncomfortable is a lifestyle
Being uncomfortable is a lifestyle

She/her // 18+ // Chaotic neutral // Hungarian // Your local villain apologist

61 posts

Me Rn

Me Rn

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More Posts from Self-deprecating-possum

Every time I try to read about a character, I get burned out. I also appreciate extremely comprehensive reading lists, but the incredibly long ones tend to send me straight into ADHD paralysis.

We need a Comic Mentorship program for people who want to read comics but are so lost so that they can be paired with a comic fan who can help guide them into reading comics they are interested in, and who can help explain what the comic subculture is, and even find comics that they never considered but might actually like even if it was never something they initially considered bc of poor media representation.

That way they can have one to one guidance and help untangle terms, and learn what crisis happened when, why it's important and fall a little in love with comics.

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Sometimes I Re-read The '92 Comic Run Just For This Specific Scene
Sometimes I Re-read The '92 Comic Run Just For This Specific Scene

sometimes i re-read the '92 comic run just for this specific scene

What poc or inclusive writers would you recommend?

Because I’m getting tired of seeing a person write for a character that i like but they have stuff like “ you blush” and other stuff that shows that this person doesn’t write for everyone. Like how hard is it to not include a description when writing a story that’s supposed to be for “everyone” like last time i check i thought a reader(unless it says what race the reader is) was supposed to be inclusive like it’s so frustrating. Like it’s okay to want to write for your own race but be upfront and says oh this is just for us white people and don’t get made when someone calls you out. For all the white people/ “black” people that are mad at what you said are so butt hurt and for what because nothing you said was wrong. But like they said “a hit dog will holler” because baby they doing a whole lotta hollering.

they crying in my inbox 😂


this is by no means an exhaustive list—there are definitely people i’m going to miss, so if you’re reading this and you know of people, feel free to add. aside from myself, i would recommend:

@syntheticavenger @angrythingstarlight @avintagekiss24 @mypoisonedvine @slothspaghettiwrites @slyyywriting @the-soot-sprite @cherienymphe @wint3r-h3art @punemy-spotted @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @disturbedbydesign @rustytricycle @kinanabinks @xsapphirescrollsx @geminixevans-stan @clints-lucky-arrow @negronispagliato @branded-witha-j @brandycranby @thran-duils @the-iceni-bitch @straywords @geniedetails @sweeterthanthis

and others!

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The Complete Nightwing (Pre-52)

Complete List of 
Nightwing Vol. 1 & 2

Nightwing Vol. 1 (1995)

     #1–4 Nightwing: Ties That Bind TPB

Nightwing Vol. 2 (1996–2009)

      #1–8 Nightwing Vol. 1 Blüdhaven
    #9–18 Nightwing Vol. 2 Rough Justice
  #19–25 Nightwing Vol. 3 False Starts 
• #19–20 Cataclysm
• #23____ Brotherhood of the Fist 
   #26–34 Nightwing Vol. 4 Love and Bullets 
   #35–46 Nightwing Vol. 5 The Hunt For Oracle 
• #45–46 The Hunt For Oracle 
   #47–53 Nightwing Vol. 6 To Serve And Protect
• #53____ Officer Down 
   #54–60 Nightwing Vol. 7 Shrike
   #61–70 Nightwing Vol. 8 Lethal Force
• #65–66 Bruce Wayne: Murderer?
• #68–69 Bruce Wayne Fugitive
    #71–97 Uncollected (Devin Grayson run) 
    #96–98 War Games 
  #99–100 Uncollected (Devin Grayson)  
#101–106 Nightwing Year One 
#107–111 Mobbed Up (Devin Grayson)
#112–117 Renegade (Devin Grayson)
#118–124 Brothers in Blood (Bruce Jones)
#125–132 Love & War (Marv Wolfman)
#133–137 The Lost Year (Marv Wolfman)
#138–139 The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul
#140–146 Freefall (Peter J. Tomasi)
#147–153 The Great Leap (Peter J. Tomasi)

• Nightwing Vol. 1–8 collects the entirety of Chuck Dixon's run
• Nightwing Vol. 2: Rough Justice includes Annual #1 written by Devin Grayson 
• Nightwing Vol. 3: False Starts includes Nightwing & Huntress: Cosa Nostra mini-series by Devin Grayson 
• Freefall and The Great Leap are both collected in Nightwing by Peter J. Tomasi 
• Nightwing: Ties That Bind also collects Nightwing: Alfred's Return #1

Original Trade Paperbacks collecting Chuck Dixon's run:

