25 posts
Sentientsatchel - Now What? - Tumblr Blog
We don’t have a uniform, why do you ask?
Inspired by our friends at Rapid City Public Library (link goes to TikTok). Music only - sound not needed.
[Video Description: A librarian with glasses wearing a polo shirt and shelving books answers an unheard question from someone offscreen. His words are inaudible but the caption reads "The librarian wearing the cardigan and glasses will be able to help you." Video cuts to an information desk where four librarians wearing cardigans and glasses are working. They all turn and wave as four more librarians wearing cardigans and glasses pop out from behind the desk and wave. The librarian from the beginning walks on screen and puts on his own cardigan. And waves.]
Music credit: George Street Shuffle Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

listen i love drone metal but why are the band names all Like That "Oh yeah I've been listening to this really cool pioneering drone/noise band out of japan, they're super fucking heavy and weird!" "What are they called?" "Boris." the name doesn't really get the vibe across. See also 'earth' 'bongripper' 'goblin cock' 'sun o close bracket close bracket close bracket'. who is naming these bands and why are they making these choices.
Innosent in Formal: best way to describe them is Punk Rap. Or maybe Japanese version of Gorillaz



Heyo! Was digging through my partner’s Pokemon cards and - is this Jessie’s mom? Or some franken cassidy? Or just an oddly fashionable Rocket Grunt?
Definitely not Jessie’s mom but I’ve always thought it was funny that she was a fusion of Jessie and Cassidy (Cassidy’s hair, Jessie’s hair color, Jessie’s earrings and her white uniform)

if there’s one thing i’ve learned it’s that lesbians are apparently buying up all the aquarium tickets in anime and manga
spotify is raising prices again here's the apk that gives you premium for free

my evil chalice came in but its so fucking small. goddamnit. they're going to make fun of me at the wizards circle tonight
Headcanon: Charlemagne is Ritsuka's new best friend, good influence AND bad influence
"Bro, we should explore this sooh to erupt volcano... but wesr sunscreen, it might be quite warm up there"

FGO Lostbelt 6.5: Realm of the Thanatos Impulse, Traum
If you could have a domesticated monster from the Monster Huner roster, what would it be and why

im currently in the kitchen because there is a spider in my room and i am scared. send help
I can never decide on a good name. Currently my ship is "Judge of Judgement"

this literally never stops being funny like dog they made starship troopers with the Baby's First Satire cranked up to 11 and these people are still fucking dumbfounded that the creators don't share their politics
Someone needs to add an accordion sound effect at this moment
Playing Aerial Style against the Maccao basically means no one is touching the ground. It's an absolute blast

great maccao is my favourite monster and im rly hoping capcom brings him back for mhwilds. look at how silly and bouncy he is. his theme goes crazy. he's so fun to fight. capcom i am speaking directly into your ear you will put great maccao in monster hunter wilds

There's only one figure fit for the zaibatsu

How bad does the Mishima Zaibatsu's stock need to be if they're willing to give away the company as a prize in a martial arts competition, and furthermore how many of Tekken's roster would you even consider CEO material?

Liking and reblogging posts when you have zero followers feels like taking your favourite pictures and pinning them to a corkboard to enjoy looking at later

Help me prove my family wrong!
I don't know if this post will break containment, but will you like/reblog if you are or know a man who is asexual? All of the people in my life seem convinced that being Ace is a 'girl thing' and that Ace men don't exist!
The armour set has a face mask with a MOUSTACHE! What's not to love

nobody likes him but I DO