     #1–8 Nightwing: A Knight in Bludhaven
   #9–18 Nightwing: Rough Justice 
#19____ Nightwing: Love & Bullets 
#20____ Cataclysm 
#21–22 Nightwing: Love & Bullets 
#23____ Brotherhood of the Fist 
#24–29 Nightwing: Love & Bullets 
#30–39 Nightwing: Darker Shade of Justice 
#40____ Uncollected 
#41–46 Nightwing: Hunt For Oracle 
• #45–46 Hunt for Oracle 
#47–50 Nightwing: Big Guns 
#51____ Uncollected 
#52____ Nightwing: On Razor's Edge
#53____ Officer Down 
#54–60 Nightwing: On Razor's Edge 
#60–70 Uncollected

Google Drive link and Complete List of Nightwing Issues and Extras under the cut.

(Please let me know if you want me to upload anything else)

Link to Google Drive

Other references: Post-Crisis Dick Grayson timeline by @bitimdrake

Nightwing Vol. 1 

1. Nightwing Vol. 1 #1 - The Resignation (Sep 1995) 
2. Nightwing Vol. 1 #2 - The Renewal (Oct 1995)
3. Nightwing Vol. 1 #3 - The Obliette (Nov 1995)
4. Nightwing Vol. 1 #4 - Dead Simple (Dec 1995) 


Nightwing Vol. 2

1. Nightwing Vol. 1. Blüdhaven
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #1 - Child of Justice (Oct 1996) 
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #2 - Gangland Express (Nov 1996) 
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #3 - The Freebooters (Dec 1996)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #4 - Lady Be Deadly (Jan 1997) 
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #5 - Lady's Night (Feb 1997)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #6 - The Visitor (Mar 1997) 
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #7 - Rough Justice (Apr 1997)
8. Nightwing Vol. 2 #8 - The Bigger They Are (May 1997) 

2. Nightwing Vol. 2. Rough Justice
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #9 - Die Trying (Jun 1997) 
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #10 - The Neighborhood (Jul 1997) 
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #11 - Fear Takes Flight (Aug 1997) 
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #12 - Mutt (Sep 1997) 
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #13 - Shadows Over Blüdhaven (Oct 1997) 
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #14 - Dead Meat (Nov 1997) 
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #15 - Warriors Two (Dec 1997) 
8. Nightwing Vol. 2 #16 - Wheels (Jan 1998) 
9. Nightwing Vol. 2 #17 - The Stalking Skies (Feb 1998) 
10. Nightwing Vol. 2 #18 - The Hunting Moon (Mar 1998)
11. Nightwing Vol. 2 Annual #1 - Forever Hold Your Peace (Jun 1997) 

3. Nightwing Vol. 3. False Starts 

Cataclysm / Nightwing Vol. 3
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #19 - Cataclysm Pt 2 - Shudder (Apr 1998)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #20 - Cataclysm Pt 11 - The Day after Judgment (May 1998) 

Nightwing Vol. 3 (Cont'd)
1. Nightwing #½ - The Breaks (1997) 
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #21 - False Starts (Jun 1998) 
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #22 - Hospital Perilous (Jul 1998) 

Brotherhood of the Fist/ Nightwing Vol. 3
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #23 - Brotherhood of the Fist Pt 4 - Paper Revelations (Aug 1998) 

Nightwing Vol. 3 (Cont'd)
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #24 - The Forgotten Dead (Sep 1998) 
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #25 - The Boys (Oct 1998)
4. Nightwing Vol. 4: Love and Bullets 

DC One Million (Event)
Nightwing Vol. 2 #1,000,000 - The Anachronism (Nov 1998) 

1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #26 - Angle of Attack (Dec 1998)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #27 - Live Not On Evil (Jan 1999)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #28 - Live Not On Evil Pt 2 (Feb 1999)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #29 - Back To Back To Back (Mar 1999)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #30 - Just Passing Through (Apr 1999)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #31 - Bad Night in Blüdhaven (May 1999)
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #32 - Double Dare (Jun 1999)
8. Nightwing Vol. 2 #33 - Acts of Violence (Jul 1999)
9. Nightwing Vol. 2 #34 - Sister Act (Aug 1999)
10. Nightwing Secret Files and Origins #1 

5. Nightwing Vol. 5: The Hunt for Oracle 
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #35 - The Belly of the Beast (Sep 1999)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #36 - Nothing But Time (Oct 1999)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #37 - Escape From Blackgate (Nov 1999)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #38 - Face to Face (Dec 1999)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #39 - By Force of Arms (Jan 2000)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #40 - The Devil Dies at Dawn (Feb 2000)
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #41 - Hero of the City (Mar 2000)
8. Nightwing Vol. 2 #42 - Tonight's the Nite (Apr 2000)
9. Nightwing Vol. 2 #43 - Improper Angels (May 2000)
10. Nightwing Vol. 2 #44 - The Stalkers (Jun 2000) 

The Hunt For Oracle/ Nightwing Vol. 5
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #45 - The Hunt for Oracle Pt 1 - To the Slaughter (Jul 2000) 
2. Birds of Prey #20 - Hunt For Oracle Pt 2 - The Noose (Aug 2000)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #46 - The Hunt for Oracle Pt 3 - The Dying Hours (Aug 2000)
4. Birds of Prey #21 - The Hunt For Oracle Pt 4 - The Deep (Sep 2000) 

6. Nightwing Vol. 6: To Serve And Protect
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #47 - The Quarry (Sep 2000)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #48 - The Sylph Pt 1 - Slender Thread (Oct 2000)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #49 - Dangled (Nov 2000)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #50 - Big Guns (Dec 2000)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #51 - Tad (Jan 2001)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #52 - Modern Romance (Feb 2001) 

Officer Down/ Nightwing Vol. 6
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #53 - Officer Down Pt 5 - Inculpatory (Mar 2001)
7. Nightwing Vol. 7: Shrike
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #54 - In the Middle of the Cold, Cold Night (Apr 2001)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #55 - Love & Death (May 2001)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #56 - Stalked (Jun 2001)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #57 - Yesterday Never Dies (Jul 2001)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #58 - A World of Hate (Aug 2001)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #59 - Where's Freddy Minh (Sep 2001)
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #60 - The Threshold (Oct 2001)

8. Nightwing Vol. 8: Lethal Force
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #61 - Lethal Force (Nov 2001)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #62 - Midnight Madness (A Last Laugh Jaunt) (Dec 2001)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #63 - Red, Fright and Blue (Jan 2002)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #64 - On a Christmas Evening (Feb  2002)

Bruce Wayne Murderer/ Nightwing Vol. 8
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #65 - Bruce Wayne Murderer Pt 3 - Bustout (Mar 2002)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #66 - Bruce Wayne Murderer Pt 9 - The Unusual Suspects (Apr 2002)

Nightwing Vol. 8 (Cont'd)
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #67 - Madhouse! (May 2002)

Bruce Wayne Fugitive/ Nightwing Vol. 8
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #68 - Bruce Wayne Fugitive Pt 6 - Time & Motion (Jun 2002)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #69 - Bruce Wayne Fugitive Pt 9 - Ins & Outs (Jul 2002)

Nightwing Vol. 8 (Cont'd)
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #70 - Dangled (Aug 2002)

Uncollected  (Devin Grayson)
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #71 - Something About Mary (Sep 2002)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #72 - Roman Holiday (Oct 2002)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #73 - Cherchez la Femme (Nov 2002)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #74 - London Calling (Dec 2002)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #75 - Judgment Day (Jan 2003)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #76 - Untouchable (Feb 2003)
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #77 - The Web (Mar 2003)
8. Nightwing Vol. 2 #78 -  Supercop (Apr 2003)
9. Nightwing Vol. 2 #79 - No Son of Mine (May 2003)
10. Nightwing Vol. 2 #80 - Venn Diagram Pt 1 - Close Encounters (Jun 2003)
11. Nightwing Vol. 2 #81 - Venn Diagram Pt 2 - Friends Under Fire (Jul 2003)
12. Nightwing Vol. 2 #82 - Venn Diagram Pt 3 - That and a Buck Fifty (Aug 2003)
13.  Nightwing Vol. 2 #83 -  Incrimination (Sep 2003)
14. Nightwing Vol. 2 #84 - Did Not Shoot the Deputy (Oct 2003)
15. Nightwing Vol. 2 #85 - Did Not Shoot the Deputy Pt 2 (Nov 2003)
16. Nightwing Vol. 2 #86 - The Calm Before (Dec 2003)
17. Nightwing Vol. 2 #87 - Snowball (Jan  2004)
18. Nightwing Vol. 2 #88 - Flurry (Feb 2004)
19. Nightwing Vol. 2 #89 - Avalanche (Mar 2004)
20. Nightwing Vol. 2 #90 - Burned (Apr  2004)
21. Nightwing Vol. 2 #91 - Rekindle (May 2004)
22. Nightwing Vol. 2 #92 - Flashpoint (Jun 2004)
23. Nightwing Vol. 2 #93 - Slow Burn (Jul 2004)
24. Nightwing Vol. 2 #94 - Road to Nowhere Pt 1 (Aug 2004)
25. Nightwing Vol. 2 #95 - Road to Nowhere Pt 2 (Sep 2004)
9. War Games 
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #96 - War Games Act 1, Pt 3 - A Sort of Homecoming (Oct 2004)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #97 - War Games Act 2, Pt 3 of 8 - Clarification (Nov 2004)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #98 - War Games Act 3, Pt 3 - Casualty of War (Dec 2004)

1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #99 - Back to the Life (Jan 2005)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #100 - The Ride's Over (Feb 2005)

10. Nightwing – Year One by Chuck Dixon 
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #101 - Nightwing Year One Ch 1 - Only Robins Have Wings (Mar 2005)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #102 - Nightwing Year One Ch 2 - Friends in High Places (Mar 2005)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #103 - Nightwing Year One Ch 3 - Deadman Talking (Apr 2005)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #104 - Nightwing Year One Ch 4 - Night and the City (Apr 2005)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #105 - Nightwing Year One Ch 5 - Like Killing Two Birds... (May 2005)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #106 - Nightwing Year One Ch 6 - First Flight (May 2005)

11.  Nightwing – Mobbed Up by Devin Grayson 
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #107 - Criminal (Jun 2005)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #108 - Who's Got the Button (Jul 2005)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #109 - Cold Turkey (Aug 2005)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #110 - Incorporation (Sep 2005)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #111 - Signed, Sophia (Oct 2005)

12. Nightwing – Renegade by Devin Grayson 
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #112 - The Devil You Know (Nov 2005)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #113 - The Scorpion and the Frog (Dec 2005)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #114 - Cowboys and Indians (Jan 2006)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #115 - No-Fly Zone (Feb 2006)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #116 - Marathon (Mar 2006)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #117 - Fix You (Apr 2006)

13.  Nightwing – Brothers in Blood by Bruce Jones 
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #118 - The Gang's All Here (May 2006)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #119 - Pleased To Meet You - Hope You Guess My Name (Jun 2006)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #120 - Yours, Mine, and Ours (Jul 2006)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #121 - Sorry I Brought That Up (Aug 2006)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #122 - Odd Couples (Sep 2006)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #123 - Fire Down Below (Oct 2006)
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #124 - No Title (Nov 2006)
15.  Nightwing – The Lost Year by Marv Wolfman 
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #133 - 321 Days Pt 1 (Aug 2007)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #134 - 321 Days Pt 2 -The Best Friend (Sep 2007)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #135 - 321 Days Pt 3 - The Gang (Oct 2007)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #136 - 321 Days Pt 4 - The Plan (Nov 2007)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #137 - 321 Days Conclusion - The Assault (Dec 2007)

16. The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #138 - The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul Pt 2 - The Lesser of Two Evils (Jan 2008)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #139 - The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul Pt 6 - Living Proof (Feb 2008)

17.  Nightwing – Freefall by Peter J. Tomasi 
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #140 - Freefall Ch 1 (Mar 2008)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #141 - Freefall Ch 2 (Apr 2008)
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #142 - Freefall Ch 3 (May 2008)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #143 - Freefall Ch 4 (Jun 2008)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #144 - Freefall Ch 5 (Jul 2008)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #145 - Freefall Ch 6 (Aug 2008)
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #146 - Freefall Conclusion (Sep 2008)

18.  Nightwing –The Great Leap by Peter J. Tomasi  
1. Nightwing Vol. 2 #147 - Batman R.I.P. - The Great Leap Pt 1 (Oct 2008)
2. Nightwing Vol. 2 #148 - Batman R.I.P. - The Great Leap Pt 2 (Nov 2008) 
3. Nightwing Vol. 2 #149 - Batman R.I.P. - The Great Leap Pt 3 (Dec 2008)
4. Nightwing Vol. 2 #150 - Batman R.I.P. - The Great Leap Conclusion (Jan 2009)
5. Nightwing Vol. 2 #151 - The Great Leap - And Into the Black - Epilogue (Feb 2009)
6. Nightwing Vol. 2 #152 - Eminence Front (Mar 2009)
7. Nightwing Vol. 2 #153 - Black Dawn (Apr 2009)
1. Nightwing - Alfreds Return #1 (1995)
2. The Flash Plus Nightwing #1 (1996)
3. Nightwing 80-Page Giant #1 (Dec 2000) 
4. Nightwing - Our Worlds at War #1 (Sep 2001)
5. Outsiders - Five of a Kind - Nightwing/Boomerang (2007)

Prestige One-Shots
1. Nightwing: The Target (Sep 2001)
2. Batman/Nightwing: Bloodborne (Mar 2002)
1. Nightwing & Huntress: Cosa Nostra by Devin Grayson (1998) (collected in Nightwing Vol. 3: False Starts)

Appearances in anthology series: 

Secret Origins
1. Secret Origins Vol. 2 #13/1 - The Secret Origin of Nightwing (April 1987)
2. Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50/1 - Batman and Robin: The Glimpse (Aug 1990)

Teen Titans Spotlight
1. Teen Titans Spotlight #14 - Night of the Dragon (Sep 1987)

Action Comics Weekly 
1. Action Comics #613–618: The Cheshire Contract (1988)
2. Action Comics #627–634: Rocks and Hard Places (1988)
(Collected in Nightwing: Old Friends, New Enemies along with Secret Origins Vol. 2 #13)

Legends of the DC Universe 
1. Legends of The DC Universe #6/1 - Fear of God (Dick Grayson & Superman) (Jul 1988)
2. Legends of The DC Universe #18/1 - Conflicting Emotions! (New Teen Titans) (Jul 1989)

1. Showcase '93 #11/1 - Raptors (Nightwing & Robin) (Nov 1993)
2. Showcase '93 #12/1 - Partners (Nightwing & Robin) (Dec 1993)

Batman Chronicles 
1. Batman Chronicles #7 - Like Riding A Bike (Dick Grayson & Donna Troy) (Winter 1997)
2. Batman Chronicles #20 - The Rage of Angels (Dick Grayson & Linda Danvers) (Spring 2000)

Gotham Knights 
1. Gotham Knights #8–11 - Transference 
2. Gotham Knights #14 - Sibling Rivalry (Nightwing & Azrael) (Apr 2001)
3. Gotham Knights #16 - Matatoa (Nightwing & Batman) (Jun 2001)
4. Gotham Knights #20/2- Sons & Lovers (Bruce and Dick) (Oct 2001)
5. Gotham Knights #20/1–21/1 - Retribution (Nightwing & Batman) (Oct 2001)
Dick Grayson Origin Retellings:
1. Secret Origins Vol. 2 #13/1 - The Secret Origin of Nightwing (April 1987)
2. Teen Titans Spotlight #14 - Nightwing (1987)
3. Batman #416 - White Gold and Truth (1988) 
4. Batman Year Three (1989) (Batman #436–43 collected in )
5. Secret Origins Vol. 2 #50/1 - Batman and Robin: The Glimpse (Aug 1990)
6. Robin Annual Vol. 2 #4 - Robin Year One - The Flying Graysons (1995)
7. Batman: Dark Victory #1–14 (2000)
8. Robin - Year One (2001)
9. Batman Chronicles - The Gauntlet (1997)
10. Nightwing Year One (2005) 
11. Scarecrow Year One #1–2 (2005)
12. Teen Titans - Year One #1–6 (2008)

Notable Arcs in other titles (as Nightwing):
1. JLA: Obsidian Age 
2. Joker's Last Laugh 
3. Batman: Last Rites 
4. Battle for the Cowl

Other series:
1. New Teen Titans Vol. 1
2. New Teen Titans Vol. 2
3. New Titans 
4. Titans Vol. 1
5. Outsiders Vol. 3
6. Titans Vol. 2

Other Google Drive Links:

New Teen Titans

Titans Vol. 1

Outsiders Vol. 3

Titans Vol. 2

See also (lists only, drive not yet uploaded):

Complete Chronological List of Pre-52 Batman storylines and collected editions

Complete list of Batman Vol. 1 issues (1986–2011)

Complete list of Pre-52 Detective Comics (1986–2011)

Complete list of Shadow of the Bat Vol. 1 (1992–2000)

Complete list of Legends of the Dark Knight Vol. 1 issues & issue collections

Complete list of Gotham Knights Vol. 1 (2000–2006)

Complete list of Batman Mini-series (1986–2011)

Complete List of Batman One-Shots

Complete list of Streets of Gotham Vol. 1 issues (2009–2011)

Complete List of The Batman Chronicles Vol. 1 (1995–2001)

Complete List of Batman Elseworlds stories

Complete List of Pre-52 Batgirl issues